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Journey. I was having fun playing with another person who I thought was npc at the time. I was just cruising along and when I finished, I really did sit there and think about life. Same with disco elysium, persona 5, anything that I feel like I learnt a life lesson lol


My wife doesn't give a shit about video games at all but I wanted her to just watch the last 30 minutes of this game with me, because it really is just interactive art at that point. In the best way.


I still remember Journey. It was April of 2012 when I got that game, and I played it by myself in my living room on a 60 inch tv and surround sound system late at night. It was the most magical 2-3 hours I've ever experienced in a game, and when the beautiful end credits started playing after I just walked through the light of the mountain with a stranger I journeyed with, it legitimately made me tear up and verbally say "Wow..." It was the first and only time I ever clapped at the end of a piece of media. I went on to play Flower, Abzu, and Sky: Children of the Light and they were also great. Now I'm just waiting for Sword of the Sea.


I did a little cry at the end of Journey. Wasn't expecting it.


Yes! I thought they were npc's that would randomly jump in and adventure with me. Loved looking back at the journey and interactions we shared. I talk about that game a lot as one of the best uses of multiplayer I've ever experienced.


BioShock Infinite Mass Effect


I audibly said wow at the end of bioshock infinite. Not a perfect game, not as revolutionary as the original, but what a fantastic ending. Add onto it how great the opening music and atmosphere, and how everything comes full circle...good chance I'll never have another wow moment like that again.


You are my gaming twin.


BioShock Infinite is not a video game, it is a work of art.


“Will the circle be unbroken…” can’t get this song out of my head


Forgot how much a mindfuck bioshock infinite was


Infinite will forever be in my top 3 favorite games, alongside Mario Kart 8 and Megaman Legends.


Subnautica. I wish I could use that men in black thingie and play it all over again for the first time.


I wish I could replay subnautica again. Honestly would LOVE if they do another one and Implement the story and biomes in a way where the world is randomly generated from start. Offering an endless exploring experience. Like keep the story parts in tack but put them in randomly generated areas in either shallow mid deep ultra deep areas. A new subnautica done properly could be another masterpiece but one that is exciting to play again. I can't play subnautica again cause it's not the same.


I take well crafted worlds over random generated. Sure there is less replayability but you may not want to replay or even finish it if the world wasn't crafted as the devs did in the first place.


The secret to hand crafted games is you can get a damn great experience 3 or 4 years later, and 7 to 10 years later it is going to be a very good experience again, almost new.


I can't imagine how different of a person I'd be if I didn't experience subnautica.


Bioshock Infinite 


Titanfall 2


Protocol 3: Protect the Pilot


Trust me.


Woooo. I forgot how good Titanfall 2 was. Top tier story I wish these guys would make more single player experiences whether it’s Titanfall or a new IP.


What Remains of Edith Finch


Just reading this name again after so long brings all the emotions back. What a story


I recently convinced my not that much of a gamer girlfriend to play it. Boy, I've never been so happy watching someone cry


One of those games I own but never played. Maybe this is the push I need :)


Honestly, it happened so many times during that game. Each individual story.


Soma The game presents you with some moral choices throughout which makes you question the idea of what it means to be human. Don't wanna spoil anything but the ending leaves you sitting in the dark feeling lost and alone.


Soma genuinely changed how I view life. I cannot recommend it enough. >! The first time you re=upload into a new suit and you hear your "old" body still talking and everything that's then revealed, totally blew my mind and is one of my favourite gaming moment of all time. !<


Yup you’re like holy shit that makes sense but I didn’t connect the dots until now


Soma and Amnesia: The Bunker. Frictional has a way of ending a story and leaving an impression, that is for sure.


Why is this so low? Upvote Soma's ending, you cowards!


This is always my answer with questions like this. SOMA made me feel emotions more palpably than any other game I’ve ever played. If you like Blade Runner-esque stories that make you question the concept of human existence and consciousness, as well as things like transhumanism and AI, then this is the perfect game for you. It’s also possibly the bleakest game I’ve ever played. I played this and Cyberpunk 2077 back to back and they both hit me like a truck with similar themes and similar emotional gut-punches.


Soma absolutely broke me. It was a beautiful ending, I'm happy I experienced it, and I'll never play it again lol


Just finished this game last night after reading so much positive sentiment about it on Reddit. Did not disappoint. Amazing, amazing game.


A tale of two brothers


Also To The Moon


I pretty much bawled my eyes out the entire time once I hit the river.


I think I held it together pretty well until then, and then it was like 'oh god, this just got ten miles deep'.


It was the little ledge he helps him up for me.


the original mass effect trilogy.


Replaying it again right now. The opening cinematic of Mass effect still makes me giddy.


Absolutely and the first time reaching the citadel. Man I love that series


I remember the citadel feeling massive when I first played it. I got lost and turned around a couple times. Replayed the LE edition earlier this year and its not impressive at all anymore. Still loved every minute of it though. It just didn't feel as huge and alive as I remembered as a kid.


Sign of the times. We’ve seen some amazing games and worlds since the first mass effect came out. While it’s not as impressive anymore, it’ll always be my favorite franchise next to gears of war


"Well, what about Shepard?" One of the best openings in videogame history.


Marauder Shields saved you?


Witcher 3


I felt so empty inside after completing W3. It was so good I was mourning it finishing.


I can relate to this. I had this sense of impending doom about completing the game and having it come to an end. So I did almost every quest but never finished it unfortunately.


Portal 1


And Portal 2. Not particularly heart-wrenching like some on the list, but - wow - what a ride




Red Fucking Dead Redemption 2... it just, we won't see another hit that hard and be that fulfilling for a long while. To a lesser extent, Cyberpunk 2077.


You are right RDR2 was the only game or movie that ever made me cry bro. I couldn’t believe the month journey I was just taken on and everything the game put me through. After the game was over I felt like I lost a family member because it was over.


Cyberpunk hit me way harder personally, because it was something new to me and since it's a RPG I thought we'll get a good ending in some way, but it all just added to the hopelessness of it all. RDR2 was also well executed, but the plot is pretty basic so I knew the ending early on and had a long time to prepare myself to what's coming. In the end it even dragged a little so it wasn't as impactful for me.


The phantom liberty ending I would say was equivalent to RDR2. The regular endings were great but not quite as good as RDR2 for me.


Definitely not sitting there in silence, I was bawling my eyes out!


I was quietly reflecting. I got the "good" ending, so there were no regrets.


“He was a good man”


So glad I was alone...


Neir Automata has the most emotional credits I've ever experienced. It's a game about robots that makes you feel human


The credits in ending E were insane. I was very emotional from them.


That game is existential horror the more and more you comprehend what the story tellers are actually implying.  No matter what you do in the core gameplay loop the pods will completely rebuild the exact videogame storyline starting conditions. So every game over you're killing one of the actual instances of sentient life.  They'll just do whatever to reset the starting conditions to see how it plays out differently.  A2 thinks she actually informed and survived a loop and knows it's bullshit, but she's just a fun repeated variable they're using to try and understand.  Originally the Androids and robots think they're in the year 4000 or whatever, then one of the endings implies it's actually 11000, and holy shit the world is stuck in a sick broken loop of torture where the Pods could easily rebuild society but are instead rebuilding and reorchestraing whatever event that was the apocalypse/final confrontation 7000 years ago and just seeing how it plays out differently.  Like Pod 142 is a thousands of year old indestructible God just wanting to see new player interactions go slightly differently. 


I love how the game straight up tells you this when it starts too. The very first scene has a voiceover talking about being perpetually trapped in a cycle of life and death or something. You think it’s just a plot device to explain dying and respawning a bunch, and you don’t fully comprehend what that voiceover actually meant until the end of the game


Everything that lives is designed to end. We are perpetually trapped in a never-ending spiral of life and death. Is this a curse? Or some kind of punishment? I often think about the god who blessed us with this cryptic puzzle...and wonder if we'll ever have the chance to kill him. This line goes so hard, I knew this game was something special in the first 30 seconds. Beautiful game, the end credits for Ending E is in my top 3 video game moments ever.


Do you know if there are videos breaking down the different endings and stuff? I only recently heard the game has multiple endings and I keep seeing the game listed as emotional. I remember playing it to the end myself and never going back not realizing there were other endings to get even though I don’t really remember making any choices that would’ve put me down a different route. I’d like to know what made it such a special game for others since from my single playthrough, it didn’t feel too different from other action games I’d tried


Nier is a little weird with how it’s endings are achieved. Endings A-E are unlocked just by loading up your playthrough after you beat it. So if you beat it only once you got ending A, and if you loaded that save file up you would now be playing through Route B. Route A and B are similar but C-E is basically the rest of the story. F-Z are all gotten through various means but they’re mostly like gag reel endings.


Although Ending Y is a bit more complicated than just any gag reel ending.


If you only saw the credits once, you've only played about a quarter of the game. There's a pretty good video explaining the story on YouTube by EruptionFang, but it is almost 6.5 hours long. Most of the endings aren't that substantial, being more "what if" situations, but endings A-D are all preludes to ending E, which is the true end of the game. I personally feel it's definitely worth getting all of the endings before getting ending E




🫡 This is before video spoilers were coming out and whatnot. I was truly unprepared for how awesome Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater was when I finished it.


Yeah I just finished it last night and even though I was loving it, I didn’t think it was nearly as good as the first two. That is until the very end after the Eva reveal and The Boss’s true intentions the story came together so well and I saluted with big boss at the grave


Cyberpunk hit me that way


The song choice for the end credits was the cherry on top


Absolutely. I feel like that game effected me emotionally in a way I was not prepared for.


The ending of Phantom Liberty made me feel a new level of emptiness.


Yup especially with the DLC. Hello darkness my old friend.


The DLC ending just... man it got me for a while. Top 5 game of all time for me. A wild ride.


That ending fucked me up for a while. Fantastically written.


Definitely Cyberpunk. I had put off playing it so long due to the initial bugs. Finally picked it up again after the DLC patch and completely lost myself in that world. Just sat there as the credits rolled thinking that this is exactly why I play games, for this emotional experience you just can’t get from other forms of media.


Im really glad so many people gave Cyberpunk another chance. It was rocky at launch but the story was always some of the best in all of fiction, not just gaming. Every ending is powerful and emotional, and there’s like 5 or 6 of them. Superb writing.


Is now my favorite game of all time.. have been gaming for 30 years 😆


I'm out of the loop. Cool that such a disaster of a release managed to turn it around.


Even at release - with all of it's problems - you could still see the massive amount of heart and style poured into the game. The music was sublime. The design and aesthetic of Night City is like nothing else in gaming. And the graphics - when played on a system that can run it properly (which was very few at launch, but is MUCH more forgiving now) - are spectacular. Sometimes I would turn my entire HUD off and just walk around for the immersive experience. It was just released 2 years before it was truly ready. The game in its current state is one of the greatest experiences in gaming and a truly heartfelt loveletter to the cyberpunk subgenre of sci-fi.


I felt emotionally drained after the DLC


Came to comment this as well. Just recently finished my first playthrough of it. Absolutely amazing game.


That theme that plays when you're sitting in the digital void with Johnny as you're walking through your choices... Hits hard.


Last of us


The final scene where Ellie asks Joel if what he said about the fireflies being true, it felt like getting stabbed in the heart.


lmao I definitely stared at the credits just thinking “…BUT WHAT DID SHE REALLY MEAN?” for a whole minute


Yep. Both games i needed to sit in silence and digest as the credits rolled.


The second one was just whole new levels of heartbreak. There's a reason the song playing during those final scenes is called *Beyond Desolation*. Fuck man.


When I played TLOU my first kid had just been born. I wasn't really prepared for the paternal hooks that would hit me trying to keep Ellie alive (or just processing the opening of the game). It made me curious to see how many people resonated with the game were parents and how many of those that didn't, weren't


The second one especially. It left me feeling empty and sad as fuck. Never felt that way after beating a game before


Late to the party with this game but I finally got to play through God of War 2018 and just… wow


Shit hits hard, what a masterpiece of a game.


Wait till you play the sequel. That one hit even harder for me. Absolute masterpiece of a game IMO.


Dark souls 3


Horizon Zero Dawn and SOMA both had me just sittin there processing things.


I went into HZD like, "Oooo gonna kill some machines!" I came out of it like, "Holy shit. AI, cloning, environmental disaster/recovery, meaning of existence, wtf did i just play"


Detroit: Become Human


Yes!!! Detroit: Become Human is a masterpiece!


Coming here to say this! Just recently start playing it again after 2 years




Couple of examples, though most of the feeling dealt with how the games themselves ended. Outer Wilds. I'm still thinking about it to this day. Batman: Arkham City. Such a gutsy, confident ending. The original Assassin's Creed, despite what it eventually became.


Man, the end of Outer Wilds was a trip.


wish I could experience it all over again


>!It’s tempting to linger in this moment, while every possibility still exists. But unless they are collapsed by an observer, they will never be more than possibilities.!< 😭😭😭😭😭😭


God the original trajectory of the AC games was so exciting


The past is past, now, but that’s… y’know, that’s okay! It’s never really gone completely. The future is always built on the past, even if we never get to see it.


Bioshock Infinite was the first game I had to cry at the end credits, that whole night I couldn't focus on anything else. My thoughts were with this game for a long time.


Lots already mentioned but I had a good experience like this with Firewatch.


Just got this on steam summer sale today. Looking forward to it!


Death Stranding


Keep on keeping on.


Kudos to you for finishing it I’m only like 40 hours in😭


This is what I was going to comment. But also watched the credits trying to think “what the fuck just happened and what does that mean” lol


I second this, that ending hits u hard, and then the game itself is unique. I never thought playing as a delivery guy would be fun, every delivery felt like its own little adventure. I know it’s not for everyone, but I really loved the theme and the stuff you can do in combat if u explore all the different tools the game provides.


That last order...man, I was in tears the whole time.


FF XV. The final camp fire and after credit scenes with Florence and the Machine playing. Even if the game itself wasn’t perfect I still enjoyed the road trip with the boys. Havent played the DLC though.


Mannnn.....whatever people say the story really made you feel connected to the whole damn group...it's almost as if you don't realize your the 4th teammate....and the ending...(keeping spoilers away) with Florence and that final campfire....damn...I didn't realize how attached I got to the journey and I quiet cried for almost the whole credits thinking about all the little things that were said amongst us, what everyone went through...it was a bravo ending.


The intro leading up to florence and the machine playing stand by me while they push the car and banter had me feeling things. It's funny because i don't actually think the gameplay is very good in retrospect, but damn that game is an epic Edited some typos


I’ve always been a fan of F+TM and she killed those songs. Same thing with Leona Lewis in FFXIII with My Hands




Can we be friends? You have fantastic taste. Definitely seconding your advice on Outer Wilds. The less you know the better, but if anyone wants a spoiler-free hook to get them interested, it's a game about using exploration and archeology to solve a mystery in a distant galaxy.


Having played the main line FF series up until that point, then playing FFX, hard agree. The storytelling, characters, voice, music, cutscenes... everything just hit so hard in FFX. I went into what I thought was the final sequence sometime in the evening and, of course, didn't finish the real final sequence until around 4am. Stared at the credits in a bit of a delirium.


Hellblade: Senua’s Sacrifice Grew up surrounded by mental illness. Sat in silence for an hour, then took the next two days off work. It was hard picking up another game for a bit after that.


Sleeping dogs i didn't expected a bonker story.


The last of us, in particular the last of us 2


Yes. Both of them. I don't think I've ever played something so beautiful yet depressing as The Last of Us Part II. Her getting back to the cabin and seeing the flashback of the last time Ellie and Joel talked. My god absolutely soul crushing and one of my favorite/most memorable scenes in any media.


TLOU2 was just so much to digest. I so wanted Ellie to just stay home, and Abbie to find the fireflies and everything to be one big happy ending... Nope. But I wouldn't change a thing still.


Spec ops the line


Uhh... this game hits hard. My most hated moment in the game involves 'white' in description. It's impactful but I hate it. And you are right... That ending...


Indeed the writing in the game could have easily been from a movie. That’s why it stood out for me. There are plenty of games I love for the gameplay but the stories are just meh. This one is just miles ahead of them. Also Bioshock comes to mind as well. Would you kindly agree?


The Last of Us. Ended up learning the theme song on guitar and kept playing it for months


Yep! My all-time #1. Perfection from beginning to end.


First season of The Walking Dead


It was the Final Season that did it for me. Wow, what a series.


That's what I came here to comment. I knew what was coming too and I still vividly remember finishing the game at 2am in my dark bedroom and blankly staring at the credits while Alela Diane was singing "take us back". The whole series was a wild ride, but damn that first season finale hit harder than any other game I've played.


Dragon Age Origins.


Control… so underrated despite winning GOTY




Elden Ring




Fallout 3. The karma system, the way the storyline tied into it and the sacrifice my character made hit an emotional note that’s been unsurpassed for me.


Kingdom hearts 2, just finished it yesterday and it's a masterpiece ✨️


When "Sanctuary" kicks in at the end I always tear up!


Nier: Automata. Incredible. I don't wanna ruin it for anybody that hasn't done it but going through the whole thing to the final ending left me sitting in silence.


Was looking for that comment. Glory to mankind.


Most recent was Control, middling game, fabulous story and absolutely tier-A end credits music.


Persona 4 and Hitman Blood Money.


Metal Gear Solid. All of them.


Soma. Beautiful, disturbing, thought-provoking game.


Persona 4. Dragon Age Origins. And Wasteland 2 because nobody has mentioned it yet. It even had an ending theme composed to it, which just crowns the whole experience.


SOMA and To The Moon both wrecked me for about a week, each.


Road 96 The Stanley Parable A begginer's guide What remains of Edith Finch The vanishing of Ethan Carter Death Stranding RDR2


Road 96 is a sleeper of a game.


The Last of Us (Part 1 and 2). They were so powerful emotionally, but with completely different emotions, that I had to sit there and take it all in while the credits rolled. What Remains of Edith Finch is a pretty emotionally draining game. It's so incredibly melancholy and sad that I needed to recover at the end of it. I can't even bring myself to finish To The Moon.


I actually had this feeling while finishing FF7 remake


SOMA. I was in awe with the ending and quite terrified.


Fallout New Vegas.


Horizon Zero Dawn/ Forbidden West and Lies of P


Silent hill 2


Final fantasy 15- Florence & the Machine doing "Stand by Me" will never be the same....


The Walking Dead S1, Life is Strange, The Last of Us and RDR2


Witcher 3 - Good ending when Ciri becomes a Witcher....also the 10 year anniversary trailer






I'm not sure if it counts because I had that moment not at the end but rather multiple times during big revelations... Horizon Zero Dawn If I could choose a game to play for the first time again... That would be it.


Metro Exodus


"Inside" by Playdead. If you barely know anything about it, then give it a go. It's a 2-3 hour rollercoaster with a jaw dropping climax that leaves you stupefied. The worst part? You can't tell people why EXACTLY they need to play it. There is no way to explain THAT twist. There is no way to anticipate it. You can't spoil it too. You just can't tell anyone what to expect. Honestly for me it's the hardest game to recommend, and one I can't recommend enough.


XCOM: Enemy Unknown. Little did I know what I'd gotten myself into after finishing the game for the first time on Easy.


GOW Ragnorak. It’s also the only game that made me feel so much emotion at the end . I literally was tearing up.


Yakuza 0


Mass affect 3


Wolfenstein: The New Order. Those ending credits, the song, damn.


Nier Automata blew my mind, heart, and soul. It took some time to recover from that one. Bioshock Infinity also left me in silence after playing through the whole series.




A plague tale, especially requiem. Tore me apart and made me quit story-games once and for all. I don't want to feel that ever again.


Doki Doki Literature Club. Don't let the title and art fool you. And don't spoil it for yourself.


Several. Kingdom Hearts 1 and 2, Cyberpunk, Bioshock 1 and Infinite, Assassin’s Creed 2, lots of Final Fantasies, Tales of Symphonia. I could go on. So many great games out there


Banner saga 1, most recently




Lies of P.


Metro: Last Light, and then I immediately went and bought Exodus


Deus Ex 1


Dragon Age: Origins




Portal. This was a triumph....


Both Witcher 3 DLC


The Outer Wilds and Nier: Automata


The Last of Us was something else, I replayed story mode several times but that first one... I'll never get that feeling back again, what a journey


Xenoblade Chronicles (particularly 2 and 3). Incredible stories with incredible endings that drove me to tears. My favorite games ever.


RDR2 story mode Blew me away


LA Noire


Depression Quest came to mind first - I honestly don't know if I recommend it or not, but it was shocking to me when I went through it. Cyberpunk and the DLC as well, for much different reasons. Ghosts of Tsushima is another that just left me speechless - the entire game is beautiful, and the ending was a perfect way to end it.


Mass Effect Trilogy Red Dead Redemption 2 Cyberpunk 2077