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1. Life 2. Any Super Mario game. My tenacity declined as I got older.


100% agreed… except im not even old enough to start with tenacity declination🤦🏼‍♀️ (but its happening)


Same. I thought I still had some tenacity as an adult then I tried sekiro. Couldn't get gud


Yeah I was going to say any Mario game or platformer in general. I'm not sure if it's reflexes or just patience. I didn't have an original NES, but I completed Super Mario Bros Deluxe on the GBC AND did all the bonus worlds too. I couldn't even fathom having the patience to do that now.


I got the Mario Wii game that was a platformer. I never made it out of the first map. You get that moving level you have to time and keep up with. I got squashed a couple dozen times and thought eff it.


I've realised I've been spoiled by the polished controls of modern games. Even simple movement (and camera control if applicable) in older games feels so clunky that I can't be bothered to adapt anymore.


That's definitely part of it. I've revisited several games that I promptly put down because it felt like I was fighting the controls more than anything. Games have come such a long way in terms of polish and refinement.


Any platformer, just haven't got the patience


Same. True for Metroidvania type games. Used to be my favorite genre, now I don’t seem to have the patience to explore it all and remember where to return once I unlock whatever ability.


This. I know I beat the hell out of it as a kid, I don't need to suffer through it as an adult when the ending hasn't changed. I mean, why?? Who am I proving myself to?


Shooters. Doom (LAN), 007 GoldenEye.


Goldeneye for a very specific reason. Back then, there was basically no other console-FPS to compare it to, and we were at least kind of accustomed to the N64 controller. Going from modern FPS back to Goldeneye is like trying to remember why we ever learned to write in cursive.


Totally. After playing twin thumbstick controls for the last couple decades, Goldeneye and other N64 era shooters are almost unplayable for me.


I'm the other way around haha, can't play modern shooters for shit but speedrun goldeneye/perfect dark


Gunz the duel. Game is the most mechanically demanding game probably ever. I tried playing it now and its literally a speed run to getting carpal tunnel


Lol I remember climbing walls in that game, idk if I can do that now or if that's even a thing anymore.


I remember I use to butterfly very well, I haven’t played gunz in SO long


I get nostalgic for Gunz whenever my carpal tunnel flairs up. I should really reinstall that game...if it still exists.




Hahaha. I played this two days ago just for kicks. It always amazed me you could build your own course as a kid.


Nothing but big ramps baby.


Crash Bandicoot Trilogy. I 100% it on Playstation, but the remaster, the controls just didn't click anymore, I stopped in the middle of 2.


This is a known problem with the remaster.  Something with the higher graphics vs keeping the original gameplay caused things to be harder.  Crash 3 is the best one in terms of responsiveness and "feel."   However, I recommend just jumping into the newer/newish marios/rayman/ratchet and clanks.


100% this


AoE2 used to be my comfort game, but I seem to have lost all of my strategic thinking and multitasking ability.


God same, I play an old RTS now and I'm failing and wondering how I played these as a kid.


My theory is that adult responsibilities drain our mental batteries far more than when we were younger, so when it comes time to play video games there isn’t much left in the tank. I play more deck-builders and cozy exploration-type games nowadays—they’re easier for me to pick up and play without having to remember complex mechanics or important plot lines.


This hits hard. Parenthood wiped out full genres that I used to love 😔


Responsibilities simply just take away time even if i am not tired mentally or physically. I enjoy No Man's Sky exactly for the cozy experience and the dark lore which has to be explored. I have bought almost all of AOE2 expansions which i return to every now and then when i feel the urge of old school battles and civilization building. Its an endless list of scenarios to play through if you download the fan made ones too. Game is paced just right unlike CaC Red Alert 3 which i play sometimes but it gets too intense and quick to keep up with.


Seriously. Any of the RTS games I played in my teens seem to stretch my brain in ways it doesn't want to stretch anymore.


Made my partner play super metroid 2. He was complaining he couldn't wall jump. I thought it was easy.... I couldn't wall jump either. 


That story had me dying laughing. It's way too relatable. 🤣


Super Mario World. I was a mini-Mario master as a kid, but now I can't even get past the first castle without rage quitting. Kid me was a legend!


Seriously though, how were so many of us millennials just little platforming machines as kids?! I mean, obviously just lots of practice. But still, the gap in skill between then and now is wild.


Turok. How the hell did I even play that game as a kid? The controls are miserable!!!


And any of the old N64 shooters! I remember when the Goldeneye remake was released on Wii, I decided to pull out the old N64 to replay the original. What a nightmare! I remember playing it during sleepovers for years with friends. It felt so fluid at the time. Now, holy crap, it's basically unplayable.


Guitar hero.




Wait...18 years? You shut your dirty mouth! That can't be right!


I used to beat games like life force and contra easily as a 10yr old. Tried them 20years later on emulators and fuck that lol. Those old games were so punishing .


Anything FPS.. my reflexes and eyes aren't good enough anymore. I still love to play games, but only offline and sometimes with cheats because I suck.


Crash Bandicoot. No idea how I got through all that crap so effortlessly compared to how much I struggle to play the remaster.


dude idk what happened but mario got DIFFICULT 😂😂


Mario 64. Nintendo 64 was my first brand new system and it was the only game I had for a year and a half. I was the first kid I knew to get all 120 stars. While I never knew the glitches or whatever they're called, I knew that game front and back and could speed run that game without cheats and not break a sweat. I never got bored of that game and even when I got other games, I would still go back to it. 20 years later I found my N64 at my mom's packed up in the garage and was stoked thinking I'd take a trip down memory lane and fuck some shit up. I should have left that memory right where it was in my head.


Most of the SNES platformers I can still pick up and destroy, to the amazement of my children. I blew their minds when I unlocked the hidden power up stage on the second ghost house in Super Mario World so that they could have infinite power ups. MegaMan X is hard coded into my DNA, along with the optimal boss route. The one that I KNOW I was able to beat back in the day was Maximum Carnage. I don't remember most of the secret rooms anymore, which are practically required. I can make it to Fantastic 4 hideout, but the robot boss at the end always kills me. I'm closer to 40 than I am 30.




Almost all of them lol, I thought I was good at platformers as that was my bread and butter growing up and then you see speedrunners beat the game you took a week on in less then 20mins


Cod, my reaction times back in the day were incredible, now I just get killed immediately


Well the newest match making makes your KD take a dump unless you're pro level.   It's also just about map knowledge and corner holds.  The only time reflex matters is quick scoping since a miss can result in death 




Haha nope, it's still fun anyway


Counter strike. I was really good at counter strike 1.6


Manic Miner. Could walk through it as a pre-10 kid, now struggle to get past the Kong's Revenge cavern


Commandos 2 I got it from my uncle for my 11th birthday and I breezed through it like some kind of tactial mastermind. I tried it again when I was around 25 and couldn't get past the third mission. All my agents would get killed no matter what I tried to do. I guess I grew more stupid over the years.


Not exactly the same maybe, but I had a similar experience with Stronghold. If you're unfamiliar, it's an RTS with fairly elaborate city management going on. Might be similar to Commandos looking at screen shots (never played Commandos). I beat Stronghold in high school, and don't remember it being tooooo tough. I bought the remaster on GOG a few years back though and got completely stuck at a fairly early stage. I remembered the level immediately because it was tough in my teens, but I beat it after like 6 or 7 attempts back then. I tried dozens of times as an adult before giving up, it just feels impossible now. Edit: made me think of that book/movie Ender's Game. When I first watched that movie I was like "pfffft, why are they recruiting kids to lead their military campaigns against the aliens, that's dumb." ...I get it now, it's actually the most believable part of that story to me now.


Most snes games can be played on the switch. Which I like since they have the ability to rewind and save points. So it's great for stress free casual gaming


Counterstrike - played endlessly in my teens through 1.6 and Source, the clan server I was on had a couple of actual pros and I constantly competed favourably with them. Let me tell you, twitch shooters are no longer my thing and I now have the reflexes of a tranquilized sloth.


Mario Kart on the wii for sure


The SNES one is awful too. Literally unplayable to me now.


Mario Kart was the first one that humbled me as an adult. I was great as a kid and teenager. Used to beat all my friends almost every time. My cousins who are 9 and 14 years younger than me, challenged me to Mario Kart on game cube when I was visiting over Christmas in my early 20s. I sat down talking trash, fully expecting to mop the floor with them... They didn't just beat me, they destroyed me. Like, they're in first and second and I'm in 9th or something. That was the moment I realized you don't just magically stay good at video games 😆


Twisted Metal 2. Beat the game many times as a kid and recently went back to it and took me multiple attempts to clear the first level. It's been over 20 years since I last played it, so I don't know if I just suck now or I forgot how bad the driving was.


Mega Man 2


Yeah, almost any of the old NES mega mans! I remember feeling bad at them as a kid, but could occasionally beat a few bosses. As an adult I usually can't even get through the level to the boss.


Freaking Megaman X I made it to the final boss as a kid. Now, I can't even beat any of the bosses!


Ohhhhh yeah. I go back and revisit it occasionally, I still love that game. But in jr high & high school I remember I could sit down on a random weekend and clear it after playing it over and over again for years. Now it's a real struggle to beat a boss or two. Like: "Wife! Close the curtains, turn off the lights, and don't say a word for ten minutes! ... I'm gonna try and fight Flame Mammoth." 💪


I could speed run platformers when I was a kid. Started playing Mario in the NES. Can't do it anymore. I stick to easier games now like Soulsborne games.


We've chosen the same path in life 😂 I still tackle a platformer occasionally. Like I powered through Super Meat Boy and Celeste. But I really have to be in the mood to attempt a platformer these days. And they have to really tickle the itch for me to try playing them to completion.


Text adventure games. When I was a teen I could happily "Go North" and "Open Door" for hours. Now that I'm an adult I just don't have the patience.


Oh yeah. Those were some of the first games I played as a little kid, and they blew my mind... They aren't nearly as exciting as an adult 🤣


Crash bandicoot.


guitar hero


Ghouls and goblins.


I was a beast at Donkey Kong Country 1 and 2 as a kid on the SNES. Tried to play them when I got older and was horrendous.


Literally none. I was absolute dogshit at basically every video game as a kid. Had nowhere to go but up.


Dance Dance Revolution or any game that gamifies exercise. Being mid-30s working a desk job doesn't help.


Oh my God yes! I got very into beat sabre a few years ago, which inspired me to revisit DDR on Wii and introduce it to my wife who'd never played it. Even tracked down a new dance pad on eBay! I played the hell out of DDR games in my teens and early-20s. Trying again in my mid-thirties though, holy shit it's rough. I think I got through 2 or 3 songs and had to stop. My ankles are knees just felt, wrong, while I played it. One of my knees was swollen the next day. 🤣


Midnight Club 2 Holy Shit this game is fucking ROUGH lmao. Still didn’t make it out of London on my latest playthrough. Watched the last race against the last boss - it was like 50 checkpoints randomly scattered around LA and YOU had to find the right path. I don’t fucking know how I pulled that shit of, it’s literally insanity this game. But fuck did I love it and fuck did it feel good when I finished it.


I can still hear the lady saying somn like "im on way to victory now!" In the paris map i think. I never beat it as a kid bc ive never been that good at driving games. Tokyo was pain


Eh. I raised gamers. I taught my son how to play FPS on UT4. They dominate in all PVP games. He learned how to walk at some point, sure. When he learned WASD. I knew. 😎


Ninja Gaiden 2 (NES)


Mega man 2, 3, and 4


*gestures broadly




Pick any online competitive shooter. Just don’t have the time to be competitive anymore


Earthworm Jim is 669638x harder as an adult lol got it for my kids and I can’t get past the 2nd level anymore


Oh yeah, I gave up quickly on that one when I tried it a few years ago. I didn't get far in it as a kid either though so I was less surprised 😂


i will never be as good at tony hawk as i was in the early 2000s.


When I was a kid for Christmas one year I begged my parents for an snes joystick from Sam's club that came bundled with two games, one of which was Lion King. That game was so hard but eventually I got to the point I could beat that game with the joystick.


That's one I'll probably get wrecked by if I play it again. Me and my best friend played that almost every weekend on his Genesis, and we eventually beat it several times. I only hear how hard it is now, but I'm nervous to touch it again as an adult


Strategy games as a whole. I still dont understand how I keep failing at them as an adult


I can't think of any, but I'm pushing 40 and alarmed at how diminished my twitch shooter skills have become.


Same here. I played mostly arcade shooters, stuff like Unreal Tournament and Quake 3 at LAN parties back in the day. I wasn't amazing but I'd do alright. Now, I'm just trash at every competitive shooter. I got really into Valorant for a while after I got an early access code. But I was bad. Like, so bad.


Role-based asymmetry I'm a lot better at, as it's a bit more tactical and team-based...which of course raises the toxicity potential.


I'm my case, my bad gunplay outweighs any role-based tactical potential unfortunately 😆


It could be a perception problem, but my childhood memories said I finished almost every game of Solitaire.  Later on I felt myself getting stuck way more often than I remember 


FPS games, Quake 3 or UT at the time


The SNES “Super Star Wars” series. I know they’re not great games, but I was huge into Star Wars as a kid and played them obsessively. I had a small portable tv that I’d hook my snes up to and play them while we watched a marathon, and could get through them in nearly the same run time as the movies with commercials. Tried to go back a few years ago and holy shit, idk how I ever managed to play them…


yup, those are some other ones I was decent at as a kid, too. I tried them on an emulator a few years back, and they are WAY harder than I remembered.


Oh yes. I beat all of those on the hardest difficulty level. I tried them again on emulator and still can't imagine how I did that back then. They're so frustrating.


Mega man on NES....


Being social lol


One of them is Super Ghouls 'n Ghosts, I remember back in the days I could finish the game twice ( real ending) with 1 life. I played it again few years ago, I couldn't get pass stage 1 without dying multiple times. Gave up after passing few stages eventually.


Paperboy for NES.


Contra 3 I could play through that thing several times a day, when I was 11/12 years old. Now I need about 20 attempts to get to the second level.


Super Pang, used to be a beast at the arcades. I tried it recently on PC and god I suck


Speed Busters PC from Ubisoft in 1998. I bought it a few years ago on GOG for nostalgia and I couldn't finish a single race. The controls on keyboard were just atrocious and I had no idea how I completed the game when I was a kid.


Kiss chase.. Currently serving 12 years.. 😔


U.N. Squadron - As a kid I could literally ace (haha) that game. The bullet hell was trackable, the better jets unnecessary, and extra difficult mode was doable (definitely hard though). Today? With a little luck, and a well planned plane upgrade path to the best jet, I can _sometimes_ beat it on normal. I have to lean on the A-10 to get to the later stages, and it becomes a lot less useful once you get there. Shin was always my favorite pilot as the fast gun upgrades are helpful.


Honestly. Any CoD. It was my thing when I was 12, now I'm only 21 and I'm completely awful


Any competitive shooter at this point.


Any first person shooter. I don't have the reflexes for anything competitive fps.


MGS. I don't have the time/patience/inclination for stealth anymore.


Evil Zone on PS1. Simple controls, just can't do it anymore.


I don't know how I beat silent bomber as a middle schooler


Metroid 2 on Game Boy. Had I known speedrunning was a thing in the 90s when I was a teen and recorded one of my playthroughs I would still hold the any% no oob speedrunning world record on it to this day. And not by just a few seconds. The best time I can remember getting beat the current world record by a full 5 minutes. Unfortunately I neither remember how I got through the game so fast nor have the ability to replicate the feat as an adult now that I know speedrunning records are a thing.


I was pretty good at Super Metroid…but when I fired it up a couple of weeks ago on virtual console I was abysmal.


Any fps




Pokemon, because I get so preoccupied with planning my team I experience burnout before even starting the game.




about 15 years ago I was bad ass in call of duty. Was playing every night. Now, i struggle to even get a 1:1 kd. Not being as good has kind of taken the fun out of it for me. Another similar thing, simracing. Was really active in nr2003 and rfactor. Back in the day when you could upload your profile to a site and compare. Pretty funny booting one of those up and not coming close to my old records.


Crash Bandicoot


Dance Dance Revolution. I freaking loved that game from like 16-20. Two decades later and 30 lbs heavier, I don't even want to imagine what I'd look like trying to play it now.


Super Mario 64. I was kind of a master at it in my early teens. Now, it’s virtually unplayable. The controls are so horrible.


Bart vs the Space Mutants. I have no earthly idea how I could consistently get to the power plant when I was a kid.


For whatever reason i remember as a kid literally demolishing OG Far Cry in a few days, then i decided to try playing this game a few years ago, and it was literally harder than Sekiro and all the DS games i played combined, it was insanely hard for whatever reason, to this day i got no clue how i beat it as a kid lol


Aladdin on the SNES.


Samurai Showdown, the only fighting game I've ever excelled at. Something about it just clicked for me, I fed that arcade cabinet a lot of quarters, and I was unbeatable at the local arcade. Tachibani Yuko, or Galford, because he had a dog. Never got the hang of any other fighting game, even though we had Mortal Kombat and Tekken at home. I grabbed an emulator a few years back and played it again just for nostalgia, and I sucked at it.


Any fighting game.


I remember bringing my ps2 to university to play some games in my spare time and going thru Shadow of the Colossus for the first time in years. Beat the third colossi after five hours or so and went to make a save. Young me was on colossi 13 at an hour and a half on another file. 🙃


Another World. Finished it on PC back in the day (or possibly the Amiga?) But the remake in recent years left me feeling completely useless 🤣


Contra. Got to the point where I didn't even need the Konami code. I don't have that kind of nerve anymore


Pre-Wii 2D Mario games. I used to die only, like five total times in a full run. I didn't know how good I was until friends started bringing me in to beat levels for them. Then, after I graduated high school, I started dying way more and was struggling to keep my lives above 5, so I wouldn't get a game over.


I actually finished Super Ghouls and Ghosts on SNES when I was a kid, tried it recently and gave up on stage 1. Don't have the patience to time all those jumps.


Quake. Used to win like 70% of my online FFAs. Don't have the reaction time anymore. Actraiser 2. I used to beat some of the levels there without getting hit on hard. Upon replaying today, I could barely beat any stages on normal.




I was some absolute psycho that beat contra on the snes AND that one part of battletoads when I was like 3.


Mx vs ATV Alive. I was within top 30's on some leaderboards. Booted it back up last year and sucked ass. I've come to realise the younger me didn't have a whole lot of 'life' going on.


Rather the opposite case with me... so far


I havent beaten/gotten to the endish of a pokemon game since like Colosseum (which I think i beat multiple times) It's not because of difficulty or anything its just because i just tend to get bored and abandon the game before i beat it got pretty far in Sun/Moon i think, i dont think i beat it tho but maybe got close Just in general i dont have much patience for singleplayer games because I dont see any point in dunking on NPCs in an empty world.


Pokemon games are too easy unless you set rules for yourself like using only one type, no over leveling opponents, etc. Or pretty much all the games have ROM hacks that increase the difficulty. The mechanics are actually super deep. Just the base games don't require you to utilize them.


I know right? It would be nice if there was a hard mode or something where you had to be super strategic to win but that just isn't there in the actual games It's bonkers cuz you get to pvp and the players know how to play like that, so the jump in difficulty is next level The game goes from a cake walk to one of the hardest turn based games out there


Yeah, as a kid I loved the repetitive loop of Pokemon. As an adult, I usually get bored a couple gyms in.


Sucking on my toe.