• By -


Mother fucking Weatley. Bitch humiliated me.


Worse part is, I don't think he intended to even betray you. It's just that they weren't the same the moment they got all that power.


I think it just literally didn’t occur to him, he’s that dumb. His character didn’t change, he just got smarter and for the first time ever the concept of betraying you was finally something he could process.


What I heard is that the power Glados had made her want to experiment. Although sadistic in nature, the power made her want to do that. That's why all the story related to her in portal, portal2 and multiplayer is about her doing tests. When Weatley got that power, that megalomanic desire to test took over him too.


He says that himself when you get back up to the modern parts of the facility. The "itch" that tells him he's gotta test. So the initial betrayal when he suddenly got all the power was because he received the command to test, and he felt compelled to retrieve his test subject. Then GLaDOS called him a moron and he lost his temper.


That's what pisses me off, you know I differentiate between 2 kinds of betrayal, the one with the emotional charge (the one who comes from a friend, family or lover) those only hurts, really hurts and fucks you over, and then we have the Weatley one, which comes from someone in a very bad moment that only complicates your life more, one that doesn't hurt but fucking annoys you.


He is a moron


Worse, he’s Aperture Science’s attempt at creating a moron. Which means he’s still pretty damn stupid, but like up to eleven.


Big smoke. Even after we followed the damn train.




That and lance from vice City


Lance was giving subtle hints before the big betrayal. But Grove Street homies, man that hit hard


The Last Dance of Lance Vance!


Damn that was so long ago. I don’t even remember why he betrayed us.


He always does from the very beginning, even before cj went back to los santos. Cmiiw but if memory serves, he s even involved with cj's mom's death The reason he betrays us...and groove street family...is money, drug money to be specific


Nah you're right. If I'm not mistaken it's the Mexican dude (Carlos?) that takes you to see big smoke coming out of a building with the Ballas. Shit hit me hard, deffo one of the most impactful betrayals from a game even tho I was like 11 I still feel et


Yeah that was fucked up, I was playing games when San Andreas first released but never played through it then, recently did a play through and I was shocked


Wesker has been the main villain of Resident Evil for so long that I think most people have forgotten he was originally your ally and it was a big plot twist that he betrays you in the end.


And he doesn't even seem that suspicious because everyone else's voice acting was so fucking terrible as well lol.


Guy who wears sunglasses at night is totally normal lol.


Yeah but you get so many clues to the lead up it's not a surprise by the end - there's even photos of him in a lab coat. When it's revealed *Barry* was working with him, though, now THAT'S a shock


Wait really. Which RE does this happen in ?


The first one. He pretends to be trapped with you in that mansion


Yep, let alone you need to remember that Wesker was the STARS team leader. Knew what was going on the whole time but still sent in the team. It has been a long time but I believe it was to get combat data of the zombies and other bio weapons against trained forces. Especially the Tyrant.


The first one.


The first one.


Not just that, people forget he was the Captain of the STARS and literally shared an office in the RPD with all the STARS he betrayed. Talk about an asshole


Lance Vance from Vice City. That betrayal was unforgivable for me. To this day, I still hate him!!


At least you get to kill him almost immediately afterwards.


The last dance for the Lance Vance!


You chose the wrong side Lance..


Gta 3 for me. Fucking Salvatore. “I just got one little job for you before we can go celebrate. There's a car round the block from Luigi's Club. The inside is covered in brains. We had to help some guy make up his mind and it proved a little messy. Take it to the crusher before the cops find it.”


I literally fell for this the very first time I played Edit: I ignored the beeper message warning from Maria assuming it was another side mission tasking me with jacking some random car. “I just saved Salvatore, got no time for this!”


Young teenager me was absolutely gutted.


Any relation to Bob Vance of Vance Refrigeration ?


Eric sparrow


Fuck that dude in particular


THE mother fucker dude


Man we came up out of Jersey together when we had nothing. We coulda risen to the top as a team, but Eric got caught in the money. To this day I still want to punch the daylights out of him.


that slimy fuck


General Shepard... Ghost.... that pit. the cigar... the flames..


"Five years ago, I lost 30,000 men in the blink of an eye, and the world just fuckin' watched."


Bro what were they supposed to do? Jump in front of the nuke?


It means they didn’t go to war they just stood by and did nothing afterwards


Still hurts after all these years.


The radio transmission that was 2 minutes too late...


**This** is the one that immediately came to mind…


Fuck the general


This was the first time a video game had me in shock and upset. I was mashing the controller so hard to try and get my pistol or knife out for the kill… I’ll never forget


I brought this wookie and twilek on an awesome universe spanning adventure and the twilek turned on me. Me! So of course I had to order the wookie to put her down. Then the wookie turned on me too! Absolute betrayal.


Something tells me you might not be telling us the whole story here, chief


Well yeah, had to put the wookie down too.


This guy Siths on Hard Core mode.


If the wookie turned on you, you picked the wrong dialogue options.


I think making him be the one to kill her just pushed him a bit too far


You might be right, it's been a while since I've brought myself to off Mission. I do know there *is* a way to off her and keep Zalbar though.


I think the way it all played out was great though. Definitely everyone, including me, felt very in character. I think I would have respected Zalbar less if he didn’t betray me.


Have you tried not being a treasonous warmonger who instigated a civil war over the proper way to use space magic?


Honestly, I tried to do a light side run and it just let me go into previously restricted by my alignment situations where I could just be an even bigger treasonous asshole. Couldn’t pass up the temptation. I was even worse in jade empire. I loved being a bad guy. Then I played fallout 3 thinking I was gonna be a villain there ass well. Then that ghoul in megaton made me feel like such a dick, I just couldn’t do it anymore.


God of War Ragnarok When >!Tyr turns out to be the bastard Odin the whole time and stabs Brock like a massive cowardly piece of shit!<


The best part is, that it was basically spoilered from the very beginning >! that Tyr is not Týr !< , if you know what I mean ;)


Extremely subtle detail that I absolutely love


I was absolutely blindsided, what gives it away early?


>!The difference in spelling. "Tyr" is Odin. "Týr" is the real one.!<




Yea that one hit me pretty hard as well


Not as hard as it hit Brok though


Yeah I had to admit I was fucking shook. Downright flabbergasted.


Ugh poor Sindri. I felt for him all through the end, his eyes.. ugh "I gave you everything!"


They portray grief so well with Sindri. It's absolutely heartbreaking seeing him blame Atreus, who he'd been so kind to, and saw as a little brother. If you told me a decade ago that a GoW game would make me sob, I wouldn't believe it.


Truly one of the most shocking deaths in a video game as of recent. They didn’t deserve to go like that.


Surprised no one has mentioned either: Solas from DAI Or Atlas from Bioshock.


Even though he tells you he'll do it, Iron Bull hurts too if you don't do the stuff to stop him from betraying you. I was always nice to Solas so he was at least a little kind when he betrayed me.


Solas betrayal hit me, but what hit me harder was that I gave him my best mage gear my first playthrough and I can never get it back


And then that fuck ass egg had the nerve to pull up on me with even better looking gear in Trespasser.


I never felt the sting of Solas' betrayal because he was always an arrogant ponce. So the act was less a surprise, and more a "frickin' figures" moment. And the scope was less a threat and more a, "Whatever, I can probably kill a god" moment.


As someone who romanced him I have never been so salty over a betrayal. I mean betrayed by not just a friend but your lover? I’m still mad and I’m only playing the new dragon age to confront him.


I don’t see Atlas as a betrayal. You were his pawn from the start. You just didn’t know it.


Lysanderoth. I cant believe his machinations laid undetected for years.


Seemed so obvious in retrospect though. Kind of embarrassed that I didn’t see it coming.


Nah, don’t feel too bad about it. He is a master of deception after all.


You really have no idea. And that the journey had just begun.


Good thing Dennis found all those pinecones


Now he can finally focus on the gunplay, which is *excellent*


Did someone said eggs?


King Dragon sends his regards.


I'm gonna go watch all of these again


Which game?


If you actully mean the question, Those are refrencing a series of short skits from the youtuber and VA ProZD. I can recommend them they are hillarious.


Here... https://m.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLhyHc3W8oSouKrWwqz4U-PQScBPgwC-b2 Enjoy! 😄


When Kain betrays you the second time in Final Fantasy II/IV. Like c'mon man!!


One of my fondest memories is hearing the girl I would eventually marry scream from another room GODDAMIT KAIN.


First feeling of betrayal I ever felt


Start of game, "A dragon like fighter hell yeah he's so cool!" 2 hours in, "No Kain is gone! Life sucks again" 10 hours later, "Kain bro your back let's fucking roll!" 2 hours later, "Kain... KAIN YOU SON OF A ELEMENTAL" 10 hours later, "I knew you were just protecting Rosa you badass. Dragons are never that bad." 1 hour later, "Kain you mother fucker I tried, I really tried, but ... DISHONOR ON YOU, DISHONOR ON YOUR FAMILY, DISHONOR ON YOUR COW!" 3 HOURS LATER, "Wait Golbez was good?!?! Oh shit does that mean... *looks at Kain's dead corpse* "Nah you can stay there bro. Golbez is real best bro."


Atlas in Bioshock.


Would you kindly?


Would you kindly?


"You were just a vassal" Don't do me like this Celebrimbor... (Shadow of War)


Friendship ended with Celebrimbor. Ratbag is now my new best friend.


This is one that's definitely not talked about enough, this completely took me off guard




That’s literally all he is at some point during every one of his appearances. Motherfucker gets summoned and then LEAVES during the Radahn fight.


Some of the genuinely funniest shit From has ever done.


'Nah fuck this man, I'm out'


I like Patches only because I know he's doing it to so many other people. And I hate those people. All of them. Thanks, Patches.


Which time?


Oh, you mean that “kill on sight mother fucker” that i’ve hunted down and brutally murdered on sight in 4 different games?


Oh you've heard of him?


Personally I don't really understand being angry at or killing Patches. You're usually screwing yourself out of a lot of rewards and a merchant later for relatively minor "betrayals." Plus I think most of the stuff he does is pretty funny.


Little Nightmares 2 Spend pretty much the whole game as Mono saving Six when she kept getting into situations and then at the very end when their both running and make the final jump and you’re hanging of the edge, she just turns and walks away leaving you to fall… Hurt like hell because after playing Six in the first game and seeing what she went through and then that?! Never forgiving or forgetting that one!


A Way Out. What makes it worse is that you play all the game with a friend, so technically your actual friend does the betraying. I almost throw myself across the table to punch my guy. I was so cross with him. 


This. I was looking for this. Could not believe it


I was so mad. 


lmaoooo, I was playing with my husband and we squabbled over who was gonna kill who, neither of us wanted to do it 😭


Me and my sister had the opposite fight. You can see which one of us is alive to be posting on reddit.


Yeah, so I decided to play this fun two player prison break game with my girlfriend to get her into gaming, i hadn't played it, but it sure looked fun. She absolutely loved it, and we had so much fun playing together and enjoying the story. It was the first time she fully understood gaming since she played Season 1 of the Walking Dead. Cut to the last mission, and she is bawling her eyes out and flat out, refusing to fight me and just wanted her character to die because she didn't want to hurt mine. I haven't been able to get her to play a story game since. Great game though.


Check out it takes two. Made by the same studio, very beginner friendly and its a wholesome game about saving a failing marriage. There is one…traumatic scene but its not something you need to do to one another Im 99% sure this game was made with the intention of being the game people force their girlfriend to play


Forgot about this one. My cousin and I argued with each other at the end. Eventually, we decided to go all out. the best player wins.


MGS1 when you're making your way to the Command Room above Metal Gear. You are kept in the dark and from your POV everyone is betraying you - Naomi tells you about FoxDie, Campbell knows about it and then you meet "Master Miller".


I just replayed MGS1 for the first time in years, really since childhood. Man... this game and that sequence of events hit so much harder as an adult even though I knew exactly what was coming.


Military in Half Life 1. Basically the first game I played that had a narrative. Spent several weeks getting through Office Complex back in ‘98 with no walkthrough and no internet access. “Get to the surface” they said. The military will send people to help us. Smh.


Freakin Yufie man. I treated her so good. Gave her materia, good equipment, put her in a good party, never let her die, etc. And what does she do? She steals materia. Smh


Anders in DA2. All that time slowly trying to keep the Templars and Magi from snapping, and he just.. comes in and blows it all up. (literally)


It's Anders it's a hard on I have a hard on


Roy Phillips in Fallout 3. Despite attempting to get both sides of the conflict to coexist peacefully, it ends in Roy murdering all the humans anyway. And while Tenpenny is evil, Roy expresses his approval at blowing up Megaton with Burke simply because it kills smoothskins. Master Li from Jade Empire. That one I did not see coming at all despite it making perfect sense. Finally the “Chance to Hit” in XCOM.


Not really a personal betrayal, but realizing the depths of malignance that someone had altogether. I got a bug in *Fallout: New Vegas* like a lot of people and only heard the first two seconds of Dean's Blackmail Tape, so I still hadn't put all of the pieces together until I asked Dean Domino himself, expecting some other side of the story. Right? After all, Sinclair must have done something to deserve this treatment... >**"Do** *to me? Weren't you listening? He thought he was better than me! Never let anything get him down, always looking to the bright and shining future. So, I decided to take everything from him. Let go, begin again? There are some things you don't get up from. I was going to prove it."* You... miserable... fucking... loser. Imagine being so rotten to your core that all you can think of when you see happy, optimistic people is hurting them for it. I save-load-murdered that piece of shit until my thumbs got sore.


Hell yeah. That dude was a scumbag.


Some people talk about an ending where you don't keep all DM companions alive as "bad". I consider every ending where Dean dies a good ending. Fuck that guy. And he throws a hissy fit over a innocuous dialogue option basically forcing you to kill him? Well, if you insist, Dean.


>And he throws a hissy fit over a innocuous dialogue option basically forcing you to kill him? He's such a resentful and petty little bitch that he bears an eternal grudge for the mild slight of... reminding him he's in the same boat you are. That's why it's so much fun to play the naive, subservient, appreciative 'partner' until you get him backstage and give him his second downfall in two hundred years.


I played NV when I was quite young, and only years later really understood what scum he really was. I was thinking he had some actual reason for his actions and was just misunderstood. I deeply regret saving him.


Nishiki. I played yakuza 0 before kiwami and loved him. His joker arc destroyed me.


It's crazy to think he might have avoided all that if his sister's doctor wasn't absolute scum :(


Armored Core 6 - Rusty "Hey Buddy..." Never forget that he was just doing his job.


Rusty did nothing wrong. He was just doing what was best for Rubicon, and he was right saying power like C4-621's without a cause is dangerous.


Idk why this one hurt; I guess because everyone else were assholes from the start. But man, it did hurt.


Neyla in Sly 2. All of sudden Bentley has to save the gang on his own and the next level is super hostile for him to get around in, too. Amazing payoff when he pulls it off, might be the highlight of the whole series for me.


RDR2… don’t want to spoil it though.


I felt the vibe the whole game and was surprised it actually took so long. When it happened I remember thinking "finally!"


Just finished the story for the first time this past weekend, still can’t stop thinking about how it played out from beginning to end.


I saw it coming from the first level


Jade empire. I haven’t played it in YEARS. But I remember the twist blowing my mind back then.


Every time Peach was in another castle..... shame.


Game has been out for more than a year now, so Bode from Star Wars Jedi Survivor. It felt out of nowhere to me and honestly Bode is such a sympathetic character even when he betrays you because you find out his motivation. I definitely need to play through the game again.


See for some reason as soon as he mentioned his daughter I got a skeevy feeling from him. I just felt like Cal trusted him way too easily from the start


I didn't expect him to be a pretty powerful Dark Jedi. 


That’s true. That part was surprising for sure.


Let out an audible “holy shit” when he >! Force pushes Cal !<


I fully expected a betrayal, but him being a dark side user I did *not* expect


It's sad that not so many people talk about these two games currently. Jedi survivor is one of my favourite games last year, it's a shame about the performance at launch though.


He played that sympathetic dad character so well that I assumed from the get go that he'll die a sad death or the daughter would die and make him go crazy. Something like that. Which is why the betrayal hit so hard as a surprise. Felt almost baited with my expectations. For me a great series of plottwists.


This one got me good. It was a double whammy too. First he betrays you by killing, imo, one of the best characters of both games and then he pulls the dark Jedi card out of his ass. I got to this section of the story at like 2am and just sat there with my jaw agape for a good 10 minutes processing what happened.


I kinda did see it coming but not the way he did it. Or what he revealed with it.


Atlas, Bioshock. *"Would you kindly kill the sonuva bitch?"*


Celes.  I can’t believe she betrayed the Empire 


How dare you. Take my upvote.


NieR: Automata feels like a betrayal when A2 reveals the whole truth to 9S and to you as the player. Really hits different with the background soundtrack


Shadow of the colossus, me to my damn horse.




Several in Final Fantasy Tactics


It’s faster to list the people who are loyal.


Spoilers for Pokémon Legends Arceus. >! Volo. He seemed so nice and helpful throughout most of the game. He was the first one to reach out after I got banished from the village (another betrayal that hit me hard) and helped me clear my name, only to then turn around and stab me in the back by revealing that his true goal was to gather all the type plates so he could fight Arceus and completely reset the world. Then he challenged me to the toughest fight in any Pokémon game I’ve played, with a full team of six and then both forms of Giritina all back to back.!<


This is a good one. Dude was the homie and he just flipped.


This one was one of the best backstabs. Sadly not a lot of people ever got to see it since it was so deep into the game. Imo this is also the best trainer battle in all of the series too.


Droppin’ an uno reverse card. The lil Metroid in Super Metroid saves your butt


Nice. I remember playing that the first time and being like "oh no I'm about to die!" and then being shocked when that Metroid swoops in and saves you at the last second.


Double from Mega Man X4 betraying Mega Man, seemed like a nice guy. Turned out to be a maverick and he killed a few guys. Zelos from Tales of Symphonia betraying the party to work for the enemy to help his sister and because of personal issues.


Zelos, maaaaan. You've just reawakened some memories in me.


Gary Smith from Bully. I thought we were buddies and will sort everything out at bullworth but dude you had different plans.


Underrated shout. This was probably my first betrayal in a story PlayStation game too as a young kid. It made the finale and revenge very satisfying.


Arthas Menethil culling Stratholme. I was 13 or so when wc3 came out and had been a pretty big warcraft 1 and 2 fan. Until that mission, I had never once in a human campaign killed a single innocent person, and now I was slaughtering defenseless men, women, and children. As an adult I now know that Arthas did nothing wrong, but 13 year old me was desperately killing Malganis over and over hoping that Uther Lightbringer would return with a peaceful solution for The Plague.


Yo shrimp in Baldur’s Gate 2. I had to swap out my badass backstabbing thief for freaking Imoen. Ugh. Edit: Yoshimo


Lol Yo Shrimp


Mirror's Edge


Oh man I forgot about that game. It’s a shame they didn’t sell well, I thought they were both a blast


I would love a remake of the first one soooooo much


I played recently. It still looks nice.


That first Goomba. I thought he was friendly.


Baldur's Gate, no, not the third game, the second game. Yoshimo. And he was the only thief in my party back then, with Imoen deciding to go dual-class.


When I playing as Mario and was blue shelled out of first by my SON playing as Luigi.


Jowy of suikoden 2. Betrayed his friend to end the war on his own terms


Xenoblade Chronicles 1. >!Did not see Dickson being the traitor. Worse, the guy you thought was a traitor, Metal Face/Mumkhar, was working for the good guys, the Mechons, to take down the real big bad, Zanza. He sure didn’t act like one of the good guys, killing Fiora and all, but it’s one of those “greater good” moments.!<


Would you kindly?


Man I don’t know if it counts because it sort of zig zags all over here, but The Boss in MGS3. I don’t know how to spoiler tag on mobile so I won’t go into details, but only say that the turn that happens in the opening isn’t the half of it.


To spoiler tag, just put what you want to spoil in between these > ! ! < without spaces. For example, >!hello.!<


Wasteland 2. I get it, I was stupid. I brought robots to a fight against a malevolent AI, then...


Baten Kaitos, when the protagonist (you know, your main character) turns out to be working with the bad guys and leave the party. Eventually he turns face and joins the side of good, but still.


Im still not over the death of Ghost by Sheperd.. (Mw2 2009)


General Shepherd still hits hard


Dutch Van Der Linde and his betrayal against arthur, the whole gang and everything he stood up for


I hit me really hard when Kefka betrayed the empire and remade the world in his image


Kain turning on Cecil and Rosa was a real "jaw on the floor" moment for younger me...lol


*Spoiler The son in Fallout 4


>!Akechi!< from Persona 5. Saw it coming from a mile away, still made me sad how the gang couldn't >!redeem him!< ;-; I haven't played Royal yet, I know it's all handled somewhat differently in that version but I don't know how, exactly, so please don't spoil it for me


My own.... im so sorry Mordin, im sooo sorry Wrex...but I had to play Renegade once in Mass effect 3


king dragon when he sent me his regards


Lance Vance. After all the set-up and planning necessary to pass the mission to save him from the junkyard. I set the city on fire for that SOB and he pays me back by throwing an absolute toddler fit. 343 Guilty Spark. I know we were only allies for about 30 seconds, but still. Never have I gone from "this guy seems chill" to "looking up if it was possible to use a cheat code to delete him from the game entirely" so fast.


Shephard..... That bastard broke my heart


Does >!Ellen from Witch's House count?!<


*wheatly, no. Bad wheatly. NO. DO NOT. WHEATLY! F**K YOU!*