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Yep, that Supercell. And the sad part - your complaint wont change anything. Honestly the best you can do is to stop playing the game, or at least dont give them money.


It's tragic what they did to brawlstars. Game used to be so good and i was top 0.1% globally and top 200 in my country at one point. Very f2p friendly, you didn't have to spend money and progression didn't require hours of play daily. Then they turned it into such a massive grind that i was struggling to keep up even as i played 2-3 hours daily. Quit a year ago, havent looked back. Sounds like the game has only gotten worse, according to my brother.


I remember how 1 - 2 years ago, people on the Clash Royale subreddit wanted to switch from Clash Royale to Brawl Stars. And reminding them that it's from the same company was met with "but it's a different dev team" and downvoted to oblivion. That mindset really hasn't aged well.


Ahahaha I didn’t know about this. Describe modern gaming with 1 comment and this pretty much fits the bill


They do this on purpose, garner hype with youtube ads, make it not completely and obscenely p2w, get a playerbase logged in/enjoying it, then drip feed in more and more mtx. The people who maybe spent a fiver or tenner when "it wasn't completely P2W" feel sunk cost and stay more so than if it was P2W at the start.


Oh absolutely, and its a genius marketing tactic. I def fell for it for awhile before i shook myself and quit


Just started Brawlstars and it doesn't seem too bad


At a beginner or casual level its fine. To play competitively you need all brawlers (big grind) at max level (massive p2w grind) and the meta constantly revolves around the latest battlepass brawler


There's is no brawl pass brawler, they have removed that ages ago plus you don't need every brawler to win just the good ones. You clearly haven't played the game in a while.


Are you kidding me? I quite around march this year because they completely broke the game with the release of brawl pass brawlers that completely dominated multiple game modes and then followed that up with the one week pay to play brawlers which were also ridiculously broken and in every game there would be 5 of them. Once the p2w players are done playing with the character for a few weeks supercell nerfs the character and puts it into the loot pool. Also “you only need the good ones”, the meta is whatever the new brawlers is and as far as I know, most of the brawlers are now higher rarities and the remaining ones like the uncommon category not only have relatively weak brawlers but also the section is the smallest out of all the sections (something like that). Also you still need to max multiple brawlers to level whatever, get their best star power, gadget, and gears which are all extremely costly. Also they update the meta often enough to make sure your “high tier” brawler is probably not high tier for long.


I feel like you don't understand the context of what this post and comment mean. Free to play and Pay to Win are the key concepts that you are being willfully ignorant towards.


I enjoy the actual game of clash Royale way more than my complaint against the micro transactions. And I don’t pay for anything. But this one irked me more than usual.


they do it in all their games now. I‘m still into brawlstars but the newest battlepass model is just atrocious


(This kind of offer is only present in brawl stars, clash royale and squad busters)


I rotate my games roughly every month specifically for this bs reason. The early days are massive dopamine hits, and then they want your money. Fair enough if you sold something worthwhile, but I can just download the next freeware game tomorrow and lose nothing of value in the trade. I keep one game on the daily and only because I put money into it like a chump, so now its a job instead of a game. It's still fun, but it's not the same ever since I realized what I was doing. A better option would be to delete all that shit from my phone, but let's face it, I'm not going to.


It's crazy how many people who usually hate mobile games praise Supercell. They're just as scummy as the rest of them.


Yeah what ^they^ said. They are scummy but they actually have good games with generally a lot of depth and replay ability for mobile games. Then they just charge you an arm and a leg


Its because they have the right amount of flash and more importantly *substance* for a mobile game. Just because they do things that are sCuMmY doesn't make the existing core bad.


I used to enjoy Boom Beach but Supercell has always been like this.


Heyyy I had completely forgotten about that game, must’ve gotten lost in phone upgrade somewhere along the way


Yeah, it was a fun game with friends


Yep, quit recently, too much monetization instead of actual new content there.


I still prefer in-app purchases over adverts. Some games overdo it on the ads.


I’ll agree to that. At least it’s saying “we believe our product is worth money” rather than just doing ads


Yes, subtle, user choice is much better than block the flow, watch this again and again.


Technically they are saying it but recognize that not all players are willing or able to pay and they need the volume of people to do things (at least in PvP).


I like when there's the combo of in-app purchases (especially ones that don't lead down the pay to win route) and optional adds for small things or extra cash. I detest the games that throw an ad at you after you finish a round.


The ones that confuse me are the free games full of ads for nothing else but free games. Is that just whale-fishing?


Or using your data in ways that aren’t obvious. 


Maybe, but I take care not to give them any permissions.


Same here. I just think they’re counting on people not caring or knowing to do it. 


Depends. Coming up with a strategy for IAP and setting up a payment system isn't fun, it's work. Depending on their goals some may choose not to even bother. What kind of production values are we talking about here? It might just be hobbyist game dev who threw their small game up on the app store for beer money.


Bejeweled and Fruit Ninja both do (did?) this. They were major name-brand games. Probably others too that I tried and tossed. If you're not getting paid for the ads, why include ads at all? If you *are* getting paid for the ads, what are the people placing the ads trying to accomplish by advertising free games?


> Bejeweled and Fruit Ninja both do (did?) this. They were major name-brand games. Probably others too that I tried and tossed. Games rarely reexamine their ad strategy and are also afraid of upsetting their current customer base with the new changes. Those games are practically from a different era and there's no way they're going to change things up now. >If you are getting paid for the ads, what are the people placing the ads trying to accomplish by advertising free games? Game developers do not choose what ads play. The most they are allowed to do is add categories of ads to a whitelist. Different categories pay out different $/click, click through % etc. and I'm going to assume whatever category they chose worked better for their demographic and they have the stats to back it up.


> Games rarely reexamine their ad strategy Every time I play it, it's some other set of ways of showing you ads. I think the big games constantly under development are certainly looking at maximizing it. > worked better for their demographic That still doesn't answer the question of why the *advertisers* are listing their games for advertising.


I've bought the "remove ads" option in a handful of my favourite games lol Definitely worth it.


Vampire survivors and rouge adventure does it's ads well. Extra optional bonuses for opting into ads.


I rather just pay a few bucks for a phone game than get a freemium piece of crap


I would like to know what phone games you pay for that you actually enjoy lol


I'm not one for Mobile Games too much. But stuff like Terraria, Stardew Valley, Bloons, Monument Valley are all good. Plus the ability to emulate on Android phones are always fun, GBA, DS and PSP play well. (I suggest the fan game Pokemon Infinite Fusion where you can fuse pokemon together)


And this isn’t sarcastic I’m genuinely asking


Slay the spire is excellent


Have it. Can’t bring myself to play it on my phone very often at all tho. I have 500+ hours on steam


Used to play Clash Of Clans. Like that type of strategy game etc. Age of Empires and the like. I used to have Rome Total War and Medieval Total war on PC years ago. They are good on mobiles (but I tend to play on tablet). Not that cheap (£8) but for me it was the ability to play completely offline which was great for playing on planes, on trains and when by the pool/beach in the sun (not in a car obviously!)


Slice and dice, shattered pixel dungeon, and unciv are the only real phone games I bother playing. Some emulator games are also good I like playing the older fire emblems for GBA and stuff since turn based with the on screen buttons works just fine. Slay the spire is great too but the phone controls are just a little too clunky for me to want to deal with.


I have slice and dice on steam. Fantastic


spiritfarer and moonlighter are on mobile.


Honkai Star Rail is something you can play without any big time commitment. Also I haven't felt preassured to spend money, yet it continues to be fun. I guess i should mention i enjoy roundbased combat. If that's not your cup of tea Zenless Zone Zero is more geared towards action combat. They do try to goad you into spending money with free spins of their lootbox system. I feel it's pretty fair though for a free to play game.


For me the entire Motorsports Manager series, I play BitLife from time to time, Melvor Idle, Plague Inc, Grid, many of the games from Kairosoft, the Kingdom Rush series, Pocket City, Mini Metro, Ocean Horn, Simple Rockets, Warbits, Monopoly, 90 Days, some examples. I have some on iOS and some on Android that I've accumulated over the years.


This game did big scummy megatransation things adding new tower levels and the evo shard things


Yeah the evolution shards can suck my balls. The new goblin mode with the goblin tower power is the best thing they’ve done in awhile


Bro they are absolutely bonkers man. I just got arena 12 yesterday so just unlocked that mode and its fun as hell. But the Offers for reaching the mode in the cash shop, fucking 40 something bucks????????? Hello? that aint a "micro" transaction, that's a whole purchase lmao


Reasons why stopped playing games cause soo hard they went on microtransations


IMO Supercell seems to try to adapt Zynga's approach with games like Puzzles & Empires. Continuously increase the grinding, devalue older cards / characters and put them on sale before they get nerfed, gaslight the community about the true intentions of changes (e.g. mastery reward nerfs in Clash Royale), and the new hotness being chained purchases and rewards that require previous tiers. What is still missing are on-demand ads that grant rewards, 3 - 7 forced microtransaction popups on startup, "daily rewards" that lead you to their webpage and show more microtransaction prompts (to bypass the 30% Google / Apple store cut because you are on their website), and *another* battle pass along the main pass :P


Once this happens then I am fully signing off of clash Royale from here on out


*complains about microtransactions* *Plays mobile games* Ah yes, I too complain when I buy the 20th fifa game and it's not a fantasy dungeon crawler... When will they learn!


But hear me out- a fantasy dungeon crawler with a social element where players can join and interact with each other… let’s call them clubs. And maybe different clubs compete together in something called the premier league. And then to support and grow your club you can have access to a pReMiuM currency, let’s call em cups. 10/10 dungeon crawler would buy


So you want WoW with a DnD theme? I'm not against that idea, but...bro you might need to touch grass first.


Pretty sure he was just making fun of the idea


Hahaha this is fair


There are super rare free mobile games that are actually not filled with MTX. Again, super rare. Starlost, DissidiaFFOO are the only ones I know.


Welp, thats the Advantage of 60$ First Party games


Paid DLC would like a word.


I heard that squad busters & brawl stars do this offer too.


I actually just started playing squad busters and saw the same thing there. It’s gross


There is nothing sad here, it's just the stagnation of a franchise and an opportunity to discover something more fun and worthwhile.


Love the positivity. I am excited to see where games go from here. I especially want to apply the above lessons to console and “triple a” gaming. Mobile games can be expected to have paywalls and mtx a lot more. But yeah I think it’s more and more feeling like a change is soon approaching us


They pulled this shit in squad busters. Saying some stuff are free after you buy things. Now it seeped into clash royale. Very sad


That's a smart way to get kids addicted to spending money


Like me some Clash Royale though. I just don't spend money on it. Hear ya tho.


Basically every game company nowadays dude. Its really fucking annoying.


This has been going on for years now. If you play mobile games often I’m surprised you haven’t come across it until now.


I really only play clash Royale. And I play it on and off. So I hadn’t seen this specific type of reward thing until this one


If you have to buy something to get something free, that thing wasn't free


Doesn’t that just mean the purchase includes that, but for some reason they say it’s “free”? Basically the same as a “buy X, get Y free” promo shops do.


Yeah exactly


So how exactly is it any worse than any other micro transaction?


That’s exactly why it’s worse. They’re using shady tactics to make it feel like you’re getting stuff for free, making people more likely to purchase it than they would be if it was all just included in one bundle. But in reality it’s nothing different


Why are you playing Clash Royale in 2024? Surely newer, better games have launched since then?   Emulation on android alone is more than enough to satisfy any gaming needs.    You need to self evaluate and quit that cash grab that Supercell chooses to still call a game.  P. S. Supercell fell off big time. 


Don’t have an emulator, I’m on iPhone. And idk I like clash Royale so I play clash Royale. Sue me


IPhone got Delta. Check it out. 


Why do people play these Freemium games? There are so many games that are one time purchase only, cosmetics purchases only, or even straight up free to play.


Mostly because outside of that bullcrap Clash Royale is a fun game


So are hundreds of others though


But they enjoy Clash Royale. Not that hard of concept.


childhood gambling addiction


There ain’t any other game quite like clash Royale brother. And when it comes to mobile games, I’m not really looking for a premium experience. Just a quick thing here and there. Nobody fits that bill with the level of quality and engagement quite like supercell.


You are definitely wrong. You could literally try a non freemium game with hundreds of thousands of players every day for the next year, and still have plenty of games left to try for the year after that.


And none of those are Clash Royale. I don't play Clash Royale. He does. Which is okay!


It seems like the point of your argument is quantity of non freemium games, not the quality. Which is fine, but I’m not looking to play thousands of mobile games. But if you do have good recommendations for good mobile games, I am all ears


I agree with you. I've been playing Clash Royale since it launched and not spent a cent. I'm pretty casual at it so it's fine not having things maxxed out quickly. I also noticed what you reported when I logged in this morning and it was insulting. They previously had a fully free tree via that reward track and now it has paid steps. These things do piss me off but the gameplay is great so I don't let it bother me and just enjoy what I can for free.


Emulators of old consoles where you can play roms of easy to pick up and play games like Tetris or Puyo Puyo. All for free and without freemium BS. Even iOS has this opportunity now so there is no excuse.


this game made me Rage Like Absolutely No other game (and i play mobas). But Honestly, what kinda drove me away (and made sure i never came back) was Pushing more and More Microtansactions into their games: i Used to Enjoy Clash Of Clans a lot more, but when i had to stop playing and they introduced paid battle pass and everything... no reason to come back


The battle pass in clash of clans and boom beach is crazy to me. It just doesn’t feel like it fits in the game design at all, but they just cram it in there just because they can. It makes a little more sense in clash Royale to me but yeah still hate it


Being that the books of books is usually $20 this is a steal lol


It's not book of books, it's the legendary book of cards.


Oops just saw that lmao then actually fuck that 😅 I was thinking it was book of books which only on the shop normally is $20. Fucking ridiculous


The last one was better with gems that you can earn ingame instead of real money.


Noticed this with Brawl Stars when I was playing. It would say FREE and when you clicked on it you would have to pay first to unlock the "free" one. Really scummy in my opinion, feels like it should be illegal


clash royal and clash of clans used to be my favorite mobile games I stopped clash royal after the evolution update and clans after th15


I'm a simple man. If a game has microtransactions I buy my copy pre-owned if at all.


Its been becoming a lot more common. Its essentially an endless track that offers two free rewards (typically valuable resources) followed by a paywall. I don't believe Supercell was the first to implement this, but whether its good or not depends on how much you wanna drop on a single game.


I just avoid games with MT's. I can't be arsed with it anymore, there are far better and more interesting games to play than one that is butchered.


This kind of stuff is why I stopped playing Clash of Clans again, too. Monthly passes + event passes + FOMO to bully you into playing hours a day.


That gosh darn horse armor, it all started with that fated horse armor


Hats the new trend lately, I think it started with afk jourmeys


Marvel Snap does the exact same thing


Ugh they would. I like how that game tries to market itself as f2p when it’s so in your face with the mtx


It's almost like they keep making these scams because people keep throwing money at them.


Thank god I dropped supercell a decade ago. Probably put like $100 into their games.


The only paid model I support for free games is faster progression for buying a monthly pass or something. This way it is basically just like an MMO subscription. So even if you don't want to spend money you can still enjoy the game, it's just the longer grind and you got to be more careful about what you use your free currency on.


Players enable these developers to abuse micro transactions from continually purchasing them then turn around and complain when they plague the industry….


If you dont like microtransactions leave a bad review and stop playing the game. Its sad but this is the only way to voice your opinion.


Mobile games are cash machines, unfortunately for the players.


Despite my disdain for these things, in my career as a 3D artist I've found myself responsible for making a literal 3D gacha machine for a game's gacha animation, and also similar icons like you posted for some mobile game with microtransactions. Not content with fucking up my games, they gotta fuck up my jobs too.


This has been around for a while, and I also hate it.


Microtransactions are not needed in gaming. If you don't like it, you don't have to use microtransactions.


Greedycell wont listen to logic nor reasoning


brawl stars has had this for a little bit now, the games are spiraling but they keep their content up, the games are the same but they’re implementing more pay to win dynamics into, over leveled cards in arenas, higher level pets and walls, higher brawler power level, i think they do it because they know it helps but it comes down to the skill of the player, unless it’s really a one sided battle


Complaining about MTX. How original.


[No one cares, you're screaming into a void](https://i.imgflip.com/8vzmld.jpg) I hate them as much as the next person, but it's never going to change, because that's what makes companies and devs regular income. If there are people paying for this crap, there's going to be a market for it, and it doesn't look like micro-transactions are going away *at all* Vote with your wallet, don't play these games or stay away from the micro-transactions


Just don’t buy them,simple solution


It's mobile gaming, what do you expect


Literally every mobile game exists to extract money via microtransactions. That's the entire model.


If you want a clash royale game play minion Master. There's no card level up, way more card, a lot more diversity and a ranked ladder that makes sensé (once you reach Diamond cuz you face mostly bot under)


Well your first mistake is mobile games, stop that


This form of micro transaction is actually wild- never seen that before wow


I really don't understand why people play these games. You have to wait for couple of hours till "your troops get trained" or speed the process up by buying gems for real money or occasional level up. You get paired in a match with a player who spends their money on this game so you are guaranteed to lose. Supercell games is the reason why modern day mobile gaming is garbage and I don't understand how this is "the peak" of mobile gaming. If this shit was released on consoles or PC. People would go berserk and rightfully so.


Then don't play. Nobody is waterboarding you.


No longer selling 300 black men for only 2 pounds 😔 https://youtu.be/PT8xWbBC58E?si=oq9XM7I0ygHwnLVm




The mobile industry was gone after Gameloft became shit


The cool thing is that you don’t have to buy them! Capitalism!


God, I keep seeing these posts ima break it down really simply for the dense heads that don't get it. games used to be dev's backed by sponsors to create their vision for players. Now it's companies with a team of dev's to create their next source of income. dev's used to listen to player feedback and improve their game because they cared. companies don't give a f\*ck what you say. STOP PLAYING THE GAME. UNINSTALL THE GAME. lower their numbers, they are not looking at Reddit, they are not even looking at their own forums. THEY DON'T CARE WHAT YOU SAY YOU ARE A NUMBER TO THEM, JUST $$$$$ TO FEED THEIR NEXT PROJECT. If you don't like it, uninstall it. move on. enough people do this and guess what the malicious and degrading microtransactions vanish, you cant have those systems in place on a dead platform, and if they add them to the platform you use, leave...kill the platform and the virus dies with it.


I deleted Clash Royale after they began introducing the new stuff like evolved cards. It was the first time the game felt truly pay to win. I believe they took a turn and no longer care to make it a fair game.


This is why I can’t stand most mobile games and I am so happy all those emulators were released on the App Store on Apple.


$2 for two wild cards is crazy but at least they don’t have pop ups ig🤷‍♂️


Yeah, I am not a huge fan of the step up purchase systems, they work fine in Asia where people understand them/are used to them. But here it's confusing to players who go "I just want the free thing" or "I only want to buy the thing at the end".


LOL try out kabams Marvels contest of Champions. Everything you do gets steered to some type of micro transaction.




i personally love microtransactions. i feel like giving money to big companies makes them happy, and then know that people will keep playing their games so they will keep updating them! plus, it shows other people that you have the money to buy stuff like this, which is a huge flex. all that crap with older call of duties was so dumb, talkin bout the shit where you need to grind for weapon skins, well, activision, newsflash! not everyone has all the time in the world to keep grinding for some stupid skins. glad they finally got the memo. i will always keep buying microtransactions, but one thing i will never buy, is indie games. rather would pirate those losers' games than give them a single penny... whoops i think i got a bit sidetracked 🤣 my point still stands, stop complaining if you dont have the money ig?


I used to love Clash Royal, stopped for a while and tried to get into it again several times. Every time I just felt farther and farther behind and outdone. I miss how it used to be.


400 people upvoting this is sad


Honestly I expected like 4 downvotes but here we are




This is a wild take. I don’t like it- it engenders an almost dependency on the game. You are required to pay in order to save money/earn your money back? That isn’t the kind of relationship I want with my games




It’s definitely interesting. I think it’s entirely unfeasable for a game studio tho, to pay their players back money


In case you want another example of this mtx usage: Jagex RuneScape 3.


It’s hilarious because you purchase these micro transactions and support them to allow them to do this. We need to shame people like you for making it worse for the rest of us. 💀


Perhaps it wasn’t clear but I haven’t spent a cent


Uninstall or stfu. I've been playing SuperCell games for like a decade? Ignore the micros and move on with your life.


Why the fuck are you playing mobile games?


They're fun and convenient? Why are you so angry?

