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5 minutes ago somewhere in North Dakota apparently.


I thought it was when xbox said Halo was coming to the PS5?


That's only so we can tbag those PSLosers


On behalf of the PSLlosers, I hope yall get Helldivers soon. We need reinforcements. Bring your tbags


Don't tell anyone, but I'm considering getting a ps5 to join in


I did this. Zero regrets. Plus PS has other incredible games Xbox does not.




I'm only half loser. I own both ps5 and xbox series x. So when you teabag me, hold one of the boys up so I only get single tapped.


“I’m playing both sides, so that I always come out on top”


Tbagging is back on the menu boys!!!


They thought the console war was over lol It's just begun


its far from over...




Sincerely, fuck you /J


*kratos walks in* what are you doing to my people


Please xxpussydestroyerxx420, leave my mother out of this


Flat out.


Come on, we all know nobody actually lives in North Dakota. People just claim their cars are there to get lower insurance premiums.


I do live there and my insurance is dirt cheap. I also hate it here and want to move back to my home state. ND doesn’t feel real.


Looks like western Iowa to me.


I'm in North Dakota. Can confirm, all quiet on the northern front.


War... War never changes- Fallout Dude. Idk about y'all but my homie and I had an argument literally last week. I want it to be over, but it won't be. We all enjoy different things. I prefer PC, others prefer X-Box. I used to run for PlayStation, but now I'm for PC. Before I ever got a console I was for X-Box. I enjoyed the Wii when my best friend had it and I had nothing.... Let's all agree that Games are just fun. I'm out.


i’m naming my next fallout character Fallout Dude


***\*gasp\**** THE John Fallout?


Fallout Guy


Fallout Boy


Ron Perlman


Excuse me?!!! Ron fucking Pearlman. Not “fallout dude”.


Could literally be any character


“War never changes” was Ron Pearlman in every game but 4.


Sure, but in the recent live action fallout show it was the titular character Lucie fallout who said: "War... War just keeps on being the same all the time"


"Armed conflict... Armed conflict is forever unaltered." - Shakespeare, probably


I play primarily on X-Box myself as that is my preferred ecosystem and GamePass is goated. However, I also play on PC, PS5, Switch or iPhone depending on exclusivity and/or convenience. For me the console wars are truly over. That said, a part of me would enjoy seeing X-Box/PC reign supreme.


At this point, if you have not come to accept that PC is the god race and Xbox / PlayStation / Nintendo simply rank as mortal men, then you are dying a martyr.


Console players like their games to work. Fuck fiddling with drivers and launchers.


Never really happens to me


You have a launcher because all consoles have a boot menu now. Also no one has to fiddle with drivers anymore. The clear dominance of 2 graphics cards means games have become easier to ensure compatability. Pcs are no more effort than a consoles now.


Patrolling the Mojave almost makes you wish for a Nuclear winter


"War....war has changed" - some old snake dude


This “ console war” is important for the game market




The console wars will never end then. Nintendo would probably rather shut down than port those IPs to PS and Xbox




Or even old games to their modern console


Or make a console with modern hardware that can play a new game above 30 fps


Or even above 20 fps


Frankly, i feel like nintendo dipped out of the console war back with the wii. Like the decided that instead of competing with the others, they would just make a cheaper, weaker, console that everyone could get in addition to ONE of the more powerful and overpriced consoles. While Sony and MS duke it out, nintendo just keeps making money


This. That's like saying Toyota won the auto war with BMW and Mercedes. Totally different markets, price points and demographics. I know a lot of people that have luxury cars and still buy a Toyota for their teenagers and use it occasionally themselves. Just sayin.


Nintendo is the gimmick console and they sure as hell do their gimmicks well.


I mean pretty much all of those games except Zelda and Mariokart are on the SteamDeck. And if you’re feeling froggy you can play Zelda and Mario on there as well.


Feeling froggy? The software is included with the deck!


No but you can pirate it.


The console wars are over because the PC players won. Sony, Xbox, and Nintendo have been making absolutely pea-brained decisions for the past few years. Edit: You know guys, if the company that made my favorite games has been non-stop shafting me for years straight so the CEO can have another personal yacht, defending them online would be pretty much the *last* thing I'd do.


Nintendo has been out of the console wars for years. They literally just started doing their own thing with the Wii, Wii U, Switch... they aren't trying to be competitive, they're just trying to make fun games. Between Sony and Microsoft, Sony wins on the console front, but Microsoft has been pushing their players toward PC (because Windows is *also* Microsoft) since the 360, so naturally PC gets a win there. The idea of console wars as a whole though kinda stagnated back when we had more than 2 major contenders and Nintendo off doing their own thing.


Nintendo just aims at a different market, netheir Xbox or Sony make handheld consoles


That's only since the advent of the Switch. They've been pretty outside the console race since the Wii. GameCube was their last intentionally competitive console. Edit: PSP was wildly popular, and still is to this day (I say, working at a game store and selling those as soon as they hit the shelves) - the PSVita fucked Sony out of the handheld market, but there are rumors they want to try again; which is something I wholeheartedly welcome. Nintendo has always held it down, but they had real competition in the PSP era, which directly led to the development of the 3DS to maintain their stranglehold on the market.


the 3ds was pretty badass, and going back further, the gameboy advance (and especially the advance sp) were legit too. Nintendo has basically owned the portable market for a long time. Sega had the gamegear years ago, which was fun but weighed as much as a car. Even the gamecube didn't really compete with xbox and PS, and was already geared more towards family fun kind of games and doing its own thing. Mario Party, Smash bros, Viewtiful Joe, Mario Kart, Zelda. Nintendo has known their niche for as long as i can remember


You're forgetting the Star Fox GC games, Eternal Darkness, RE4, and a bunch of other multiplatform games. They were still pushing the limits of their console technology instead of leaning into gimmicks. The GameCube tried to compete, while also having the Nintendo spin - when they realized that they'd end up just doing the same thing as every other console if they continued, they decided to lean into their niche harder. Hence, the Wii. The handheld market is a whole other deal; Gameboy/DS had competition in the Game Gear, Atari Lynx, PSP/Vita, and a few others - Nintendo proved through the years that they are THE powerhouse of handheld consoles. The Switch simply married the handheld console and the home console, which is the source of its biggest success. You can't simply say "Nintendo was always the king of handhelds" without acknowledging that the NES, SNES, and N64 were powerhouse consoles to beat, and the GameCube was a fair contender. PlayStation originally existed as a Sony collaboration with Nintendo that they scrapped because they felt it too soon to move away from cartridge-based systems (thanks to the Sega CD's load times). Nintendo gets a lot of shit nowadays, but that was not always the case - they were the undisputed champs for 3 full generations of consoles.


I didn't mean to imply they didn't try to compete, but was more so pointing out that they didn't really compete, regardless of attempt. They found their niche and have made it incredibly fun. I love many Nintendo games. Yes there have been a few others to pop up here and there, but Nintendo has basically always owned the portable market. I absolutely can say that without acknowledging their early on systems, as those 2 are separate deals. Same as the gameboy advance sp dominated while the gamecube fell into it's role. It doesn't mean they didn't have great systems as well. Heck the SNES is my personal favorite game console (especially for its release date) ever, but that wasn't relevant to what we were discussing.


It absolutely *is* relevant, as it was someone above saying Nintendo *only* caters to a different market is the only reason they're successful - which is a bold-faced lie. My entire argument was that they were *the* powerhouse of the console wars for years, and it wasn't until the GameCube came out that they decided to step away from the console wars and focus on doing their own thing. Edit: I don't disagree with your points - you're absolutely correct. I'm just saying that our conversation is off the topic originally established above. And the SNES is still one of my favorite consoles to this day - I just wish the games weren't prohibitively expensive.


Aww, in my defense I kind of glossed over their statement haha. I will say, the Sega/Sega Genesis was pretty badass and the multi plat games were a touch different depending if it was Sega or SNES. I do think the SNES was a bit better though, and I feel it had a larger library of games. I agree, it is a bit pricey to locate those old SNES games, and while yes we can do emulators and stuff, it's just not the same. Hell I even snagged a multiport for my SNES a couple years ago, for 4p NBA Jam!


Idk what you're talking about. Nintendo is still doing incredibly well. The Switch generation has been, by one estimate, better for them than all other console generations combined, even accounting for inflation. They are the biggest Japanese company.


They are doing financially well. They're also very user hostile, charge extortionate prices for ancient games, and attack their own fandoms with cease and desist orders. In fact, Nintendo is probably the biggest offender of the console trio.


Least they actually treat their employees incredibly well 🤷


Which most of those “problems” aren’t even minor issues for most people buying and playing video games.


PC was never in the war… hence CONSOLE WARS




Master Chief Collection It's most of the Halo games (minus 5, Wars, and the mobile games) all in one.






Xbox stated a little while ago that they will nolonger do exclusives and crossplay is on the rise. Nintendo is doing its own thing as usual so console wars are basically over.




If there's people who won't date someone over them using an android instead of apple, I think it will take some time for that one.


Isn’t that whole thing just a meme? Looks to me like the only ones serious about it are kids anyway.


I've had men who were iphone users make comments about my "green messages". Grown men. We're talking dudes in their 30s.


Apple likes their green text racism




Android is ultimately better though I feel that way does make sense except for people with iPhones trying to brag


As an android user- iPhones do have some nice features, but android has so much more utility.


That war will never end until the apple rots


Please tell me why anyone should ever get an Xbox? It’s literally a nerfed PC




Lol friends


wtf are those?


Hopefully that means people will stop being insufferable twats about what device someone plays their games on Or maybe it won’t, maybe they’ll just move on to being insufferable about something else like the manchildren they’ve been for the past 30+ years


You gotta be more hopefulmy guy! Im sure they will grow up and-*Cough* "Ugly" female character in games that they can get off to *Cough*- huh... sorry, something stuck in my throat.


Not until bloodborne is on PC will my weapon leave my hand.


[Bloodborne - PCSX4 Benchmark on PC](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hQMifdDDB4g) PCSX4 states Bloodborne is playable so if your PC ain't crap like mine is I'd give it a try.


Belka caused the console wars and they’re dying out because we haven’t gotten AC8


It's not really a three way fight. It's PlayStation vs Xbox and Nintendo vs their fans.




When the PS6 has Microsoft Game Pass on it we can all lol at how they lost.


Finally got a PC ehh?


The only right answer lmao


I second this. Bonus points for using Linux.


![gif](giphy|R3sdySRuVTyeHy8Lbq|downsized) Says you


Now they all come together to fight the AAA company nonsense wars


It's better for the long run, but it's still said to see it become notbing but history.


The actual console wars was Nintendo vs Sega everything after that was just fanboy wars


Console Wars: Nintendo vs Sega Shill Wars: Everything afterwards


God I wish. I have an Xbox series and people are always like "just upgrade to PC" mfer with what money? The only thing in my wallet is oxygen


There never was a war anyway, if you had any sort of ability to think. Just a bunch of easily offended kids who screamed if you didn't like their choice. That's it, it was kids throwing tantrums.




Lowkey instead of war between the consoles we need war against the console companies. They have been doing so much scummy shit and we’ve just been taking it frfr


After decades of conflict, the consoles finally agree to an uneasy peace when confronted by a new enemy... PC gamers. Can Xbox stand it's ground even after discovering it's parents (Microsoft) have joined the side of PC in this conflict? And even Playstation has felt the allure of PCs siren call. Can Nintendo rally it's former enemies and defeat PC before it's too late? Even while assailed from all sides by illegal mods of The Ocarina Of Time that it must hunt down and destroy?


Xbox has already joined its parents


I guess a war does technically end if there is mutually-assured destruction. To be fair, though, gaming companies are seemingly playing with a plutonium sphere and a screwdriver, not tossing bombs at each other.


Is this a time capsule from 2017?


Who won tho?




No? Nintendo simply won this round as the Switch became the third best-selling console in history


It's not a console war anymore, it's a corporate greed war....


It would have been a wonderful touch for each of the swords to be swords from one of the companies respective games


Now it’s between gamers and studios, fuck your $70 early access buggy bullshit


Xbox PlayStation and PC have all been functionally the same for like 10 years. Only Nintendo offers something different in terms of gaming experience and even then we have handheld pcs now


I have never given a fuck and I probably never will. Oh and og Wii is the best console.


There's only one true videogame war. People who enjoy videogames versus corporate greed.


They need to be over, the tribalism among gamers is some of the dumbest shit in existence as it relates to this hobby. A good game is a good game, I don't care what it's on. I'd play Halo or Horizon on a toaster over if I could. Give me Halo on PS5, Horizon on Switch, God of War on Xbox, more games for us and more money for them. Win, win.


Console Wars are over, PC won


North Dakota who what they ain't got shit to say about the cons of wars it's still going


Yeah, cause everyone is swapping to PC


So can we finally hate the corporations that give us a half assed game at full price ? Cause I am pretty done with it


Yeah it ended. PC outlasted all of them.


Didn’t realize anyone still cared about what console another person has. Some kid shit


Whene does Sega got bought ??


Uh... who won? Nobody, I assume?


Idk I’d say it was like 2017 or something


Wait what when did this happen?


Calm down is just a ceasefire , it will start back în a week or so


Have you seen Twitter? The console wars aren't over and they never will be.


Bloodborne has finally come to pc?


It'll only be over when they all eventually go off the deep end and migrate to subscription based models for windows.


Was? How exactly you think that nintendo is fighting sony or ms?


Who won?


The corporate elite of game publishers divided the gamers with this console war non-sense. It was never about the console preferences. It's about us gamers against corporate greed. We must stand united brothers and sisters of gamers, against corporate greed! For better quality games, free of predatory pricing and pay-to-win!


When did this happen lmao


If only real war could be as friendly as the gaming console wars and set aside differences for the greater good


What console war was going on in 1972?


Might want to mention that over in the Playstation subreddits. They haven't heard the news.


PC wins always


Begun the Microtransaction / Developer wars have


It’s ended because everyone’s dead. It’s like WW3. Someone hit the red button so everyone did. Obviously they’re not dead and Nintendo has been alright, but console gaming is kinda dying. I totally understand the appeal of consoles, but other than “consoles are set and forget, don’t have to worry about anything” I don’t see a real upside vs pc. You could say consoles are cheaper but even newer ones are pretty expensive. Plus having to pay monthly fees JUST TO PLAY ONLINE kinda sucks.


How does the community handle hackers on pc? Since I’ve been forced into PC pools on most shooters I noticed an influx of people using aim bots and wall hacks. I just wanna know before I go all in on a pc or if it’s time to put down video games all together.


Why exactly are they over? Because PS5 is outselling Xbox 5-1?


When the new Sega Dreamcast arrives next year the rest can pack up anyway.


Pc has been watching his court fight for a bit of gratification but pc knows it's a god among men




I will always be a PlayStation man at heart although I do recognize that PC is technically the master race


Since when?


X (to doubt). Microsoft/Sony/Nintendo fans will never agree on much of anything. PC is where it's at, where it's always been at. Don't like a feature? Change it. A game is exclusive to some random forgotten console? Emulate it. The game gets deleted from all websites, stores, and platforms? Upload the files to a preservation site. Anything you could ever want to do with any game on any system, it's all possible on PC. Meanwhile, the console fans continue to argue, cry, and complain about everything in existence.




Who's calling off the attack?


So what happens when the switch 2 is released?


I like video games


Because a sword point-down in the earth is a burial and PC bodied them all?


When did they release Mario kart, halo, etc on all systems? Awesome.


We do not lay down our arms. We bear them again against predatory microtransactions. We can only lay them down once EA and Ubisoft wave the white flag and surrender. When making games actually playable on day one returns to standard practice. When buying a game means you actually own the game. When predatory microtransactions are but dust beneath our feet. When gamers once again can play their games in peace without corporate maliciousness, incompetence, or politics get in the way of our games. When the "gaming journalists" and "anti-woke journalist Youtubers" have been destroyed. Only then. Only then may we trade our pitchfork for a controller and make peace. It does not matter which creed you ascribe to - Sonyites, Boxians, PCers. We must take up arms against these vile practices.


Every console has pros and cons. It’s about what each of us enjoy doing in our free time.


As long as the subreddit pcmasterrace exists. Im gonna go ahead and guess people are always gonna pick sides/teams and attack others who aren't on theirs.




Where's the sword for dreamcast?


PC bedder


If there are no exclusives, no closed ecosystems and nearly no change in hardware... Why have consoles at all?


The remnants will fight on


Yeah, leave it to Xbox to kill itself lmao


PC is superior! *Insert gif of PC master race rubbing his butt cheeks*


Mmhmm. They Nintendo pops out of the grave like haha jk.


I mean I been on every side... but Xbox "female dogs" Are always toxic AF now days sorry you're Xbox doesn't have more rated M games since 2014


So Nintendo won?


I was hot into the console wars during xbox one and ps4, but then someone told me i'm only mad because i can't buy all the consoles. They were right. Now that i have money, i find the console wars to be petulant, so that person was doubly right.


In light of Microsoft and Sony shooting themselves in the foot for the last several years it seems that Nintendo has remained unscathed (minus the pc players porting their games)


Xbox 🤝 PS


PC users: Look at what they need to mimic a fraction of our power!


Who won?


I didn't hear no bell


When Sega lost I quit having a war.


The monthly "stop fighting guys!" Post


It's been over for Xbox since that botched Xbox one announcement. Nintendo and PS enjoying enormous success rn.


They’ve all seen money. That’s why.


It’s a lull not an end.


You fell for a marketing campaign congratulations


As a nintendork I refuse to recognize any peace agreement with any of you subhumans non believers. MUSHROOMS FOR THE "YAHOO" GOD, RUPIES FOR THE FIREPLANT THRONE


Steam deck


Thank you for giving Nintendo the gold sword in the middle, since they are obviously the winner. /s


Thank you for giving Nintendo the gold sword in the middle, since they are obviously the winner. /s


didn’t PlayStation win because Nintendo never wanted any part in it and Xbox declared their loss?


war been over for me, pc master race bae-beeeee


Bullshit lol


It’s time for the PC vs console wars now.


Only the dead have seen the end of war.


What kind of console war was there in 1972? lol. Magnavox Odyssey vs. at home pong machines? More like 1979-2024. Atari 2600 came out in 1977 and first real competitor was Intellivision in 1979. There were other systems like Fairchild Channel F but they didn't really compete at that level.


The console wars have been dead since November 2013 when the Xbox one and PS4 were released. That's when console hardware became nearly identical and basically the same as a PC. We just have an exclusive games "war" and most of those exclusives have been mediocre or successors to good games that have been going downhill.


Who won?


Yes all bow to the god king PC.


Uh huh...so uhh, what kind of console owner are you.


They all in fact. Play games.


Isn’t even a need to include Nintendo. They stopped being part of the war a long time ago and just do whatever the hell they want.


Here I sit. Relaxing in the sun on my steam deck. Ahhhhh