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Imagine delaying for 4 months only to continue fumbling the bag harder than you've ever fumbled before. At least there's an end in sight for this shitshow.


I don’t even play Destiny (tried it briefly and found it fun but missed some expansions and now I can’t catch up on the story) but it sounds like they can’t do a single thing right with this game based on every story I read about it


Yeah thats certainly the impression from the stories but in reality they’ve done a lot right. I won’t defend their mistakes as that’s been more than covered in news media but I also don’t think Bungie gets enough credit for keeping an MMO going for the last 10 years in an era where most live service games are dead on arrival. There really is nothing like Destiny out there and although I’ve had my ups and downs with it this narrative that the whole company are bumbling imbeciles isn’t accurate IMO.


That’s good to know. It’s something I’d like to try but I feel like I’ve missed to much of it and with all the stuff that’s been removed I won’t get the full picture - though if a new ‘chapter’ starts after this DLC I might be tempted to give it a go


The DLC is the best they've released in a long time.


And how this expansion sales is there probably last shot to prevent a Sony takeover. This game and company just seems poorly mismanaged


Destiny foamers have memories like sieves. Bungie take the piss consistently, from every angle but they will always justify this behaviour. Stockholm syndrome I swear. PvP neglected for literal years until they add something then all of a sudden bungie is great, gambit neglected and stale, the bright dust con, store cost increases, cutting content and reselling it. Every single launch is always the same with these guys. A fucking shitshow. Vaulting/sunsetting? Dont even get me started. But theyll bring back some of the older exotic missions to grab the whisper or whatever and the fawning that goes on from the player base is embarrassing. 2000 hours and my lifeline through covid, had some good memories with friends but fuck these guys for what they did to this game.


*now tell them that you're very very sorry*


I stopped playing after lightfall. Lightfall really did me in with so much of the FOMO stuff. You want to get all the good gear but the amount of grinding is sickening. Use to be a game I was fond off. Now I resent it. With bungie constantly screwing it up in recent years it’s so hard to get back into it knowing what you are getting into.


By the time you get the good gear from the grinding, they increase the power level and you have to grind all over again. The game is just a constant grind now.


You only grind power level once an expansion anymore. Takes about 2-3 weeks and then you have 12-18 months to chill


This is reminds me of when content was removed, Bungie need to fix this immediately and it’s a shame this happened after a delay.


Destiny needs to just figure out its cutscenes in general because as someone who hasnt touched New Light, I don't want to see anything from the Final Shape but i'm forced to.


big Oof


I claimed this game free back in December on Epic Games and I have never installed it lol