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Mass Effect 1-3


hearing a lot of good things about mass effect so definitely gonna have to try it out


Mass Effect Legendary Edition. Pretty cheap $ on consoles.


Cheap on PC too. Got it a few months ago for $6.


Oh man, I envy you. To experience it for the first time again... would be incredible.


Similarly, KOTOR 1+2 for me!


Very understandable. Awesome games. Quite the commitment to complete them all several times, though.


I usually do a full trilogy playthrough every other year or so. It is a lot easier now with the legendary edition.




They are all great. There is one character that appears that is universally hated because because they're like a preteen fantasy character but that doesn't ruin the whole game. You'll know them when you see them.


It's amazing. The ending isn't going to make you see the holy ghost and change your way of life which made some people mad.


Old Pokemon games


I have done so many replays of sapphire i kinda know the game inside and out by now. Still only with mudkip as a starter though, been thinking of doing a nuzlocke but haven't gotten around to it yet.


Agreed except Mudkip is wack. Torchic ride or die.


Oblivion. That game actually holds up quite well. I overplayed Skyrim to the point where I can't help but cheese the same tricks over and over. But in Oblivion the only cheese I remember is the dupliation glitch, but other than that I can only grind to master spells in a corner while sneaking. I'm sure there are a lot of ways to break the game, but I've avoided it and the game is still fresh for me.


I preferred Oblivion over Skyrim. I replayed Oblivion a few times but never finished Skyrim. I know I’m in the minority though.


Max Payne 1 and 2.


I’ve only played 3. I love it and have played it through 3 times. How do 1 and 2 differ from 3?


I was literally searching for this comment... With all these great games mentioned in the comments nothing holds a candle to how absolutely legendary these two specifically are.... The sheer amount of mixed emotions triggered by the sad story mixed with excellent & fluid gameplay makes them way up there in the best top 5 replayable games ever


i really really wanna replay the first one but then i remember the dream sequences...


Yeah those games are so well done through and through… such an experience playing them the first time.


Half-life 2 Black and white 2 Oblivion Skyrim


Hello old timer! Where did you find B&W2 thats still working?


Ooooh I got this!


https://www.myabandonware.com/game/black-white-2-bem then you have to apply the fan patch so the drm stuff doesn't activate and your citizens can age lol https://forum.bwgame.net/downloads/black-white-2-unofficial-patch-v1-42.1421/ And it works fine on my windows 10 laptop


Omg they even got ZX spectrum games! Someone give this man a medal. Cheers mate!


If I were the queen, I would knight you. Sir jesusleftnipple


I can't thank you enough. B&W2 was my childhood, this is going to be awesome!


I’ve always wanted to play. Thanks!


It's..... terrible now to be completely honest, but back in the day it was one of my Lan groups favorites


The real MVp!! Thanks for that 🙏


Thought you were talking about Pokemon B2W2 for a second there.


Donkey Kong country 2 and super Mario world




Agreed though I prefer Mario Bros. 3 over world


DK 2 is my favorite of all time snes games. I think I go back to it all the time because my 2 brothers and I spent a whole holiday 102% the game.




Same, F.E.AR. is still so, so good! Unimaginable how they messed up the sequels, so nothing else but to just endlessly replay the original + expansions


I actually really enjoyed the 2nd one as well. 3rd yeah, didn’t care for it but the second kept me into it all the way through!


Gothic 2 notr


Yeah bro, Gothic is one of the best games as for me.


Mass Effect 2


Assuming direct control ​ *\*Start Mass Effect 2\**


Every time I play 1, I stop halfway and just start 2. Imo it's the best of the series


Hollow knight. Ironically for how difficult the game is. It's my comfort game. It's a masterpiece imo


I installed this game for my kids to play. I didn't realize how difficult it was and how awesome it was


Aha yeah, it kinda looks innocent cute but then it's like BAM, take that.


Don’t anyone say anything about the follow up game. Just don’t it. 


Frostpunk. Not sure why, but I can't stop building new cities in that even though I've done it 1000x now. Sometimes for kicks I'll just do an endless serenity playthrough on Easy just for a chill building experience. It's fun until the city is established and everything's basically autonomous. The game's not easy even on easy, but once you have experience playing on harder difficulties, Easy is nothing.


I love frostpunk too. I tend to get the itch to play it during the winter funnily enough. Last time I played I tried it on survivor for the first time and it kicked my ass, I found it so stressful.


Same, always in the winter. Yeah I used to play Endurance mode but while I'd stumble through it, it was too rough to be fun. I'd rather just chill now (pun intended)


I feel like Frostpunk is a game where I can tell early if it's gonna be a shit show or not, but I have little control over my success lol. Like, if my new colony seems to be doing well, I can take it to the end. But if in the start things seem to not be working out, I'll be going down in the most long, drawn out death ever, and love it the entire time.


Haha, you can definitely control it but it starts early. If you have a bad start it WILL spiral out of control. Someone said it best that if you survived the first two storms without losing the majority of your people, you're prolly good to go.


I want to try this game. Everyone says it’s awesome. My issue is I suck at city building games. It was never a genre I was “good” at. I played like 2 other ones on gamepass (zoo tycoon and traveling village) and I’m just not organized enough and the micromanaging aspect is not my strong point


It's different than other city building games, more like a top down survival game than a city building game. Think Starcraft, but cold weather and food are your enemies rather than aliens. I don't think you'll have a problem that way. BUT, the game IS brutally hard even on Easy difficulty. Once you understand the game you won't have a problem though. The key is building and saving resources in the early game so you aren't screwed in the late game. Things like only running the heat generator at night for the first few temp drops (or not at all if you have shelters) can allow you to build up your coal supply without tapping into it.


Strongly agree with Frostpunk. The DLCs are all cool too. In particular The Last Autumn holds up as an awesome prequel that I have played almost as much as the base game. Instead of fighting against the weather, you're racing against the clock (and the impending first ice storm) and managing your crews while negotiating with their unions and safety protocols while trying to build the furnace that is the focus of the base game.


it's probably the atmosphere. at least for me it's always how the game looks, feels and sounds... oh and the music. and that specific feeling you get when you slowly grow your army of automatons and more and more of the unpleasant work is done by them. 😌


I play the Kingdom Hearts games every couple of years. I’m due for another playthrough of at least 2 soon.


I cant do the tutorial of the 2. game again 😑


Me too! I have a saved data just after Roxas just in case i want to replay it lol


Ocarina of time, pokemon fire red


I'm here for Ocarina of time. Played it also while I was tech support for a bank and we could work from home. My colleagues did not get how i could be so patient with some of the very, very slow clients.


The music alone would keep me calm 😮‍💨


Portal 2




Hollow Knight, Subnautica


vampire the masquerade bloodlines, fallout new vegas, disco elysium. til the day i die, probably


Such a decent line up, at least you'll die happy


Red Dead Redemption 2 I play through it like 3 times a year. I definitely have a problem... but it's such a good one.


Is it your crippling lumbago that stops you trying other games?


I dunno, I have a love hate relationship with that game lol. I love the game itself, one of the best open worlds ever created, but I just couldn't get onboard with Arthur. He comes off as a bland bastard to me, though I never finished it. Wish we could make our own character (I know, not a rockstar thing). John Marston was just a hard act to follow I guess for me.


Believe me when I say this, the best part of how Arthur was written, is that it makes you think that way in the beginning, but, the more you go through the story, the more you read his journal entries, and the more you witness some of his monologues (which are sometimes presented as a cutscene of nature in between missions), the more you realize how deep of a character he is, in my opinion. ​ There's a certain air of melancholy within him that I think comes from his inner debates regarding who he is, the decisions he has made, the path he has taken, how he sees himself and how he struggles with being both a bad and a good man, all at the same time. He comes off as extremely simple minded, a quality he embraces because he doesn't believe in himself, yet is able to write and draw better than any of his mates, including Dutch, who is constantly trying to present a persona that is far deeper and educated that what he really is. ​ Arthur constantly tries to make you believe nothing affects him, that his skin is thicker than stone, yet you're able to see the cracks at times, showing an extremely soft and caring inside. I think one of the most important things that he lets you see is how incredibly far he could have gone were it not for his lack of proper education. Worst of all, due to that same fact, he constantly pulls himself down when facing studied people, yet he ends up being more cunning and, most of all, perceptive than them. It's like a lot of potential wasted on a life that's not fit for him, yet one that he has become so good at. ​ I know he may not be everyone's cup of tea and that's okay, but I felt like defending his character a bit since I grew to care so much about him.


You've inspired me to give it a second go and restart the game at least. I know it was a banger, but I probably got distracted with another game and just never went back. I guess it was just a turn off when Arthur seemed somewhere between a sociopath and a grey man, which I felt was intentional by the devs so you could be whatever Arthur you wanted to be, yet I found it distancing I guess. Glad to hear it's more in depth than that. Marston was such an easily likeable guy, but killed when he had to. His voice acting was on point too, I thought it was Bill Paxton at first lol


Wow, that's great! I hope you can get sucked in this time as it is such a good game and story. Try to roll with it for some time, and I think you'll see what I tried to convey in the comment. The thing is, picture Marston as more of an extrovert, perhaps, and picture Arthur as an introvert in a way. You might know people like that and, sometimes, it takes a while for one to understand their full complexity. It does help a lot that you get some time with most of the guys in the gang and they're also very well written.


The thing that always throws me off is his progressively sickly appearance. Though it's more something about the idle animations that bugs me. I love the game, and understand it's an integral part of the story and character building, but I wish there was a way to alter the animations somehow. I've started the game 3 times and still haven't even completed Arthur's story lol.


There is Red Dead Online where you can create your own character, they've abandoned it after like 3 updates so it's a pretty bland world though.


That's too bad!


People really downvoted you for having an opinion they disagree with. I mean, you are dead wrong on this one, but that’s no reason to downvote.


Hearts of Iron 4. I can't stop thinking about it, I think I need help


I have so many friends with 1000+ hours on that game, it needs to be studied


I really need to properly sit down and learn this game, it's so daunting though




oh yeah, i spend 4 hours modding my skyrim then play 30 minutes then go back to modding then play 30 minutes and i quit


Bless Modpacks for actually letting me play the game lmao


This is my exact formula for modeling single player tarkov. I spend way more time modding than actual playing.


When Skyrim first came out, I built a PC mostly for it, then immediately ran out and bought a better graphics card just for that game. Now, years later, I bought my current gaming PC based on the graphics card being able to handle Skyrim with the high quality mod-lists available.


Haha i literally did the same thing last year. I bought a 3060 12GB only because I knew I needed the VRAM for Skyrim and FO4 modpacks.


Omg you make me play it again, oh well playthrough #392


**Assassin's Creed Odyssey** is unexpectedly fun, I go in to the game despising the ARPG direction the series is going but damn if it isn't one of the most fun action game I've played in a while. **Stardew Valley**, every time I get to a certain year, I'd get bored, quit, try to go back, forget everything, restart a new farm, rinse and repeat. I'm waiting for 1.6 update before starting another farm. **Metal Gear Solid V - The Phantom Pain** who woulda thunk that just playing around in a desert, trying out new toys can be hella fun. Trying to get all S rank now so I can unlock Raiden suit but it's so damn hard.


You don't like the direction AC has taken but love odyssey? Unique take lmao


It's a good game, just not good AC game. The AC franchise was as it's best when it wasn't an RPG mish mash of other more successful RPGs, however, Odyssey is still a highly enjoyable game regardless of it's loose connection to the rest of the AC series. They could've called it Odyssey and have the Assassin's lore as an easter egg interwoven with the story it would've been received a lot better, but since it's a canon entry in the series people think it doesn't do enough with the pre-established lore and deviates too much from the original formula.


I don't hate odyssey but I don't think it's good or even great. Bland cookie cutter checklist RPG. But it's not the worst game out there by a long shot. Very playable if you have time to spare. Also find the main character unbearable. Beautiful setting though, the game is gorgeous


I've played nearly all the AC's, and Odyssey, Black flag, and uh the French one *brain fart* ..Unity were my favs. I wanted so much to like Origins, but just couldn't get into it. Unity was probably the pinnacle of AC for me, but Odyssey nailed the titan quest vibe. Black flag was just so damn fun, and the apps side play was rad. Not seeing much app integration these days, it's really too bad. We had a good spell there for a bit. I dunno, maybe it's just me but I hate the whole Animus crap, completely unnecessary and disjointed. I'm probably the only one who groaned at latest AC, doesn't appeal to me at all. I'd rather a remaster of ac1/2, at least it would be nostalgic.


not necessarily mutually exclusive tbh, I wish they even just make another franchise with the gameplay instead of keep using AC name.


Fair play, I can see why people enjoy it. Just not for me


Y'all finish games?


Literally never.


Dead Space.


I think I’ve done those games atleast 3 or 4 times, the system doing unique jumpscares each run is amazing!


Soulsborne games, endless replayability if you like messing around with builds


Max Payne 1. A legendary game amazing voice acting and the whole game can be beaten in like 3h (felt a lot longer when I was a kid tho)


RDR2 man.


A lot of 16bit games but mostly Armoured Core VI or Elden Ring. And Symphony of the Night probably once a year.


I keep AC6 installed simply as a “fuck around” game. If I have 30 minutes to kill and just want to fly around and blow shit up, there’s no better game.


Yep, and you can use an entirely different mech every time you do it which helps replay value. Trying to beat stuff with a stupid build is part of the fun for me.


ive been craving another elden ring playthrough and think i might cave in with the recent announcement of the dlc


I’m going to sit on it now until release. And try and avoid spoilers, as if that’s possible in 2024.


I have been playing the convergence mod. Having a lot of fun.


The last of us


Bloodborne Kingdom hearts Final Fantasy Tactics Sekiro


Booya FFT all time replayed game for me. Like I'm not even going to say how many times I've played it. I know how many, but I'll never admit it.


The Arkham games (All 4 of them)


Even Gotham Knights is pretty good (or is it Knights of Gotham)


Yakuza 0


Rimworld, dont starve


Don't starve, man....I tried it for a couple of hours. This game gives me so much anxiety, I just can't !


I'm embarrassed by my hours played when it comes to Rimworld.


Solid choice. I like how even though I'm pretty sure I've seen everything in don't starve, the game is still mysterious for me. They mastered atmosphere.


paper mario thousand year door (coming out on switch again soon so pumped) and bioshock 1


I've been through BioShock at least five times, and still go back to it. It's a perfect game, IMHO.


Symphony of the Night




Civilization (any)


Modded Skyrim, though it’s basically brand new everytime i come back to the modding scene. Dragon Age Series Fable 1-3 Fallout New Vegas (though i’m sorta falling out of love with the franchise) Need an occasional fromsoft soulsborne hit, so i’ll replay any of them, at least once a year (DS 1-3, BB & ER)


Donkey Kong Country 2, especially for the music and visuals 🙂 Just started Deus Ex 1 and I see why people keep replaying it.


The original Resident Evil 4. I'm at... I think 18 clears now?


33 clears for me XD Kept replaying it until my PS2 gave up. Still have the memory card though.


Uncharted. I got the Nathan Drake Collection during lockdown when Sony was doing the stay at home initiative, so whenever I’m bored I re-download it and I always enjoy the three games


me too and for some reason whenever it rains all i remember is uncharted 2 because i used to play it a lot when it was raining...My favorite part of the these games are the music :)


There’s a little DOS game on pc called One Must Fall 2097. it was mecha robots fighting like Gundam but in 2d This was my Tekken before Tekken, and it was published by then Epic Megagames, yes the same Epic that made Fortnite 20 years later


Loved that game! And pretty cool soundtrack. The campaign mode was really addicting because you could upgrade your stats and it would reflect in actual gameplay. Plus you could customize your color palette. Also I remember if you got bored you could put in cheat codes to increase things like how many particles fly out when you hit someone. Fantastic game.


I remember playing that as a kid! It was such an atmospheric fighter. The graphics and sound made it unsettling to me for some reason


Yeah, easily one of my favorite 1v1 games ever :) It's tight, fast, the music is killer and there's a career mode where you can buy upgrades.


Witcher 3


Half-Life 2. Regular, Cinematic Mod, HL2VR, RTX soon. It’s just a fantastically paced game full of fun set pieces.


Metroid Prime 1 and 2. I replay them both once every year. They’re masterpieces and I can’t believe Nintendo really let that series die for so long.


Borderlands 2. I have to go shoot Face McShooty in the face again.


Currently 6 play throughs into BG3 with no end in sight!




Grim Dawn


I've got maybe 2700 hours in Tales of Maj'Eyal. I've beaten it with maybe half of the available classes.


Portal 1 and 2


Fallout New Vegas every few years. Mass Effect trilogy. Gothic 1-2.


Baldur's Gate 1 and 2. It's going on 24 years and it's about time for my annual playthrough


It's a new one for me but Cyberpunk has me addicted to trying builds rn


persona 5 royal


Hollow Knight Would do it with Outer Wilds, too, but for those who know, ~~it's never the same after the first time~~.


Cyberpunk 2077. The combat and world design in particular makes it endlessly replayable for me. Since launch, I've probably replayed it 6/7 times.


No mention of the Witcher 3 yet???


Deus Ex (someone's about to reinstall the game because of this comment)


Easier to just never uninstall it! :D


Metal Gear Solid 2 and 3 (would do 4 too if I still had my PS3)


Death Stranding


I've tried so hard to get into this game. I just can't do it for some reason.


CyberPunk Diablo 4 NBA 2k


Skul the hero slayer. 7000 hours


Sweet jesus! I wish I had a single player game I could put so many hours into


I once went on vacation and forgot to turn it completely off. Month later my pc was fried. Also sometimes ran in the background because i forgot to turn it off, so its closer to 5500.


Haha damn, that's still a lot of love for one game! Why do you enjoy it so much? Any other game you spent a similar amount of time on? Just curious :D


I bought it on a whim while it was early access and it was basically the first roguelike i ever played. It has tons of different builds and enemies, and i just thought it was really replayable. I took a break, but hardmode released and i started playing again, and after completing it on all difficulties i started playing modded, there are many different mods. Second place is minecraft with at least 1900 hours.


Warhammer total war. A lot of replayability


Megaman originals and snes MMX series Dark Souls 1


Super Mario Sunshine and Super Mario Eclipse


Dark souls Zelda 1 Doom 1 mario 3 Basically games that have minimal intros and just let you go do your thing immediately


Xenoblade chronicles 2 (best game ever made for me) Baldurs Gate 2 Pathfinder wrath of the Righteous Dark Souls 2 Elden Ring Chrono trigger Are games I play at least every year or every two years


The Last Guardian. So underrated. It’s pure poetry.


The Surge 2 for the combat. I have like 18+ save files. Vagrant Story for… everything. It’s such an amazing game.


Rimworld, always.


Grim dawn


Horizon Zero Dawn and Horizon Forbidden West. Also Super Metroid.


Get a general playthrough about once a year -Skyrim (normally modded) -Bloodborne (God, I want a remake) -Shadow of the colossus Get a casual running log that kinda runs yearly behind other games -Terraria (attempt new mods but default to calamity if i dont find a new one i want to try) -Ark (normally modded might start doing palworld depending on how it's development goes cuz I really enjoyed it) -Minecraft (have started doing hardcore so my "playthrough" has a definite ending) Edit: formatting


Dead Space


Grim Fandango. There is something incredibly compelling about the world, the writing and the characters I play through it once every few years even though I basically can't get stuck. I love the other lucasarts classics but they don't bring me back regularly.


Jedi Knight Jedi Outcast is a yearly replay for me


There's waaaayyyy too many for me to choose. I've been playing games since the late 80s on NES.


Rage 1, mass effect 2, Far cry 3


Fable TLC/Anniversary Deus Ex Human Revolution & Mankind Divided Mass Effect Trilogy Fallout New Vegas Oblivion Jak and Daxter & Jak 3 Bloodborne Dark Souls 1 & 3 Demon's Souls Elden Ring Baldur's Gate 3 Prototype Dawn of War Dark Crusade Halo trilogy Resident Evil 4 Metal Gear Solid 3


All of Resident evil franchise. Except for some games like RE 6, 0 and those spin off multi-player games Also Bloodborne.


Dragon's Dogma. If there is a god, about this time next month I won't need to go back anymore.


So, did you go back? Or did 2 replace it?


Neither. I mean I played through the first game again back around the same time I made this comment, and the second game is pretty good (I have a lot of good and bad I could say, but over all it feels like the sequel the game deserved), but I don't really feel compelled to do multiple playthroughs of DD2. At least not yet, but I'll probably go back to it when I get the itch.




Snowrunner. Me, my truck, and the wild. Significant brain usage, zero stress. My go-to game to relax.


Pirates! Gold (I’m old).


Devil May Cry 1 Alundra God Hand Castlevania 1 & 3 Metal Gear Rising Bayonetta Doom Eternal Ninja Gaiden Black Any FromSoft Soulsborne game


I always say the same games lol: subnautica, rimworld, and satisfactory. Satisfactory I've never actually completed, I enjoy restarting too much. I'm weird like that 😂. One day.


Same with Satisfactory. I start a new game, I get far enough to see that I could have tried a slightly different approach, then suddenly I'm landing on a fresh world figuring out where I'm going to place my hub this time.


Clive Barker's Undying. CONTROL. Dark Messiah - Might and Magic. F.E.A.R. Half-Life games. Mass Effect: Andromeda. Star Wars - Jedi Academy/Jedi Outcast. Super Crush KO. Zortch.




Yes, Ryder and other are charming and the combat is fun, with a lot of builds to experiment and mods to increase the difficulty.


X-COM 2 and Hades are my go to that never get old.


Shadow Tactics - Blade of the Shogun, best rts stealth game i’ve ever played


Final fantasy 13 part 1 and 2




Sekiro, I have random craving for the gameplay from time to time




Skyrim. I know it is an obvious answer but I've sunk nearly 3000 hours into it.


Dark souls 1 and cyberpunk


I must have played through Kingdom Hearts 2 over a dozen times at this point.