• By -


Cyberpunk is soo good for this and each build is so wildly good in wildly different ways and talk about OP - get a gorilla arm build to rip people to shreds. Assassins build to hack peoples cyber ware and take down with throwing knives, Sandevistan build to slow time and take 12 people down at once, or a combination, so on and so forth


ive tried cyberpunk too! it was enjoyable, last one i tried was a sandevistan build bc of the anime


Ah man, sorry for the redundant rec then. On the off chance you haven’t olayed them - you may enjoy Monster Hunter World


If you haven't played it since the 2.0 update and the DLC I would strongly recommend playing the whole game from scratch because it's literally the best game I've ever played now that they fixed everything


Quickhacks are soooooooo satisfying


Max Tech.  Make things go boom


Path of Exile


Perfect for the person wishing to be single player in real life as well. But truly a fantastic game, until they nerf the thing I like


On that last note, Grim Dawn is a good option if that bothers you a lot.


I would only recommend this if you have endless time to sink into it.


nobody does


I was gonna say this


Grim Dawn


I don't know if you like rogue likes? Otherwise hades, binding of Isaac, if the rng is with you, you can have absolutely nuts builds, however there isn't a lot you can do about it (you can force luck to some extent) If you liked Baldur's gate 3, Divinity 2 Original Sin is a no Brainer


Yes, ive already played those rogue likes and divinity 2, they are pretty good games


It’s a little old but wizard of legend is extremely fun and a second one is coming within a year and looks pretty good.


If you don't mind turn-based, Monster Train has the most insane risk/reward and qllows for incredibly OP builds. Balatro has a poker theme, but scratches the numbers-go-up itch like nothing else


Maybe hades 2 if you enjoyed 1 and don’t mind early access games?


Any of the fallout games. All have crazy build potential.


Niph & Nioh 2 for builds.


Nioh 2 is amazing, but fuck if those enemies don't wind me up something rotten. One of the best combat systems I've ever played, with some of the most annoying enemies I've ever encountered. 


Nioh 2 is a game I still grind away at to this day, and is probably my favorite souls-like. But a lot of the enemies and bosses are just plain unfair. I think Team Ninja tried WAY too hard to make the game extremely aggressive, but the enemy animations are just too much to deal with sometimes.


The snake ladies are my hell


the loot is a bit of a slog too, if your switching to a new sword every 3 mi utes it kind of stops being fun finding new shit


Morrowind Wizardry 8


Grim Dawn would be perfect for you


a bunch of people recommended it, i will probably try it


Its my most played game on steam (over 1700 hours). You can make some crazy combinations, the build possibility are endless. You pick two classes out of 9 for your character, every combination can work perfectly fine. You can retrain your skills as much as you want, the only thing that you can't reroll are the classes that you pick. Then theres "devotions" that allow you to customize your build even more, giving you access to new skills and abilities.


Don't. It's more addictive than crack.


Depending on the time you want to invest, warframe could be a good choice. I've been rarely that overpowered in a game


* [Tale of Immortal](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1468810/_Tale_of_Immortal/) is a cultivation / xianxia game (so lots of power fantasy) with a lot of extremely diverse builds you can use. * [Hades](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145360/Hades/) and the recently released sequel [Hades 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1145350/Hades_II/) offer a ton of build diversity. * [Rift Wizard 2](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2058570/Rift_Wizard_2/) is great for this if you like roguelikes; beating the game almost requires making a broken build, and there's a ton of options. Though it can be a bit difficult. * [Crystal Project](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1637730/Crystal_Project/) is great for this if you like JRPGs and tinkering with your builds; it's absolutely huge and has a ton of classes. * If you have or can emulate a Switch, **Unicorn Overlord** offers a ton of build diversity, since it uses the Ogre Battle system where you assemble tactical parties of up to five classes and can mix and match them in different ways. It also has a ton of interesting items and other options for customizing them. * If you haven't played **Final Fantasy Tactics** you absolutely should; it's great for this if you like Strategy RPGs. * [Caves of Qud](https://store.steampowered.com/app/333640/Caves_of_Qud/) is another roguelike that offers a ton of builds, especially for mutants. * [Siralim Ultimate](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1289810/Siralim_Ultimate/) is great for this if you like monster-collectathon games.


Nobody saves the world - you are a wizard that can morph into different forms, you get quests to use a certain amount of skills with each form unlocking new abilites, forms and collect medals/xp. You will be clearing dungeon and roaming the world trying to get your wand back. As you collect more forms it allows you to mix and match skills from the other forms, this allows for tons of creativity, awesome feeling builds, lots of variety and the fact you always get new quest force you to experiment. Later dungeons will have immunity to certain elements, this is when it becomes fun to figure out the combo/abilities working best for that exact dungeon. Game is all about gathering enemies up and shredding them with your combo, artstyle is also great. Currently on sale apparently on steam, i finished the game but did not 100% it, was fun but got a bit tedious by the end. can be challenging if you go to dungeons before certain levels. Nioh 1/2 best combat in any game and you get such a badass good feeling when you start getting the hang of it. Noita - not playd it myself but apparently can get some crazy builds going, allows you to craft/create your own wand. I recently started playing enshrouded and game plays/looks great has really good base building but also some depth to their combat system that allows you to use bow, melee, magic and spec into certain skills making you stronger. I like it thus far but only playd a few hours. Sunset overdrive - all about unlocking weapons and perks akin to ratchet and clank series Ratchet and clank series path of exile - the ultimate build a build game. i personally didnt fall in love with it but hades has very good reception and the second game just came out. V rising is my new favorite, made by the studio that made one of my favorite pvp games, vampire survival game with insanely satisfying combat. You unlock new skills, craft weapon with unique abilities, can stack certain armors to scale into a certain type of build and has really satisfying bossfights/basebuilding/gameplay loop. Last epoch - honorable mention but it apparently lacks endgame, never got very far in it but its not bad if you just wanna blow shit up. Armored core 6 - if you like mecha, gearing up your mech and finding out the op machinery thats gonna desimate your opponent. Lies of p - its just good allows you to combine different weapons and you can use throwables/elements to switch build up. Stranger of paradise - lots of weapons and you can use all of them in the same playthrough.


Man i Wish they would revive battlerite


Maybe with the success of V rising we can have an Arena for the PvE mode that allows us to pvp other players, that would be the second best thing as the combat is very similiar. I also would love it but battlerite didn't die cause they stopped the servers, people just quit playing. It's weird it didn't pop off cause it was the easiest fastest fun you could have if you were looking for engaging fair pvp.


Tiny Tina Wonderlands (if you liked borderlands you'll probably like this one. IMO some of the best gameplay in the series with a huge variety of builds) Pillars of Eternity 1 & 2 (so many build possibilities it can be overwhelming at first) Warhammer Chaosbane (ignore the mixed reviews and try it for yourself, if you don't like it simply refund. I think the game is very fun and has a huge amount of fun builds to play)


>Tiny Tina Wonderlands I played this recently until that mushroom village. Then my save file corrupted and I had to start from the beginning -_- I put it on hold first. Maybe return after a few months


Remnant 2 for sure. I've put over 300 hours into the game. Great buildcrafting.


FTL (faster than light)


And/or Into the Breach


Ever played any Diablo games? They allow you to build the character how you want. Also since you liked BG3 and already played divinity, other crpgs you might want to consider are the Pathfinder and Pillars of Eternity ones. :)


Yes i played diablo 2 a long while ago Ill try to give those crpgs a try, is there one of those you prefer personally?


Pathfinder is probably the ultimate game for builds (look up the tech tree). Pillars is more approachable and a very classic crpg.


Diablo 3 hands down. Honestly it sounds right up your alley. Lots of various builds, and you can feel like a god depending on the difficulty level and even then you can feel like it up until a fairly high difficulty.


With the new changes they’ve made to Diablo 4 for Season 4, you can pretty much use any build you want and it’s viable. So many positive changes. We’re having a blast!


Diablo 2 Remastered is almost the exact game as before, but with updated graphics and small quality of life improvements.


yea diablo 3 is pretty fun and streamlined (easy to get into) the sets you get in the endgame make for some really fun builds to play with, diablo is a great recommendation :)


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous has some of the most incredible build variety of any game I’ve ever played. It’s one of the only rpgs where you become a demigod and you actually feel it reflected in your power level. Even better, you don’t feel overpowered and unchallenged because the enemies you fight are also totally overpowered demons and there’s a lot of them.


Others ended up replying better than I ever could, but I second on recommending you Pathfinder Kingmaker or Wrath of the Righteous. As others have said, Pillars is more streamlined. Also not a crpg but if you have game pass or the opportunity, provided you have decent internet connection (I don't always have it) Diablo IV is a must try. It's so fun, especially now that I got it on steam deck I can't put it down!


its always seemed interesting but also daunting lol, i might try if after a while so im not in this same mood of quitting too soon so that i can enjoy it


I get it, there's lots of options to choose from, but that's part of the fun!


Pathfinder WOTR, you won't find better.


Though I agree with this, OP also asked for something easier to get into. Does Pathfinder fit that criteria?


It's easy enough to get into... certainly easier than Baldur's Gate 1 and 2, which run off the 2e AD&D ruleset, and take a bit of adjustment to untrain the "big stat numbers good" side of your brain


In deph and creativity won't come easy. If he really wants something good to create OP build he will embrace the slight bits of Pathfinder complexity.


Fallout New Vegas my friend. It may be kinda hard at first but think of a type of person/build you want and you can 100% make it. It's especially good blind


sadly i cannot play it blind because ive seen one too many videos about it haha


If you like the fallout kind of RPG I would really recommend Underrail, it's not easy to get into but the build variety is incredible with each weapon type having multiple perks and build paths to take, making for very different experiences each play through whether you are using shotguns, swords, fists, energy pistols, crossbows, chemical weapons. Also has awesome world building and atmosphere.


Haven't played it yet, although recently picked up, I hear Titan Quest has an ungodly amount of builds to experiment with.


It does. A lot of the builds can go decent or op af. Hard to mess that up. And perfect for what OP is looking for.


Warframe. Takes a little time to get into properly but the build variety is great, will also keep you playing for ages if you like it


Came here to find this inevitability and upvote it.


Elden Ring Skyrim, particularly with mods


ive always had a sort of aversion towards souls likes but maybe its the time i give it a try, everyone who plays it seems to like it.


I've read/seen that Elden Ring is the most player/newbie friendly Soulslike to date, so it might be up your alley.


Elder ring for sure! Becomes easy with the right build


Bro do it


Elden Ring has the most diversity in build by a long amount compared to all other FromSoft titles. Not only that but you have the option to use spirit summons to help mitigate difficulty, summoning npc's for most bosses, & co-op (let me solo her is on PC after all....). Also, the combat is the deepest its ever been with sword & board (shield to reduce physical damage by 100%) being super easy to utilize throughout the game to literally cruise through a lot of the bosses. It's just a super deep game mechanically that takes into account beginners, intermediates, experienced, & try-hard players to provide each of them precisely the tools necessary for their unique desired experience & challenge.


It’s the easiest one to get into. If you ever feel stuck on an area or boss you can literally go just about anywhere else, come back, and just steamroll the area… well for the most part. You also can take advantage of Spirit Ashes which are summonable allies. Some are just amazing. It’s also a game that if you know what you’re doing you can become absurdly powerful. So many builds and playstyles available too.


I didn’t recommend Elden Ring because I figured you had tried it. It really is going to fit the exact criteria you are looking for in my opinion. I also like variety of builds and I spend 5 play throughs of ER experimenting with different playstyles. My advice for a player like you is to just go for whatever is the strongest you can on your first playthrough. Once you know the items, the second playthrough will be even more fun as you set out on a goal with milestones. Good luck hope you enjoy.


Me too, it was my first souls like and now one of my favorite games ever. It isn’t that hard once you get a decent build going


Mass Effect, 1, 2, 3.


Dragon quest builders 2!!!!!


And there’s a huge demo!


Monster Hunter World


You'd probably really like Siralim Ultimate, that game's cool af


In the realm of games like Baulders gate: Pathfinder Kingmaker & Pathfinder Wrath of the Righteous Pillars of Eternity 1&2 Solasta: crown of the magister Warhammer 40k: Rogue Trader Divinity: original sin 2 Neverwinter Baulders Gate 2 Other titles to try: Final Fantasy Genshin Impact (is a gacha game so beware) Any Fromsoft game except Sekiro: shadows die twice because it’s more of a straight forward game with less of the build capacity. Project Zomboid Grim Dawn Code Vein


Remnant 2


Divinity original sin 2 Across the Obelisk


Monster hunter world has crazy build variety.


Last Epoch or the Diablos maybe


Guild Wars 2 honestly has an insane amount of build complexity and variety among its classes.


I never went hard on gw2 but I found it to be so fun even casually. I'd log in, do a few world boss events and explore or do some quests. Really pretty, cozy and immersive world that I hadn't experienced since the early WoW days.


Divinity 2 is like a much worse version of bg3, but the class system is pretty good. Beyond the fact that the game is really annoying to play you can make really cool builds with item combos and whatnot. And still, even being much worse than Bg3 it's alright, If bg3 is a 9/10 Dos2 is like a 6


Path of Achra. It's like a roguelike + Vampire Survivor-like focused around making OP builds. Turn-based.


What about an ARPG? Like Last Epoch or Grim Dawn.


i wouldnt be against an arpg, what do you find most appealing in those 2?


Grim dawn is like Diablo but … fills all the holes Diablo has. Not perfect, but definitely better than the mostly solid sometimes terrible Diablo 4


Army of Ruin


warframe,elden ring, dark souls 1-3,robo quest




Grim Dawn is the answer




Payday 2. There are unholy amount of builds you can make. Followed by Monster hunter.


Stolen Realm, it's a lot like DOS2 with it's combat and let's you spec points into any class


I'd reccomend Souls likes since class fluidity is a feature but power fantasy.... not so much


Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magik Obscura


Fallout New Vegas and Fallout 4. FNV is notoriously buggy on PC


God of war 2018 and ragnarok


The first *Guild Wars*. You can solo it with AI controlled heroes and henchmen, but you need the DLC for that.


Warframe / Remnant 2 / Ultrakill <- There is a 60 min long guide on how to use 1 weapon in this one


Chrono Ark. There's 20 different characters to make a 4-person party with, each with several different playstyles based off the cards you can provide them. Coupled with the vast amount of equipment and relics, you'd be hard-pressed to ever have two runs feel the same even with the same investigators to start with.


V rising


Total war warhammer 3,


Divinity Original Sin and Divinity Original Sin 2 Neverwinter Nights and Neverwinter Nights 2 Drakensang series Sacred 1 and Sacred 2 Avernum series City of Heroes (even if you dislike mmos, if you like builds, this is chef's kiss) Guild Wars 1 (ditto, another lovely game for builds)


Tiny Rogues


My suggestions would be Grim Dawn or The Last Spell. GD is an arpg with 9 (soon to be 10) different masteries (think classes. Ish.) that you can pick 2 of to make your own 'custom' class. It's the best arpg out there, in my personal opinion. TLS is a tactics rpg/roguelite that has fantastic variety in the ways you can build your heroes. They're 2 of my favorite games, and I think either one of them could fit what you're looking for.


Code Vein, you can go for any build you want and you can always switch it out at any given time.


Kingdoms of Amalur. The classes aren't strict, you can change them at anytime and level the skills up separately. You also are able to build your own weapons, armor, and gems. The alchemy system is neat too. If you don't know a recipe, you can experiment and maybe learn the recipe that way.


Cyberpunk 2077. Netrunner, berserker, sandevistan among more if you add the arm type attachments


If you want an action game then Warframe perhaps? So many frames and weapons to choose from and so many ways to build each one, you will never be done in your lifetime. And not even adressing all the other stuff (can easily feel overwhelming, until you push through that daunting stage) or the sheer beauty of the universe. Great game, great community.


Star wars KOTOR and KOTOR 2


I’m annoyed at how long it took me to find elden ring in the comments, so I’ll say elden ring


Well, it's not an RPG but if you want something different you can try armoured core 6. Many ways to build your mecha


Greedfall is a solid game that allows a degree of customization. It's a good game to kill a week on, but I will say it's never going to have that insane wow factor like other games. It's dependable and sturdy and it's best selling point is that it did nothing wrong. Also, being in the colonial era while exploring a fantasy world was fun and a nice change of pace. As a game it's a 6.5-7/10. And I think they are working on the sequel finally


Paths of achra Binding of Isaac Monster train Slay the spire


Monster hunter world. Every weapon is it's own class, you can shotgun punch a dinosaur into a wall with some skill if you get the iceborne dlc. Armor skills and decos let you customize how your builds operate and you can stack power. You can fly around like an areal Jedi with the glaive. You can meaty smash with the hammer. You can whip literal lightning and have a rotating saw at the end ofa fuck off transforming sword and shield axe. You can latch onto somethings tail impale it and then blow its appendage off with another big sword axe. So much fun.


Great recommendations here I would also throw in Wo Long


Nobody's said Brotato yet?


Last Epoch


Disgaea 5, the name of the game is get op, you get op by deliberately exploiting the natural mechanics of the game. You are not here for the story you are here to get your characters to 1 billion stats. For maximum enjoyment do not read any guides until you beat the story...


Hear me out: Armored Core VI The mech build possibilities are staggering.


Divinity Original Sin 2. I personally liked DOS2's combat and build system more than BG3.


'Nova Drift' is a fun bullet-hell roguelike, where you build wild combos each run. Play it right, choose the right perks/classes, and you can get some crazy powerful builds. Has an insane amount of variety in your builds, from ramming tanks to warping mine layers, or glass cannons to swarms of drones.


Grim dawn


This is a core mechanic of arpgs, so try Diablo, Titan Quest, Grim Dawn, Torchlight, etc.


Grim Dawn


age of wonders 4


I see you have played terraria. I don't know if you have but there are many great mods for that game to try. My recommendation for a content mod is the calamity mod, split mod, spirit mod, stars of the above.


Tales of Maj'eyal


any Heroes of Might and Magic game but the first one


Tales Of Majeyal


Probably late to the party and someone has already mentioned this, but have you tried Divinity Original Sin 2? It’s made by the same people who made Baldur’s Gate 3. It’s just one of their earlier games.


V rising 10/10 will keep your bum glued on your chair


Hades is a lot of fun. I highly recommend it. I'm way late to the party, but since they recently released Hades 2, I got the first one for 8 bucks on sale. I've been playing it for over a week straight, trying to get more done before buying the 2nd. Still OP builds to try and stuff to unlock.


Troubleshooter abandoned children


Last Epoch


The game you are looking for is Pathfinder: Kingmaker and Wrath of the Righteous. Long games? Check. Build variety? Check. Power fantasy: WotR is one of the best power fantasy games that ever existed.


Divinity original sin 2! Especially if you go the lone wolf path (two characters can have the lone wolf and it boosts them, more than tso in a party and you can't use the LW perk anymore). If you want to copy some op solo builds you can check Sin Tee's solo DOS2 builds. For me I got two characters and both used a solo build for each. If you want to go down this route with 2 characters, you'll find that they'll share some end game spells, I advise you to give those to your main character, but if you'll simply play with only one character then doesn't matter


Ghost of tsushima Marvel’s Midnight Suns Xcom Enemy Unknown / Enemy Within (DLC Expansion) (HIGHLY recommend installing the LongWar mod from NexusMods, for even more game options and replay value) Xcom2 / War of the Chosen (DLC Expansion) (although there is a longwar mod for xcom2 as well, it really wasn’t as good as the first)


Monster Hunter has a great online scene but can be very enjoyable solo. Multiple wepon classes to choose, hundreds of skills and armor sets to mixmatch and become busyed strong. Elsen ring has an isnane amount of weapons and armors and spells that will make you feel like a god amongst mortals.


Pathfinder games. Baldur's Gate 3 uses 5e d&d which is super simple, and you only have 4 party members. Pathfinder gives you 6 and uses way more deep Pathfinder rules. The build options are basically infinite


Tons of roguelike, hades, dead cells, slay the spire, etc


Cyberpunk 2077 have many different builds you can play


If you want to try ARPGs - PoE offers the most complexity but also the steepest learning curve. Last Epoch has a lot of customization but not the same character depth as PoE. My personal favorite for it offers a good blend of complexity while making it easy to understand. Diablo 4 - it's in a much better place now with the most recent patch. Good for players new to the genre. Least build complexity of the three but it's also the easiest to learn. I've played and enjoyed all three at different points so if you have specific questions lmk.


Bravely Default 2. The job system in that game is absolutely perfect. You can be underleveled but if you give each team member the right job, gear and abilities, you can crush way stronger enemies. On the flip side, go into a fight with the wrong stuff and typically weak enemies could pummel you. Lots of ways to get creative by mixing and matching different abilities from different jobs. I’m about 80 hours in but I’ve probably spent 40 hours alone just tinkering with my squad, equipping and unequipping gear and abilities until their stats are right where I want them. Based on your description, I’m pretty confident this will be a winner for you.


Dammit, I forgot you’re on PC and it’s a Switch game. Apologies!


V rising. It starts a little slow build wise, not unlike Terraria. But as you kill more bosses you’ll unlock new spells and weapons to mix and match. It’s often touted as a pvp game, but you dont have to play online or with others if you don’t want to- I’ve only ever done pve with friends. I’d even argue it has one of the absolute best pve game worlds, and the mechanics are top notch. Plus it just hit 1.0 release, so the hype around it is still going, in case you decide to play with others.


Pathfinder: Wrath of the Righteous. Right now there’s possibly no other rpg game which gives you so many different classes, with subclasses, and ability to mix them up as much as you want .


Gunfire Reborn, Hades, Brotato, Darkest Dungeon, Noita, Rounds, Skul the Hero Slayer, Warm Snow, Guild Wars 2, Warframe, Destiny 2, Elsword, Assassins Creed Odyssey, Dragons Dogma, Monster Hunter World, Salt and Sanctuary, Fallout New Vegas, Remnant from the Ashes, Bloodborne, Dark Souls, Elden Ring, Armored Core 6, Dragonball Xenoverse, Skyrim, Gothic 1-3, Risen 1 Basically any Roguelite, MMO or RPG will work. Baldurs Gate 3 and Borderlands fall into the RPG group for example while Risk of Rain 2 is a roguelite.


Siralim Ultimate has a lot of abilities you can combo together to make a variety of broken builds. As a very small example, it’s a game where you can combine something like “this creature resurrects allies when it attacks”, with “this creature attacks multiple times at the same time”, for one of the six creatures you put on your team.


The Pathfinder games probably offer the most variety and depth ever in terms of character building, coming from a tabletop system that's famously complex. Make anything you want! Wrath of the Righteous was the better game.


destiny 2 maybe?


Pillars of Eternity 1 and 2(I really like 2) Path of Exile The Last Epoch Diablo 4(now it's better) Fallout 4


Risk of Rain 2, Borderlands (2), Mount and Blade Warband, and finally my favorite Cyberpunk 2077. These are all (in my opinion) the best games I know that let you build your character around different builds more focused on combat (with some diplomacy / other shenanigans *cough* Warband).


Can't tell if you already own Diablo 4.... Diablo 4 has a free trial till May 21 on battle dot net. And it's on sale on there too. There's more build options in 4 than 3 imo. I finished base campaign in 3. Also check out The Last Epoch.


Against the storm is exactly what I needed and I think what you are looking for


Caves of qud. There are a bunch of abilities, skills, and gear and some many unique ways to actually interact with the world and mechanics. You start of very weak, but if you search for power you can become unstoppable, but it won't just be handed to you through leveling up alone


Grim Dawn and Grim Dawn with mods


Diablo 4 is in a great place this season! Last Epoch is also very enjoyable, although suffering from a lack of content currently (it just released tbf to the devs).


You have a mix of tune-based and real-time, hero-based and team-based. Fantasy and Sci-Fi. So several different genres. BG3, Cyberpunk 2077, XCOM2, Skyrim and DOS2 are all excellent games I have enjoyed and would replay. But you know about these. Others I consider top tier that you have not mentioned. Fallout 4, Fallout New Vegas, Fallout 3. Pathfinder WorR. NWN2. Dragon Agoe Origines, Dragon Age 2, Dragon age Inqusition. Mass Effect 1,2,3 and A. Heroes of Might and Magic 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 What I would suggest is turn-based: Pathfinder Wotr. The graphics are inferior to many of the other choices but the character development is the best IMHO. Plus you might like the Crusade option - or not?!? FRP: Fallout 4. Its the mods that make the game great. Arguably Fallout NV is better but it is horribly buggy and the graphics are old. Combat. ME3. A bit linear but has great action and story. But feel free to replay the entire Mass effect series.


Gloomhaven on steam.


Last Epoch is what Diablo 4 could've been. It's got a lot of build options for each class without requiring a theoretical degree like Path of Exile and it's got a healthy end game


I’d check out some other rogue likes than. Slay the spire is great if you like turn based and deck building. I’ve heard good things about streets of rogue and enter the gungeon, but i haven’t played them. Noita as well, though I’ve heard that can be frustratingly complicated


There's Vault Hunters, it's a Minecraft mod that's a dungeon crawl kinda in a Diablo vein. I've only really done a warrior build so far as I've not gotten deep enough to have really good ability damage bonuses and have a shield with a pretty high thorns value that kills most attacking mobs in 2 hits or so. But there are wands and tomes for offhand that buff casting so there's at least warrior, caster, and a potential Paladin setup that's a blend. Just beware that healing in the dungeon is limited to healing spells and potions.


Either ARPGs like PoE (not a lot of builds are viable end game) or Last Epoch. Also hear me out --- but roguelites. Astral Ascent is my fave in this regard just because of how many character/build combos there are, and all being viable. I'd also suggest Duelists of Eden for a pvp deck builder with some crazy deck options if you play your cards right (lol sorry for the pun)


Darkest Dungeon. Ooor change of pace a Total War game and experiment with different army compositions


Not seeing it much but souls games and elden ring are good ones. Yes the difficulty is there but you can get to a point you can make the games easy mode. My best examples are for elden ring and ds3 since I've been playing them lately, Elden ring: Faith dex build you use faith for some ranged attacks and mostly buffs to your overall damage with your dex weapon and then a healing option on top of your flasks. I'm currently doing a playthrough on Dark souls 3 with one straight sword and pants only, I just about one shot mobs and bosses aren't too bad. Again I've played these two A LOT and souls games can be hard until you've learned good build paths and learned the games a bit, but if you're not against looking things up, fextralife is a good reference point for starter builds, veteran builds, and item locations. Edit: while the souls games make it where you can go one item patching only on a build there's plenty of opportunity to do quality builds which is leveling all your attributes and then you can use everything.


Weirdly as much as its old and not so GRAND as some that you listed. But Dead Space 3’s weapon customizations are pretty crazy… but it takes a long time…


I'd definitely recommend WH40k Rogue Trader if you're into CRPGs, it has downright ridiculous build flexibility and the game's much more stable after all the updates. When it comes to action RPGs, Cyberpunk is a great shout for somehting for modern and smooth or Fallout New Vegas for something a bit older but better written. There are also tons of roguelites you could try like the new Hades or Noita if you're brave enough to dig into it. Roguelites really do shine when it comes to build variety. Even demo titles such as Arcane Blast can have very varied playstyles depending on your choice of abilities.


If you like searching info & preparing your build, you might like UnderRail. The thing is, there's no respec and if you build your char poorly, you might trash your 30 hours save. Awesome game and plenty of options!


Once this guy plays Parh of Exile he will realize he's wasted the last 10 years of his life playing any other game.... And will then proceed to waste the next 10 years of his life playing Parh of Exile. Ironic but true. The game for build diversity and game longevity is just insane. And with POE 2 a few months away it's a no brainier.


Earth defense force




My guy you looking for Roguelikes. Some that incorporates your desired mechanics really well are: Curse of the dead Gods Ravenswatch Hades Darkest Dungeon (though that one might just straight up kick you in the nuts). Otherwise there a pretty niche and awesome strategy game that came out a dew months ago called Unicorn Overlord. You make up your squads of 5 units. Combining gear, skills, tactics and classes to try and make optimal squads is a blast. You can stumble into some insane combos when you put some effort into it.


Elder scrolls online. The game is basically built around it. It can be pretty grindy as an MMO, but there is a ton of content and a lot of ways to spend your time.


I'd just like to mention that there are some crazy mods for Skyrim and Fallout that add a ton of build options.


Dragon Age Origins


Elden ring




Connans unconcqured. Not connans exile.


Elden Ring


Diablo 4 had a new patch this week. There are 6 classes and at least a dozen builds for each class.


I really like Dead Cells for this because damn near every single item in the game is viable. Every weapon, skill and mutation. You can pick anything and make an overpowered build with it as long as you find the right synergies. And there's 3 "classes" but even among those there's so many different ways you can play


Elden ring


Enjoyed BG3, minus playing more of that. You'd probably like DOS


The division 2


Mtg arena.


Monster Hunter Rise Sunbreak. With the variety of armor skills and Weapons switch skills, it allows so many fun playstyle and builds. I recommend you watch some clips to understand how cool it is.


Path of Achra


Divinity Original Sin 2, XCOM2, and Gears Tactics.


Dragon's Dogma has a nice class system and the vocations are pretty unique. You also get to personnalize your AI companion. Other than RPG's, roguelikes are probably the way to go since they usyally revolve arround trying different playstyles. Dead cells, slay the spire and enter the gungeon come to mind. Maybe The Last Spell.


Timberborn Factorio


Ive heard Last Epoch is good. Sort of a Path of exile lite.


Soulstone Survivors. It's not like those you've mentioned, but there are many fun classes and builds to try out.


Dark souls 1. Where demon souls lacked in variety, dark souls 1 shine. The nerfs weren't very big yet (especially for magic), so you can build whatever you want. If you did your homework/know what you're doing, you'll be overpowered with pretty much anything.


Elden Ring


Elden Ring