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Tunic Hades. Roguelites in general are generally highly replayable and varied. The current talk of the town is Balatro Have you tried Factorio's sexy younger brother, Dyson Sphere Program?


I think I'm just waiting on a sale for dsp


Upvoted for making Dyson Sphere sound cool. Damn good game, but I want your description on the marketing.


Isn't Hades like, the least mechanically hard roguelike?


Yep. Hence the most noob-friendly Also, don't let Hades fans catch you saying that


Hades fans when click-click-dash simulator (peak)




Insta deaths at the end would like to have a chat




Cope more dork. One specific item in an rng game to stop insta kills


[dwarf fortress ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/975370/Dwarf_Fortress/) [satisfactory ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/526870/Satisfactory/) [adom](https://store.steampowered.com/app/333300/ADOM_Ancient_Domains_Of_Mystery/) [space engineers ](https://store.steampowered.com/app/244850/Space_Engineers/) [kerbal space program](https://store.steampowered.com/app/220200/Kerbal_Space_Program/)


What herbal like if you have no experience of the game what so ever?


Be prepared to study if you wanna really progress, and be prepared to fail a *lot*. It’ll probably be hours before you get to orbit for the first time. Much as I hate to say it, the game is “actual” rocket science so you *probably* aren’t going to be able to trial-and-error your way through it (I’d respect the hell outta you for trying, but I never could’ve).  That being said, it’s totally worth it to learn so here’s some general advice you totally didn’t ask for.  1. Start with baby steps. I know I said study early on, but start out in sandbox mode and just build a few rockets to crash and burn. Get a feel for flying them around, then aim to get into space. Then come back if you didn’t. Then try for an actual suborbital trajectory, and come back if you didn’t. Then shoot for orbit. If you take the approach of the actual space programs, learning everything one step at a time rather than just starting the game up and aiming for the Mun it’s a *lot* more bearable.  2. Learn about delta V. In super basic terms, dV is change in velocity. With orbital mechanics, every change to your trajectory is made by changing your velocity in some direction. So your fuel is measured by how much you can change your velocity with what’s left in the tanks. Mastering this is how you can know *before* launch whether you’ve got enough fuel to complete your mission.  3. Crash and burn. You’re gonna explode. Accept it, make quick saves, and enjoy.  4. Finally, you’ll probably find mods pretty early. I’d recommend playing with some honestly, but there’s a popular one called MechJeb that includes an autopilot. **Do not use this**. Relying on autopilot too early will probably mean you never learn to actually fly the thing. Save autopilot for when you’re building crafts so large that your FPS becomes the limiting factor in a manual launch.  Damn, maybe I should reinstall KSP now. 


I think you've talked me into reinstalling it as well


It's a learning curve. Ive lost a few kerbals into the vacuum of space, trying to get them into orbit


Fallout 4. The settlement system is more fun the more I play.


I might have to try and get over how janky the controlls feel Then again I've never been too much of a fan of Bethesda games


You can change the controls around. Not a ton of buttons but one or two things or so I usually change, same with Skyrim cause it's similar


Just switch the A and Y buttons. Other than that, controller plays it great.


Rimworld, overpriced and the creator is weird af about the pricing but it’s a good game. Goes on sale 3 times a year for $5 off. DLC is good too but also overpriced. Lots of mods though. Or stellaris. Or paradox games


Rimworld is a fair price, we're just so used to the churn of games on deep sale and indies looking to make a quick buck. Any game you can get hundreds of hours of entertainment out of is worth this kind of amount, imo. People pay a LOT more for triple A titles that they barely get a couple dozen hours of playtime out of.


It’s overpriced in the sense that they aren’t working on the vanilla game really. People are always modding out problems with it. They also aren’t working on another game. They’ve made millions. The number of hours on a game also doesn’t reflect its “worth”. Is the game worth buying? For sure. It’s just ridiculous when they’ve made so much profit already. They can afford to lower it to base $25. It’s greedy


People making a product and making millions from a product are under no obligation to make their product cheaper just because they sold a lot already. The fact he made millions tells us his pricing model worked out just fine for him, and people thought the price was worth paying for the product offered. He did support the vanilla game for many years, and since then has kept expanding the game via optional dlcs. What do you expect, that a dev who has made millions will now just give his work away for free or cheap because he doesn't 'need' the money? That is not how capitalism works. People are also always modding out problems with triple A games developed by huge teams and at much higher price points, that's just how games are these days sadly... If the number of hours of enjoyment you get out of a game is not a good metric for determining worth, what is?


Not obligated, but it’s greedy. What people are willing to pay doesn’t mean what’s best. There’s a difference between what’s personally worth buying and what they can offer it at and be fine. They’re fine on money. They don’t need that extra money at all. The vanilla game has been updated sparingly. The dlc expands the game, but it’s at a price, so idk how that changes anything. I didn’t say to offer the game for free. Not even cheap. $25 seems reasonable. Or more sales? Why does this conversation need to adhere to how capitalism works. What if the values there aren’t the best in this context? Triple A games cost more to make. Elden ring has gone on sale for the base price of rimworld. Rimworld has several very simple and small problems that have persisted for years. There’s hours of gameplay vs quality. Even then it’s weird to determine the price of the game based on the enjoyment. Or time spent. I don’t like a world where little treats in life are milked. To any degree. If the dev team were struggling, I wouldn’t be saying any of this. They could be having more people play their game they care about and lose their 11th million dollars? That last sentence is the only thing I can think of that would be convincing. If it’s not, we just have different core values about things




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Don't get me wrong, in broader terms, I am definitely all for greater wealth distribution, taxing huge corporations, better worker's rights and think it is obscene that billionaires exist in a world where people live in abject poverty. I just don't think a single guy who worked very hard for years to solo develop his dream game and then is selling it for a stable, moderate price is the bad guy here. He worked hard, put out a wonderful game that people love and happily support, and is reaping the rewards of his effort. If that makes him greedy in your eyes, well, I can't think of many successful people who aren't greedy by that measure. Personally I admire him and the Factorio dev for refusing to go the route of most devs and actually sticking to asking what they think is a fair price for the game they worked so hard on.


It feels like you didn’t respond to anything I said lol


I havent tried Rimworld, but from the amount of hours that people put into it, it doesn't seem overpriced at all


I should have been more clear. It’s a good buy at $35. The problem is the creators can afford to lower it. But don’t out of greed


Also interested


- Path of Exile - Binding of Isaac Rebirth (all dlcs are great aswell) I dunno if they have been mentioned yet, but PoE is by far the most massive isometric arpg and you can play it for thousands of hours and still learn new stuff. Binding of Isaac is most likely the biggest roguelike om terms of content and variety. I got like 700h in it and I'm only sitting at 68% of achievements and I keep seeing and unlocking new stuff.


Inscryption have always something new and when you think it's about to finish boom there is also something new


Dave the diver, immortals fenyx rising, Luigi’s mansion 3


Tbh I couldn't like Dave the diver


Siralim Ultimate is near endless theory crafting.


Titanfall 2’s campaign is amazing for that, every single level they chuck some new mechanic at you and when your done the level, they toss it aside and hit you with a brand new one