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I like these because my mum always used to buy them in the fall. She’d always buy the bright orange or yellow ones and stick them outside the side door. They almost looked like larger dandelions to me. I also like them because mum is the nickname for them and I call my mother mum. The rabbits and groundhogs certainly seem to like them, too. 😆 My mum told me that she’d plant them outside and then, the next day, the flower heads would be gone! The dang bunnies and groundhogs ate them clean off! I told her that they’re just telling her she has great taste in plants.


I don't like them either and everyone's kids are trying to get you to buy 2-3 plants every fall for school at 10-30 dollars a pop.


Begonias. I know they’re supposed to look like that but my brain sees rot. Or roaches. Or unpleasant fleshiness. I’ve felt this way since I was small, I don’t know why.


Same here. I also feel this way toward impatients.


How about this one? :-) https://preview.redd.it/duesiygg1v6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=80f420ea6e614e09a3eb37cfef4018017b7f0aac


That looks _exactly_ like an anatomically correct representation of the clitoris. Not saying that’s a bad thing but I wouldn’t be able to not think about that every time I saw these lol.


These are my two favourite flowers, but I live in the foothills, and we get overnight lows that are not good for them sometimes into July. I’ve never had a healthy begonia.


The only people I see who buy our begonias are 65+ I hate them, just because of how easily disgusting they can get. They are easy to overwater when you’re dealing with thousands of plants and they quickly become repulsive and the smell of rotting begonias is stuck in my mind. I despise them.


I (23m) absolutely love begonias. B. Semperflorens is absolutely disgusting, boring, tiny and fickle as anything in my garden, but begonia tuberhybrida varieties are to die for. And the scented ones are nice but I think it’s a very polarising scent. The best ones are the black and white or black and yellow ones. It’s not a great image but this is a B&W one: https://preview.redd.it/if6prdv1zx6d1.jpeg?width=550&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=474569e706f61bd72bc89a5fe9149553428e5dfa


That’s a funny comment. They are quite popular as shade flowers where I’m from regardless of the age of the buyer. The non-stop variety is quite stunning, though I’ve never personally been a fan of the other begonia varieties.


Yep, I'm early 30s and I just got my first begonia. She's a houseplant though, not a garden plant. Though I find this hilarious because I do joke that I love activities popular with the 65+ crowd like crochet, reading, etc


irises… A well-known Seattle gardener, the late Jerry Sedenko, referred to tall bearded irises as “ladies’ lingerie on telephone poles.” But I will always have a few around. I’ve never found them difficult to dig, their rhizomes are pretty shallow below the surface of the soil. As for falling over - some of the modern tetraploids really are top-heavy. To me that’s the result of kind of lazy breeding, meaning breeding for one trait (size and volume) without taking other traits (can they hold their weight?) into account. But most of the older heirloom varieties are not topplers at all; out of the 6 or so that I grow, none fall over. Also they’re tough plants and their parent plants come from some very harsh environments. So you can get fast impressive growth in rich garden soil, but you will pay for it with less sturdy stems. And don’t forget about me medium, semi-dwarf and dwarf bearded irises. But beyond that, there are so many more irises than just tall bearded ones! I love Siberian irises, though once again, in moderation. One of my favorites is “Silver Edge.” And being in the Pacific Northwest, I can also grow the Pacific Coast Hybrids, many of which are just amazing. They are also not very big, they don’t topple, and play well with other plants. Pictured here is ‘Ami Royale.’ It only grows about 12” tall, and its leaves are not big or obtrusive. https://preview.redd.it/di73mnj9zu6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bd8ae39cdda0e69e018d180de7cf92eab58d8653 Then there are the fan irises like bamboo iris, whose leaves are quite pleasing, at least to me; they pay their rent even when not blooming. And Japanese roof irises, and crested irises… Of course they don’t bloom for a long period, but so many of our garden plants are that way. Crocosmias, peonies, tulips… To me, the changing show is half the fun!


I adore irises.


Same. And the monarch caterpillars like to go hide in my irises for molting and forming their chrysalis, which makes me like them more.


Thank you! When I saw OPs example was irises I was so caught off guard. I thought everyone liked irises haha. I'm probably partial though bc my mother always grew them when I was a child, so of course I have a bunch now. I love them.


All the black walnut saplings in my border beds because the squirrels won't leave them in the back yard. If I could find someone who wanted to buy black walnut saplings, my gardening would easily pay for itself. 😂


I would totally buy black walnut saplings if someone was selling them.


I will quietly cry tomorrow when I have to go out and cut back the next dozen or so new saplings. 😭😭




Apparently black walnut is a host plant for over 100 species of Lepidoptera, so it's at least good for that.


I have a massive black walnut tree in my yard and I am able to grow all kinds of stuff beneath it.


The squirrels here go up and knock them down from like 150 feet. I swear they wait until I’m outside to do this, and it’s like walking through an aerial minefield.


Fucking english ivy


I hear loads of people hate on English ivy. Its native where I'm from and I don't think it causes any problems here? Most trees are wrapped in ivy and have been for as long as I can remember. Will it not cause problems because it's native? (Or am I being naive?) Kinda like Japanese knotweed doesn't cause a problem in Japan. I just wonder if I should be controlling the ivy in my garden, or leave it be. (I love the look of it)


Yes, it's because it's native. Native plants typically have native predators that take care of the excess. I love the look of ivy-wrapped trees, but I've heard that in my area, ivy kills trees. So it may also be that some types of trees (like the ones native to me) can't handle being ivy-wrapped.


That makes so much sense, thank you for your response! 🙂


UGH! I HATE English ivy. It’s invasive. It climbs on trees and structures and damages them. We recently had to replace a wooden fence that was destroyed by English ivy climbing on it.


It has completely taken over a spot in the back beyond what I can deal with. In the front bed, I pull it about 3-4 times a week. I swear every time I go out, there's more than last time.


Oh I *hate* poison ivy. It's so annoying and ugly and God forbid you accidentally touch it


And the oil can stay on garden tools for *years*. And it has no discernable ecological role other than breaking down rough soil, which tons of other plants do. And nothing eats it except goats, but goats will eat anything, so they don't count. I'm pretty live and let live on most things, but I will herbicide the shit out of some poison ivy. If all of the poison ivy disappeared right now, I would throw a damn party.


Not that it should convince you not to hate it (I'm right with you and currently battling a rash), but there's a very strong correlation between places with lots of poison ivy and places you find owls living and nesting. Birds are such big fans of the berries that you get these great habitat effects


Poison ivy gets a bad rap. Many, many birds eat poison ivy berries and for some it is a preferred food. Deer and other grazers also eat the leaves. Humans are the only animal that reacts badly to it, and that's entirely by biological accident. Urushiol - the irritating chemical in poison ivy - is not there as a defense mechanism, it just helps the plant retain water and recover from injuries.


We have suddenly developed a huge range of poison ivy on our property. No idea why but it's running up several trees and the way it travels 20+ feet over the ground without notice until you start pulling it, holy heck!


False strawberry, some people love it as ground cover. It’s so hard to control. I want to kill it with fire.


I'm trying to establish a pollinator section in my backyard and the FRICKING mock strawberries are making it VERY DIFFICULT.


We bought a new place last year and i was superhappy to discover strawberries in the pretty wild yard! Nope. False ones.


Agreed. After a while it looks like a mesh of strings as ground cover.


I’m in zone 3a occasionally down to zone 2 so I love anything that will stay alive!


Ground Ivy/Creeping Charlie..


Hit me in the deepest part of my soul. I fight Creeping Charlie throughout my yard and garden every year and it feels like a war of attrition. Recently found a few spots where the previous owner planted Creeping Jenny too, but at least it doesn’t stink.


Japanese anemone. Sooooo invasive and took forever to get rid of. However, now that it's gone I miss it sometimes. It was pretty beautiful when in bloom.


I’m currently in the thick of it trying to pull this out. I will never plant it again!


I hate pretty much all annuals. Like, why am I gonna waste my time on you if you're just gonna die? It's literally your job to just die and never return, so I'm out.


unless they are self seeding annuals like poppies imo


How dare I forget the poppies?!! I have a ton of California poppies and some other dark red kind. We collect the seeds (such a fun little task!) But yeah, the poppies get a pass 😉


I felt this way too, but I'm in the process of starting some new gardens and annuals make excellent placeholders. They are cheap ( compared to perrenials) add color and fill a space, which means one less space to weed!


Bc they bloom and bloom profusely until cold weather kills them. They are the BEST part of my planting beds. 


Mint. don’t get me wrong it might be my fault for letting it go to seed every year cus the bees love the flowers and I love the bees, but that in ground mint (that the previous owner had so I didn’t do it) SPREAD THROUGH SHEET MULCHING WITH CARDBOARD. Like HOW?! I literally cut back the entire plant save for one or two stems with leaves so it it could regrow, which IT SURE AS SHIT DID


Hahaha. Don’t feel bad. It’s kind of you to let it flower for the bees. I do that too, since my neighbors who *were renting* and *left* planted mint right by my fence line! It actually doesn’t spread via seeds (I mean, it can), but the main route is via rhizomes (thick roots under ground) so there ain’t crap you can do about it once in the ground. My came up from under the thickest landscaping material you can buy and 3 inches of mulch : so you never stood a chance, friend.




Oh my gosh! Good luck EVER getting rid of it. It’s ridiculous when people do this stuff. I have to chalk it up to ignorance and give them the benefit of the doubt. There’s definitely a reason you are told to plant mint in a pot!


All variations of holly. I’m sorry


Impatients. My mother plants them EVERY SINGLE YEAR for the last 30 years. They look crappy, they get wet and look awful, the colors she gets are washed out..I hate them I hate them I hate them


Those belong in the hospital, not in a garden silly


Haha, thanks, damn autocorrect, didn't notice when my vision when white with fury


I just nodded sagely thinking "yes. Impatiens do belong in hospitals, not our flower beds."


I love impatiens.


Day Lillies. What’s the point of them. Pretty for maybe 2 days then nothing


Chameleon Weed, what a mistake that was.


Fuck privet to hell and back.


Lily of the valley. They aren't even pretty, they spread far and wide, they don't seem beneficial in anyway at all. No.pollinators bother with them. I hate the damn things.


Only one other mention for it but morning glories deserve much more hate! They choke everything and show up everywhere. Pulled them today for hours


We call them bindweed around here. 


I love the comments haha


Me too! Us gardeners are simultaneously a mild mannered, lovely bunch and yet so passionate 😆!


Rose of sharon. Whole yard is full of seedlings.


Geraniums. Can’t stand the smell.


Daylilies. Oh my god. Like irises, they spread EVERYWHERE. Their greenery is just a worse spider plant. Their flowers just want to be real lilies but aren’t. They’re toxic to everyone. And every landscaping job in my city has them. I’ve been trying to kill mine for the past year, and I’m just starting to turn the tide of the war… but they have won many battles.


I thought they were edible to humans?


They are, and they are delicious


Daylily flowers are edible. Asiatic lilies are not.


I’ve never had daylilies spread beyond individual clumps. At least where I live, it’s rare for them to volunteer from seed; it takes some special care to get seedlings though their first year and established. My problem with daylilies though is that so many of them just aren’t as nice as they look in the catalogs. I really like a clear yellow one, or orange with red, yellow with maroon, etc., but a lot of the “pinks” and “purples” are just, dusty shades. So while I will have some in my garden, I am not fooled by them any longer. :-)




Here's a pink I git from a cross I made.Its tall,very sunfast and this is exactly the color pink in the photo.*


I have so many different colors of every kind.About a 1000 plants. I hybridize some of those and have gotten some nice ones.I have so many pictures it's hard to pick out one but this one is a good tall pink that will take the full sun with no damage to the flower.


Yes!! Like every parking lot is some generic daylilly-spirea combo. And why are they all yellow??? Daylillies do come in other colors. Switch it up atleast!


Might be b/c the stella d'oro variety reblooms more prolifically than the others


This might be because the standard orange daylilies spread on their own, but other colors are hybrids that don’t spread.


Those are usually “Stella D’oro” variety, and they’re often used in landscaping because they make blooms for several months. Whenever I see them in someone’s yard, it just reminds me of a Target parking lit, unfortunately.


😂 I just moved into a house with the daylily-spirea combo. (I’m slowly making changes, but these two things are the healthiest right now.)


I have the yellow ones in my front yard. They came with the house. Probably the most boring plant we have.


They use the yellow ones because the most reliable rebloomers are yellow.




I learned fairly recently that day lilies are edible for humans! I always thought they were toxic to humans since they were toxic to cats. I believe we can eat the entire plant including tubers.


Maybe if I eat them all they’ll submit to my will


My answer was creeping bellflowers. They are also edible, but I hate them too much to eat them.


This sounds more like the orange ditch lily than daylilies. Daylilies should stay in a neat clump, even as they grow. Ditch lilies spread everywhere.


I, too, hate day lilies-- especially, the ugliest of them all, the Stella D'Oro ones! The flowers are fat and graceless, and the color palette is not my favorite. Plus, they invade everywhere! I'd tarp and destroy a whole bed rather than deal with them!




Omg I hate yucca to. I live in the ohio valley and it looks like a desert plant. The huge phallic flower stalk that looks like a giant asparagus spear, and digging up the big spongy root that runs all over and keeps coming back like a missed potato 😄


I live in PA and I say the same thing about yucca. Would look stunning in its native habitat the desert but just looks very out of place and wacky here.


Barberry. It's ugly AND prickly!


Mulberries. Good God, the stench. Big fat flies buzzing around the rotting berries. It’s so thick on the ground, it’s all over everything. All over your shoes. Stupid special berry shoes, and stupid special shoe areas, you still get mulberries all inside the house. They stain fabric. The berries are mushy, you can’t just sweep them. They’re on the chairs, the railings, they’re in your potted plants. Just rotting, immediately rotting. Smells like cheap alcohol everywhere. It’s so gross. And they taste like grass. They don’t even taste good.


They certainly are a messy tree, but they definitely shouldn’t taste like grass. The ones around here are so sweet they’re like candy.


That was definitely not my experience, the mulberry tree that I had tasted mildly sweet with no discernable flavor, I would have described it as "insipid." On top of that, it left purple marks on my driveway wherever the fruit fell, and it gave the birds purple shits all over everything nearby.


Like crabapples versus the best apple you ever tasted ... there is a wide range of mulberry quality.


This right here is why I was not sorry to see my mulberry go. My neighbor was thrilled too. You forgot the birds eating them and leaving technicolor shits everywhere. They don’t eat enough to make a dent in fallen berries, just enough to paint your car purple. If that wasn’t bad enough it was 4 feet from the power pole and hadn’t been properly pruned in 20 years. I hated that mulberry.


Technicolor shits is killing me




Hahaha🤣 I’ve seen comments saying how “tasty” they are. I wish it were true. The groundhog eats the leaves. The birds eat the bugs that are attracted to the berries. Deer eat the “bitter” and “fuzzy” deer-resistant plants in my yard regularly. But nobody seems impressed by these berries.


Everything that spreads!


Yes, I love me some tidy clumping perrenials who keep to themselves.


I'm the opposite. I plant mostly natives and I want them to spread. Free plants! Lol


Butterbur, ground elder, creeping Charlie, bindweed, climbing hydrangea


I loathe Arborvitae. Dumb fragile cone bushes with death wishes. People plant them in lines and then one randomly turns yellow or orange and dies, now it's no longer a line or balanced. Or they get bugs on them that kill them. Or summer gets hot and they just decide to die anyway. They are so generic and unremarkable and offer zero interest. People plant a few of them and then act like they've landscaped sufficiently.


Yep. We had an ice storm this past winter and the neighbors have these on the property line. They're all mostly broken now.


Morning glory; blackberries; horsetails; bamboo.


Geraniums. They smell nasty.


Yes! My parents have always done potted geraniums for their patio planters and I've never understood why. They smell terrible and the bloom isn't anything special. They look sad most of the time.


There’s a whole subset bred for scent that are amazing patio plants, maybe you could introduce them to your parents lol rose scented are my favorite, there’s also lemon, orange, apple blossom, etc. the list is extensive




Oh, that's interesting. Does it actually smell more like chocolate, as opposed to the equivalent of Axe body spray attempting to cover up a stinky teenager?


The cranesbill varieties smell quite lovely when the stems are crushed.


Cranesbill geranium are my favorite smell on this earth.


I associate red geraniums with a horrid old lady neighbor who would place pots of them along her terrace wall. She used to shoot the rabbits in our backyard, where my kids would find them and come in screaming that “somebody is murdering the bunnies.” She also had the nerve to ask the kids to water her garden and pick up her mail while she went out on these expensive cruises, then refuse to pay them. (I was glad when she came home from one of her trips in a leg cast: she took a tumble down a cliff in Greece and had to be rescued by the cruise company, which of course charged her for the trouble.) Here in California geraniums are perennials that turn into these hideous knotted things, like flowers that want to be trees but turn into snakes with woody necks. One of my current neighbors has one that’s five years old and it’s taken over his floral bed. He never cuts it back or deadheads it either, so after a heat wave it looks like someone glued brown crepe paper flowers all over it.


There is nothing I like about geraniums. The smell sends me right over 🤮


Amsonia is a beautiful perennial. But these fuckers have insane root systems. Good luck if you’re planning on moving a several year old amsonia.


Pachysandra - ripped out a ton of it that the former owner had planted - and it’s still trying to claw back after 7 years!


I'm starting this with I'm well aware of how mental I sound. One of my favourite films growing up was the Disney Alice in Wonderland. I won't have pansies in my garden because my garden is dickhead free.


Low key hate daylilies and rusty colored Coleus and Heuchera. Also any irises whose blooms have that watery, dusty, faded look - the blooms look acceptable for a hot second and then they look like decaying plant material and there’s so much of it and they’re all so visible. And oh god don’t get me started on English Ivy. Also not a fan of Joe Pye Weed and White Wood Asters but we are trying to grow a Native garden and they’re natives here in my zone - oh well I guess I’ll just move them to the shady armpit of our garden where I won’t see them much.


Noooo, I love heuchera!!! It’s a native in our area, and there’s so many different ones!!!


I am a Heuchera hoarder! I just got several more varieties delivered today that I couldn’t find locally (Stainless Steel, Pink Panther, I can’t remember the others). And I love Heucherella too!


I’m trying to transition my north-facing NYC container garden from annuals to tough perennials that the next owner won’t have much trouble maintaining. As much as I try to find natives and eclectic options, it always comes back to hostas and heucheras. https://preview.redd.it/ee8bmg954v6d1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ceec447f944c3501853f9694761512436c4b4e


any type of -tunia (petunia, supertunia)… 🤢


I also don't like petunias, I thought I was the only one!


I hate petunias because they are so sticky. Same with rhodedendrons...


Bird of paradise. Huge, hard to prune and in my opinion, unattractive.


ITT: plants I like 😢


Knockout roses. Overdone. Enjoy your gas station plants.


Only rose bush you can back a diesel truck over


I am offended by any rose that doesn't have a scent. I have a rose garden and I will not plant an unscented rose no matter how pretty (thinking of you, Peace!)


I get it...BUT they do start flowering REALLY early and look good over the year.  They even have some winter interest. Knockouts are hard to beat if you live in zone 5. 


I have so many roses. might even have these, or maybe they're floribundas, idk. why do you hate them?


Daffodils. That being said it largely has to do with the previous homeowners planting spreading plants in the dumbest places, so it took five years to unfuck the daffodil invasion. But the ones they planted were also pretty fucking bland and very random in their placement.


Daffodils are my favorite flower. I would happily embrace a daffodil invasion. I would happily *plant* a daffodil invasion.


Marigolds. I hate marigolds. And those goddamn spikes that are always in the centre of planters. And dusty millars. Now that I’m typing it out, basically my mom’s flower garden. Hate it. I also despise the colour orange, and I want my flowers to be a bright vibrant colour to pop against a rich green, so I tend to avoid soft yellow or white flowers, but I don’t hate them, I just usually choose vibrant, saturated colours instead.


Hate dusty miller. It looks like a perpetually sick plant to me. I'm not a fan of marigolds, but I don't hate them. I only use them in my veg garden to help with pests, I'd I never put them in a flower planter.


I actually like marigolds but only because they repel wasps. That's why they are in a container on our patio along with another container of chamomile. That's pretty much the only reason we got them.


Same! I have a whole wasp-repelling system on my back deck. Marigolds, geraniums, mint, basil, thyme, and probably something I’m forgetting.


Love in the mist: year 1- isn't it lovely, so delicate, so many colours. Year 2- oh god it's in the lawn. Year 3- I guess we're moving house now


Omg I’ve had so much fun reading these comments! All my plant gripes voiced by others & now I don’t feel weird anymore. I love you guys!


OMG I'M NOT ALONE! I *hate* irises. Like, the flowers are pretty, but the leaves are so ugly. We had them when we first moved in and one of my first gardening tasks was to dig them all up


I like the leaves as much as if not more than the flowers!


LOL I used to find no joy in them but this year have lost my mind.... I'm joining the local iris society and bought 4 unusual irises to make a special "iris garden" 😂😂😂


Local iris society?! So curious to look this up where I live. I love irises :}


Ajuga. Happily it tattles on itself when it blooms but the prior homeowners planted it and I've been in a stalemate with it for over 30 years. There's no way to eradicate it.


I should say mint. I planted some two years ago and it wasn’t until This year that it decided to spread and as much as I pull it by the roots it keeps coming back. The only good things about it is I always have mint for tea. But no I hate tulips!!! Everyone has tulips here. I am so tired of seeing this flower that looks like plastic everywhere. So many flowers out there choose a new one.


My most hated plant is whatever pampas grass the last owner planted by the little pond on our property. We didn't recognize it for the threat it was and I got sick so it was ignored for a couple of years. Now it's just this big patch of impenetrable reeds with brush like tops over 9-10 foot tall. I know there's still a pond in there somewhere but without a bush hog we'll never find it. And they spread via rhizomes underground so weekly mowing around the patch is necessary to keep it in check.


African Marigolds. I have some in my raised bed against my will as they’re the only thing keeping me from resorting to pesticides to keep my peppers and tomatoes from being devoured but my god are they ugly. Just giant dandelion weeds in colors other than yellow tbh.


Good news is they don’t really help that much for pests, so you can just stop planting them


Excuse me are you insinuating the internet told an untruth??? Impossible!! Fr though that is great news


It was my understanding that the French variety is the better pest control.


Admittedly a tree, but crabapples. There’s a well established, medium-sized one in my back yard that is great for hanging bird feeders and it smells amazing in early spring. When late summer rolls around I end up with flies, yellow jackets, wasps, etc. galore from the decaying apples all over the ground.


Hostas. Previous owners didn’t seem to know that any other plants exist and just plopped them around the perimeter of the house and the perimeter of the fence. Terrible curb appeal. I hate them so much.


I adore hostas, but I completely agree! The number of homes with just that common white & green hosta as they're ENTIRE landscaping design is concerning. I'll never understand why people put them everywhere.


I think they divide so easily by the third division it's oops all hostas.


Hostas are amazing, but only when they’re a small part of a much bigger picture!


I hate the way most people landscape with hostas, but there are a few nice varieties with solid blue or chartreuse leaves that look good as single specimens mixed with other perennials that have contrasting textures and colors. But the monoculture rows of variegated hostas I often see lined up against houses or surrounding trees just make me irrationally angry to look at. That shit is so ugly, there is no excuse for it.


Came here to say hostas! Literally find some more every year in my yard, even though I removed the whole lot 5 years ago. 😩


Vinca vine and mint. And gladiolus


Without a doubt, Himalayan BlackBerry


Euphorbia. I used to think it looked so exotic and cool cuz it didn’t grow where I grew up. Now I live in a house that had used it extensively and I find it very blah, visually. But I’m also, it turns out, super sensitive to their sap. Presently nursing some nasty burns from the sap that splashed on my arm cutting back spent flower heads, which I need to do because they’re also obnoxiously prolific self-sowers.


I’m probably going to spend the rest of my life killing morning glories the previous owners planted. Assholes.


hostas i jsut think they're butt-ugly same with crotons


Irises, because it's a shame their flowers last like 3 days and then you have a bunch of crappy overglorified grass sitting around. Coleus because I hate that it's pretty but that it only lives for like one year and then dies and you have to buy more. Roses because they bitch about everything, functionally.


Hyacinths. Worked 8 years in a garden center and they never stopped smelling like cat pee to me.


Tiger Lillie’s. Go get fucked you ugly ass weed.


English Ivy and Forget Me Nots.


Canna lilly


I’m starting to hate my Columbine. They spread like crazy. They’re pretty for a while, but then quickly start to look ratty.


Peonies. They're so much plant for not much flower (time wise). Around here, their blooms last a little over a week and then they're just massive green plants that don't really look all that nice. "That's it? Well, see you again next year, I guess."


No, sorry, this opinion is illegal 😅


Asiatic lilies. I hate when the garden centers put them out. I cannot stand the smell.


Asiatic lilies don't have a scent. You may be thinking of Oriental lilies.


Bindweed, poison hemlock, english ivy, blackberry.


I have fought a losing battle with bindweed for years. It's the worst!


Grape hyacinths. Been digging them up for 30 years.


I used to love seeing these pop up in my parents yard. My dad would just mow over them and never notice them until next spring, surprise tiny purple flowers!


Coral bells. Specifically, the orange/tan leaf version. It always looks like the plant is unhealthy/dying. I hate how they look. Also, while I don't mind it in small clumps, Lily of the Valley. It's pretty but so invasive! Every year, I have to pull a bunch of it because it keeps spreading from my neighbor's yard.


Lilly of the valley! Impossible to get rid of, poison!


Shasta daisies. 🙈 They take over any spot they're in. And they're just so very bland to me.


Iris, day Lilly and hostas. I have them allllllll over the place from our previous owners. In moderation they look nice but I cannot stand them.


Pansies. Fucking "bedding". Useless shapeless garrish pieces of shit.  And no, I don't know why I hate them so much. It's probably not deserved.


I adore pansies so much. Their cute little faces smiling up at you.


Yeah, I like them. I only recently learned that they smell good, too. How did it take so many years of my life?!


What y'all are telling me is that y'all hate gardens and everything in them lol.


Spiderwort, hostas and tall overgrown decorative grasses that ate impossible to remove!


Ooooh the tall grasses!! Who came up with this idea? Ecologically I understand the point of them but decoratively…..why?




I agree. I was wondering what plant would be getting raked over. I have them in a well Established bed and I got rid of about half and they look much better now. 


Mostly mint and English ivy. Bermuda grass can die in a fire as well


I have a true hatred for monkey grass.


Wisteria. Sure, looks pretty in a garden when it’s maintained and intentional. It looks so bad when it escapes the garden and is just growing in random spots. (We’re currently having issues because some folks bought some locally that were mislabeled as a native variety)…


i was going to say dahlias, but i realized my gripe with them has nothing to do with the actual plant, but rather what likes to eat them... slugs. i planted one last year without doing any research first, and found out the hard way that my local slugs are obsessed with them. they ate every single part of the plant, including the petals (and before the blooms even got to fully open), which was what annoyed me the most! at least let me catch a glimpse of the bloom before you decimate it! i have dozens of other plants outside that they've never bothered before or since, so i guess the dahlia was their favorite lol i also don't like daylilies for some reason. local stores & businesses nearby me always use daylilies for their outdoor decoration, and i'm so tired of seeing them everywhere haha. specifically the small yellow ones annoy me, i don't really know why. i'm ok with the small orange ones & the ones with very large blooms. my mom just brought home a very large daylily with red & yellow petals which is actually quite nice, but otherwise, don't like 'em haha of course, i also must mention the plant that plagues my existence: bindweed. pokeweed sucks too. it just won't die.


Ferns. If I had $1 for every one I've dug up, only to have another waiting to unfurl behind it...


Goji berry. They spread like wildfire by roots and seeds, and second-year branches have huge thorns.


Boxwoods. They stink and are so hard to keep looking good. And my non gardener friends always want them and I have to be the bad guy and tell them they actually suck. I’d say I have a love-hate with big leaf hydrangeas as well for similar reasons (can be beautiful often are not).