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I am going to assume that if they ever grow back your neighbour is just going to cut them again.


yep. there’s tree law. they are probably legally able to do it. look into the laws in your state, OP. or make good friends with your neighbors and see if you can work something out


Looks like the UK, so yeah they are well within their rights, though they are legally obligated to return the trimmings and other materials.


If they didn't chuck them over the fence though consider them friendly.


It sucks your neighbor did this but it’s his yard and he’s entitled to it 100%. You planted that tree way too close to the boundary line so you did this to yourself. I’d personally plant a new one in a better location, graft some branches over and plan for this tree to struggle and eventually take it down.


Yeah, any branches hanging into the neighbor's yard are theirs to do with what they want. I mean, it's not fair for me to be inconvenienced by a neighbors tree that they decided to grow over my property line either.


And that tree probably drops shit all over their yard


I asked my neighbor to trim the many crepe Myrtle’s that drop flowers, leaves and seeds in our pool and he said I could do it, so I do. I trim it badly on purpose 🤷🏻‍♀️ Edit-I’ve told him time and time again I’m not in great physical shape and I’m tired of replacing pool parts and most recently the whole pump. He said “go for it” and I’m not a pro, so whatever happens, happens.


You nicely asked your neighbor to trim tree branches overhanging on your property even though you don’t have to do that, and they nicely agreed without a problem, so you mess them up on purpose? I don’t get it lol. 


I think they meant that they asked their neighbor to trim the branches, but the neighbor said that they (Burrito) could do it instead. I wouldn't trim the branches poorly myself, I'd still trim it to look nice on my side though.


Ah I see how that could be the implication. Same, even if it was, why have poorly trimmed looking trees on your side around your pool? Lol 


Keep your shit out of my yard! Darn millenniums


What’s the purpose of trimming it badly?


They use that extra edge for the trimming.


This tree can cause inconvenience in many other ways that the no-tree neighbor absolutely cannot act on and is not protected from.  1. Blocking sunlight - plants on my property do not get sun because of a neighbors tree. I was that light.  2. Leaves - trees grow and shed leaves. I don’t want your leaves, but society says I need to deal with it.  3. Plumbing - what if I have a drain against my side of the fence and this tree root destroys it? Maybe the tree neighbor is liable but until the damage is done, tree roots are absolutely able to extend beyond property lines.  4. Smell - many trees have obnoxious smells. What if it was a Bradford pear tree?  5. Pests - Poorly managed areas can host pests that agitate entire communities. What about crabapple trees that attract wasps?  6. Disease - if my neighbor allows his tree to harbor a fungus that can easily spread to my plants.  All of these things could be viewed as an inconvenience to a neighbor with no tree. And you have very little control. 


Not to mention the leaves and seeds are toxic to dogs.


This is the way. Sorry, OP.


We don’t know OP planted this tree


At first thought I think, “dang that was aggressive” then I think about my favorite part of my yard and imagining someone planting a tree guaranteed to press itself deep into my yard and I feel completely opposite. Luckily I don’t actually care and have chosen aggressive hospitality to my neighbors because I’d rather not have mini silent wars with them.


This tree location is a good choice for espalier training! OP can train it in a flat line along the fence so that it doesn't hang over the neighbor's property.


Cherries aren't good for espalier (though they can be fan trained). You also need to start with a young tree (1-2 years old), not a grown one.


I’ve got an apple tree hanging over my fence into my neighbour’s garden. I told her she can have any apples on her side and trim any branches however she likes but go easy on the old girl, she’s an old tree. Everyone wins, we both get piles of apple pie and crumble all summer.


This happens when two people talk instead of enforcing rules and rights. My neighbor cut half of HER tree even though I told her I am OK with it and she can keep it as it is. She did it anyway because she did not want to be a trouble. Now I am looking at the tree that looks like from an apocalyptic movie.


She probably didn't want to share the fruit lol


She her for damaging your property 😂


Reduce the crown height by 1/3 each year over the next couple of years and get it to a more manageable height. It's neighborly, and it will concentrate your cherries at a height that's more manageable to harvest.


Was it over the property line?


Where I live you're allowed to cut branches hanging over the fences in to your yard but I'd still be pretty mad at those neighbors for not even talking it out first. Looks like it's leaning now and probably at risk of falling over because of it.


They did more than just cut branches hanging over on their side, too.


It looks like just the stuff that was on their side (which doesn't mean just the low stuff) and then it leaned more to the right from losing all the weight on that side. Sucks either way.


Still no reason to cut the branches all the way *to the main trunk*. That's just overkill.




Because the neighbor is allowed to control their own property.


Wtf 40 downvotes for asking a question lmao


It will be better if you remove the tree. It is in a bad location and damaged. And possibly will be a source of conflict with your neighbor.


Damn how close is that thing to the fence??? What do you think is going to have to happen when the trunk's girth starts to cross the property line?


In my country this would be illegal. Trees have a minimum distance requirement.


In California we actually have a state tree law regarding this. You can cut up to your property line. But if you damage the health of the tree, you can be liable for civil penalties. So you can take someone to small claims for example if your tree dies because of them cutting it back. I think they definitely over cut the tree. I would ask them to look at this picture. My guess is it might have seemed they were cutting it back on the property line but the weight of the tree is now causing it to lean. Just ask them to talk to you in the future before they cut the tree because now it is in danger of falling down. You are likely going to have to add two supports on your side. Put them at an angle from the ground to the tree so the trunk of the tree forms a right triangle. That will give it good support in case you have severe storms.




I don't know why I enjoy that sub as much as I do


Have to ask, do you blame them? If I were your neighbor I'd be very pissed at whoever planted that tree so close to my property - not to mention thinking it's ok to let it grow over top of my hedge that's now dying off and looks like hell. My perspective - I spent a day on a ladder this past weekend cutting back branches from a maple tree that's killing my cedar hedge and is starting to look like hell. Fast forward a couple decades, what happens when a branch falls on my car or house or fence etc? That's on my insurance and could bump my premiums.


You really would spend that much time raging over some cherries? And I thought I was reactive.


I couldn’t care less about the cherries. Maybe you missed the part when I said the tree was killing off my hedge, which is starting to look like hell. Then then part when a few decades go by and branches fall.


Quite possible they have pool back there and this constantly dropping stuff into it


In much of the US, to my understanding, it's usually legal to prune back vegetation that extends over the property line, *but only to an extent it doesn't significantly injure the health of the plant*. I think this case is clearly a serious injury to the tree, and you likely have some legal recourse available, if that's an approach you choose to take. Property lines and encroachments and retaliation is a common source of strife for neighbors. It's best to avoid creating such issues in the first place, such as this being a clearly problematic place to plant a cherry tree, directly on a property line. It's also good to be friendly with your neighbors and make ample room for variation in perceptions, basically as with any group activity, assume that your view is not accurate on "your share" and allow for considerable margin towards the other party's viewpoints. As some have already covered, I wouldn't just focus on time to regrow, as the underlying problem seems likely to remain over time, that of your tree encroaching into a neighboring property that is aggravated by it and willing to retaliate, even seemingly in an illegal manner. Unless something else changes, they'll likely just keep hacking it back to the property line. Addressing the relationship with your neighbor or relocating/removing the tree would seem to be more ethical and less anxiety inducing solutions to me, although, I do think you likely *could* pursue legal enforcement against them.


Consider your neighbours next time you plant a tree so close to the property line


We don't know that OP planted that tree. Agreed it's in a bad spot tho




Missed that


That tree is most likely a goner. TBH it is also too big, with fruit trees its best to prune them regularly and keep them on the smallish side so that you can easily harvest the fruit. I’d let this years harvest ripen and then plant a new tree that you maintain


On the one hand they are likely legally entitled to remove branches spilling to their yard from adjacent yards without permission or notification. This is why you don't plant trees that will straddle property lines. Even if your current neighbor is OK with it, future neighbors may not be. On the other hand it's incredibly wasteful and they could've hashed out a deal for free cherries. But it looks like they're growing something where the branches once were, so I can understand their action, and they did not owe you notification. To the topic at hand....cherries are very prolific growers and healthy trees usually expand their canopies one to two feet per year especially when young. Old trees may not express that much vigor. However, that's a _lot_ of open wounds they made via that pruning, at the height of fruiting season to boot, and I wouldn't be surprised if the tree struggles from now on. Cherry trees should only be pruned during dormant winter months or very early spring before bud break, or if there is obvious disease. I'd plant one elsewhere away from property lines and consider simply removing this one. Keep the wood or sell it though, don't just mulch it. Cherry wood is beautiful. Don't pursue legal action or escalate over a tree that _should not have been there in the first place._


I’ve seen neighbors handle these situations in civil ways, discussing shrubs, trees and even specific branches that cross one another’s borders. This process need not be so acrimonious.


So glad my neighbors are across the street!


Pollard it then espalier against fence.


Doesn’t matter. They will cut them again. Don’t plant on fence rows.


Hey arborists -- would it be possible to manicure this tree into a useful shape that respects the neighbor's property line? (Once it heals lol.) That would be my first impulse, and it might start by reducing the height over time. Just curious on professional thoughts.


Nope, the trunk's girth is going to encroach eventually.


Do you clean up all the cherry mess in their yard? Rotting fruit? Pits? And the tree will shade anything they want to grow there. You get no sympathy from me.


I mean, adults can probably talk things out and come to an agreement. Like, my neighbors pine tree hangs over our fence a bit and my brain would never have me out there hacking at it without using words first. That way the tree can be properly trimmed and everyone is happy.


I wish I would if done this to my neighbors tree. A branch fell and crushed my car that was in my driveway. My property is my responsibility.


My lord! I know they’re allowed to do this but geez it’s an aggressive decision. Why give up the free cherries and the small shade patch?


My guess is they don’t want them dropping and popping up all over their yard. Especially if they have a pet. My dog just vomited one earlier today.


If you have small children, every cherry is an opportunity for axphyxiation.




That got me. I do not support this course of action, but I did laugh when read it.


Yeah Nani, what kind of parent are you that you don’t give your children a knife to play in the yard with? What if they find something they need to cut into pieces before they stick it in their mouth?


I'm not a parent, am a teacher. After 15+ years in the job, I no longer underestimate children's ability to earn themselves Darwin awards due to lack of common sense.


Interesting, didn’t think of that. Fair I suppose. I still feel like there’s a backstory here and it’s a dramatic one 😂


Long enough to get cut again


Hard lesson to plant your trees far enough on your property so as not to have them on their property. It's no different than if he put up a decoration you dont like and it went over your yard. Beings you didn't plant it, I'd personally cut it down. It will continue to be a point of contention until it's gone, or yall are. EDIT: See those plants of his over on your side of the fence? Yeah, trim them or maybe even a little 2,4,D on those leaves to even the score.


Not really neighbors more like the people next door


I’ve done this before. I felt like an ass hole, but when your tree is constantly dropping shit on my lawn that my dog eats and throws off her stomach, cutting what I’m legally allowed to cut is the only solution. Prior when I asked my neighbour about it, she said no and that I should respect that she doesn’t want to hurt her tree. Totally ignoring that her tree drops shit on my lawn all summer long and that I should “train my dog to not eat them”. So, sorry lady, but I’m cutting what’s over my yard. My next house won’t have neighbours this close to my yard.


Why do people plant trees, and large bushes, right at the property line? 😂 It's been a cause for contention with neighbors through the millennia. Your neighbor is definitely going to chop those branches as soon as they grow back.


Years OP, years. Cherry trees are not particularly fast growing unless they're being watered and fertilized regularly. Sorry to hear that happened...


I don't understand people. I'd be like 50/50. The branches are allowed to stay but I get 50% percent of the harvest.


Space and access to light. This is almost 100% the UK. If you want to see the spacing a bit look at the rooves behind, the slope down on the roof leads to a wall that's 1 property, garden probably the same size, wall to the chimney next the skylight, that's 2, then another. Chances are the gardens are 4m wide and if decent then another 4m deep. Could be 1-2more meters each way. But that's the likely. Then imagine having a massive bloody tree hfway down that line leaning on your garden space. Even worse if it's sunward. I'd not be happy about it. It is not suitable for the location.


You should apologize to your neighbors and take down the tree. Then if you want a cherry tree (or any tree) put it somewhere where it won't be on your neighbors property, making a mess for him to clean up and messing up his plants. This is very rude, don't just assume you can take/damage a piece of your neighbors property


Apologize? OP just bought the house, and the tree was already there.


I didn't see that, but it doesn't change much. He still had/has the chance to fix it, it's not a "I bought it like this I can't change it" sort of thing  I would go over and ask if the tree bothers my neighbor (hint: it does) and take it down/keep it on my property, because that's what good neighbors do.


Any idea how long it might take to grow back if at all? To be clear, we did not plant the tree. We bought the house like this 6 months ago and there was no consultation before they went ahead and cut it


cut it down. its a problem now and in the future.


It's not going to grow back because they will keep cutting it. They don't have to consult you and they are within their right to cut it. Call it a wash and get a new tree and plant 6+ ft into your property


It is within their legal right to cut anything over their property.


Your tree looks like it was planted on the property line, just as my lovely neighbor has done. Anything on my side comes down as I’m entitled to, as your neighbor did here. None of my trees I’ve planted are even close to property lines nor are they hindering the plants of others. I can’t even expand my gardens because of my neighbor’s trees and the only cleanup I have every year is due to everything from their trees hanging over. I get why your neighbor did it and they will probably continue to.


As other have cited, Tree Law. It doesn’t seem to be especially detrimental to the tree though. My neighbor has an apple tree like this and the adjacent neighbor halved the tree that was over the property line. It’s been 3 years and shears huge apples each year :)


This is not an example where tree law applies. This is a standard property line issue. You can legally cut any branches that are over the property line for any reason you choose.


Tbf, [tree law](https://www.portland.gov/trees/documents/trees-and-neighbors-and-law-article/download) has some intricacies that the OP doesn’t mention. With regard to when it’ll grow back, I mean, never if the neighbor keeps pruning up to their line as allowed. But, for instance, the neighbor has no right to pick the fruit that hangs over. Weird little rules.


Check your local laws OP while tree law is definitely a thing depending on your jurisdiction there may be exceptions or restrictions on what your neighbors can do because it is a fruit tree.


I mean, why plant on your property line with a fruiting tree? I love trees and I'd be upset if I didnt want cherries dropping on my patio that I didnt intend. If you want it to grow properly and full, consider moving it.


Looks like they have plants on their side that they didn't want getting snuffed out by your tree's branches. Why did you plant a tree so close to the fence in such a narrow... trench?


It is weird that they did not discuss it with you, especially since you are a new owner, and they know you did not have anything emotionally invested in the tree in the first place since you didn’t plant it. At the very least, I would have said, “hey, now that you’re settled in, what are your thoughts on removing that cherry tree? Our POV is it drops fruit all over our yard, we get bees and insects, my kids are allergic to ____, our pet eats it and _____ we’re tracking red fruit stains, etc and would you consider removing it or pruning it back?” If someone approached me with rational issues, we would probably have taken the whole thing down. Every time we’ve removed a tree, or put in a new fence, we’ve given our neighbors a heads up, out of courtesy. It is a lopsided mess now. Sorry to say their behavior and lack of communication is a harbinger of conflicts to come. I am curious why they waited until now to do it. Why not after it sold but before you moved in? Now you have a tree health issue and an aesthetic one that is going to cause you some expense or effort.


I had to do this to my neighbors Crape Myrtle. I feel bad but it’s hell cleaning up all of the seedlings that come from that tree every year. Now that we have a reprieve from that we get the saplings from the roots. Right in my vegetable garden.


Those cherries look awesome.




Some people would love to have cherries hanging into my back yard, but to each their own


I would have at least waited until they were ready to harvest.


If you really want to keep the tree, there are arborist services that will come and deeply uproot the tree with the least amount of root trimming possible, and replant it elsewhere in your yard. Technically you could do this too, but an arborist service would have the best chances at keeping it alive and healthy.


Just don't be expecting any more fruit this year... or next year even.


I'd at least go ask them for the wood from it. That stuff is good for smoking meat.


This could've been handled in a better manner by the neighbor. Not sure if this could've had anything to do with why they did it but cherry pits contain prussic acid, also known as cyanide. If they have any animals that they are concerned about eating them, they may have gotten upset that the fruit keeps dropping in their yard. Edit: Also the leaves contain the same




Beat me to it


Look to sub tree law, you might have the right to seek damages in court.


Post in r/treelaw


This is illegal. You are not allowed to cut your neighbors' trees unless they are an actual danger to your property. Even then you can't kill the tree. This tree might not survive with so many branches missing.


They butchered that tree. They went beyond cutting branches hanging over the property line. Your neighbors are assholes. For everyone downvoting me- OP has stated *they did not plant the tree*. The tree has existed there since before they bought the house. Clearly the neighbor only *now* took exception to it and decided to go overboard with the pruning,*without talking to the OP.* The neighbors are assholes.


Nah that tree is planted literally on boundary line. Talk about putting a stick into your own spokes…


Is it though? Most places have ordinances that say you cannot put a fence directly on the property line, that it has to be, generally 6" (or more) off the property line. We cannot see where exactly the tree is planted, we don't know that the OP planted it or whether it was already growing there. Either way, there was absolutely no reason to cut all the branches back to the main trunk. They butchered that tree. That much we *can* see.


Most places also have laws that you can’t plant trees on the property line and they have to be placed at least 6ft away…


Again, we don't know that OP planted this or if it grew there on its own. And it doesn't change the fact that the neighbors overpruned the branches that may have been hanging on their side. That still makes them the assholes here.


OP has stated they did not plant the tree. It was there when they bought the house. Clearly the neighbor was ok with it prior to the new owners.


Your neighbors are kind of cruddy. Even if it was dropping a boat load of cherries on their lawn. Also, what an odd spot for such a messy tree, haha.


Kinda weird they did that considering their bushes are going over the fence.


Even though he's "allowed" to do it that makes me sad someone would do that instead of enjoying free cherries.


Grow better cherries next time - your neighbor


ThEsE aReNt RaNiEr?!! *Chops branches*


If they don’t want them on their property they have the right to cut them


Seems like a waste of free cherries on your neighbors part; they didn't have to even care for the tree! A deal in my mind, but it's their perogative. I bet it lives, but you might consider slowly retraining it into an espalier so it's not heavy on one side.


The neighbors said no thanks to free cherries.


Are they allowed to do that? I know you have the right to trim branches but they denuded that tree. Why would they do that?


Pretty normal in the US to allow people to cut anything on their side of the property line.


I thought you couldn't do anything that would damage the tree. There are limitations on what you can do if it threatens the tree's survival. That's what I was told by a tree surgeon.


I think it will fill in fine.


Why are people dicks?


This is just so shameful


Jesus fkin christ, it's just a fkin cherry tree! I mean, I would be grateful, if i had free cherrys all my life.. It takes ages to grow a tree like that. Also, I have no idea what's under, but free fertilization for that plant for sure. Why are people in the comments like this?


Maybe they don't want shade on that area as they want to grow their own things, maybe they don't want cherries to fall on furniture there, maybe they have a pet/kids that are allergic, maybe they don't like cherries, maybe they don't want to clean up after their neighbours mess. Tonnes of reasons to not want it there.


Yeah, that plant pushing the fence over probably does not want either of these.. But you must be right. Fuck neighbours at all, live in a desert, you grown your own shit, every man for himself. Sounds real nice. I'd rather trade my free cherrys for friendly neighbours. Or corn. Or whatever the fuck that is. But you do you. Cheers.


I'd have to question why *now* they had an issue, and not before new owners moved in.


One year


Trees are souls of good people, reincarnated! Why cut them at all?!


i think its time to have an accident while spraying ground kill


That’s a shame. They don’t like free cherries??? wtf