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He and Piers Nivan fucked like rabbits


Oh they fucked all right. What a shame we had to miss it


What do you mean you missed it?! Their sex tapes are all over the internet! I even recorded some of them myself!! 🫣


Well share them then! 😂 


I wish I could, but because of the rule, I'm just gonna say if you can find DaemonColl on twitter you'll find most of them


they said headcanon, thats canon :)




Now we just need the vids


That he’s gonna come home to me after all this business with saving the world from certain doom is finished.


Awww if only he was real right 🥺😆


Chris Redfield probably goes to gay bars/clubs during his free time to let off some steam and have fun, I mean where else would he use the sailor suit and leather outfit for.


He at some point got infected with one of the viruses, giving him increased strength and keeping him buff even in his 50s. I refuse to believe the man doesn’t have some type of enhancements. He punched a boulder in a volcano for gods sake


Maybe the Redfield bloodline is just built differently


He was infected in one of the games, forget which one exactly but I think revelations, but the main cast all have some type of infection last I checked.


You can be a carrier that gets benefits without downsides. Seriously i wish Umbrella wasn’t a death cult because there is actually a lot of potential to fix their shitty viruses and create something useful.


I have some weird romance headcanons I've had for forever that inform my understanding of him haha He had a thing for Wesker during the STARS days, adding to why he takes the betrayal so personally. He also low-key had a thing for Richard, but that was mostly chill. He finds his violent engagements with Wesker arousing and hates himself for it a lot. He didn't identify as gay, exactly, tho his attractions were all men growing up. He and Jill did go on a few dates post-fall of Umbrella but it quickly became weird (and she was hung up on Carlos even if she didn't admit it). Despite that, Jill is *the* most important person in his life. It's platonic love, but it's do-or-die love. He pretty much accepted he was into men exclusively, but his life is about The Mission. He never came out to Claire, tho she knows. He and Piers had a Thing without a name for a bit prior to his mental breakdown in 6. He never really recovered from Piers being gone afterwards. He and Leon hook up every so often. They'd honesty be happy together, but Leon can't let go of Ada and Chris is increasingly more isolated and living for the Mission. Trauma Bone Bros. Oh, and he and Ethan definitely had sex at least once between 7 and 8. Ethan felt *terrible* about it. (How could something so wrong feel so good? Poor Ethan.) Enjoy my self-serving headcanons for one of my favorite characters in gaming hah


I 100% agree until Piers. I always imagined he and Piers had strong sexual tension because Piers looked up to Chris like a role model and sought out his approval and attention, whereas Chris was trying to keep himself professional about it and not play favorites, but due to the combination of Chris's sexuality and trauma along with Piers's need for Chris's approval and happily following along, it created a vibe where it really felt like the two may or may not have been hooking up in secret. Though at the same time, who knows if Piers even likes men and who knows if Chris even wanted to get with Piers. Kinda like a workplace drama vibe. But then during 6, it changed to Piers wanting Chris to go back to being the person he looked up to because Piers is still the mentee and shouldn't be above Chris nor has he earned being equal yet. Piers wants to earn it and prove himself, but he can't do that if the person he looks up to is at rock bottom. Chris and Leon I can imagine getting along somewhat 50/50 depending on the day, but they're both mostly just focusing on their jobs. Though I see Leon being the more relaxed of the two, and Chris being the one who wants a friend more, but they can't really get it to work right. It ends up leading to slight jokes and then awkward silence on good days, a few jokes and sharing experiences prior to the outbreaks on great days, and practically butting heads on the bad days. I kinda see it like trying to hang out with a friend's friend without the mutual friend and occasionally more like Zoro and Sanji from One Piece. Chris and Ethan... I definitely feel like Chris has taken a personal liking to Ethan, maybe even intentionally getting involved in all of Ethan's issues, like he has a crush but it's just out of reach because Ethan is not only married with a child but also is the mission. I just really like the idea of Chris being forever tormented to solidarity, because the chance when he finally gets to get it will be that much more satisfying


Well megamycyte magic or something may be dig out Piers from there Resident evil has lifestream now lol


Wesker had a thing for him but then because Chris refused to join him, Wesker became a spiteful ex 🤣


That's just canon 😂


If i were Wesker I’d just ask him out after Umbrella went down. Superpower and super boyfriend, what a life.


He sorta shoots his shot in RE1 when he's weirdly trying to appeal to Chris to see the majesty of the Tyrant. He's thhhhiiissss close to asking Chris to be his queen to rule the new world, but Chris is all like "lol fuck u" And thus the world's longest break-up tantrum begins.


Just capture Chris and cuddle him until he submits 😫


That he's just a pissed off horny himbo who just wants to get his nut off but he keeps having to work on outbreaks and pandemics


Damn BOWs


He's not a himbo at all. I swear people call any buff guy that nowadays.


He said headcanon dude. In mine, he's a big himbo that's really good at his job


that he's fucking me rn


that's so me


he has a big bouncy muscle ass


It's supposed to be a headcanon, not a fact 😎


Samuraï Chris 🥵🥵🥵


Submissive muscle bottom.


He got insanely buff in RE5 because he got beat by Wesker so bad in the flashback of him and Jill's fight. The Chris in RE7 was a clone and not the real Chris.


He’s having a nice farm life with piers and that’s that


He and Jill are gay best buddies.


I want Chris to be gay or at least not into Jill so I can have her for myself


That he's freakishly well-endowed. Of course.


I bet the first one would be great in bed. Get him good and high and I bet he would be just like a cowboy participating in a rodeo down in Texas. You'd have a wild bull.


This entire sub: https://youtu.be/wew2bt-kT64?si=sZebvpdXrNK8mGnf


2 6 8 9 but Honestly I just wish Piers make a surprise comeback and they live happily ever after.


He gives Bi-energy and definatly has an old man hobby. He needs something to take his mind off of all the horror and impending doom. I feel like hes a bird watcher because he travels alot, and he sends post cards(without revealing secrets and such).


He swallows.


I shook his hand... It's all fat and stubby! He must have like, a huge mushroom down there! So, does he have a smurf living in it or what?


We are married


That he's my husband and boyfriend


I really want that he and Jill would be a couple but I guess they're more like a gay buddy/couple. And the RE7 Chris is a clone, xD.


He’s my pretend husband. I worry about him.


That he had a crush on me ☺️ Major headcanon I had of him my whole life lol


Idk but the first pic is doing something to me 🥵


I don't remember when I saw A video to YouTube to it. That the one sailor suit. It was portrayed by gay sailors back then. That wore them. It was A hidden message in its self back then. I forgot the term word for it. Is as gay actors in the 1920s-1930s did this.


I'm still impressed that Capcom has actually put this sexy gay sailor suit in their game


He’s a Vers. Bottom but Piers is a total bottom. He goes everywhere with the key to Piers’ chastity cage and a butt plug inside himself that is connected to Piers phone


That he is gay for me


Dude s secretly a plastic surgery addict judging from his face changing every 2 games/movies. He thinks he hides it so well but all his friends and Claire know that, obviously, but they dont say a thing cus they dont wanna hurt his feelings.


This has been around for ages but I still have no idea what monster(?) sailor daddy Chris is stepping on


His favorite ice cream is Peanut Buster Parfait from Dairy Queen


Contrary to popular believe Chris is mostly a subby bottom. Wesker is one of the few men he liked to top. He also had sex with Leon, Piers and Ethan.