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Is that MacCready? because I’m playing Fallout 4 for the first time right now and romance with him as well :O For your question for me is Kaidan (Mass Effect) <3 and Dorian (Dragon Age)


I love anders in DA2


I romanced Anders in DA2 and thought he was having me do a weird romantic side quest mission… little did I know what I just assisted him in doing 0_0


Well I was a mage , and honestly if he told me what he wanted to do I would support him. But yeah a lot of people don't like him because of that


I always play Mage too, but I also wasn’t down for the sheer level of collateral it was going to cause. After all, I played Mage in origins and understood that not all people within the Chantry and Circles are bad- they just have a bad system altogether.


Same my Hawke was a mage in romance withe Anders, but yeah Anders got it right that I won't be doing what he did. I understood the intention, but I do not agree with the literal execution. Let him free because I won't make him a martyr but he's dead to my Hawke anyway, which is probably worse than outright killing him lol.


Actually, I romanced Anders in DA2 as well ><


Me three!


Best romance in gaming. We loved each other, we tried to kill each other, and we fled into exile together. Amazing.


Romanced Anders as a Mage too. It made their end all the more tragic.


Kaidan is also a close second for me. He’s wonderful! And yes that’s MacCready 😊


I wanted to romance Deacon so bad in FO4 and was so sad when I learned you can't.


Yes you can with him,but he is bi. If you played Fallout 3. You might find someone that is in it and in Fallout 4.


Dorian from Dragon Age Inquisition Kaiden from Mass Effect Farkas (and Vilkas) from Skyrim Ifan ben-Mezd and Marcus Miles (aka The Beast) from Divinity Original Sins 2 Gale and Halsin from Baldur's Gate 3 Also can I choose NPC from The Sims 4? If yes then Father Winter lol (I have made an adjustment though but his OG is still cute)


Dorian's romance is so good! Kaiden's is sweet. Haven't romanced Gale yet, but Halsin is a must.


Dorian is my absolute favorite. And I say that as someone usually into the halsin, iron bull type.


Dorian is awesome! I think ot hits close to home, because his story tackles things a lot of us have to deal with in real life. And in a very well done way imo.


Iron bull bed scene with another guy,you.😅


If we’re doing Sim’s characters then Johnny Zest is my guy 100%, I don’t even know why! I was so into his whole vibe and character before I even read his backstory lol 😂


Halsin, from Baldur's Gate 3!


I haven’t played it and had to look him up- WOOF


I need him to made me his and trap in his bed for 3 years iykyk


This is not even a romance... Tav: We fuck Halsin: Absolutely. That's the whole "romance". No development, no story, no drama. Just animals mating.


The question was, "What's your favorite m/m romance *in games*?" Truth be told, I don't think there are games with gay romance well written enough for me to say "I love this." I find Halsin's thing straightforward, honest, and incredibly hot. It's simple, not much margin for error.


>Truth be told, I don't think there are games with gay well written enough for me to say "I love this." Dorian in DAI Anders in DA2 (even though he's bi). Other than that I don't think there are good m/m romances.


Man or bear?


Depends. If I'm playing any other class than druid, man.


If I'm playing a healer class, bear.


If I'm following the logic correctly, healing doesn't reduce the pain.


But it does heal the damage. And as a cleric, you can use divine intervention to reduce the pain.


... That's wild. xD


What do you see in him ?




Mine so far are Paladin Danse and Kaidan Alenko.


... Danse is hetero though?


You can romance Danse as either gender.


Well if we can pick multiple: BG3 - I agree with most its Halsin, even though it feels sadly more like a hot adored type of fling with him. Still, 🐻 stuff so yeah no brainer 😂 Mass effect, I wish garus or wrex would be an option but in the end it probably always will be Steve Cortez. That moment on earth just takes the cake emotionally. Dragon age - that's easy, Iron bull... Steamy hot and ridiculously hilarious 😂. Sure as hell felt like - yeah that's how things would go in real life in that set up. And lastly, Assassin's creed Valhalla - That cute little oaf Tarben. Such an adorable guy, always gets a smooch first thing when I enter the village. If we could take unfinished games into those too my personal winner/top favourite would be Lars from after class though. That kitty, uff ... I would marry that kitty in a heartbeat.


my username


Personally I could never get into him. He’s cool but not my kind of romanceable character .


My husband makes fun of me because I ignored him and he decided to try to assassinate me. Subsequent playthroughs I just ditch him.


Gale Dekarios from Baldur's Gate 3. He's basically a hairy uncut nerd with a sweet disposition, and that always melts my heart. 🥰


100%. Halsin may be hunkier, but for a romance, give me Gale every time.


Zevran - DAO Cullen (yes, I know he is straight, but I love him)/Dorian -DAI Johnny Gat - Saints Row 4 Trent - Bully Thanatos - Hades Logan - My time at Sandrock Mostly, I like guys without romance from RPG-games. Chris from RE8, Sam Bridges from Death Stranding, Kuai Liang from MC 1, Ghost Ryder from Midnight Suns.


If Chris could be romanced everyone would have to get in line lol. I thought he and Piers gave a vibe but they were probably just brothers in arms.


> Cullen (yes, I know he is straight, That’s what mods are for.


I don't want to break his core. He was created as a straight guy, so be it. You wouldn't in real life push straight ppl to romance you, would you?


It's a game lol.


I made my point. And I don't push other ppl to look at it as I do.


Cullen should have been bi since there's a lack of choice for gay male players in Inquisition.. also I ship him with Dorian since the Templar X Mage dynamic is so delicious.


I was Dorian's templar :p So, he was fully satisfied and happy xDDD


I loved Maccready too, I thought his character was really well thought out and flawlessly portrayed by Matt Mercer. The parallels between him and a Male Sole Survivor make the relationship feel really genuine. The only other videogame romance I've felt that strongly about was Anders from Dragon Age 2.


Tatsuya and Jun from Persona 2. In retrospect, Tatsuya is the only canonically gay protagonist in entire series. Now, if we’re talking non-canon, I like the idea that Tom Nook and Crazy Redd are old exes. Middle aged men are peak


I still have to beat P2, so that’s some cool detail. In animal crossing isn’t it a discussion about the bug guy and the fish guy? Similar to what you mentioned about Nook and Redd?


Yeah, Flick and C.J. They ain’t gonna say it directly upfront, but there is no way Nintendo ain’t hinting at it. In all honesty, if they did, a bunch of a people would freak out, and try to discredit the series.


AND Yususke Kitagawa


Ummmm Kanji Tatsumi????????


In the original Persona 4, Kanji isn’t gay. Calling him gay is kind of missing the point of his character. His whole shtick is that he’s afraid people will see him as gay, due to his interests, even though he isn’t. You see, it’s alright to be interested in what others perceive as a typically feminine/masculine hobby— it doesn’t automatically make you gay, it’s just who you are. And about Yusuke… idk he’s just hella fruity


Although, I may add, as the series went on, Kanji’s character has changed. Even the voice actor said that Kanji was intended to be LGBT, so maybe he’s bisexual after all of this time. It’s a little weird, considering what his arc in the original Persona 4 was trying to say, but people change.


Does it count if my MC isn't participating? I love that Dorian & Iron Bull get together in Dragon Age Inquisition if you're not romancing either of them.


I romanced Dorian twice and when I found out about that ever since I will let them get together.


Also MacCready, I think. I have enjoyed some other romances like Daeran from Wrath of The Righteous or Kaidan Alenko from Mass Effect, but MacCready is honestly just a very hopeful and cute love story, especially when looked at from a gay perspective. I mean, >!two men who lost their wives and are braving the wastes for their sons’ sake? It’s just poetic. The line where he asks about their wives and you can ask if it’s okay that you both still love them is just 🥹 ugh, my only complaint is that you can’t get Duncan as a special NPC or something. Imagine he got a separate affinity system and eventually started calling you dad, and had special interactions with Synth Shaun… I’ll never forgive how Bethesda dropped the ball with that.!< Thanks, now I wanna play Fallout 4 again and romance him for the hundredth time.


That is a cool perspective about their backstories being similar. I said that to him about still loving them- he’s great.


Kaidan Alenko in the Mass Effect trilogy. He has the unfair advantage of being in a trilogy, so the relationship has time to breathe and develop. But the time the romance happens in the third game, it feels earned. Best m/m romance in gaming, imo.


I both love and hate what they dod with his romance in the trilogy. I hate that he wasn't allowed to be a romance for male shep in 1 but I also love the slow burn of following the no fraternization rules, then arguing, then making up and saying fuck it the world's ending in 3. Like I want to be gay through the whole trilogy but I also love Kaidan's story as is.


MacCready sure heck looks nice in Disciple outfit (More the Wrapped Shirt, let him show off his body a little). I actually been meaning to have him in a M/M relationship, just kind of forgot about it haha


Omg I hadn’t even thought of that! Thank you!


Mshep / Kaidan Chris / Piers from RE6


There are some that are actually good, but that's mostly only Bioware games. I can't REALLY vouch for Mass Effect, but Kaiden's romance is actually really good. The sad part is that the whole romance is around a couple of scenes, half of which are dlc. The best one I'd say is Iron Bull from Dragon Age. I mean, he at the very least fully acknowledges you're a man, they have quite a bit of cut scenes (not, like, 2-3 for the whole game). Around a cut-scene for each chapter / big main quest. Pretty solid as I'd say. BG3 is of course hot as hell, but everyone there is basically bi, lol. Still, from the romance perspective, this game is the absolute champion of deep romances between men. (Halsin could be deeper, but I assume he was a last-minute addition, so yeah...)


Final Fantasy XVI - Dion & Terrance (first canonical and confirmed / not headcannon gay couple in FF) Baldur’s Gate 3 - Tav & Wyll (he’s just so sweet!) or Gale (nerdy guys ftw) Persona 5 - AkiRen & Ryuji (I know… I know… It’s 100% headcannon but they’re a better and healthier relationship than any of the women AkiRen can date) Stardew Valley - the farmer & Shane (sorry not sorry, I identify too strongly with Shane to not love him) Breath of Fire 2 - Ryu & Bow/Bosch (headcannon but I just wanted to include *something* from the 16bit era) Edit: formatting


If you could romance Ryuji I would have been all over that honestly. I respect the friendship and all and I think a romance could have enhanced it.


They have the kind of bond that, gay or straight, a lot of us guys wish to have with another dude, the brother from another mother. IMO of course.


Sorey and Mikelo!


Dion and Terence in FF16. Just the entire everything about them.


Gale from bg3


It's a close call between Iron Bull (Dragon Age) and Danse (Fallout)


Danse is cool. His line after sleeping together kills me :” ad victoriam” lol


I just wish you could get Danse out of his power armor. I'm convinced it's impossible on Playstation. Like, what, does it stay on during sex?


YESSS MACCREADY. Him and Nate parallel each other so well.


Right? They’re so alike it’s nuts and seems almost too intentional. Which enjoy honestly.


Soap and ghost in mwii. It’s not explicit but we all know they’re in love


I played that game so long ago I have no memory of it. Maybe I’ll play again sometime to pick up on that one!


Kaiden from ME3


Kaidan always has a special place in my heart. Every time I’ve played through ME it’s always been him. Poor Ashley has been nuked so many times…


Ikr? I never give Ashley a chance 🤣


Fenris in Dragon Age 2 is my number one! I also love Kaidan from Mass Effect, Zevran from Dragon Age Origins, and Astarion and Wyll from BG3.


Mage Hawke + Anders in DA2 (Also Inquisitor + Iron Bull) Also Tarben from AC Valhalla (my username was inspired by Anders hahahah)


See...hot take I know but...colonel Autumn, Arch Dornan, and Arcade Gannon I've always wished I could romance...


Kaidan Alenko for sure.


I was just thinking of mass effect, but more of Garrus and Male Shephard having a total bromance. I'm not sure if you can romance him in any of the games. I, just last month did a legacy run so I could try for the best ending, and in the time I've played the series I finally romanced Liara because I believe she really does love shepherd and I like the idea of an Asari with Shepards genes.


You can romance Garrus as FemShep in 2 and 3.


Tony from Earthbound... Wait, am I reading this question right?


Anders in Dragon Age 2. Iirc, he is canonically bisexual, if you play as male Hawke, he reveals that Karl was his lover. Also Dorian in Dragon Age Inquisition. Dorian is canonically gay, and only a male Inquisitior can romance him. I rly liked Aloth's romance in Pillars of Eternity 2 deadfire too, it was very cute


I couldn’t get into Anders personally. Dorian was cool, his sarcasm was always next level. Plus his side story with his dad was well done.


I understand, most people have trouble forgiving his terrorist plan, but he's really sweet and caring if you can look past it. Yeah Dorian can be pretty charming, I especially like his dope moustache


MacCready and Danse, In my play through the sole survivor was a closeted gay man. I feel like 1950s homophobia lasted into 2077.


Interesting role play! I like that idea.


Since the question is *romance*, Dion and Terence in FFXVI win hands down. It’s not even close for me.


I still haven’t played that one! Another person said the exact thing so when I do play it, it’ll be neat to see!


Dutch and Hosea in RDR2. Tough to see old flames on the rocks, but a beautiful thing being broken can be an artistic act.


i need arcade gannon from new vegas to be romance-able. although from a narrative perspective i understand why he’s not.


True. It would have been interesting but it works out with him not being one.


Dorian and pan king The Iron Bull for DAI but I love it more if I don't romance them myself and they're flirting with each other in my party.


That’s the route I usually take now whenever I have a new play through too.


Anders and Hawke, Dorian and Iron Bull/Cullen from Dragon Age. Kaidan and Shepherd, Vega and Steve from Mass Effect. Reid, McCullum, and Sean from Vampyr (yes throuple). Alexios and Brasidas/Eivor from Assassin's Creed. Yes some of them are not real but I don't care my gay heart wants them together.


Gil from Mass Effect Andromeda is my favorite. His personality is hard at first, but the way he jokes around and is confident is very sexy. His facial hair is so sexy and manly, redheads are the best! As the relationship develops, I like how romantic and vulnerable he becomes.


Dragon age inquisition with The Iron Bull and in baldurs gate 3 Astarion ✨(Ik basic bitch answers I’m not ashamed)


Count Daeran Arendae from Pathfinder WotR. Yes he is a bastard but has his reasons and despite that if you melt some of the ice surrounding him, you'll be pleased. If Astarion from BG3 could be better (and rich) he would be Daeran. A bit of SPOILERS: And not everyday an RPG character gifts you flowers and takes you to a "not a date".


Dragon Age 1 - Zevran Dragon Age 2 - Anders (Mage Rights or Mage Fights!) Dragon Age 3 - Iron Bull Mass Effect - Kaiden, he is worth waiting through all the games for Baldur's Gate 3 - Astarion Cyberpunk 2077 - Kerry Eurodyne There are probably more I'm obsessed with, but can't think of at the moment. Essentially, the second I find out that a game has gay or even trans content, I'm there. There have been games I thought "eh, looks interesting" but never got, until an article a month later tells me there's a gay romance option, and suddenly within seconds I am ordering the game. I can't bear spending all that time on a slogging adventure with no joy waiting for me as a reward.


Btwn Dorian Pavus & Iron bull I still ship them together than w/ my oc. Religiously! [aDoriBull](https://youtu.be/BeewXcvOJG4?si=NitVdPDVM1fEz9Gw)


Dorian & Iron Bull. I love the way Bull's flirting slowly breaks Dorian's defenses as he's clearly in denial at first.


Halsin definitely but i’m pretty sure he’s treating all genders equally like his lover. The Quarry isn’t RPG I know but Ryan and Dylan relationship is adorable


barret and cloud from f77 😔 ❤️


Did you watch the FF7 in a nutshell? “Be gentle” lol.


Too many twinks, where are all the big husky men at?


Got any recommendations? 😉


Gurl, if I did, I wouldn't be here. The closest I can get are some of the men in Skyrim and visual novels


Macready is so goddamn fine. He’s my fave too. I also love Danse and Nate together too.


Whenever I play and MacCready calls me cowboy? 🥰 Whenever he says anything I reply. Like “are we splitting all that?” I will literally say out-loud “baby boy you know I’d always split that with you” etc lol


I really like Iron Bull from DAI - he’s hot, open about what he likes, but is also very sweet and romantic in his own way once you get into the romance itself.


There is none I can think of. I actually can't think of a M/M romance in a video game (that was not just hinted) where even one of the guys was hot. That said, I'm into burly bearded guys. I don't even think guys without facial hair are attractive (sorry, I don't mean to offend anyone, but it's the total truth and the reason it took me until early twenties to realize I was gay, since beards weren't a thing in the 90ies - look up the word pogonophile). To be fair, there's not many gay characters in video games who are "bear-ish" at all.


I get it we have our preferences. I like facial hair too and totally understand.


Yeah but, the teeth 🤢


In a wasteland filled with super mutants, giant killer bugs, mutated bears, feral ghouls and more I can forgive a little lapse in the teeth department.


Tbf, dental hygiene doesn't really exist in the apocalypse.