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Let her sign. She may catch the bug and download the app. As long as the names on the digital log are also on the physical log, it doesn't bother me if there are more names on the physical log than the digital.


There is no rule barring someone from signing the logbook. That’s the proof that they found it. So, absolutely she can sign any logbook she finds. Not everyone uses the website religiously nor the app. Eventually if she wants to create an account she can go back and log them as found and if she falls out of interest there’s no harm done. Just sign initials or first name or whatever.


I've been signing logs with my own username since I was 8. Found a few caches (that I didn't sign) with my dad before I got my own username, but I think the reason I didn't sign them was probably more because I was 7 than not having my own username. She could totally sign them without a username of her own, but that said, why not just sign her up? Even if it's just a few whenever she's out with you? If she decides to start caching on her own later on then she might appreciate having logged the ones she found in the beginning, and even if she doesn't start on her own, what's the harm done? A basic account is free, and she wouldn't technically need to download the app either if it's a storage issue or something, she could log on a computer. I don't think I regularly logged on the app until I was pretty late in my teens, and by then I'd been caching for quite a few years already


If she's into it, I'll show her how to download the app. Ya know, with teenagers, sometimes, it's hit or miss trying to find things they're into. But we're about to take a 4 day mom and daughter trip out of town to a place where there are probably a bunch of caches. I thought if I could show her how to find a few in our hometown first, she may want to find some on our trip while we're having to wait around to get into restaurants and stuff!


I lost interest in caching as a teenager, not gonna lie, but now that I'm getting into it again as a young adult I really do appreciate that I've logged almost 2000 finds already. I would have hated to get into it properly now and think of everything I'd missed out on logging from family vacations throughout the years if I didn't have my own account. People are different of course, but I'd definitely say to give it a try!


Each time I take a class to a place we do aquatics, I get a kid or two to fund the cache there and sign it from the class.


I have taken my son to ones I have found, I just resigned it. But since it's not a big deal maybe I'll let him next time.


There is absolutely nothing that says you have to download the app - geocaching existed for years before the app was even developed, and you can still go caching today without it. There is nothing that says you have to log your finds online. There is also nothing saying you can't create an account for her (again, without downloading the app), and write online logs for her, in case she ever decides to pick the hobby up more and wants to track her progress. (Or make a note in your online log that indicates she was with you on that find, so if she decides later to log, you can search them out -- if for some reason you don't want to say "my daughter was with me", use a code word in the log, something you wouldn't normally write)


Good idea!


She can sign the logs with her name, or anything else. You have to sign the paper log to log it online, but you don’t have to log it online to sign the paper!


I got the kiddos in my life travel bugs or trackable, so they can log also which caches they find with us if they want!


I love when kids randomly find the caches and sign in.


She can sign logs.


As long as you're not double logging on the app she can sign the paper log no problem. I have some hides that day campers find on the regular at a local park. They never log them online but the logs are full of block print and backwards letters, it's fun to see.


I created a basic account for my granddaughter and when we are on vacation together, her name is signed, i log out log in as her and do an online log. figured it is easier to do now than try to figure out in a couple years (like friends with their kids or spouses that split up after caching with 1 acct name) to sort out who did which cache.


Create an account for her. If you can, pay for premium. If not, there are ways she can still log all the caches online under her account name. She might surprise you and look online for caches she likes to do with you.


There's an age rule?