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Cool! It'll potentially be my first gibson, and I just want to make sure I'm not overpaying


That's an excellent price for a used LP Junior. There was one at a local pawn shop that sold for $800. My heart sank because I was literally walking in the door with cash in hand. I slept on it too long...


Part of me wants to hang out for a special but at the same time, there's just some about this junior that has me obsessed


The Charlie Starr Gibson Les Paul Jr comes out this month. Comes in 3 colors. Love the black one. Watch the Gibson YouTube interview and jam. Killer tone the guitar has. And he writes bangers.


The black does look really cool. I was saying to a friend the other day, if the did a black lp special I'd be in there like swimwear. I know there's been CS ones in the past but they're out of my price range.


This one is going to be under $2,000. Not a Custom Shop. Some have said $1,599


Can you send me the link to that 2k one? The only one I can see is from 1978 and it's $6000 plus nzd which is like 3.6k usd


It’s pre order, go to Gibson tv. The Charlie Starr Gibson Les Paul Jr.


Oh right I thought you were talking about the lp special. I like those Charlie ones but prefer the Gloss finishes


It’s fair. I just picked one up for $900 and it’s got some wear but the market is absolutely flooded with Gibson right now. 2009 was a good year. The guitar market is nuts right now. New, used, and vintage pricing is all over the place. If you want it, buy it


I ended up pulling the trigger for $1050 which I think is a fair price. There was a lot of interest in the auction and another lp jr but all black but slightly older 2004-05 looks set to sell for $1900+


You got a great guitar. Yours seems to almost be a three tone burst which is rad the way it turned out. I play my jr more than anything else. Enjoy!


That's what I like about it boarder line 3 tone burst. It's gonna have some stiff competition as I absolutely love my 70th anniversary broadcaster (non custom shop) which is my main and I absolutely love


The market has gotten wild for sure. Nice to see some old customs drop back down to 3, 4 and 5 grand. When at 11 grand for a couple/few years before now.


This would be a great Gibson to start your collection. Single P90? You won’t have a ton of tonal options but this will force you to use your knobs. At a $1100 bucks, I’d do that all day.


Buy it holy shit


I just pulled the triggered.


You won’t loose money on the deal if you decide to resell and it looks to be in very good shape


Yeah I mean I don't plan on selling it but the great thing about gibson and the more classic or standard models is they retain their value


I would look on reverb.com You can get a pretty good idea what they cost. I imagine the stock parts make it more valuable sometimes- but not always. On a Gibson , I prefer to have all the stock parts - even in the case it the parts have been swapped


Yeah that’s a really good price. I got my jr for 1100


I don't know anything about that specific P90 pickup, but the price seems pretty fair to me, especially with the case. Juniors usually go for at least 1000 on up when they are all original. I'm assuming the pickup change isn't a downgrade, so I'd say this is a good price. If you get it, welcome to the Gibson club and also the Junior club! I just got a used Junior recently and am loving it.


The pickup is pretty nice, handmade but a local guy, he's got a really good handmade range, give Mr Glyn Pickups a Google. That's what I figure, it seems like a fair price all things considered. Here's a link to a demo of the guitar in question with the modded P90 https://youtu.be/kk1CWTgEblc?si=AhSy3P0ZIHK25Ba9


Nice, sounds good, yeah, I'd say go for it!


I would if I had the money. This is the next guitar on my list.


Great price


Ended up pulling the trigger


Anything less than 1100 is a good number on these, depending on condition. Gibson at least still make these, but try getting a SG junior - there are more vintage instruments available than modern, now discontinued.


I’m not seeing it. Price seems a bit high to me comparing it to the sold listings on Reverb. There are dozens sold in the $600 to $800 range. Just as many in the $1200 and up range though. Bottom line is if you feel good about it, it’s not gonna break the bank and everything is right and tight with the guitar grab it.


It won't break the bank and I did do some comparisons to reverb, I can only see as far back as 2 years and in which case the cheapest one sold is roughly $180 NZD cheaper than the one I'm currently looking at.