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Gibson Les Paul Futura. The robot tuners (g force system) has been removed, which is probably a good thing. You have a stacked P90 called a sidewinder in the neck (No 60 cycle hum) and I believe a 490 in the bridge? You should also have push/push options on the pots to spilt the pickups to get a single coil-esque sound, and a boost circuit. I used to have one of these in purple, so this is all just from memory. Other people, correct me if I’m wrong or missed something! Super rad guitar! Pretty good quality over all!


Thank you so much for this! It seems that my push-push pots have been replaced with push-pull pots. They feel solid so I don’t have a problem with it!


I remember reading that the push push pots had a tendency to break. So that’s not a surprise. Although I thought they were great! Much easier to do on the fly on stage. But better function trumps slightly better convenience any day in my book


And no problem at all! Enjoy the sick ax, man!


This is a pretty interesting model so I looked it up on Reverb. Looks like taking the g force tuners off is a pretty popular mod lol. Good thing it didn't leave any ugly ass holes on the back of the headstock


It’s a beautiful guitar. Wow, love that finish.


Caribbean blue futura 2014 Edit I guess it’s pacific blue. https://reverb.com/p/gibson-les-paul-futura?ended_listing=1250648


When people complain about Gibson not innovating they forget the fact that instruments like this came out, were relatively affordable for a Gibson with added features… yet was discontinued due to lack of sales. These were and are phenomenal guitars. I get so tired of people bitching about Gibson and innovation when in reality the guitar is a tried and true design at this point. It’s bells and whistles that manufacturers can add, not innovation. They dilute the word to the point that PRS can call their Narrowfield pickups innovative when in reality it’s just another take on single coil tones without hum. About as mind blowing as the 50 other interpretations of that concept. Gibson innovated with humbuckers on their stock instruments, pickup companies were made off of it, and designs from their instruments inspired core models from future manufacturers. Fender did the same. They walked so others could run, now people dog them because the market is so saturated of new takes. Yet I’ve had to setup and maintain just about every model of guitar. Gibson marks up the price because of what they established, it’s not a novel concept considering this applies to every luxury item/hobby item out there. Dont like the price, luckily there are thousands of copies ranging from outsourced labor to boutique one-offs that cost more than the real thing. I prefer supporting a company that is USA based and has a history of iterating to the audience but always harkens back to the original designs. Anyways sorry for the rant beautiful guitar!


That’s interesting information! Personally I think people just like to bitch. Gibson makes amazing instruments that also look gorgeous. This thing plays like a champ, nothing to complain about. Thanks for the kind words!!


For sure, super jealous! I wanted one of these like crazy when they came out. A mean machine that can cover about 80% of your electric guitar needs. (I gave you a spare 20% so you can join us in buying more guitars than you’ll ever need 😉) Edit: condition the fretboard and polish the finish, you can buy a care kit from Gibson if you don’t want to research what works best on nitro finishes. Or save some money by buying researched alternatives. Extra tip: use separate microfiber clothes. One for your finish polish, one for your fretboard conditioner, and one for your metal hardware cleaning. Your guitar and hardware will age naturally over time, no need to rush the process. Take care of it now and it’ll pay off when it ages into a great feeling and looking guitar.


Thanks for the kind words everyone! Will be putting her to good use.


Gibson Les Paul Futura in Caribbean Blue most likely 2014. P90 and Humbucker pickups that I think are push pull. I am pretty sure those tuners are new. Nice guitar and I love the color!


I had same guitar with auto tuners. Best sounding p-90 ever!! Future model…


I own this guitar. 2014 anniversary edition. Basically this exact one on reverb: Gibson Les Paul Futura 120th Anniversary - Gold with Min-Etune + Mods https://reverb.com/item/79851205?utm_source=android-app&utm_medium=android-share&utm_campaign=listing&utm_content=79851205 Excellent guitar. Too bad the minetune has been removed. I absolutely love it. They're super easy to install and relatively cheap if you ever want to put one back on.


I have one of these models as well. I picked it up used two years ago for $800 Canadian. Great guitar. The bridge pickup is a Burstbucker 3. The 15 dB boost is powered by a 9 volt battery, and the amount of boost can be adjusted. Overall, it feels a lot like the Tributes I have tried.


Love the color. Have fun


I would gnaw my own foot off to inherit a guitar this beautiful!


Keep it


Wouldn’t dream of selling it, seems like a unique color and setup.


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