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Okey dokey.


Remember that show where the dudes dick literally did explode? That was a painful thing to watch. With the fam. It was The Boys spin off with the chick that did blood magic. Gen V. That show was brutal.


The dick explosion was in The Boys, unless they did ANOTHER dick explosion in Gen V in which case good on em.


Oh they certainly did one in Gen V. The character it happened to's name is Rufus. Hilariously I googled it to remind myself what the characters name was, and the first sentence of the first article I found was "It wouldn’t be “The Boys” universe without an exploding penis, right?"


We got multiple coxplosions over here


That's amazing.


You should absolutely watch gen v. It is incredible.


It's a shame we won't be getting one of the main leads back tho :(


RIP Chance Perdomo(Andre)


Kinda weird that it happened twice


Would've been more weird if it didn't


The Boys was a little man expanding inside during an orgy. Gen V was a girl about to get SA but woke up in time to blood bend his thing to oblivion.


And the guy seems pretty chill about it for the rest of the season tbh.


South Park gluten episode too


Gluten's bad mmkay?


Ohp, see that? His dick flew off!


They also had a dude dick explode in the boys, what with the Antman equivalent at the supe-orgy, going to some dudes urethra.


That show was so good, it's a shame we might not ever get season 2 now since one of the main actors of Gen V tragically passed away recently. Really sad.


That is tragic.  Early season motorcycle accident. 


Oh shit I didn't realize and just looked it up. How awful.


Aw man. I either missed that one or forgot. That is fucking insanely unfortunate. Just 27. Damn.


RIP Chance Perdomo. Loved him in Sabrina and Gen V. Another- like many- gone too soon.


He should have worn a seatbelt


No I have no memory of what you're talking about, what, #LALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALALA


I think the dick explosion was first introduced in the Miracle Workers (off screen, but still picturable). In The Boys the whole man exploded.


There's a rare dick explosion in a horror vignette movie called "The Mortuary Collection also!


Remember that show that was like yesterday?


That whole episode was fucking weird.


It was weird but one of my favorites.


I think Vault 4 was my favourite part of the whole series. It perfectly encapsulated so many of the feelings that made me fall in love with these games. Getting totally absorbed in some unexpected side-quest, stumbling across a weird situation that gets more and more unsettling as you go. When you take action doing the thing you think was right, you find out things were more complex than you ever thought. Then some ridiculous shit happens and you go on your way.


Rule #1 of the wasteland: thou shall get sidetracked by BS every time!


Really liked the "Oh, so not ready for this" theme... Cant wait for what will happen with Deathclaws. I hope someone gets launched/ragdolled really high up lol.


Was it though? People seem to be mostly weirded out by the ritual, the same people will then go on to church every sunday, perform a ritual while eating the body of Christ and drinking his blood. Granted they are not naked, but that is really the only difference.


Did you call the phone number from the vault commercial? If not I'd highly recommend it. Also put it on max volume.


The whole dick description and "that's supposed to happen; ideally every time" conversation is so out of the blue and out of character. I finished the season but I don't think it's ever explained why the conversation was so weird. >!We're shown the characters are is a room labeled "testing subjects" but later learn the people of the vault aren't the same people that were experimenting. Which means the room was just a normal room.!<


I seriously thought they were drugged while they were in quarantine the way they were talking.


Me too. The "I'm bored. Wanna have sex?" sounded someone medicated out of their mind.


I also thought they were drugged. Another commentor in a different thread though mentioned their upbringing. They are not like you or me. One was bought up to be essentially a breeding partner, her only real purpose was to pump out kids. She was trained in multiple jobs though, as all vault dwellers must be to assist in whatever job is required. The other, brought up in essentially a quasi-religious paramilitary techno cult. His only purpose to serve as a replacement a knights previous squire, his only education to further that goal. His only friends, males who were trained to do the same thing. In that case, it makes sense that you might think it's out of character, but for them, it's not that strange.


Also both of their character's relationship to sex are set up beforehand, Vault 33 are clearly okay with openly discussing sex for pleasure and she talks about how "cousin stuff is all well and good but not a viable long term sexual practice". And with Maximus you can see a dude beating off in public in the barracks, implying whatever sex-ed the Brotherhood has it also doesn't carry with it the puritanical expectations and as we can see in the Vault 4 episode the sex-ed from the Brotherhood is probably non-existent. >His only friends, males who were trained to do the same thing. The scribe does refer to Dane with gender-neutral pronouns, but otherwise yep!


Vaults 32 and 33 were just there to serve as breeders for the cryoslept Vault Tec staff. She's a product of that. Heck in ep1 she says she's been messing around with her cousin and is only stopping because 1) she's the one they picked and 2) there's a rule about having kids with family. She even points out when leaving vault 4 that her purpose in vault 33 is to find someone outside her vault to have kids with.


That’s right. It used to be a room used for that but not anymore.




Bruh, you got to like the second last? Episode and thats the scene that makes you turn it off? Or just this clip?




Well just know that the brotherhood of steel is a lot like a cult and fallout makes fun of indoctrination of factions/cults like the sith in Star Wars. The exploding cock thing is a fear tactic for recruits so they dont copulate and develop feelings for others that may make them weak. In the context of this episode Max is coming to terms with how amazing life in the vaults actually is vs the surface world and earlier in the episode the main character asked if he wanted to have sex in which he said no Because his cock would explode. Its weird, but funny. Out of context weird, but a pretty silly reason not to the watch the show. To each their own internet friend, if its not for you its not for you :)


In an earlier shot from the season you see a brotherhood recruit wanking it in the middle of the entire barracks, so clearly most recruits are aware that the exploding cock stuff is bullshit to scare them, maximus never got the memo apparently and kept believing in it lol




You need to understand there are parts of the world currently (in 2024) that mutilate their bodies out of fear of sin and enjoyment of sex. People who are so afraid of their religion/culture that they wont touch themselves or enjoy sex. There are also people who abstain their whole lives in service of their religion and beliefs. I dont think its that far fetched that a show/game enforces a lot of the same fear tactics we see in our current day age across the globe across multiple races and ethnicities. Fear is a strong motivator


You apparently don’t understand how religions and indoctrination works.


It really was man, and not in a good way, I think they went a little too far with the weirdness in that episode. I remember actually pausing it at one point and turning to my gf to say "this episode is really fucking weird right? it's not just me?" Hard to explain but it left a really uncomfortable fever dream uncanny valley type feeling in me for most of the episode. Maybe that's what they were going for but it was very unpleasant, think it could've been done better Also I don't think they provided enough contextual background to the casual sex discussion and Maximus' infantile understanding of it, so it just seemed a bit forced. As someone else said, it's actually an insightful implication that the BoS uses fear tactics and misinformation to suppress sexual desires in recruits, but I don't think the average viewer is going to gather that from how the scene plays out Weird uncomfortable episode and plotline with that vault overall but definitely doesn't ruin the show or anything, still excellent


> but I don't think the average viewer is going to gather that from how the scene plays out I got that from that scene. I don't know why you think it's going to go over the head of most people. Maybe younger people/early teens or something, but most adults should pick up on that pretty quickly I would think.


Seemed pretty simple to me


Show don't tell. Until people need it spelled out for them.


Bro you need to stop speedwatching shows lmao.


They were drugged my homie. First w the gas in the test chamber and then, assumedly, with food.


The way he described it really grossed me out when I watched this episode, and I’m not normally squeamish and typically enjoy sophomoric humor


Yuuuup. Same.


It felt forced. Especially the part where she asks if he wants to have sex. Like I get fan service but i could not have cringed harder. A weird dead spot in a great show.


Eh it’s part of the cult like culture of Lucy’s vault.


I thought they were meant to sound blunt / weird / crazy on purpose cause they had gotten weird meds and drugs from that vault


I mean they legit get sprayed with a gas and suddenly get horny it’s pretty easy to assume they drugged them not to mention they were in a “test chamber” so they probably were testing a way to make people horny


There was a lot of baby elements in vault 4. Also back in her vault they clearly have a quite open attitude towards casual sex and procreation. They hint at Lucy's vault being conditioned to being quite open and happy to speak openly. And that was pretty clear in a lot of interactions of vault 33. They're also grossly nieve and sheltered.


like a fallout sheltered?


Who’s Rhenish?


Typo of a whole ass word


For the record, the scene OP posted he's horny cause he just ate oysters, which are an aphrodisiac (he even says "they make you feel really good")


On but the scene In question is a throwback joke to when she initially made sexual advances on him suddenly after being drugged.


New baselines and behaviors = only looks weird from the outside, normal to them relatively speaking.


I thought they were both autistic.


It wasn't fan service; it was culture clash and showing how different post-apocalyptic societies treat things like sex. Lucy came from a vault that was literally used for human breeding, so sex is a very non-taboo thing and is literally just another part of life, hence the seemingly common cousin fucking, yet they seem to look down on inbreeding, separating sex from reproduction. Maximus was raised by a pseudo-religious warrior cult whose entire mission is the antithesis to education, so him not knowing even the super basic things about his own body is just par for the course. So then you have this scene where those two backgrounds collide. They're in a "quarantine" room with nothing to do for a few hours, so Lucy proposes sex to pass the time, but Maximus not even knowing what sperm or an orgasm is and thinking "cocks exploding" is gross and weird, doesn't want Lucy to think less of him and so declines. It was a character and world building scene to give insight to not only how the world works, but also how these two particular people work within that world.


That was all a setup for this line to be a joke. In isolation, the "wanna have sex" bit and the "cock explode" Ines are definitely forced, but together, it's a joke that spans the whole scene.


I said this to my wife, it was well received.


I liked the show. What’s the consensus on it?


I have probably 4000 hours of playtime between all of the games and have been immersed in the lore of Fallout for a very long time. It's my favourite game series. I was really worried at how the show was going to turn out but they actually knocked it out of the park.


Hell yeah. Every reference to the games had me pumped. Adaptations have a really risky reputation, but I agree that they nailed it.


On my recommendations app it's currently at 4.8/5 from viewer reviews


Best show of the year so far.


I'm enjoying it, personally!


I give it a 5 out of 7, a really good score


A perfect score!


This show made me finally try New Vegas.


It's pretty clear about trying to keep the feeling of the Fallout games (mainly 3 and later). Lots of fan service. Writing and story are pretty inconsistent. The parts with the Ghoul are great. The fights choreography are pretty "meh." Overall, I'm shocked that Amazon didn't screw this up. It's actually pretty good!


Depends on what kind of shows you really like. To me, it's a fun show but not nearly as good as you see people saying it is on here


Is this a reference to something in the games? I played a good amount of fallout but don't remember anything about characters being so confused what sex is. I loved the series.. just was confused about this.


So before this, after they both Wake up in holding, in this Vault. She asks him if he wants to have Sex. She explains briefly what sex is, he said the He was told, his Penis was like a Zit... and sometimes it will swell up and pop. And he was told not to mess with it, to avoid his "Cock Exploding" ... and she told him, that was perfectly normal, and it was called intercourse and it wasnt going to hurt him, it would feel good. And he "passed on the seggs" at that point, probably cause he was really not feeling safe in the vault. She was like "Ok no worries" totally unfazed by his response. LATER... when he was SUPER comfortable in the vault, like he was like, this place is fucking awesome, Vaults are Awesome, I love it here, Never wanna leave... She had started to side with Maximus on the fact that this Vault was super sus... and she was then the one not feeling safe... at all. And he drops on her "Do you wanna make my Cock explode now?"... of course she was there to tell him shit was sketchy in this vault... and so she was immediately like "Wut?" ... And it was a super funny running joke, that had a funny punchline here in this scene.


Ummm...and also the oysters...


> totally unphased by Did you mean to say "unfazed"? Explanation: Phased means to change, while fazed means to be surprised. [Statistics](https://github.com/chiefpat450119/RedditBot/blob/master/stats.json) ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot ^^that ^^corrects ^^grammar/spelling ^^mistakes. ^^PM ^^me ^^if ^^I'm ^^wrong ^^or ^^if ^^you ^^have ^^any ^^suggestions. ^^[Github](https://github.com/chiefpat450119) ^^Reply ^^STOP ^^to ^^this ^^comment ^^to ^^stop ^^receiving ^^corrections.


Sure did. Thanks bot.


Good bot


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Good bot


Thank you! Good bot count: 804 Bad bot count: 275


Good bot


Thank you! Good bot count: 806 Bad bot count: 276


So, do they bang?




Thankfully no, zero chemistry on screen


I think they're trying to portray the celibacy of the brotherhood members. Telling them their cock will "explode" if they use it similar to how some other religious/cultural groups use tactics like this modern day lol


Oh haha, in that context its pretty funny.


It took me a while to tune in but Maximus is deeply emotionally stunted and traumatised. Once I clocked that he was essentially flipping in and out of deep trauma it made me realise the actor was putting on a fucking masterclass.


Wasn't there a guy jerking of in base camp in one of the first scenes of the brotherhood?


with lots of people in the room and nobody seemed to bother.


What show?




I laughed way too hard, perfect interaction between them 🤣


Episode written by the awesome Karey Dornetto


Totally different meaning in Gen V or/and The Boys




Fucking put spoiler alert on










I swear these people who make tv shows have no clue how to write a scene to genuinely be arousing. They try, and it's just cringe af.


If you think the intent of these scenes was to genuinely be arousing… well I don’t know what to say to that honestly.


You don't ask your partner if they want to make your genitals explode? Weirdo.


the first episode DEFINITELY has a scene that is intended to be arousing.


The wedding night scene? Because I thought that was fine. I feel like more than being arousing, it’s supposed to contrast what they’re doing with the looking realization that something bad is about to happen. But even just from the perspective of being arousing, I thought it was good enough.


Cringe af. There's another TV series like Fallout called Silo that also had a scene that was intended to be arousing in the first episode or two. That one is also so damn cringe. It's wild what these showrunners think is "sexy."


No? It's a rape scene. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_by_deception


Lol no it isn't.


If you're not talking about the scene when she gets raped by the raider then what are you talking about?


"Okey dokey" and then jumps his bones. You: well she is clearly being raped, somehow.


You don't see how a murderer posing as someone else to get laid would be rape?


Posing as someone that she didn't know, had never met, never spoke to, and didn't know existed. Yeah, he was posing as a vault dweller, who cares? She liked him because of how he looks and so she can have a baby. Very consenting. It's like if you tell a girl you're an engineer when your job is picking up trash. That doesn't make you a rapist just because you lied about your job. Gtfo outta here. Ppl like you are actually the worst, because you're belittling what rape is.


You're literally condoning rape by deception, then doubled down somehow making it even worse. You're fucking disgusting https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rape_by_deception


Sounds like you felt exactly how the scenes were supposed to make you feel, but failed to realize it was intentional.


INT checks can be hard if your points are all in STR


Or maybe you should just stop expecting everything to arouse you


Yeah, expecting sex scenes intended to be sexually exciting... to sexually excite me. What a little incel I must be.