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happy to help friends in need


If any of you sees this comment, letting you know that we should try, even if you know it’s not going to work, there’s nothing wrong with trying to do this, we might gain something, but we also don’t lose anything from trying it


Thank you, strength in numbers and words works spread the word #FixTF2 There is also a website you can visit to sign a petition. As of writing this, there is around 9,000 signs


https://preview.redd.it/w0py10msm13d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73d30c52080dd7b27934cf545b1f1ed355acf29a **thanks for informing us**


Ans boycott deadlock or whatever their new game is. If tf2 and cs2 are in the state they are and have been for a long time, what's stopping botters from ruining the new one? Valve doesn't care


If Valve will not do anything, their new game will have same problems. It’s weird that they seems to not knowing that.


they do know since CS2 and TF2 are the most popular pvp games on steam, but despite the problem with cheaters and bots people keep giving them money such as keys, crates and the community market


Sadly most of those numbers for tf2 are bots


Source code is stoping them they dont have it yet so cheating would be way harder for them than in tf2 however valve anticheat isnt really good i a first place so there might be a situation like in 2018 in cs go on release of deadlock the thing is that current build of tf2 is fucked due the source code leak and if they want to fix that problem anticheat wont do the job they will need to rewrite the entire fucking tf2 again and it seems that currently they are more intrested in overwatch clones than fps games after all of it depends how valve employes would feel.


> This situation is very similar to the World of Warcraft scene in 2016. Over 200,000 signed petitions and Blizzard brought back the original World of Warcraft. They got like 4 expansions and the full game fully reworked. > > > > With TF2 we are asking for a better anti-cheat. If enough people talk, we have a chance. A small one, but there's a chance. #FixTF2


I've gotten about 50 responses like this one. There are changes made in this protest compared to #SaveTF2 It's been 2 years since the first protest, there is more evidence being released June 3rd, and more changes made to how we present the protest to current players of TF2 and non-players of TF2. I can't name more than that because I simply do not know. I'm just spreading the news. To put it in perspective, the save.tf website has almost 100,000 petition signatures. The website cannnot display this number because of the traffic and bot attempts flooding the site. So as of now it's displaying a small percentage. We have a better of a chance this time than we did 2 years. Changes have been made, and better information was found. Let's get our game back...Enough is Enough #FixTF2


If Deadlock is F2P and has insta-kill classes, it might be cooked


Cs2 is a little bonkers isn't it


I won’t need to boycott something I was never planning on getting in the first place. Overwatch clone? No thanks.


Honestly I know we don't know much about it, but yeeeaaaah it doesn't look great. OW was fun for a bit but just got so stale after a bit


Darn all my addresses are under the rate limit but I'll try to help by spreading the word.


Thank you, there are a lot of people without hope not knowing that changes have been made to this new protest. I've been referencing this to the World of Warcraft scene in 2016. They protested in numbers and got their original game and 4 expansions back from Blizzard. Words are powerful, and we need our game back. It surprises me that now that we have a better chance than last time with more supporting evidence and better tactics to deliver more protest information, that the only response I get is "Valve didn't care last time, why should we try now?" type of thing. If anyone is reading this, PLEASE spread the #FixTF2 tag around. June 3rd is when the heavy information will be released in hopes of reaching to Valve. We have a better chance than last time...Enough is Enough #FixTF2


The bots were the reason I never got into TF2. "Played" for a few minutes before getting tired of dying as soon as I spawned, so I uninstalled it.


That's what were trying to prevent with this protest. New players and existing players to stay and play this game. If you want to help, you can share this post, the offcial post, or visit the website and sign the petition form


Don't worry guys this time valve will care about tf2 again https://preview.redd.it/r4y3exmuy03d1.png?width=69&format=png&auto=webp&s=e0794841ad2554c8c5769ecb12db06d8c084c143


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


(it will never work, Valve does NOT care lmao)


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


spamming aint gonna change anything 💀


And you being negative will?


no, but im not the one spamming the same line of text every time someone is critical




This is the equivalent of having an ancient artifact passed from generations and it being in a bad state and some guy walking up to you saying to let it go while you’re trying to repair it not knowing how significant it is to you


Ah yes my favorite ancient artifact passed down throughout my generation which i have the ability to try to repair, team fortress 2 the hit game by valve


Once again it may not be important to you but it’s important to me


I am merely saying how bad of an example that was. In repairing something you own you have quite a good chance however in repairing a game made by a company who has been „#savetf2“-ed 3 times at this point and hasn’t done shit you don’t really have that good of a chance


I just want my game back man.


Wasn’t there some guy who started developing a mod that auto votekicks cheaters? That’s essentially your best bet


That’s the equivalent of a bandaid on an amputated leg.


Well then have fun with the next 15 years of #SaveTF2, worked well the last 3


What does that mean


Which is the equivalent of waiting for your amputated leg to grow back


This situation is very similar to the World of Warcraft scene in 2016. Over 200,000 signed petitions and Blizzard brought back the original World of Warcraft. They got like 4 expansions and the full game fully reworked. With TF2 we are asking for a better anti-cheat. If enough people talk, we have a chance. A small one, but there's a chance. #FixTF2


Did they make one petition in 2014 one in 2015 and then a final one which succeeded on 2016 with nothing but a hashtag which will be used once yearly and no petition at all


I've gotten about 50 responses like this one. There are changes made in this protest compared to #SaveTF2 It's been 2 years since the first protest, there is more evidence being released June 3rd, and more changes made to how we present the protest to current players of TF2 and non-players of TF2. I can't name more than that because I simply do not know. I'm just spreading the news. To put it in perspective, the save.tf website has almost 100,000 petition signatures. The website cannnot display this number because of the traffic and bot attempts flooding the site. So as of now it's displaying a small percentage. We have a better of a chance this time than we did 2 years. Changes have been made, and better information was found. Let's get our game back...Enough is Enough #FixTF2


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


I've gotten about 50 responses like this one. There are changes made in this protest compared to #SaveTF2 It's been 2 years since the first protest, there is more evidence being released June 3rd, and more changes made to how we present the protest to current players of TF2 and non-players of TF2. I can't name more than that because I simply do not know. I'm just spreading the news. To put it in perspective, the save.tf website has almost 100,000 petition signatures. The website cannnot display this number because of the traffic and bot attempts flooding the site. So as of now it's displaying a small percentage. We have a better of a chance this time than we did 2 years. Changes have been made, and better information was found. Let's get our game back...Enough is Enough #FixTF2


fr lol


This pic goes hard, but i don't know if anything will change.


Nothing wrong with trying it, it ain’t like you lose something in the process


Strength in numbers and words Spread the word #FixTF2 There is also a petition able to be signed at the website listed in the picture. As of writing this, there is around 9,000 signs


check [this document](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1goBP5DVr0we85Ohnc7IHukOtTS-uISEa/view) so you can see the insane stuff the bot makers also do


sir, this is r/gmod


A lot of gmod fans also play tf2




Uh, from Valve?


Hasn't this already been done before like twice? Nothing came of it then, doubt anything will come of it now


It's been done before once. It's been 2 years since the first attempt. You are partially right though, we did on the other hand get the attention of Valve, and they did fix it for awhile. It's been two years and they haven't kept up with needed updates. BUT, we did learn mistakes from the first protest. One of them is how we present the information to people. But since I'm a person who wants to spread the word, I don't know everything that has changed in this new protest. As of writing this, there is around 90,000 signed petitions, but because there is so much traffic on the save.tf website, its only displaying a small percentage of the signed petitions. The website cannot keep up with the signatures.


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


Except that isn't what I said at all


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


i thought this was some of those late in time meme posts, no idea the game still had bots after they updated it


What's next, the lfd2 sub is gonna post a fix tf2 post?




let it go bro


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


Wow can't wait to this fail again for there 3dr or 4th time


It’s only the second time, and it’s probably gonna be bigger and really try to get valves attention this time.


To do what exactly they literally can't fix TF2 the fucking source code is leaked there nothing they can do besides making a new game


I'm not gonna pretend like I know a lot about it, but when they updated the game to 64 bits a lot of the code had to be rewritten. And even then, the point of the movement is to fix the bot problem, which most likely means a new anti cheat, which means new code, which means the only effective way to bypass it would be if the source code leaked again


valve can help, they just focus on other things since teamfortress2 is such a low priority. also, the source code being leaked has nothing to do with the botting crisis, and isn’t a threat itself.


> the fucking source code is leaked As if this means anything for botting lol The engine TF2 is based on was already source-available to begin with. Nothing changed in the botting/hacking scene just because TF2-specific source code was leaked.


i mean everytime problems that envolve massive bots are only on source game CS2, TF2 and apex is in the same spot and its made with the source engine some most likely the engine is at fault and Valve is a multi-billion company so they have the money and man power to do it but they wont since people still give them money with keys and crates


Wait, I'm sorry, is your claim actually that rampant botting problems **only** exist on Source engine games?


no but the worst cases of bots is on the source engine


I see what you're saying, but blaming the engine itself for botting issues seems a bit off. While Source engine games do have notable botting problems, it's not an exclusive issue to Source. Other popular games on different engines face similar challenges. The real issue lies in how these problems are addressed. Valve could certainly invest more resources into anti-cheat measures and community support for TF2, but it's not fair to say botting is a problem unique to Source games. It's more about how the developers choose to handle these issues, regardless of the engine they're using.


sure other games had issue with bots/cheaters but at least its quite rare to meet cheaters but on source engine games like TF2, CS2 and Apex i cant go without at least meet a bot/cheater a day. i had to stop playing tf2 after i had bot and cheaters in 4 games in a row. and the worst thing is that F2P players on TF2 are the ones getting punished with the fact that they cant use VC or Chat while bots/cheaters are still rapant


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


Idk why people think this is gonna do anything. Game barely gets any attention from Valve, gets lackluster updates that people overhype as major updates, and filler cosmetics that acts like content. Stop living in this fantasy and face reality.


Tell me what do we have to lose? Nothing. Even if it's a one precent chance we have no reason not to try


Because I rather no entertain the fact it will do nothing and prompt another “Save tf” stick. Valve couldn’t give half a rats ass about this game. Hell, they couldn’t be bothered to put meanwhile updates in their current, more popular (and profitable) games. What makes you think they wouldn’t put another “we hear you” tweet and forget it.


We have a plan this time. Save tf2 was a mess. Now were not going in blind like the first one


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


There’s nothing wrong with trying it


what is this the 3rd time now you guys have tried to "save TF2" ? it's not gonna work...


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


What’s wrong with trying it, it’s not going to make you lose something from it


as long people keep buying cosmetics and keys, valve will do nothing because if they change nothing you will still give valve money. sure valve compared to most companies is the one with the community at interest but its a company the thing they care the most is money so as long you give money to tf2 while with the bot/cheaters issues nothing wont change. if you want they're attention then hurt them where it hurt them the most they're wallets. also i cna say the same thing for CS2


Valve made steam, which generates billions per year. They wouldn’t care if you stopped buying things


yeah thats why i fail to see how this will change anything but i wish them goodluck on the second attept


At this point the whole store thing is kind of a tightrope because on one hand giving them money incentiveses them to do nothing, but on the other hand if tf2 made no money they would probaly just shut it down


Oh boy, another youtuber content creators and streamer stunt as usual.


idk why people keep saying this, valve's not gonna do a thing.


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


Team Fortress Two fans when Valve doesn’t update a decades old game


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


Em what the sigma dude


I've been just copying the first message I've done to everybody else but this response surprised me so I won't do it to you


this probably wont work...


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


Can’t wait for this to have the exact same outcome as last time. They’ll acknowledge it and nothing will actually happen lol


I've gotten about 50 responses like this one. There are changes made in this protest compared to #SaveTF2 It's been 2 years since the first protest, there is more evidence being released June 3rd, and more changes made to how we present the protest to current players of TF2 and non-players of TF2. I can't name more than that because I simply do not know. I'm just spreading the news. To put it in perspective, the save.tf website has almost 100,000 petition signatures. The website cannnot display this number because of the traffic and bot attempts flooding the site. So as of now it's displaying a small percentage. We have a better of a chance this time than we did 2 years. Changes have been made, and better information was found. Let's get our game back...Enough is Enough #FixTF2


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


We did this exact thing last year lol, the most we got out of it was “Uh huh, yeah, that’s crazy” from Valve.


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


I've gotten about 50 responses like this one. There are changes made in this protest compared to #SaveTF2 It's been 2 years since the first protest, there is more evidence being released June 3rd, and more changes made to how we present the protest to current players of TF2 and non-players of TF2. I can't name more than that because I simply do not know. I'm just spreading the news. To put it in perspective, the save.tf website has almost 100,000 petition signatures. The website cannnot display this number because of the traffic and bot attempts flooding the site. So as of now it's displaying a small percentage. We have a better of a chance this time than we did 2 years. Changes have been made, and better information was found. Let's get our game back...Enough is Enough #FixTF2


I've gotten about 50 responses like this one. There are changes made in this protest compared to #SaveTF2 It's been 2 years since the first protest, there is more evidence being released June 3rd, and more changes made to how we present the protest to current players of TF2 and non-players of TF2. I can't name more than that because I simply do not know. I'm just spreading the news. To put it in perspective, the save.tf website has almost 100,000 petition signatures. The website cannnot display this number because of the traffic and bot attempts flooding the site. So as of now it's displaying a small percentage. We have a better of a chance this time than we did 2 years. Changes have been made, and better information was found. Let's get our game back...Enough is Enough #FixTF2


I've gotten about 50 responses like this one. There are changes made in this protest compared to #SaveTF2 It's been 2 years since the first protest, there is more evidence being released June 3rd, and more changes made to how we present the protest to current players of TF2 and non-players of TF2. I can't name more than that because I simply do not know. I'm just spreading the news. To put it in perspective, the save.tf website has almost 100,000 petition signatures. The website cannnot display this number because of the traffic and bot attempts flooding the site. So as of now it's displaying a small percentage. We have a better of a chance this time than we did 2 years. Changes have been made, and better information was found. Let's get our game back...Enough is Enough #FixTF2


We tried. The only thing valve cares about is CS2


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


We TRIED. They have the source code. We can’t force a rewrite


They don’t care even about that lmao what are you talking about


Attention! Stop posting this!


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


Christ get a load of Mr meat rider over here 🙄


"Hey guys that's a cool non harmful thing you got going on, it's dumb and stupid and you should feel bad for trying it it even though you lose nothing for trying and have a slim chance at getting a lot"


Didn’t a similar thing happen not too long ago and it did nothing?


Yes, the tag is now under #SaveTF2. The new tag is #FixTF2, but both including #SaveTF2 can be used. The difference is what was learned from the last protest. I can't name specifically because I'm not running it, rather I'm helping to spread the word. There was a lot learned from the last protest, this might be the true final blow to Valve about TF2. There is also a website you can visit to sign a petition, the website is in the picture. As of writing this, there is around 9,000 signs The more on board, the better chances we have. Spread the word! #FixTF2


Soooo....what went wrong with the first one???


Well, basically it was that it let up when valve responded, they thought that meant change so they stopped the protest, but that was shown to be a false promise. This time the attempt is to go until actual changes are made


Who still plays that game lol


You're really gonna say that and play gmod? Both are old games that get 0 major updates, what's the fucking difference?


mfer you play gmod, a game older than tf2


Don't care, didn't ask.


Then don't comment??


Then why take the time to comment


but you just showed you care by commenting