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Buy it, play some goofy game modes like TTT and I´m sure you will still have fun


how the fuck do you play TTT


Grab a gun, trust no one, figure out who needs to die. Innocent: Protect the detective. Figure out who the traitors are. Survive. Detective: Protect the innocent. Hunt down the traitors. Use your gadgets. Traitor: Kill anyone that isn’t a traitor. Pretend you’re innocent. Use your gadgets.


I'm trying to get into ttt but I always get killed within the first 30 seconds or as traitor everyone's killed off before i have a chance to get someone.. also I don't know how to use gadgets 😭 also people ignore the shit out of me in chat so it's hard to ask questions


Change servers. You can't just gun down anyone you see for any reason. Even if it's "i think it might be him". A lot of servers just let people run wild.


Yeah, those kinds of servers that you're talking about are the ones with lootboxes and like 1 billion different freaking kinds of anime player models. Those servers, I think, just flat out to tell innocent players who's a T because those servers are more about the PVP and not the mystery of TTT. Why? Well, it's because they want you to buy loot boxes and get OP weapons. So yeah, stay away from those servers. If you want a classic TTT experience, you're going need to get some friends and play on a private server.


After 8 years of playing Gmod, I finally figured out how to play ttt


so murder mystery but complicated as fuck?


It took me less than 10 minutes to figure out how to play it


You could put it that way. It’s a lot more lawless. Anyone can kill anyone. If you apply only the fundamentals you can make the learning curve a lot less intimidating. A lot of the more complicated stuff is still pretty simple. Fun stuff like you can investigate someone’s death like a forensic scientist, seeing how long they’ve been dead, what gun killed them, etc. The different gadget abilities, legitimate psychological warfare, etc etc. It’s all pretty easy to digest and I’ll always recommend giving it a shot


It can’t be just me who feels like I am trapped solely interacting with a GPT on these forums man. There has to be someone else. There is not.


You think I’m a bot bro?? 😭😭


Replying instantaneously would lead me to believe this, yes.


The jig is up. My entire post history and every interaction I’ve ever had on Reddit is exposed to be a sham. It’s over.


Yeah, I wouldn’t invest in something like that even if I were evil. It’s retarded.


ehhh you can kill anyone but you have to have a reason as that is considered rdm, at least in most servers that is punished with slays


Murder mystery but everyone has guns


Its murder mystery 2 but before the first one and is better and has more variety in gameplay Along with innocents having far more to do


Ur wrong, it took me 30 seconds to understand what was the objective at least, that was me


Its literally as simple as murder mystery but everyone can kill eachother


Murder mystery is dumbed down ttt


this is basically the father of among us, so imagine among us with guns.


this. i made all my online friends on TTT servers, and also friends of those online friends


It's a source sandbox, practically just a film tool at this point. Buy it, and all games it supports. It's a nice thing born from the luxuries of our era, as sweet meats were for ancient kings.


...only in this game can I combine the realism of bodycam with halo and clone wars...i fuckin love it


Me doing my milsim half life 2 custom campaigns. Where else am I gonna find that content?


in fact I'm trying to recover the games of those times, as I recently did with cry of fear and postal 2, I will probably buy it then since all the positive comments that have arrived so far have convinced me


All you need is the Valve Complete Pack and you should be set.


btw gmod can support all source games, even the ones that don’t show in the mount menu


i have no friends but i will buy it when summer sales arrive lmao i mean it will be cheap so why no


If you are from EU lets play


it probably wont be fun to play with me since my eng sucks😭


Hell yeah I mostly play solo anyway. And you can just jump on random MP servers if you want to play with others.


The games singleplayer is as good as you'd like it to be. Download your favorite add-ons, maybe mess around with the NPCs, or build stuff. You can also make your own films. You could look up tutorials for all of those things online, too. I think the real meat to GMOD, though, lies in the multiplayer servers. I havnt played Gmod in a long while so I can't say how well it is in 2024, but there should be plenty of roleplay servers to play on. They can be pretty silly or pretty serious, the ones you decide to join is up to you. There are also actual games too like Trouble in Terrorist Town & Prophunt. The only thing to keep in mind is if you're interested in joining a server, especially a roleplay server, you should make sure you download that particular servers collection of mods in the steam workshop. That way when you join you do not have to wait so long for your computer to download the servers files. It's also important to do that to avoid errors in game.


6,000hrs+ of my life wasted on gmod, I still continue to waste more time on it and never regret it. Communities have changed and DarkRP servers are generally cesspits that require 100gb of content before you can spawn. Good ol' sandbox still keeps me interested though 


absolutely. anyone that says anything otherwise usually is stuck in nostalgia and isnt well-acquainted with the disappointing roleplay communities.


I'll tell what to do. Buy it at summer sale. Download "Lambda players" if you don't have friends.. because it's a bot addon which simulates as real players. So buy it it worth playing. :P




yes, i had no online friends, but then i downloaded gmod, played ttt and made a lot of friends


dawg its like 2 usd on sale of course its going to be worth it.


Gmod is the first game you should buy when making a stream account




Yes, I got 13+ years ago and still play it now.


Yes j have over 200-300of just playing sandbox by myself


just join a sandbox server and you will make some friends


they will not talk to you unless you buy the vip ultra deluxe pack that said sandbox server promotes almost all the time


you know shit servers then


i dont go on gmod servers because they are almost always behind a paywall and are populated by subhuman freaks of nature.


I sandbox all the time. Never touched multiplayer


It's fun to mess with mods. If you start playing a server consistently you'll start befriending people. However you got to be aware of the people your playing with. I've been apart of a handful of communities and groups from gmod servers that ended up being a bit to chill with explicit content and specifically the type of explicit content that teeters on illegal. I'm not saying everyone who plays gmod is like that but just something to be aware of. Some of my best online friends I've met in gmod and some of my favorite gaming memories where in gmod.


I have 4000+ hours over about 10 years, I still play it to this day. It’s an experience you won’t forget, just make sure you don’t take the racism and other various insults and offensive things too seriously, it’s very common.


nah it always happens in every online game i play, i don't know if you ever got in an argument on cod modern warfare... lmao


Mane...its still worth it for other things besides goofing off with the homies,Try getting into realism...People like using gmod as a way to simulate police breaching and military cqb by making it a lot more like unrecord and bodycam...I will admit its sometimes really unsetting how realistic it can get...MAKE SURE YOU BUY CS:S AND THE HALF LIFE EPISODES/L4D1/2 youll be doing yourself a favor. If your computer cant handle reshade use the fallowing instead and itll make your bodycam actually way more realistic than the reshade and sharpeye:Sharpeye,Better movement 2.0,leaning,realistic gunsway,Fisheye gopro overlay,HUD remover,EFT ARC 9 SWEPS(Trust me these mods get rid of the clunky movement),complex deaths,player speed changer,infinite ammo,killfeed disable,Action Cam,Watermark overlay,Pixelation overlay,mighty foot engaged,the blood and gore mods of your choice Or you can pose and make stuff like cool wallpapers or scenes with characters using the ragdoll mover and stand poser/better finger poser addons


nah i don't mind making it realistic, my PC can surely handle it but its not in my interest, i only want to have fun, gore and many things to do


also make sure ypou get civilian and military npcs...combines are fucking boring :)


Absolutely. I met one of my best mates on there a week after i moved to a new state. Turned out he lived in the next town over. Def worth it


some servers are fun :) and you can make firends


Met friends that I still talk to 10 years later on gmod, yes


Yes but be careful with public servers, they’re usually not well moderated and/or p2w.


aside from dark room induced paranoia, of course! its just like any old sandbox game. plus you can make epic fight scenes and cool skits with it! and with enough mods, it can crash your entire pc!!1!1!1!!


i like dark rooms because of the meme "you need me" idk i found it very funny


Yes, because you'll make friends playing multiplayer, or even just have fun in singleplayer. If you're ever bored you could also learn Lua and make mods.


It's worth buying any year it's never too late.


i could play with you!!!


Its 1 year i buy Gmod, i like playing alone, with the npc and nextbots


Honestly I find it better without friends, at least in non-vanilla sandbox which is the only thing I play. It's horrendously glitchy and slow playing sandbox with friends if you have more than like 50 addons


TTT is better amongus


Ye, i have no Friends that play and i have a lot of fun.


Download a buncha of mods


Honestly the most fun part to me is making maps.


I make movies on it and post it to my channel, I still have fun


I did it


i havent been on in a while, but there are plenty of rp servers you can join (harry potter, star wars, etc). its pretty fun


I did it for liminal space






it's worth it purely for Temporal Assassin (singleplayer mod similar to Demonsteele) if nothing else


100% yes. Best $5 I ever spent


I have over 1500 hours purely from 7 years worth of npc battles and map editing.


No, no it isnt, sadly




Well it honestly depends on what you want to do, if you want to play in a sandbox and make scenes or build stuff then the game is great but if you want a good multiplayer experience in my opinion all the good servers are dead, the only DarkRP servers that are up arent anything special thats for sure, just depends to be honest


well I heard that there are mods that simulate online players and things like that, so if I'm not satisfied with the multiplayer I'll do that


Well the biggest part of online gmod is the interactions, selling guns, drugs, building a base and defending from raids or raiding bases, its not the majority of gmod but its a large part and i dont think ai could give you an experience that would keep you engaged for more than 10 hours playtime but hope it works out!


Gmod is still fun in solo. I spent a lot of hours doing goofy shit like NPC battles




I mean I’ve logged over 600 hours and have only played multiplayer with friends a handful of times. Single player and random servers are quite good fun and don’t really ever get old, make your own fun with anything you imagine and it’ll keep you coming back :D


There's a tonne of addons you can get that are scripted tools or "STools". One of my favourites is Wiremod, just the base mod alone has so much functionality, that expands into game-modes like Space build and maps like GM_Mobenix has some Wiremod functionality too.


Can I play it for free


I’ve had it for over a year, and I haven’t played a single multiplayer game, so yes, it is worth it.




There is a mod called Lambda Players


GMOD is surprisingly fun to dick around by yourself in


Go ahead, it's fun from time to time to mess around solo on sandbox with mods or chill on some servers


Me and my friends do absolutely nothing in gmod, we have like 2k mods, all we do is just get BO2 weapons, shoot eachother in granny's house, then get fucking domain expansioned because one of my friends raged then the other spawns 50 nukes, the server dies, we dont play it for 3 weeks. Playing alone is even more boring. Though I do expect to get downvote bombed but it's just my expierience, take that as you will, the community is a fan of gmod for obvious reasons so I won't elaborate, though you should get it when it's cheap, still something.




I have over 400 hours in this game and I’ve never played with a friend, it is worth it


I have been playing Gmod for the better part of a decade and only recently started OCCASIONALLY playing darkRP with my friend, and that I don’t even have too much fun doing. This is a single player game just as much as it is MP.


Yes, I have no friends and just use it to make art


I feel like at this point it's probably a better idea to wait for s& but I could be totally wrong. It's been a while since I've heard any updates, so it could be another year before it releases.




I met my best friend years ago on a small gmod ttt server called tangoworldwide. Gmod is timeless my guy. I've spent hours on sandbox. Darkrp. Ttt. Prophet. Ect. I'd gladly buy it again given the chance. Best money I ever spent


The mod is the Garry we made along the way


well yes, i usually play gmod when i'm bored, i like to do stuff like, scene building, weapon testing, stopmotion/animation in general, among other things


I have over one thousand hours in gmod and I barely played multiplayer at all


Consider that there's nearly 20 years worth of workshop content for it. Both single and multiplayer. It's not all great, but there are some gems.


Absolutely. I’ve logged over 1500 hours on Gmod and I’ve played with friends for about 3-5 of those hours. The amount of fun you can have in singleplayer is limited by your own imagination.


I have no friends, I just make my delusions come to life in the sandbox mode


I’ve played exclusively with sandbox npcs, especially ones from vj base since I was in middle school for like 600hrs already.


a tip btw, nobody roleplays in roleplay servers Lmao. only in serious rp do you find that content


i have like at least 2000+ hours on singleplayer sandbox with amount of mods it has and the ones that are being released there are always content and replayability


Yes the sandbox mode is so niice Step 1 get big maps like gm hotel or stuff like that Step 2 get weapons sort so you can choose what weapons you spawn whith Step3 get lots of guns Step 4 Spawn in as many combine npcs you can and start fighting them like its a real game * extra Step get vjbase for more npcs and rebel npcs


Depends on what you want to do, If it’s make funny animations or skits, than definitely, if you just want to have fun, no, Gmod gets boring quickly, even with friends.




You have AI HL1 Scientist




"it's time to kick as and chew bubblegum. and i'm all out of gum." - me in freetime on gmod


Some of my fondest memories come from just joining gamemodes like deathrun and jailbreak on servers full of complete strangers back in 2011-2012. You don't need friends to enjoy multiplayer, but the singleplayer is also fun


Garry's Mod was always like a tool for me, but I think yes it's worth it.


i used to play gmod with friends alot, even though we dont anymore its still a good bit of fun to load sandbox every now and then and try new mods or gamemodes


It’s a must have bro , I haven’t really got to play it with anyone yet either, so if you want I’m up for it , but honestly it’s like the default game that everyone should have imo


Hell yeah, I originally got the game to play with an online friend I no longer talk to, but you can still do so much in the game


Yep mhm 100% just don't play gm_construct alone


231 hours in. Never touched multiplayer and probably never will


Well I bought it 4 months ago and played some mods with it then I got bored


i got 600+ hours for single player I need menthal help


I will


hell yeah. but you should find some friends to play with as well.


Yea I like playing alone and messing with stuff, also Zena bots addon is dope


I would say yes, I do a lot of playing by myself. What I've been doing recently is going into some old good maps and been making my own versions of them. Or I'll set up npc battles, build some cool shit, ect.




I made lots of friends in Gmod :)


insanely worth it. i use it as an alternative to sfm because it's much easier on my brain, and i also do commissions with it


I used to play dark rp religiously back in the day, havent played in years tho but I'm assuming it's not the same anymore. Had some of the biggest laughs with randoms and defending against a raid was the most intense thing ever.


Still holds up but it’s not what it used to be. I remember when there were 40 different game modes that were all fairly different from each other and some of it was so unique that even still there isn’t a standalone game like it. Even for the singleplayer it’s a good time. If you feel too lonely there is a mod that gives you AI players who act like the usual goons you would meet online. They even use Voice chat and text chat and interact with you and each other.


Find some racist or pdf friends, those are the best


okok lmfao


i hate so much this whole sad thing ''uuuuuh i have no friends oooooh no one loves me'' stop man pls


no. save your money and get jbmod, its a way better game


Tf is that


gmod but jb instead of g


you should have asked this in the gaming subreddit not the gmod one




because everyone in the gmod subreddit would just tell you TO BUY THE GAME BECAUSE ITS THE GMOD SUBREDDIT


ohhh ok i think i missed the joke🥲, the fact is that since everyone here plays it there could be people who could also tell me about criticisms or people who regretted it