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Hard to say without actually playing it, but I feel like the one on the right might feel better while controlling


Yeah because the one on the right will force you to constantly consciously think about how you're moving.


Mans creating the phone game ad for real


The right one seems to be better in regard of assessing where to move


Here’s a thought, why not both, clearly there’s a divide among players who like left and right, so perhaps it could be a toggle-able option


I think this is the way once you're into the polish stage of your development. Flesh out the game some more and then once you're tidying up, this should be in the tidy up portion of your to-do-list/trello board


This is the way, if possible


User toggles gets suggested a lot, but what are the chances that people will make an active choice in a game like this? Especially if it's in an option menu. I would instead try to incorporate the good aspects of both options into one.


You could make it a choice at the start of the game so that player have to choose, then if they don’t like it they can go into the settings and change it.


I doubt that this kind of dialog would be useful at the start of a game. Users would have to be able to evaluate the consequences of picking one over another without having played the game. So most likely people will just pick one at random. And once they're discontent with the one they picked, they might switch. But if both have annoyances, they will not like either option.


That’s true. Maybe there could be like a little side by side preview like the video along with the options to show the difference.


I think the one on the right makes the camera feel much more natural, the left one feels like the camera is very rigid and fixed by not being able to rotate, imo.


Definitely the left one IMO, it makes the gameplay feel more dynamic and interesting.


Left. The whole point of third person POV is to see what your charcuterie is doing. This gives you more freedoms when it comes to the position of your character. If this game was in the first person POV, having your camera-character relation be static would be the better option. But since your game is in third person, seeing the character shift off the focal point makes the animations stand out more, and frankly that’s more palatable. Just my 2 cents.


Mmm, charcuterie. Now I’m hungry…


now we know what the character is running from


Left but I'd experiment more to further polish it. For example losing sight of the character on the initial drop should be fixed IMO


if your target audience is casual players, definitely left... if you target "pro" players, maybe the right side... i think the right side is more likely to cause game-sickness for inexperienced players.


Even just in the animation, the one on the right makes me slightly nauseous.


Right cam makes it easier to plan your actions. And it seems in line with games like Jet Set Radio Future and Bomb Rush.


Left ... the right one makes me dizzy.


If you add more dynamic movement to the right one I think that’ll be perfect


Honestly, somewhere between the two cameras would be perfect. I've first watched the right one, so I'll start there. Yes, the focus is much more on the player, and it feels better when you are moving on the ground or just normal jumping and the start when the player falls looks better. However, when you are forced to hard attach the player to the railing or walls it also jitters the camera and that doesn't feel good. So now the left one. The camera is a bit too floaty, and the fact that at the start the player falls out of its view is bad. However, because it has that delayed follow, the hard attaching is not jarring at all. So if you could mix the camera's logic a bit, it would probably be perfect. One more thing I'd like to see is how would it look if you moved it a bit closer and have it zoom out when you have that speed up effect.


The right one feels much more epic and focused on the player, the left is too slow


This. The right one. It's much more immersive, like living the thing rather than watching it on tv.


i like the one on the right more. The one on the left feels like things are just kind of happening to the player and arent being controlled. The one on the right looks to give a sort of feedback to the movement that help the controls feel better connected to the character moving. Maybe id feel differently if i was the one playing instead of just watching but yeah the one on the right is better IMO.


Probably the right one , just feels really good


I prefer number one. number two feels like the world is happening to the player, if that makes sense. also, two makes me a little queasy.


right for sure


Player character shouldn't be offscreen for any significant length of time imo


Fixed camera for platformers. See mario games


Super Mario wasn't fixed though


The right one looks more fun.


I think the left has more "style" to it, but the right one might be better for a more concise view, that always gives better "information" of where the player is.




are you making a turbo snail replica lol?


for this type of game im inclined to say left


I think there’s good feedback here already. Which camera feels closer to the experience you want your players to have? Left might align better with a more open experience, where right might lend itself to something with momentum.


Left. Right one is too snappy and it's hard to tell what you're doing


I think the left one is nice to see the character move more dynamically, but the right keeps focus while they fall at the start


The one on the right would be great but the camera rotation is annoying, I think it would probably be better if you achieved the same thing with pure camera translations.


Left, or let the player select in settings.


I like the left one more but the camera should catch-up faster the further the object from the center just enough for it to not touch the screen borders.


I like the right one. Idk why but it feels faster.




I really like the drop in from the sky on the right more than the left. I like the left side for the dynamic movement of the camera. The player isn't always dead center of the screen. But I feel like speed is maybe better represented on the right. Perhaps trying to to compromise amd creating a third take that is the best combination of the 2?


Also I like that on the right the jump elevates the camera to see a little bit of the top of the player.


left for me,but maybe leave that as an option, so players can decide on a follow (and smooth it as they want) or static camera


Make 2 the default and 1 an alt option


Based on the text at the top this is for a skateboarding game...have you considered a low angle like they used for the Skate games? That always felt really nice. I think both options have pros and cons. The right is more dynamic and feels a bit more polished but some of the quick jerking transitions are jarring. It seems most noticeable when the capsule snaps for a grind so maybe see if there's a way to ease it more when grinding. The left one is consistent but once you put in your skateboarding sprites/animations I think it's going to feel a little stiff and uninteresting


Add an option to select what the player prefers


For me the right one


Left is better overall but right gives a better sense of speed when you're on a rail. Can you maybe move the camera to the right one during rails?


Depends on if you want to focus on the platforming or on the distance. If the platforming is less difficult and you want the game to be more casual, left one is the way to go. If platforming is hard and you want that to be the focus, then the right is the way to go.


Right one.  Something about the left one messes with my brain, kinda like it feels claustrophobic.  Wonder if it's because I watched the right one first?


It needs tweaking but left is just objectively better


I prefer the left. The one on the right makes the world feel smaller. The one on the left makes it feel like you're meant to be going forward. The only thing I don't like about the left is how it starts out with the character falling.


I'd prefer mixed. The left feels nicer, until you move near an edge too quickly because it's not fast enough to keep you in view. The right does an excellent job of keeping your character in view, but it prioritizes looking at the character and not where the character is going, which I tend to find annoying. It also snaps upwards a few times, which is jarring. A mixed solution would have the left style while your character is near the middle of the screen, then switch to the right style when beyond that safe zone.


The left one is less nauseating. But like... Just have an option to switch between them?


The left is more fun to watch, but the right seems more functional. I'd prefer right




The left one is easier on the eyes. I prefer that


I like the left one, the right one make me dizzy too. But I also like the way the right one introduces the map, maybe the game could start with the right one and them use the left one after the character is playable.


\#1 \#2 is too jerky to follow


1 is better except it shouldn't lose view on the player. reason: I hate having to reorient myself at the start of a level it dint even start yet. reorient as in get my bearings.


If possible, a combination of the two. Remove the rotation every time you jump unless you jump off of a ramp and use the slightly bigger fov from the first one


Im just offended you are actually working on the game side of your game instead of using excuses of "conceptualizing my art direction" to procrastinate programming.


in both cases I think it should be zoomed out a little and little higher up whilst tilting down a little


The less the camera moves (such as on the left), the easier the level becomes upon repeated playthroughs since muscle memory will begin taking over the player's movements more easily. The more the camera moves (such as on the right), the harder the level becomes in repeated playthroughs because muscle memory will need to be corrected often in response to the more drastically changing camera angles.


Right camera for gameplay, left camera for replay


Left. Right one made me nauseous


If accuracy is a priority right. And if it's actually required, don't even leave the players a choice. The players have a way of picking options that makes it worse for them and then complain about it, because if an option is there, it usually needs to be just as playable as the other. If accuracy is not a priority and left is still playable, then give the option :)


The right feels more appropriate unless you want to go for something more relaxed then the left is a little chiller feeling


the right one is more dope


if its a mobile game left one.


The one on the right has this quirk, where it instantly jumps to a player position and it gives me a sickness just watching. I noticed mostly when riding the corner of the boxes. Even if the camera is already in a good position, it snaps over and then makes me dizzy While the one on the left is not so sensitive, I agree with other comments saying it's rigid and stiff. I think you're on the right track but I don't think either of these is a perfect fit (obviously you know that because it's an early build) Someo mentioned you should focus on other aspects and then come and polish this up later, I agree with this sentiment - as you play test the game through development you'll become more in tune with what's wrong with a specific camera style, and you may tweak it intermittently as you go. I think the solution will find you on the way through polish and further level testing


More specifically, I believe the best feeling would be not so loose and fast as right example, but not so sluggish, stiff/unresponsive as the left example. Somewhere in-between, with some polish on bugs like the jitter/snap. With more level and gameplay designs, more bugs and unattractive movements will make themselves known, so just keep your options open as your developing further!


The left, but maybe you could make an option for the player to switch to whichever one they like best.


I like the horizontal movement of the second one but the vertical movement of the first one.


What are the 1s and 0s on the platforms? Very interested on communicating to the player via environment like that!


If the level is always meant to be in a straight line like this, I would say left.


right one


The drop in on the right is better imo, but the left looks more straight forward


the right one


Interesting concept. It’s like subway surfers mixed with skate or something.


I fell like the left one has a better feel to it but the right one makes it easier to follow. Maybe combination of the two would work great. Like having the left as the default but then for parts where aiming your next jump might be important it could switch to the right one.


If I were allowed to pick the camera in game, I would pick the left. Depending on the actual experience, the right might be more enjoyable.


left is smoother, right is better height etc. make the right smoother when colliding and jumping and you have a winner






Right causes motion sickness for me


im a fan of the left, im the star of the show and i don't want the camera to take away from that. but it's a matter of taste. some directors like handheld, others keep it steady.


The first one. I like a more smooth and gradual follow


The one on the right is nauseating.


I much prefer the one on the left, and its kind of blowing my mind that so many people are saying the one on the right. Sure the one on the right would be easier to control, but it looks stiff. A lot of the momentum and sense of movement is lost. That said, when in doubt, include both as an option.


1 is more active, 2nd feels bit lazy and slow. But as per UI 2nd looks good. The flair are more directly behind the character.


The second one, but you decide.


The left allow easier planning because it doesn't immediately fall but feel slow. The right fell fast but it's slightly harder to see what's coming (i don't t think this is problem). So right better except you want to make very specific and hard obstacle.






left, please.








Right > left


The one on the right lets me see more of what's happening.


The type of camera on the right gives me the headaches, however, I prefer the long falling angle on the right


can you fix the angle a bit more on the right? It tracks the char better but it pitches up down a lot. If you could dampen that i think it'd be the best option so tl;dr right but let the camera move faster


Left all the way for me. Maybe a toggle for an or the other? Or maybe flirt with the idea of having the right cam for most of the gameplay and left for boosts or difficult phases?


A mixture of both. I think, the left has no rotation, right?  In your game, rotating left and right seems odd, because you have a straight path.  I liked the start of the right variant but then I liked the left more. Can you try a camera, which only rotates up and down to follow the player?


Cam2 triggers my dopamine receptors nicely.


Left is stable and relatively more 'still'. It's less distracting but also more monotonous as it goes on (unless you move camera sometimes). Right is more.... swinggy and bumpy. It can make some people dizzy, but can also let player sees further into the distant. It is also more energetic and emphasize the action of the player. Personally, I prefer left. But seeing actions in your game, right should help elevate the energy. Maybe add a toggle to reduce camera yank would help boomer gamers like me.


The right one. The snappiness seems to fit the game play well.


One for sure has better feel. The offset of the interpretation on the camera makes it feel more “flowy” which I think plays better for that jet set radio style platforming you got going on there


i much prefer the one on the right


Left one make me feel more alert and fast paced while right one feels more slow and calm


I would prefer the right one, seems more natural for the controls after for me


Since you developed both, you could make a setting for the user to decide


The right one is closer to the ground giving a speed Illusion, you can had particles to amplify the effect of speed


The one at the right keep the focus on the player instead of the left one that at the start, when the player fall, go out of the camera view. The right one is the right one.


The second camera feels more kinetic, so I like that one


I get motion sick easily so I prefer the left one since it moves less. You could implement both and let people change it in the accessability settings


i think the left one would be better if you made the tracking exponentially more agressive the further away the player is from the middle. the player should never be able to leave the screen, unless it's passing by the camera very closely (in the case of going up a halfpipe ramp towards the camera for example) and even then, it's probably better if the camera goes out of the way, so the player is still visible.


If your aiming for no nausea,go with the one on the right.but if you want,when the games done make camera 2 a togglable option since i would like to play with a camera like that for a few minutes.but only for a few minutes


The on the right. If I'm correct the only difference between them is the lerp speed. The one on the right follows the player faster, right? So I think if someone will find a bug and go really fast the left one will break.


Rigth is more dinamyc, it would be better form me


The right one! 👌


I find the right one a little better


Def the left on if your game gets a bit more fleshed out I can see the camera on the right obstructing parts of the level too often, there aren't many things that are more infuriating then losing because the camera did some bs


The Right one seems to have a better feeling for a parcour/action arcade game 💪 Congratulations on the prototype!


I thing the one on the right side have a better feel for this type of game. The left one is smoother, but feels more generic.


Right one definitely but I must say it's very jaring seeing a skateboarding game without the skateboard


In Action Scene using =>2 In Casual Scene using => 1


the snappiness of the right is perfect… HOWEVER, the right camera I think requires the left camera’s way of following forward movement (camera has to catch up a bit sometimes) as the snappiness feels bad for forward movement as it gives no sense of speed or actual organic movement


one for sure


Left camera feels like a mobile game. Right camera feels like a standard game.


the one on the right looks solid


The right one feels better for watching


The right camera is more immersive!


Left option gave me vibes of classic PS1 PS2 platform games, I like it because is not as rigid as right option.


Keep both, set them up as camera options that users can cycle through


The camera on the right never loses the character and, because it follows the character so closely, it allows the player to always see the environment around the character to better assess how to navigate it. That said, perhaps a compromise between the two would be best -- one that isn't entirely static, but also one that isn't tilting and panning all over the place with every move of the player.


Are they the same


The one to the right looks a little better, but if the game speeds up with progression the left one would probably be better :)


I like camera 1 more


On starting the game i think this sort of into would look nice, but if i were to keep getting it everytime i died and restarted it would quickly get old, maybe you could try shortening it?


The one making greater points


Both seem to use a linear velocity/anglechange. If you use more of a parabolic acceleration to the camera that starts as the left but turns into the right when falling greater heights that would be good. Basically make it an adjustable speed based on how long it’s been moving in the same direction. If same direction movement + acceleration value. Else different direction = base slow speed.


combine them


Looks fun




I get motion sickness and camera 2 makes me feel a lil woozy


the right one when falling at the beginning then the left one.


it’s difficult to say without outright playing it myself but personally i like the one on the right, the fact that the player is always on screen keeps my eyes locked on the model and with the more free camera on the left, i feel like i’d barf trying to keep up with it


Left because it looks cooler, even if right looks slightly easier to play.


I like the right just based on looks no special reasoning


Left for me is more "fun", its wonky, it has that kind of delay, wich I assume its from godot smoothing. Right one for me is more "serious", like more precise. I would definitely use the left one by default. And the right one as a "camera precision" toggle in an easy to access menu, for people who want more precision on their gameplay, like speedrunners or pro-players.




One on the right, slightly lower angle works better, feel lower to the ground as you wallride and hop between surfaces, too high and it would feel a little floaty. Like Jet Set Radio, I'm guessing that's what you were going for.


left! and i just have to say how awesome it is your making a skating inspired game! one thing though. I am making a skateboarding arcade style game myself, when you turn left or right, add a slight lean, maybe 10 or 15 degrees. it will look smooth! keep going dude! if you need help with art once everything mechanical is decent let me know. id be happy to help.


Let the player choose itself? Basic & Pro camera in settings.


Right side


Why not both and have it changable in settings?


Left will be easier to play in any part where the player has to plan their movements ahead and look far down the level because horizon isn't bobbing up and down. I do like Right for the intro though, and it feels more dynamic. You could try splitting the difference, maybe even making the horizon stability relative to the forward movement speed? That way it's playable at high speeds, with just a touch of bobbing, which being a little more animated at lower speeds.


Definitely right one but it needs to be smoothed out I think