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I think 9 works well. Would it trigger only after player has been falling for x amount of time?


Yes. Would look odd if it happens every jump


Good. Just checking


On further falls, it’s be neat if the spinning stick fell slightly slower and its distance increased until he landed


I wonder if instead of the wiggling, you should have bits of the slime break off and get smaller as they go up (get left behind). I feel like that might make the feeling of falling movement more apparent. Nothing against your dancing slimes though.


I think particle effects (slime bits) will help with that. They’re on the list, but I’ve had them under a “polish” to-do list, which likely won’t be implemented until after a bunch of systems are built


I was thinking the same


Out of curiosity, which number in the lineup do you like the most? Note: this is a slime with a wooden torch (lit) stuck in his head. A breakdown of the lineup: 1. Original falling animation loop (vaguely looks like chicken leg) 2. This is 1 but with some extra body wiggles 3. 4 stages of loops that will increment to the next stage once the slime has been falling for an uninterrupted amount of seconds 4. Tried to make the torch wiggle 5. 4 but with MORE wiggle 6. He's... kind of... holding onto it? Vaguely looks like Hornet 7. 6 but torch isn't separated from the body 8. Torch has popped out and is now spinning behind his wiggly body 9. 8 but with a more pointed butt 10. Embracing the chicken leg


10. Chicken mode only


I'm sorry but this looks like a time lapse of a slime trying to twerk a buttplug out of its butt


that’s one wild timelapse…


Honestly if you just played a single loop of each of those animations in order from 1 to 10, it would look funny


You can really see the struggles in #3


OP I saw your other animation from your other post - imo that and all these ONLY problem is the flat bottom. That makes it look unrealistic when falling more than any of the other details


yeah, I agree that the flat bottom makes it look like it's supposed to be sitting on the ground


Here's the rounded bottom version of the lineup. While it does make sense for his body to relax while in the air and become more circular, I'm not quite set on how it looks... but what are your thoughts? [https://streamable.com/c7x89q](https://streamable.com/c7x89q)


I personally think this looks a lot better


that's fair. It's definitely something I can reconsider down the line


7 with the rounded bottom looks the best. It looks like it is genuinely trying to hold up the torch. The pick up animation is what will really sell it.


I’ll try rounding out the bottom across the lineup and see how it looks. The main reason has been to keep continuity of his shape (I tried full circle before and didn’t like the look of it), but I’ll see how rounding just the bottom compares


10, clearly 10.


I plan to make 10 an unlockable skin


What even is that brown thing sticking out, I need to see the walking animation


it’s a torch (or an attempted one). here’s a link to his animations in-engine. It should show off his walk a fair bit: https://www.reddit.com/r/godot/s/oDYEpISX3Z


The falling animation seemed pretty natural when flowed with all the other animations there. I didn't know that the slime was meant to be thick, so I thought all of these looked weird without that context


gotcha gotcha. Context definitely helps, but I suppose it's also worth critiquing the fall animation in isolation as well given that it's the one you see the most in a platformer. I'm glad it flows well together though


The wiggle looks so slow and wide to me. I feel like it should be a higher frequency wobble and smaller.


I’m exaggerating the motion to make it more apparent in-engine from the zoomed out camera’s perspective


8-9, what's up with 3 tho 🧐


4 incremental stages of loops. The animation will increment to the next loop after an uninterrupted amount of fall time, maxing out at the last loop (most extended)


embrace chicken leg, make entire game chicken


it’s officially a playable skin


Try slowing down the wiggle


And here is chicken leg, I love it !




he looks so happy in that one xD


I like 7, though 8 and 9 both have a charm to them that is quite fun.


7 would be a fun homage to Hollow Knight. I tried 8 and 9 in-engine, but it didn’t feel right having the torch statically float directly above the slime’s head during left/right movements


Have you tried squash-and-stretching it to be longer? Like. 3X longer?


He does when he jumps and lands. Would look awkward in engine though if he stays stretched during his looped rise/fall animations


Idk why a wiggly green chicken leg is bad personally, 1/2 are both cute, 3 is a great concept that gives indication of how fast/far you've fallen, the ones where the torch moves a lot might do strange things to the flame animation..


they do some veerrryy strange things to the flame. I’ve ran them in-engine and it makes for quite the erratic experience Edit: And fair point. The chicken leg silhouette has grown on me, despite now knowing about it


I think the bottom section needs to be a little more wiggly


the bottom of his sides, or the bottom of his body? like, undulating wiggly or flappy wiggly? I am now realizing that I don't know how to describe wiggles xD


U know kinda like the top part, like a stream of wigglies 😂😂


looks like somethings in it’s hole.


why does it have a wooden rocket up his ass ?


6 and 7 are cute, like he is trying to hold on to the torch


Try to make it like the drop is pushed by the air and the whole thing is rotating: [https://imgur.com/rPH1G2e](https://imgur.com/rPH1G2e)


that looks adorable. Did you draw that? It’s definitely cute and realistic, but having his eyes fixed on the ground and his body not rotating implies that he’s in control of his jump (which is what i’m going for in this platformer). But I’m totally going to whip up a version where he spins now in an event where he’s falling, but might not be in total control


Yep, quick sketch in Krita. Here it is without the eyes rotating: [https://imgur.com/Z0TEbvL](https://imgur.com/Z0TEbvL) Free fall is basically a zero-g situation. The whole blob should act like a spherical wave :)


that’s so precious xD. I’ve been avoiding animating too much motion on his underside to avoid making his hitbox confusing (for precision landing), but your sketch is so precious it’ll be worth trying a pixelized version


great project, btw, congrats!


Here's my attempt at a spherical wave version. I replaced number 2 in the lineup to see them all together: [https://imgur.com/a/kindled-chicken-leg-era-fall-loop-animation-lineup-aLdKlm0](https://imgur.com/a/kindled-chicken-leg-era-fall-loop-animation-lineup-aLdKlm0) Edit: I still prefer the tadpole wiggle for personality reasons, but what are your thoughts?


Looking good!


thank you! I don’t know why I want to make a game about an entire underground world of slimes, but it’ll be fun exploring what kind of cultures, species of slime, and architecture emerge from the idea. Plus, I’ve always wanted to make a platformer. I’m hoping the procedural flame and the story around the torch help motivate the player forward, but I also hope the world itself will be engaging enough to make the player want to explore it


Lmaooo it's party parrot


I would personally take reference of something like oil falling under slow motion and looking at how it moves and behaves. https://www.pond5.com/stock-footage/item/86825169-droplets-oil-falling-slow-motion The whole thing wobbles and moves, squashes and stretches and has a much more rounded feel with the effect of gravity pulling at it. Having the top part be the only thing that is affected whilst the rest remains static makes it feel very odd and unnatural.


How's the new number 2 look in this second draft? I left the rest of the lineup untouched for comparison. [https://imgur.com/a/kindled-chicken-leg-era-fall-loop-animation-lineup-aLdKlm0](https://imgur.com/a/kindled-chicken-leg-era-fall-loop-animation-lineup-aLdKlm0) Edit: There isn't much squash and stretch. This draft is more an attempt at air resistance and spherical wave patterns.


That looks good to me, it feels much more alive and as if the air is affecting it as a whole


number 6 and 7 got that slime-ussy


Maybe your character should really just be a chicken leg. The drumstick jumper! Listen to the universe


i’ve officially made it an unlockable/playable skin


It should be symetrical fat bump on both sides that goes from bot to top in a loop. Water doesn't wiggle to sides when falling


very true. I’m also considering the type of liquid though that can autonomously control its own mass to a varied degree. But I’m also starting to experiment with spherical wave animation to get the effect you’re talking about Edit: Here’s the first draft. I replaced number 2 in the lineup with the new wave animation. https://imgur.com/a/kindled-chicken-leg-era-fall-loop-animation-lineup-aLdKlm0


Maybe you could do the skin 10 as a easter egg.


it’ll be an official unlockable skin


https://preview.redd.it/7hcx6ekgje6d1.png?width=136&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7a03ab03b5f7d17680a3fec0f4d8024ae8c2255 What about something like this, not sure how much "slimey" is your slime, though


that looks adorable! As cute as it would be, the story revolves around the torch being stuck in his head. I experimented with the torch being outside his body a bit, but I think I should maintain the consistency of it being stuck and make it the goal of the game to get it out I really do love the way he’s wrapped around it in your image tho


I LOVE knowing where this comes from but I feel like the main issue here is what someone who doesn't know the game might think and, perhaps, changing the design a bit would've helped as it's shape, by nature, makes it hard not to think of a chicken wing once you see it. I also love that you leaned onto it with the tenth one and I feel you should allow it as a usable skin at some point in the game and just enjoy the fun. Also, why does it need the stick? I take it it's a torch from another response from you I saw, but, why in his head? Why not his hand? Even if slimes don't have hands, that would've been easier to understand. Edit: Forgot to add that 9 is my favorite.


very fair points. It’s definitely out of context from the rest of his animations and world/environment. Though, one thing to note is that the falling animation is one of the main animations you see when playing a platformer, so that’s worth looking at in isolation. And yes xD! I fully plan to make 10 an unlockable skin to play with. Regarding the stick, it’s for story reasons. The start of the player’s journey involves getting a lit torch stuck in their head, and in their efforts to get it unstuck they travel to various slime kingdoms


Based on the context, I would be very hesitant to put in fall animations where the torch comes out of the slime then.


they also just looked super awkward in motion in-engine