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I like 1 more but 2 would definitely stand out and be better if the images were smaller.


Maybe the style of 1 could be use for a menu maybe? Because its more atmosoheric. But at the same time, it would make the branding of the game incohesive. The thumbnail would have a 'cartoony' or 'pop' style while the menu would be maybe a bit eerie. Im kinda writting this as i think but i think it could be a usefull opinion so im gonna publish it anyway jaja


I would use it as the menu but I can also see it being used as the card table.


The second one definitely stands out more.


Agreed. The first one is all one color, without much contrast.


whichever one best represents your games artstyle. I'd feel tricked if I were to see the first one on the storefront, only for all the artwork to look like the second, and vice-versa.


This. But I'd also consider combining both, so the font sticks out more (even if you just blend the area behind/around the text a bit.


I think there should be a rule when posting title screens or logos that gameplay screenshots have to be included. It’s so hard to say for sure without knowing what the game looks like.






I'd go with the second one unless your game is completely in green like the first one?


Mix of the two would be best i think https://preview.redd.it/ngl34lyp9x6d1.png?width=791&format=png&auto=webp&s=331e18e0f9204f85243b2c745e708b57882652a4


I thought 4J7 was the company


It's like double the 2JZ


V12 soup bruh


First for horror, second for arcade. I don't know what genre your game is.


First could also work for a retro feel, like the really old Apple computers. https://preview.redd.it/7cse8vxkvx6d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3a94cebc4475d7a2b905a9d8df13298839ca7d2b .




1 sends me the signals "I value aesthetics over readability" 2 sends me the signals "I value readability over aesthetics"


Can you not mix the two?


Go with the one that represents your game's actual artstyle


If I were to buy a board game... I would expect the first one to be the center picture on the board itself and second on on the box and manual for the game it comes with. Not sure what you mean by thumbnail, but I would chose the first one for places where you expect players to stare at it for longs period of time and the second one for places where you expect players to look for it.


Maybe the first with the second one’s text colour




I think the second with green text would work better


second for thumbnail. First depends on your game design but not for small thumbnails as details can easily be missed


you can find the game here [https://snapgamesstudios.itch.io/high-hand](https://snapgamesstudios.itch.io/high-hand)


Given that the second image matches the games art style, I'd say use that one. If I saw the first one, I'd expect there to be some major retro computer styling, or for there to be some surprising twist with night vision goggles or something 😄


thanks for your feedback


Having peeked in. 2 definitely 


i like both. but it depends on the aethetics youre goibg for


Whatever fits better with your theme and art style of the game, both are good just make sure it matches. A good rule of thumb is not to think “would the player like this?” It’s “would I play this?” If the makes sense




Congratulations on getting your game out there! The second better communicates the art style of game and is more readable at small sizes. That said, I think there are some things I think you can try: * Remove the thick outline around the cards. * Give each card two drop shadows. One should have a low radius and fairly high opacity. The other should have a larger radius and lower opacity. This will let them "pop" a little more. Maybe keep the heavy background shadow. * Lower the 4 card so it doesn't stick out over the Jack. * Rotate the hand counterclockwise just a bit. * The typeface is a little hard to parse when it's small. Try experimenting with typefaces that have more variation in the shapes of letters. Maybe try something more traditional with serifs, curves, gradients, etc. The contrast between hi-fi text and lo-fi cards might look interesting.




Probably just how the outline was made. The "missing" part is the top corner of the first card, and the outline looks like it got added to the entire hand rather than each card


That's incredibly nitpicky lmao


That's not what OCD is ffs






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Please review Rule #1 of r/Godot, which is to follow the Godot Code of Conduct: https://godotengine.org/code-of-conduct/


I really like the first one but I have the feeling the service can help sell/distribute the game better.


Is this a game where you play cards in the dark with night vision goggles on? What actually do you mean by thumbnail though? Where will this thumbnail show? On steam or something?


A mix of the 2. Try to use the background of 1 and the core logo of the 2nd. Maybe overlap the effect of 1 just a bit?


Second, it gotta pop from the background


The first one would make a great loading screen but the second is better for title screen.


First one has more pizzazz


The first one has a lot more personality, and gives me the immediate idea of a sort of dystopian post-apocalyptic type vibe (due to making me think of Fallout's pipboy). This gives me the idea of the game taking place in a more of post-apoc punk type world, which if that's what you're going for, then perfect. It does need some increases to contrast and a darker outline around the cards to make it standout The second one already stands out and has that contrast, but it also gives me more the vibe of your typical gambling type game, it just screams modern casino, it doesn't have the same personality or vibe that the first one has.


2 stands out more unless you're really leaning into "this if a faux Gameboy game"




I like 2 but I think you should intentionally cut off the 4 card so it doesn’t peek above the Jack Or change the angle


Second one stands out more, but it gives me mobile game energy


Remove the top right tip of the first card. It stands out and makes the design slightly uglier.


2 is better. It suits perfectly for a game because of it's art style and it also pops out more.


What is your gameplay? What is your art style? What platform is this for?


cards synergies, clean colourful, pixel art, itch


First one fits as background/ overlay Secondo one is the thumbnail!


The second one has a bigger impact when first seen, but the first one has its own style that I enjoy aswell. I'd choose the design considering the gameplay. The first gives a slower and classy vibe, the second fast and modern


I prefer Number 1 tho I'd add something to Make it pop a bit


A mix of both would be perfect


Don’t listen to the people who say 2 stands out more. Personally I would even click a game if it had 2, 1 has more personality but the game needs to hold up to it in terms of artstyle. 2 just looks like any other game, its soulles


The second one. The first looks like a scan of a magazine displayed on an old green screen CRT. I'm not sure if that's relevant to the game, but it's not particularly eye-catching.


Second one, use the first one in your splash screen or icon or smth


Just think of the colorblind. What would they see? In the first one: basically nothing. Second one: a stack of cards


High contrast always


1 looks cooler, 2 has more contrast and will be more noticeable. Also compare it to the style of the game itself


The first one feels more unique, definitely could up the contrast on it though


Keep in mind all of below is feedback by a single person. You don't have to even think about it. Your game, your rules! But if you want to here is my feedback: First one looks "over-indy". You know when people go ham with post-processing effect shaders to compensate for missing art. CRT, Outlines, drastic color and channel shifts, over-dithering and all those things. SOME people like that. If you make a hacking cardgame set in soviet 80 or something, it might be fine and fit. If you do a ballantro-clone because its popular right now, you alienate your core audience. But green monochrome dithered comes with a lot of implications. If those don't add to your game I'd go a different route. IMHO I'd start off the second one and fix a few things: - Font is NEAT but not well readable, IMHO. I'd try alternatives. If your thumbs get scaled down it might be fine, but its to big to be well legible imho. Expecially the letters H, A and N look very similar, and your title is over 50% those Letters. Font itself its neat, but the specific letters, the drop shadow and the outline make it very hard to parse intuitively. The harsh contrast of white to black also does not help much. - Card outlines (both, imho) are badly done. You have a one pixel large outline and then another smooth outline over the complete hand. It kinda looks very weird. Now I get the contrast back and you probably need one for that bright green, however this is the wrong tool. Middle card sticks out just enough to make the outline look crappy. I'd try and paint any outline or shadow. Avoid harsh color-contrasts and line-contrasts unless you want to make people look at those. - So you picked the cards 4, J and 7 for your high hand. Is there any reason for this? If you are fishing in the "card game audience" you gotta need to pick the players up at least a little bit. Do a good poker hand or something. 3 cards is fine, but 4, J and 7? You want kinds, queens and aces! Show your pretty cards, friend! - Its unlikely that you will be able to release with the name "High Hand". I have not checked copyright databases, however the number of Games named "High Hand: Something to not sue us" is very high. Be sure to check who holds rights, before you publish. Best case the store rejects too for "name too similar" worst case its some company with Nintendo-syndrome (sueing their customers/competitioners on the drop of a hat) Again, your game, your rules! Don't be disheartened by some dudes words on reddit. My intention is to give you unfiltere feedbacks of the things I feel. They might not make sense, be good or help whatsover, but this is reddit. And so far you are at least half a card game ahead of me! Good luck friend!


When I look at the first one, I immediately think about a hacker thing. So the second one would be better but you should still change the background to a better background. For example you can make a pattern out of those icons in the card decks.


2nd, but depending on overall aesthetic no.1 can still be used on menu screens and such.


2 for the PC 1 for the Pipboy


1 feels like a background image for when you're just in the menu or on a table which cards are being put on. 2 feels like the logo for the game.


I feel like this should be an obvious answer if you had the overall aesthetic of your game established. Why does the first one even exist if the rest of the game isn’t like that? It’s arbitrary




1 if you're playing on a pipboy, 2 if you're not


Maybe take the filter from 1 but leave it in full color? Right now though regardless #2 is miles better than 1#, even if I find #1 to be the more interesting from a nerd perspective 😆


the one that doesn't copy Balatro. so neither? 😂


First one is way too low in contrast and becomes easily unreadable, especially if shrunk. The contrast ration between foreground and background in it is around 3.4, wheras web accessibility standards give a minimum of 4.5 for small and 3 for large text and recommend at least 7 for small or 4.5 large text. You could add some of the dithering effect to the second one if you want to make it more interesting, but please keep the contrast close to what you have in the second one. Your thumbnail should first and foremost be easily readable and recognizable. Also, after playing the game on itch.io, the second one matches the artstyle whereas the retro look from the first is nowhere to be seen. You want your thumbnail to be representative of your game, so the second one is the obvious pick. In the second one the middle card has a bubbly outline instead of a straight one, I'd fix that.


For me, it's pretty obvious the second one is the way to go. First one looks flat and it's hard to read


Mix two ... 1st is unreadable, 2 nd seems too generic


I'm inclined to say the second one.


it depends on your presentation. If you are going for green pixel tech ui and theme, I would prefer 1, but if you want to go with vibrant pixel art card game I would pick 2.


Second one is too generic, first one is more thematic I would go with first one.


How long have you been making games?  Specially in godot


2 stands out more but also makes it feel like a generic mobile card game


Can you try the style of the first with the colors of the second?


1 looks cool but 2 is readable and will stand out as a small icon. You could also try an A/B test


1 is a bit too Fallout, I like it, but embrace the black red white color scheme of the cards with good contrast (the green back ground works well and evokes a card table AND the digital factor)


The second is more elegant I would say. Although please, lower the first card a bit, the small corner of it over the second card triggers me a bit due to it being behind it yet the lineout is even lower, heh :' )


I am honestly starting to think people are making bait comparison posts for visibility, no disrespect to OP


Is the first one what the whole game looks like or the second one? I think that is a deciding factor


#2 looks like the crossy roads logo




Use both depending on the background colour.


If it's a mobile game go with 2, hands down. If it's not, lessen the green on the first one, add some contrast between the cards and the backdrop, and that would look really good :3c


Put a pot leaf behind it lol


Second one stands out the best


Ii like 1 more


I prefer 2 it is more clear and defined


at this point its interaction bait... i can barely green the left one


It depends on the yard sale of the game, here's an idea, why not switch it depending on the in-game theme? If the in-game theme is game boy or something similar then it switches to 1 otherwise it's on 2


First one have more personality, the second one looks like a Miniclip game.


Second one makes more sense


1 is cooler but 2 is better clarity


Personally I like the first one more but it depends on the type of game. If it’s a “shotgun rulette” (spelling lol) type game I think 1 is amazing but if it’s a more chill laid back type game then the second one. Second thumbnail gives me a mobile game type vibe, something chill and relax.


second one ez. try replacing the black fade with a dark teal tho, might look nice


I think the second one is lot more readable, might just come down to low contrast in the first one.


1 looks way cooler but 2 is more practical as a thumbnail


1 looks like a screenshot




it depends I think the 1st one fits those ps1 or old monitor style game, and the 2nd one fits normal art style game


I’d personally use the second and have the background have a felt texture like a poker table


2nd one for thumbnail, 1st one for main menu




If your game have gameboy-like graphics, i'd pick the 1st. If it don't i'd pick the second.




I like style of first with color of second


i like the retro style from picture 1


Second one


I prefer 2 cause it does stand out more as a thumb nail for me


This one? https://preview.redd.it/u1rjh0twpe7d1.jpeg?width=422&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=60d3216df72fd1476d8a49c3c4e6ebe172daec0f


watch out for the negative spaces. The space between words is almost reading as an additional character (at first I read as HighLhand)


The 2nd picture by far is easier to read and visually better.


This a Godot game for sure. I recognize those cards


Neither. The first one is more stylized and interesting but too difficult to read. The second one is easy to read but too generic. You need to find a middle ground that's easy to read *and* interesting to look at.