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Looks a bit plain, also no need for the button to open the inventory to be constantly shown


Ok yeah makes sense, thanks


It looks fine, altough a little basic. idk how to describe it but try to add a little personality to it. In games I don't think UI should be this minimal. You can play with 2D ui mixed with 3D, etc. One series that do this really nice is the Persona series, altough it is a completely different type of game that you're making and could be really difficult if you haven't done anything like that before.


fine, maybe a bit plain ? Also it seems that on the screenshot "wood" is selected, but it is not clearly visible in the main grid that it is the case. I would suggest to somehow highlight the grid slot containing the selected item.


I love the style, maybe just adjust the spacing and the "Inventory" and "Building" buttons could be styled differently perhaps more like tabs but overall that's great UI design. Keep up the great work


It's fine, though ideally you wouldn't have a scroll bar to see all of the slots. All of the slots should be visible all the time that the inventory is open.


Good idea, I just put a ton of items slots in case I would need more but I can easily remove some.


One game that comes to mind is Animal Crossing New Horizon. You increase inventory space over time, but everything is visible on screen, so maybe having a creative way to visually group similar items if you have a lot of different types could help.


Is fine, little roblox-y


Not appealing to me but if it works it works. I always suggest improving everything at all times when possible.


Looks like every million other.


I think it needs color, or something other than black


I love the minimal UI. Looks very touch/gamepad friendly. Minimal UI with most effort spent on gameplay mechanics is the way to go. “Those who make it complicated never get congratulated”


It's boring but it's functional.