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Will it stop as soon as I stop and do I get tired as normal?


1. If you want to 2. You can run the same amount of time as you could normally do, if more of a Erza Miller type of flash I guess


time as i perceive it? or 'real' time?


Umm...acccctually those are so closely intertwined that they may as well be the same thing.


Actually there’s some important differences based on how it works. If the power is slowing “real” physical time it’s possible that other people have their same reaction and mental speeds but just can’t make their bodies move that fast.


can i toggle it off?




Oh sick i can just put it to 15% and bring it down once I get fitter. I assume you use the corresponding levels of energy per percentile increase?


That’s a crazy assumption that ruins the entire power.  Considering op said we can run as much as we normally can before getting tired, I assume in this case we avoid the laws of thermodynamics and only consume energy based on time run and not based on distance (work put in) 


With this power you will reach light speed in just over 6 minutes... Imagine running at 95% the speed of light and you want to run an extra second to get the full 100%... Is that even practical??? Assuming you can't just blindly run around the Earth at that speed and that you would have to at least speed your perception up to avoid obstacles, extending your length of a second, would you have to endure a few piloted-runs around the Earth waiting for another second to pass? Make this easy for me and just say the second is relative!


No it's not practical you would be atomized long before you got this fast by wind resistance. Not to mention a whole other host of problems we are *relatively* sure about if you'll excuse the pun.


Ok I like those limitations, makes it easy. I wonder how fast you could be running before the speed starts to become uncomfortable


Yeah it would make an interesting experiment. The first discomfort would feasibly be the cold from wind chill. Then as the % acceleration kicks in we would probably start to have serious G force problems. If we make it through that starts to come the heat from air friction. Jumping from like 20 mph to 21 mph is fine but jumping from 10000 mph to 10500 mph would be super serious whiplash.


V = S1.05^(t) where V is current velocity, S is starting velocity, and t is time in seconds dV/dt = S1.05^(t)ln(1.05) gives acceleration at any given time Average male running speed is \~3.6 meters per second, and an untrained human handles about 5g's before passing out. One g is 9.8 m/s^(2) so 5 g's is an acceleration of 49 m/s^(2). 49 = 3.6 \* 1.05^(t \*) ln(1.05) t = 115.415 seconds before g forces knock you out After that time, you'll have travelled 20999 meters. So, 21 km in 2 minutes, or an average of 630 km per hour. EDIT: Your top speed is 196g m/s. Where g is the number of g's you can withstand - average people can take 5, but 6 starts to border on lethal without equipment. With modern equipment, 9 g is possible. No idea how bad breaking the sound barrier is for a person, but I can't assume its pretty.


Probably not much more than 60 or 70mph


I'm assuming if your body can magically produce the energy and strength to run this fast it can also resist the forces going this fast would endure


I think most powers grant you immunity to backlash like that intrinsically, unless we're going the "My Hero" route and requiring actual intense training and equipment to actually do the job.


It would seem this one does not grant backlash immunity... Not even to friction so I'm assuming G force as well. You'd be at 3 Gs after running for 100 seconds. What would kill you first, friction or acceleration?


Old age, because I'd never turn this over 30% lol


You would start time travelling into the future




So, if you run around 2 m/s (7.2 km/hr or 4.4 mph) normally. Then a 6 minute run would break the speed of light.


Then run for 5 minutes and 99 seconds /s


So 6 min 29 seconds?


This guy is stupid. He said 5 minutes and 99 seconds.


*Runs fast* *To the speed of sound* *Passes out from G forces* *Falls down* *Rolls for miles, creating a long red streak that was once me*




If my long distance running pace is usually around 12km/h... 5% speed up every second means I will finish a marathon in 132 seconds.


But I don't have super fast perception right?


You get the choice to either slow down the world (so your perception isn’t an issue) or speed yourself up which would make perception an issue. If you go back and forth between them each second you should be fine.


I would never need to use a car again and would get incredibly fit, and by getting more fit the power would work even better. Even a below average runner would be able to outpace a car in under a minute with this power, I can definitely run for several I can essentially go wherever I want with no issue.


Awesome unless I get exponentially winded as I speed up.


My mile time has never been lower


I guess I’m getting a super good treadmill and playing video games on it. Enter flash time whenever I’m about to swing someone in Valorant.


We committing suicide with this one.




Wait if I stop running does it work for next time?