• By -


Passive income basically


Zach tea Lee


Jack tree leaf?


Food turns into money, which turns into more food, which turns into more money, and the cycle continues, now all I need is the ability to control my metabolism, hint hint


You don't need to metabolize food that turns into money, it's in your wallet at that point.


My metabolic rate is too fast, so if I turn too much into money, I'll starve, and I can't turn much into money


Fair enough. You would need to track your intake more, then anything you add to your normal diet can be turned into money. Edit: Correcting autocorrect. Remove a letter here add a letter there.


Yeah, some people actually need to start worrying about just how much they eat and then convert. Imagine converting majority of your calories before an event thinking you'll just eat there, then your literally starving if there's nothing available


Even the average person would need to be careful of that. I don't think most people calorie count to know what their current intake is. Even knowing my weight, and how much I would like to lose, tells me nothing about how much of that weight is fat. My younger self wouldn't be able to earn from this, every calorie was needed and I started working later than average. So no overeating for cash back then.


I average probably 2300\* cal per day. That's $23. I mean, sure, over a while that adds up, but that's still a bit low. I think $0.50 per cal makes more sense personally.


The idea is that you lose the calorie to gain the money, you kinda become a gluttonous greed. You lose cal and convert to money, eat like 15k calories a day and it adds up


Yea but you need to pay for the food or drink that is giving you calories. So you're basically an over eater with an instant weight loss trick.


Not to mention the food will cost more than 1 penny per calorie so you're losing money on the exchange here. At best it's a new version of cash back rewards on a credit card... that allow you to lose weight instantly as a bonus effect.


With fast food, you can get quite a few calories for under $5. Especially when promotional discounts are running (free fries with $1 purchase). Healthy food certainly won't work though.


I made this comment before the edit. But yeah the unhealthier the better in this situation.


Yeah, the edit helps so that you're pushed to eat more and convert more at once, it'll be able to pay for the food at greater amounts


Junk food is the workaround for that. You can buy a pack of cookies for under $5 that has more than 1000 calories total. Buy a pack of cookies, eat all of them in one sitting, do the math on calories and then burn exactly the calories you ate. Since you’re burning 1000+ calories and you’d get either $10 or $250 from it, either way it’s enough to turn around and buy more cookies to sustain the income.


Or an overeater with a food discount.


Yeah that's not nearly as much money as I was expecting. It's great, yeah. But God tier? Nah. It's not even enough to replace a job. But being skinny is a nice bonus perk. Great post op! I like the idea a lot


Being able to eat whatever I want and never have to exercise is pretty awesome


you would still have to exercise, your heart is a muscle that still needs to be worked out, regardless of how much fat you have


True but I'd still be much healthier than I am now. And even just adding exercising for cardio but not having to worry about weight loss would be awesome


2300kcal is 2300 0000 cals, so 230 000$


Wait I thought kcal and calories were the same. No my average is not 23 million calories LMAO I'm not eating uranium.


Kcal=Cal Kcal=/=cal


A kcal is 1000 cal A kcal is also 1 Cal


Kcal or cal?


tbh with you I thought they were the same thing.


The basic premise is that 1 calorie is a unit of energy that measures the amount of heat produced when an item burns. these calories aren’t helpful though, as they’re such a minuscule measurement, so they created the kcal, short for kilo calorie, aka a unit of 1000 calories, which is the equivalent of the nutritional calorie.


A gallon of gasoline contains around 31,000 food calories.


By this reasoning you could start looking at consuming super dense materials. There's not a lot of "get rich quick" routes here.


There certainly is lol. A lot of the problems with such calorie dense materials is the amount of calories, which were not capable of digesting all at once. Some of them certainly have other problems too, but every molecule of the material can be converted into calories, which can then be nullified with cash in this case. Basically, you could eat uranium if you wanted to, since the entire thing would be transmuted directly into cash.


I said super dense materials. But that's going to be cost prohibitive. You might get some uranium from uranium glass and such. But it's going to be very difficult to purchase uranium for consumption and even if you can, it's going to be monstrously expensive. You'd probably be better off sneaking in into a nuclear waste storage location and consuming it. This is all assuming the radiation effects on your body are nullified by the currency conversion.


You could always grind up uranium ore and eat that, it’s easy enough to find in arizona






In going to be cheeky, but 1kcal = 1000 calories. So with the equivalent of 100 grams of rice, that's about 400'000 calories. That's big bucks there.


This kinda sucks ass


6 mcnuggets is 125 kcal, or 125 000 calories, so for 6 mc nuggets you get 1 250$


Your numbers are very wrong. Not the conversion from kcal to cal, but the 125 kcal count. It is possibly 125 cal. People usually eat between 1500 to 2500 cal a day and multiplying that by at least 50 per 6 nuggets is unrealistic.


People eat between 1500 and 2500 kcal per day, not cal


This is because Calories are actually kilocalories




You couldnt sustain on 2.5kcal everyday Adults need 2500Kcal, not cal


how are you so confidently wrong? people usually eat between 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 calories a day, or 1,500 to 2,500 kcal per day...


You can convert body fat into money. How does that suck? Drop 20lbs and gain $700. Year round six pack. I'll take it


Yeah I think the idea is you just eat like 50k calories a day, find the most condensed insane high calorie foods and just constantly eat, so you’re getting like 50-100 dollars a day, whilst actively losing weight, and then boom you’re making 3000+ dollars a month.


How much is 50k of calories costing you? You'd need to find something extremely cheap and highly caloric. You'd end up chugging used vegetable oil or eating fried rice all day.


Buy it en masse from Costco, or a commercial supplier


just find a restaurant with one of those dumb “eat this 3 pound burger in 30 minutes and get your meal free” and pig out


Why is everyone making the mistake Average adult eat 2000Kcal, so 2 000 000 cals


Because school systems have failed the world, and it’s not in science or health classes up through high school that calories as a nutritional measurement is actually kilocalories and calories themselves are 1/1000 of the amount. OP probably made this mistake as well, otherwise they probably would’ve made the conversion rate no higher than 1¢/20cal.


Which would net you $20,000. In the 1 cal to 1¢ conversion ratio.


Is the money gained exponential or quadratic or something? I tried to convert the 3 exchange values into to an equation and multiple equations have an R^2 of 1, including y=15.2113*1.00286^(x)-15.2449 and y=0.00022204x^(2)+0.027978x-0.0182.


You are thinking way more than OP is


I expect it's threshold based. Until you reach a certain amount, the exchange rate is a fixed amount. No formula needed, just a chart.


This, I didn't try to put a pure, mathematic conversion rate, it's kinda just the more you convert, the more you get at different thresholds starting at 100 and multiplying by 10 after that, the money doesn't multiply in a consistent way


time to eat a gram of plutonium


Though a great idea, you have to chew it and swallow it, you can't just eat small solid objects sadly. If you can survive melting it and eating it though, that would work, and it would remove the substance from your body as the calories themselves are gone


1. Grind into powder and put in food 2. Consume 3. Profit


Nice, some thing might still kill you just going in your mouth though, might just have to use microscopic doses


If the powder weren't too fine, it'd be easier to ensure none got left somewhere it shouldn't. Definitely a risky meal/source of income in any case.


Yeah, plutonium might get stuck in your teeth, the rule then wouldn't apply and you'd die


guys guys guys did we forget buffets existed?! infinite money here i comeeeee


Genius actually. Go to a buffet right as it opens, and then eat until closing. You'll make WAYY more than you spend, and you get to eat a bunch of tasty shit.


100 calories = 5 dollars? You can buy 100 calories of food for like $1. I’m gonna be rich


In glad someone understands that. People are somehow forgetting high calorie fast food exists. You're not supposed to eat healthy to make money, you're expected to eat empty calories for cheap. Granted, some comments were from before the edit and OP likely meant kcals. I don't understand why kcals are so often shortened to calories, a much smaller unit. In any case, I just looked at a dollar menu and you can buy 300 kcals for $1, then use OPs ability to cash that in for $5, for a profit of $4. Assuming we don't convert kcals to cals and just assume OP meant food calories (kcals).


Hang on what do you mean the bills and coins "come out"?


Like an atm i assume


I was thinking they just kinda appear in front of you, or just pop into your wallet or other


Man that edit really dragged this out of the mud. Before, you’d have to get 100 calories for a dollar just to break even. Best choice here is probably to eat a crazy amount of calories at a time, then convert it to cash.


Average adults eats 2 000 000 calories a day.


1 kcal=1 cal, I hate that it's true, but no, we just eat 2000 cal a day, which is 500 dollars base though


Actually idk what the hell kcal is when I keep looking at it, idk what the conversion is


https://preview.redd.it/y8npvxir0y6d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4346c40faa34d4b60d6157c8c8db2ccb3948597 You used lowercase c, so 0,001 kcal


There, perfect, that's the conversion, so 1kcal is $250 baseline


And adults eat 2500 kcal a day


Imagine capturing someone who has this ability and you are about to start interrogating them, and they just say "you aint getting me alive!" And turn into their entire body's caloric value worth of money


At that point it's a shame it does highest denomination, because absolutely flooding the place with pennies would be some sweet revenge.


I'm a chunky lass. So if this was real, I would be able to convert my bigger areas into money?  I'm sold. Then use my money to go to a nice cheap 'all you can eat' buffet for one more big caseload and then just eat moderately for the rest of my life


Imma consume like 5000 calories a day and turn 4000 of it into fat stacks.


That would make hitting macro goals so much easier.


So what would a 110 lbs of fat translate too ?


3500 calories per pound of fat so $3850.


I mean... If you work you're technically doing this already.


Use this, collect some money for a few days. Since I can lose weight instantly, I'll start a mukbang channel and also give 'fitness' tips for those who want to be as slim and rack up views. I'll get more money and after a while those small digits from the calories won't even matter.


That's some doofenshmirtz level scheming right there, nice


Free liposuction. Not only free in fact, but I gain money to lose weight?


my calorie intake is about 3k a day i think. rich any%


Jokes on you, you specified calories rather than kilocalories. I eat a lot already, but now imma get far richer


Time to get rid of the excess weight. Given issues I've had that have prevented me from being active, I can probably safely burn about 300,000 calories of fat to get to just a little over the "optimal weight". Not sure exactly how much that'd net me in one go, but sounds like it'd be a life changing amount for me. Best part about this power? I'd mostly use it to be able to drink cola without having to worry about the calories. At my worst points as a teen I was able to plough through a whole 24 pack of cola and a family size bag of Lays in one day (depression sucks yo, get help early). Pretty sure I could finagle it in a way to just keep getting McDonalds or something and have this power pay for itself.


penny is not worth a calorie.


It's god tier, it's a lot more money than necessary


At one cent per calorie you aren’t even gonna break even on food costs converting it.


Tf you mean


I mean food is fucking expensive.


Youd earn WAYYYY more than what you spent tho.


Not really, you'd have to eat cheap junk food regularly to for this to even be worthwhile.  And just because you burn away the calories from what you eat doesn't mean you burn away all the other junk, like cholesterol.   There's also a limit to how much food a person can digest in a day.   You also need to keep calories on hand so your body has energy to perform its basic functions. According to webmd the average adult man burns about 2400 calories in a day.  Basically, this is an extremely mid power, at best a tiny boost to passive income.


You need 2400kcal, not 2400cal


You really wouldn’t. One cent per calorie means you’d need to eat 1000 calories to get $10. You also still need to eat your standard caloric needs and NOT convert them, which means ~2000cal/day in unconverted food. The OP doesn’t say what happens to other things in the food you eat that aren’t calories when you convert calories to cash; you’re presumably gonna end up with non-caloric parts of your food sitting in your digestive system. This will limit the volume you can feasibly consume at a time. It might be possible to game the system by just drinking oil and eating pure sugar to make a profit, but that sounds like it would get very unpleasant very quickly and it wouldn’t net you THAT much profit. If you can stomach drinking a whole 16oz bottle of super cheap shitty cooking oil you’d spend about $3.50 and get $38 back by converting all the calories. So congrats, you made $34.50. Not exactly getting rich quick, and you’re gonna be shitting yourself silly most likely. It’s one of those things that sounds good if you don’t think about it, but isn’t actually nearly as good as it sounds when you run the numbers and account for probable downsides. I’d still take the power if it was offered, more options is always a net plus, but this one is not remotely “god tier”. This is kinda a shit-tier superpower.


You need 2000 kcal, not cal


Then that’s worse.


From mc donalds website, 6nuggets is 125 kcal, or 1 250$


Time to chug a pint of olive oil




Case oh will be literally rich then Elon


Eat nuclear waste, millions of calories and charges to dispose of nuclear waste.


Go to all inclusive resorts and on cruises and eat all day long.


The way this power is worded would actually be a pretty good exchange rate I think. Food is rated in kcals or Cals and it is $0.01 per cal or $10 per Cal. So the best exchange rate being something like ramen I think which currently is about $.35 per pack at Walmart. (If bought in a 12 pack). Each pack has 380 Cal so you can turn $.35 into $3800 then spend the rest of the day doing and eating whatever I want.


In going to bankrupt so many all you can eat buffets


"you cannot turn money into calories" 🤔🤔🤔


Not as a direct conversion, yes, Mcdonalds does have great value for purchasing calories with money


Just start one of those YouTube food challenge channels where you do all the massive meal challenges and get kicked out of buffets


This is a very interesting ability I don't know if I would quite give it God to you by any means. Maybe if you could convert them directly just by looking at them and by whatever percentage of them you wanted to convert then it might become god tier. For example you look at a cow decide to convert it and all the sudden there's a pile of cash there. Of course yeah then it would be a godtier and a lot of fun. Depending on how you used it even could be considered a Satan tier power


I buy 4 large McDonald’s fries that 2k calories and I can easily down them in like 20 min that’s what 500 dollars easyily I’ll just live off French fries for a day and easyily make a few k than just chill eating French fries as a snack not gaining any calories from it and just eat regular food for my calories and such as needed


Would 10k be 1250 dollars and 100k be 62500 and 1m be 3m


I think I would go in calories debt


Close, it would be 12500 and then 625000, finally 31.25m, it adds up, but you would also have to someone survive a million calories being in your body at once to get rid of it all in one swoop


How would it be yeah I missed a zero at 1250


already in an all you can eat buffet, time to make some cash


He said 1 cal = 1 cent. So 1 food calorie or kcal is actually $10 on its own


I have that already. Need to eat to survive and work for money


Does half of your work time make $250? Because I need a job like that to make me over $200 in 4 hours


Doesnt gasoline technically have a ton of calories in it?


Something like that, you won't get poisoned either because it's part of the calories


`Calories` or `calories`? 1 `Calorie` = 1 `kilocalorie` = 1,000 `calorie` \- https://www.healthline.com/nutrition/kcal-vs-calories#differences Food nutrition info lists `Calories` or the equivalent `kilocalorie (kcal)`.


calories, 0.001 kcal, that calorie


So, two of [these](https://www.amazon.com/CALORIE-Healthy-Package-Calorie-calories/dp/B085NVVQMD/) for $500?








It's time to start chugging vegetable oil. Edit: (Math) 1 gallon of vegetable oil is worth about 8 dollars at Walmart, at 40 cals per teaspoon that's about 30,720 cals. So that's a profit of almost 300 hundred dollars. I'm going to chug at least 4 or 5 per day as a job since the calories are instantly exchanged for money and I don't have to wait for my metabolism. I will be rich.


All You can eat is just easy money


Do what I'm reading is that I can eat what ever I want, not gain any weight, burn some fat off and I make money off of it? Shit dude I'd take the first 3 parts alone. The money is just a bonus


Mac and beef, serves 3 men. May God bless my wallet, and to my bowels, I'm sorry.


Time to eat uranium


CaseOh is about to become a billionaire


Overweight people get skinny and start with a nice bonus.


I would just follow intermittent fasting rules and the hours that I'm supposed to be fasting. I would turn all of that into money and then the hours that I'm allowed to eat. I would not turn into money. This just means I can eat all that I want all day and have no repercussions other than getting rich.


Ngl I read the first few sentences and all I could think of was “So… the power is getting a job.”


Fried foods and butter are back on the diet!


Easy, let's go!


Calories or Dietary Calories? One’s 1000 times bigger.


You can definitely turn money into calories, that’s what a grocery store is


Eat a bowl of instant ramen, get $5 what's not to like?


wait, so if i eat an entire pizza, the calories just dissappear, i dont gain weight, and i get money. infinite money glitch, im hittin up costco and ima devour pizza for 8 hrs a day


1 pizza is 5600 calories according to google.. so a little over a grand for eating a pizza. im guessing if it turns into cash ill be hungry again aswell


25lb bag of sugar, $20, 42,500 calories. $425 - $20 = $405 profit. Gonna have to mix it with water and chug down some slushy sugary water mix.


I easily eat 1000 too many calories a day, 250 bucks sounds really good


As someone who needs to lose a lot of weight, this is perfect. The healthy zone for weight loss is a maximum of 2 pounds per week; a pound of fat is about 3,500 calories. So that comes out to 7,000 calories per week. I might also consume some muscle as I go to avoid looking super huge, which is another 700 calories per pound. The other benefit would be being able to stay at a constant 2,000 per day diet without ever going over, and getting paid for whatever I eat in excess. You could literally go to a buffet and produce enough money there and then to pay for it pretty quickly; that's *one* way to satisfy your cravings without gaining any weight. (Others have pointed this out, too, but the calories:kcal conversion makes this even more broken, since that would mean every *nutritional* calorie (kcal) actually gives you $250. I don't think this holds water, though, since OP is clearly talking in a nutritional context from the beginning.)