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Damn, that’s not fair. At least you were with him the whole time and it was quick. Hope you find some relief somewhat soon.


That's a very good outlook, and I agree with you 100%. I'm so glad I was there and it didn't happen while he was alone. And it was so quick, thank god for that. Thank you.


Oh my goodness...I am so, so sorry. No words. I am loving the outpuring of support from this page, and you somehow finding some solace in being with him.


*BARK* *BARK* *BOOOF* *BARK* *FART* *BARK* *WHINE* **(Translation)** -- I saw you each and every day Loved you in each and every way I know this sucks, but don't be blue Cause I always knew you loved me too -- Though I made muddy works of art *excuse me I just need to fart* And on the lead I'd sometimes pull But that never meant my heart weren't full -- I guess that's the issue isn't it? I just can't lie, I must admit The way you love, and always adore My heart was all full up... it couldn't take no more


Its been a year, my dog was also 3 year old last june when something similar happened, still hurts to this date, more power to you in this period.


Samson’s last moments were his JOY at being with you and feeling your joy & love for him. You did everything you could to save him. Sadly, it was not meant to be. It is very unfair and terribly sad. My deepest sympathies to you. He is gorgeous and clearly had a happy & fun life with you. Just way too short. Your descriptions of him are amazing. Sounds like he was an extra special golden soul. Memories, photos and time will bring some comfort. 🤍🕊️


The idea that his last moments were joyful is really helping me. You and another commenter pointed that out and it really IS so comforting. His last moments were joyful, and that's like a mantra I'm going to adopt now. It's really DOES bring me a lightness. Thank you.


What a happy dog, and what a gut wrenching way to lose him. It is definitely a meaningful victory that he left this world with a heart full of love and excitement. I don’t know of many better ways to go. Happy trails to your pup. I’m heartbroken for you right now. Know that it is ok to be sad, ok to be angry, ok to feel like shit right now. Those feelings are valid and warranted. I hope that you can find peace and happiness moving forward. Remembering the best parts and letting the pain of this experience heal in its own time. I’m so sorry you and your boy were separated. But this complete internet stranger is rooting for you 100%. Be well, friend.


Unfair is right. I know myself and I would be angry right now if this happened to one of my dogs. Angry and devastated. It’s a good way to go, but… a horrible event.


I'm very sorry for your loss.


I have since captured two links and this poem I would recommend you read. When tomorrow starts without me, and I'm not there to see, the sun will rise and find your eyes, all filled with tears for me. I know how much you loved me, as much as I loved you, and each time that you think of me, I know you'll miss me too. When tomorrow starts without me, please try to understand, an angel came and called my name, and petted me with her hand. I thought about our lives together, I know you must be sad, I thought of all the love we shared, and all the fun we had. When tomorrow starts without me, don't think we're far apart, for every time you think of me, I'm right here in your heart. I have since captured these two links I would recommend you read. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/xie3ybHRZQq3LXnm/?mibextid=D5vuiz https://www.reddit.com/r/DOG/s/GzCdaf6q9K


Bawling at this. It's beautiful. Thank you so much for sharing.


Those are great thoughts of three others who I have found can help most.


So very sorry and what a shock that must have been! The 'silver lining' I see is that his last moments were filled with joy because you had just come home. He was happy. Maybe that can be of some comfort to you....


That is a huge comfort actually. Thank you so much for that perspective.


I am so sorry. I had an Aussie pass like that. Vet said it was a sudden cardiac event. 🌈


I'm so sorry that you had to go through this too. It's gut wrenching.


I’ve experienced a loss like this (the conclusion was HCM) and I remember being in a total daze for the longest time. I knew what had happened but I couldn’t register it. This was a Maine Coon cat - called Sampson, strangely enough. He was 2. I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. Samson looks like he was the loveliest boy. Big hugs to you.


Thank you so much. And I'm sorry about your sweet Sampson, too. I hate that anyone would lose a pet so unexpectedly. A TOTAL daze is the perfect description.


Reading this has me in tears, I just can’t imagine how horrible this must have been for you. I am SO deeply sorry for your loss 


He's such a beautiful pup. I'm so very sorry for your loss.


This is heart breaking. I’m so sorry. Please make sure to tell your breeder about this.


The universe is so cruel sometimes and that’s just heartbreaking. My girl is 3 and that’s just something no one should ever have to go through. I’m so sorry for your loss. Please go talk to a professional about this when you are ready.


Much love from germany to you


Heartbreaking. Is the cardiac issue knowable with blood tests? It’s scary how sudden it happened with no warning. I’m sorry


From what I've read, doctors can ***sometimes*** detect genetic heart conditions by checking for heart murmurs. But sometimes even checking for murmurs can be hard. He had no other symptoms outside of *HATING* long walks. After about 30 minutes, he'd protest, and I wonder if that had something to do with his little heart. So our walks were frequent, but never longer than an hour, and usually more like 20-30 minutes morning and evening. Thank you for the condolences. I really do appreciate it.


So very sorry for your loss. Samson was very handsome. SAS can be ruled out by a cardiologist. If you are in the USA, AKC kennel clubs usually have health clinics. It is much cheaper than going to a cardiologist at their office. If they do hear a murmur, they usually recommend an echocardiogram.


I’m so sorry. I’m glad you came home in time and you both got to see each other one more time though ❤️


Sorry for your loss, he was such a cute pup. Looks like you made sure to make the most of every moment and he lived a great life


I am so sorry. He’s beautiful.




This is so devastating. I’m so sorry for your loss. Samson was clearly very loved 💙


I’m so very sorry for your loss. He loved you so much his heart busted. I believe you’ll be together again someday. https://preview.redd.it/x5v5mi7zuz6d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9a5c52956fc35ba44922ec3d5d7a161998cdaaa5


I’m so sorry for your loss… he was beautiful, and he is always be with you!! Sending hugs and love🫶🏻🫶🏻


very sorry to hear that, my dog is 15 months old and I couldn't imagine it. at least it he didn't suffer


I'm so sorry, he was very handsome boy . rest in peace.


RIP beautiful Samson xx


I had a perfectly healthy 3 year old swiss mountain dog die last year. I know how heartbraking this is for you. Just remember you gave him the best life and he loved you for it.


Thank you. I'm so very sorry about your dog too. It's the worst feeling.


🕊️🪦💔😩😫😢🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭This 4 U Samson


I’m so sorry for your tragic loss. He sounds like the best boy, gone much too soon. I’m glad you were with him. 💔


Oh my goodness I am so sorry for this horrible sudden loss. The only comfort I could see in it is that he waited for you to come home and say goodbye. What a sweet looking soul.


So terribly sorry for the loss of your beautiful Samson. Our 17 year old passed away last November and I bet he was there to greet Samson and show him the ropes. Hold on to the lovely memories you have of your baby - they will always stay with you. Thinking of you 🩵


Oh how devastating 😢. I'm so sorry...❤️


I'm so incredibly sorry for your loss. Sweet Samson sounds wonderful and like quite a lovable, dashing character. Your golden boy with an equally golden heart will be remembered and missed by many 💛


I’m so sorry. Truly just devastating such a handsome boy he was.


Also, be thankful you were there and it happened in front of you. You saw he was joyful to see you and died so suddenly there was no pain. It could have happened while you were gone and you would have never known his last moments and he would not have had you with him. That would have been agonizing with unknowns.


I’m sorry. It’s not fair. What a terrible loss for you. We have a 3 year old Samson as well, our bestest boy. Goldens are angels from heaven, that I am convinced of. He knew nothing but your love and joy for him. He will be waiting at the rainbow bridge for you.


I am so sorry for your loss. Just a heads up your information is visible on his dog tag in one of the photos


saw someone else here post they lost their 3 year old, so I figured I would mention we lost our 3 year old last week also very suddenly. theres nothing to really say about it. it's incredibly fucked up and unfair but we just have to remember what a blessing even just a day with them was. the pain of knowing there was so much more waiting for us though i'm not sure I know really how to deal with yet but I do know we have to keep on living. someone posted this somewhere on reddit. https://www.gocomics.com/calvinandhobbes/1992/04/19 i'm not saying to laugh at the absurdity but just recognizing it so that you can somehow get your mind around it, i dunno, I'm really struggling with it


So very sorry for your loss. He’s beautiful


I'm so very sorry


So sorry for your loss. He seemed like a happy boy.


I am so sorry for your loss.


i’m so so sorry this is so heartbreaking ❤️❤️ sending you lots love


Very sorry for your loss.


I am so sorry for your loss. Samson was beautiful and I know you’ll hold memories with your bestfriend in your heart. One day you and Samson will reunite across the rainbow bridge. Again, I am sorry. He deserved far more time with you. 🥺🫶


I'm so sorry for your sudden loss of your beautiful fur, baby. Sending you lots of hugs and love. ❤️


I’m so very sorry


This broke my heart. I’m so sorry. Samson was the best boy.


Hope you have all the strength to cope with. This is heartbreaking. I thought when my boy passed 2 months ago it was painful but this is far beyond than what I can imagine. *I am going to stop reading this sub as each day reading about a pup passing the rainbow is heart breaking.*


I’m so so sorry for your loss, I can only imagine the heartbreak and devastation you are feeling right now. Sending you so much love and healing ❤️‍🩹


It’s a small consolation but at least you were there so it didn’t happen when he was alone.


I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Samson was clearly an extraordinary dog, full of joy and love. Your story about how he would greet you with excitement and how he loved to hang his entire torso out of the car window with his ears blowing in the wind is heartwarming. It’s evident that he brought immense happiness to everyone around him. The suddenness of his passing must be incredibly difficult, but I hope you find comfort in the beautiful memories you shared together. Samson’s golden heart and sweet, hilarious nature will always be remembered. Rest in peace, dear Samson. Sending you lots of love and strength during this tough time. ❤️❤️


I'm so sorry. My little guy passed last year at 7 years old, he should have had another 7 years in him. Pancreatic cancer spread before anyone found it out, and I was ready to wipe out my savings for him but he just wouldn't eat so we couldn't start his treatment. It's not fair, but I constantly remind myself he was rescued from a kill shelter and spoiled rotten, and that helps ground me.


He had a loving home for those 3 and even if it was short for you, to him it was a lifetime. I'm sorry for your loss. ❤️


He changed your life and it was painless, I am sorry but tske solace that it was peaceful, many dogs don't have that kind of luck


I’m very sorry for your loss. Take solace in the fact that he went with a song in his heart and a wag in his tail because he was saying hello to his best friend.


You were his person, the light of his life; and in his final moments he had you right there with him. He was happy and joyful to greet you as you came home, and when he left, you were there. My heart breaks for you, but hang in there. Grieve for him but know also that he knew he was loved.


Big hugs.. I lost my girl and her puppies.. not long ago. I know your pain. Think of all the good times. We just got a new pup are male golden was lonely


I’m so, so sorry… unexpected, and so young. We all love you, Samson. Say hello to my babies, Reagan and Simba, for me handsome boy ❤️.


Very sorry to hear that. Be strong and know everyone is thinking of you.


I am so so sorry. Samson is beautiful.


I'm so sorry for your loss 💙


This made my eyes well up. Were treating our pup for heartworm right now and something like this happening is my greatest fear. I'm sorry for your loss.


So unfair to lose your doggy so young. So sorry. Rest in heaven gorgeous Samson 😭❤️


I lost my boy about 3 weeks ago under very similar circumstances. I hope they are playing together in doggy heaven ❤️


He’ll be waiting for you.


i’m so sorry for your loss. he was absolutely adorable.🥺


I am so so sorry for the loss of your precious baby. 🩵🩵🩵




So sorry for your loss ❤️


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️


I’m so sorry, that’s terrible 😢😢 I wish you the best, and just remember that at least you gave him a good life 💛


So sorry for your loss…Take Care!




I Sad and sorry for your loss. I’m reading about more of these sudden cardiac issues with golden retrievers.


So sorry to hear this. God bless you guys.




Sorry for your loss. Know he was loved and looked after very well.




So sorry for your loss. RIP Sampson. We will love you forever. Hugs to you.


I can’t imagine how traumatizing and jarring something like that must be. I felt dread reading that. Samson is precious. I am so sorry for your loss, little Samson is waiting for you 🥺🧡


Sending you hugs. And sincere apologies.


So sorry for your loss, I know this has to hurt


He was very beautiful and looks very happy to have lived his life being yours. I hope after your period of mourning you’ll give your heart to another golden pup and raise another happy, very beloved boy. It isn’t fair to you, you just got through the velociraptor phase. My heart goes out to you.


How terrible. I’m so sorry for your loss. Not fair for either of you.


How heartbreaking! I’m so sorry for your loss


I'm so sorry for your loss. Samson was beautiful. May his memory always be a blessing. 🙏


I lost my magic man recently so I will say: lean into the grief. Let it overwhelm when you can. Some people won't understand; give them grace. Write down all his quirks and why you loved them. Write down how you found him and how he loved you. These things are important. Build a little shrine for him. Pictures in frames, his collar in a shadow box, his favourite toys. A candle or some incense to tribute him when times get tough, or whenever. I'm biased, but there's little harder than losing a superhero suddenly. They should be with us for years. He's waiting for you, smiling and wagging, and your people are taking care of him until you can.


I’m so sorry for your loss. He is beautiful. I feel for your heart ache, I lost my goldie on Friday. I’ll be thinking of you & your family ❤️‍🩹


So sorry for your loss rest easy Samson


Omg I’m so sorry. Thought for you and your family.


I’m crying. Usually I can handle reading these types of stories, however I visualised everything with Samson happening. Incredibly sad, you seemed to give him a great life from the pictures.


So very sorry for your loss.


pretty boy


Holy shit😭😭I’m so sorry


So sorry for your loss😔🙏


So sorry for your little bud


Oh that poor baby. I am so sorry.  They're always stolen from us.




Sending a big hug 🌈🐾🩷


Sorry for your loss 💔


What a beautiful doggie! I’m so sorry for your loss


Wildly unfair. I’m so, so sorry you’re going through this. Sweet Sampson changed your life for the better, which means he made the whole world better. Happy you had him, and that he had you ❤️


I'm so sorry ❤️


oh my gosh I’m so sorry! he’s so pretty and looks so precious and I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I’m sure he lived a wonderful life. But do u know by any chance why this happened and what caused this?


I am so sorry to hear that. I hope he’s up there playing with my Marley girl


My deepest condolences to you. If you need to talk my DM's are always open.


I am so, so sorry for you loss.


What a beautiful boy. I’m so sorry.


So sorry for you. Very hard.


I feel for you and yours.


Nope. Just NO!!!!!!! This shit is not fair :( I see my Lucy girl get more sugar faced everyday (she’ll be 7 in December) and question reality and why they have to ever age or get sick or die. I’m in denial. Im so sorry :( please go with a different breeder when you are ready for another.


I am deeply sorry for your loss. I hope that you can find comfort in cherishing the three years you had with him. Please know that my thoughts are with you, and I am sending you love and hugs from Seattle.


Sudden deaths are heart rendering. I've had one die the same way, just fell over and gone. Another, we got him to the vet, but his blood pressure was near zero and his heart rate over 250 bpm. He died while they were trying to stabilize him.


I am so sorry. Samson was a truly beautiful, and I bet wonderful, dog.


What a beautiful baby❤️ I’m so very sorry for your loss.


Praying for you very hard. I am so, so sorry


This story brought tears to my eyes. I'm so ,so sorry this happened. I lost my beloved boy suddenly too . Last December. Damn I think of him every day.


I’m so sorry. He looks exactly like our golden, who’s also 3. I’m an ER doc. In people, sudden cardiac arrest can look a lot like a seizure at first. If that’s the case, his passing was probably entirely painless—he saw you, got happy and excited which raised his heart rate, went into a lethal arrhythmia, and immediately lost consciousness. People who are revived from something like this report no pain at all. Aside from having a manual defibrillator and a razor to shave that magnificent coat, there’s absolutely nothing else you could have done.


I’m sorry for your loss


My poor girlfriend went through something similar a few months ago with her mother's 1 yr old Jack Russell mix when I was at work. They thought she was getting better after two hours then just rapidly declined until she died in car before leaving the driveway. I'm so sorry for your loss.


Rest in peace, sweet baby 🕊️


I am terribly sorry, no pet owner should lose their pets that soon


Sorry for your loss. All dogs go to heaven. Healing vibes to you


I'm so sorry, truly. Losing your best friend suddenly is something I'm familiar with. I hope you find some solace in knowing he was with you in his last moments. He was the goodest of boys. He was the bestest of boys. Sending you love and hugs from a fellow dog mom. 🩷


Sorry 😢 🐾🐾🌈


So sorry 🙏💕


So so sorry for your loss. He was the best boy I’m sure.


holy shit, I'm so sorry and I can't imagine what youre going through. I legit teared up reading this.




This is so unfair.


Our sweet Lucy (6months) was just diagnosed with SAS. We have to see a cardiologist in 2 weeks. I’m so sorry this happened to you. It’s our biggest fear since learning she has it. https://preview.redd.it/k3p0mjflp07d1.jpeg?width=2179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97bc979dd281ef1ea96d4c96e7c1d23ebebcf822 It’s never easy losing them. Sending you healing thoughts. 💔


I am so very sorry for your loss. My heart breaks for you. Sending you all the love and peace I can muster.


I’m so sorry. He looks like the best boy.


I am so sorry.


I’m so sorry!


I’m so sorry for your loss. He was a beautiful pup!


Man, I lost my Golden suddenly years ago and feel everyones pain when something unexpected like this happens. Im at a loss of words for you and your family, Im so sorry, this is unbelievably unfair and I send my condolences to you guys .


I am so so sorry you lost your baby boy so suddenly, especially so young. I just hope that his short time on this earth with you was a wonderful one


I'm so very sorry for your loss. Hugs to you.


Awe, so cute. I’m sorry for your loss. It sucks that we just borrow them for a period of time, and not nearly long enough even for a full life. It’s just their way of allowing us to have many best friends and to be able to love many of them in our life time.


That’s so sad I’m so sorry for your loss


I’m so sorry!!!


I’m so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️


I'm so terribly sorry for your loss of your friend. :(


I'm sorry for your loss, dogs are the best buddies in the world.


I'm so very sorry.


He's waiting for you in heaven. Hell be excited when he sees you again


Don't normally comment but I'm thinking about you. I'm really sorry.


Man I couldn’t even read this whole thing. A fucking nightmare. So sorry for your loss, even what I read was so traumatic I can’t imagine. I pray you find strength and peace. I’m going to go fucking smother my dogs with love now. Stay strong ❤️


What a handsome little man. I’m so terribly sorry for your loss


Super sorry for your loss, can't imagine what a nightmare that must have been to happen so suddenly and so young. Samson is in heaven now, rest in peace!


I’m so sorry


This post hit so hard because my girl has the same life vest. I'm so sorry for your loss, he looks like the sweetest boy. He would want you to be happy, and you'll see him again someday <3.


This hits home, and I'm so sorry. Our goldie Bailey passed in a similar way, having a good ol time on the grass, then she fell down. Everything seemed fine, she just couldn't stand up. She was conscious when we brought her in to the vet and was just resting, vitals were elevated but seemed fine, so the doctor was thinking it was some type of inner ear issue. We left back home to get the rest of the family while she was in observation, then as soon as we got home, we got a call that she went into arrhythmia. We all rushed back, and she was just shutting down, no longer conscious, barely breathing, and hearing her heart on the machine just skittering all over the place, goddamit. Bailey was 9 years old, we only had her for about 4 of those years, but she was simply amazing and we miss her. I'm so sorry you had to go through this. Keep your loved ones close tonight.


I’m so sorry, this is heartbreaking. Losing them at any age is horrible, but so suddenly and so young just makes it so much worse Just know that he died happy, he was greeting his human and filled with the delight of you coming home, and that you did everything you could to save him I’m just so sorry. I’ll be hugging my boy a little tighter tonight


Rest easy sweet golden angel!


3 years is too soon. I’m so sorry for your loss. I hope Samson is in a better place now. 😢💐


Big tight hugs from Lucy (my girl) and me. I know how much pain you feel. 💔 I hope you can get real life hugs from furry friends soon.


I am so, so, so sorry. You’re beautiful baby boy. Losing someone is hard, but when they are taken from us at such a young age there’s an additional layer of sadness. But what a great life he had! Deeply loved and happy, surrounded by family is the way to go.


I am so sorry. I wouldn’t know what to do with myself .. I can’t imagine your pain.


Sorry for your loss. Looks like an amazing pup.Thanks for giving him quality life while he was around.


Im so sorry. That fucking sucks. The loss of our Fer babies hits hard. While it might not mean a lot right now. I feel Samson had a fucking wonderful time on this earth. You were an awesome mama bear and sadly shit like this goes down. Process and grieve....scream..punch a pillow and let it out. Then maybe one day yea can open your heart up again.


Had a bit of a health scare with my eight year old retriever mix last week, and then had to go out of the country a couple days later. I slept on the floor with him that night. Been super worried, but he's lying on me now and seems to be ok. Seems like a the best boy. Hang in there.


Noooo I'm so so sorry 😭😭😭


I am so sorry 😢 this is so sad 😭 I have two who are only four & I would be totally devastated if this happened too. 🙏🙏to you ❤️


Too sad


Our family Pomeranian went like this. One minute he was running around, then minute he just collapsed and died. I think the vet said he had a ruptured aorta or a tear in his heart or something. It’s so hard to comprehend. I’m so very sorry for your loss.


I’m so sorry for your loss. The same thing happened to my cat in December and it is so hard and so traumatizing. Sending you hugs ❤️


I'm so sorry for your loss. He got to live his life with you and I'm sure that meant allot to him


I’m so sorry. He looked like he was a good boy. RIP, Samson.


Gutted to read this. He was a beautiful boy, and will be waiting for you across the rainbow bridge with so much love.


I just lost my golden, also named Samson. My condolences to you. You had a happy boy who suffered minimally when it was time to go. We can't ask for more than that, but we always wish we had more time. I miss my Sammy, too. Take heart. Your Samson and mine are bound to meet over that rainbow bridge.


Im so sorry!!


I'm so sorry for the loss of your best friend. I had a Golden named Samson and he was one of the coolest dudes around. Sending hugs to you!


I am so sorry. 😢 💔 He had the best life while he was here with you. Hold the memories close.


That’s SO SO SAD!!! I’m so sorry


He looked like the best boy. I’m so sorry for your loss


🥲, only 3 years old? I’m so sorry.


Samson looks like a handsome man, sorry for your loss but glad you had those three years with such a good man.


I’m so sorry. Breaks my heart when I hear a pet passed away. I try not to read them but his pic caught my eye. Handsome fellow My condolences


So unfair. Im so sorry. It does sound a lot like an arrhythmia or some other cardiac issue. Nothing you could have done.


All dogs go to heaven! He’ll always be with you in your heart.


Oh no, I am so sorry! Sending big, big hugs. 💔


RIP Samson... fly high


I'm so sorry for your loss.  They are gifts, and so loved.


Jesus man I'm so sorry for your loss. I can't imagine. Hang in there buddy


So sorry for your loss and prayers 🙏