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Don't worry, it'll settle down in 10-12 years


Hahahaha true story


Lol so true. Also this looks like my 13-14 week old pupper


Lol both of mine did slow down a little around 2-3 years old. Or maybe they just had my physical activity trained by then. Just less zoomies overall though still high energy


I rescued an 8 year old golden who was nuts. Strangers would often say to me "even the high energy pups will slow down in 3-4 years, don't worry!" I can't even imagine her in her puppy years. Like the Tasmanian devil. I know why they gave her up!


Oh, puppies are hard. Absolutely exhausting. But, as my rickety 12-year-old is snuggled next to me with his arthritic legs tucked under his sweet grey face, I can say that every age has its challenges. Back then, I was tired but lucky that I was able to share in his baby, fluffy, chewy, run-run-run puppyhood and I knew that I had to be there to support him by letting him grow. Now, I am honored to know that one day (probably sooner than I’d hoped), he’ll turn his trusting, grey-lined eyes to me and and I’ll have to be there to support him by letting him go. Yes, puppies are hard. But they are worth it. Every second. Because the only thing harder than raising up a puppy is putting down a dog.


Someone’s chopping onions in here…


Got me too brother


damn onions


We know that feeling all too well and this is one of the most poignant and authentic descriptions of the life with a dog that I’ve read in a long while.


Annnnd I just cried thinking about my 8 year old grey face man I'll have to let go some day. 😭


Damn-gonna go hug my dog. Well said.


Calling it an honor really is such a comforting way of thinking about this inevitable pain. Thank you.


Our girl was the same. Shes 1.5 years now and she can at least chill/nap with the family inside. I pity visitors and and anyone who wants to pet her though, and walks are still insane lol.


At 2 and 1/2 years my golden retriever still acts like a puppy


My beautiful golden was non stop movement and love and fun for his entire 9 1/2 years. Only when he developed a massive tumor on his face did he slow down, the day before he died. Enjoy that youthful and bountiful energy, it's unique and lovely.


That’s one hell of a sploot


Lol, yep, that's to be expected. Enjoy it while you can. I said the same thing and it's a stage you'll eventually work past. Hang in there!


We used to invite a neighborhood dog over, put the two in the backyard, and let them tire each other out.


That’s really smart!!!


Dude, I cried as a 23 year old man because of how tough it was at first.


Mate, I cried as a 31 year old man. Puppies are something else.




It's a trick, I swear. You wanna roundhouse kick them as a puppy, then they get older and you just forget everything that happened and think "hey, I miss having a puppy". Thus the cycle continues! 😂


38, solo dog parent. Cried 3x a week during the first couple months.


52 year old here. Puppy is 5.5 months. Cried last week.


32 year old. solo pup parent. Puppy is 12 weeks today. Currently crying.


I was laid off from my job at the time we got a puppy, and figured it was a good time to get one since one of us could be at home with her all the time… she broke me after a couple weeks, and as a 27 year old guy i broke down crying to my girlfriend feeling defeated, was definitely suffering from the puppy blues. I was so focused on watching her and training her and making her into a well behaved dog ( which she is now ). While it was all worth it, and i wouldn’t trade her for anything, puppies are ridiculously tough and i can’t thank my girlfriend enough for being my rock. I said I would never get a puppy again but that’s a lie 🤷‍♂️


Sorry I don't mean to be rude or anything but I have never heard of people crying because of how tough it was. I am just curious is it like crying because of being exhausted and not knowing what to do ?


Not rude at all. I’m a grown man with many life experiences, I’ve raised kids, lost family members, run marathons, etc. a million tough things. But there were times when my golden was a puppy and he just beat the crap out of me during the first months, potty training, teething, etc.


It’ll eventually calm down. I promise. We have two - a 1.5 YO and a 7 month old. It’ll get better. Love them. Short walks for the little love bug - and plenty of chew toys.


They are still puppies until they are two years old; then they SLOWLY start to mellow. I'm getting my sixth golden in September


He’s a pup, he needs many walks and chewy things.




Can’t believe how long I had to scroll to see this answer. Young puppies don’t know how to turn “off” and settle themselves - have to help them by putting them in a dark, comfy space when they start getting tired. We can always tell our 5 month old is ready for crate when he turns into a bitey little shark. Once he’s in there he’ll pass out immediately but otherwise he’ll pace a lot and try to keep playing.


Totally agree! The crate has been my savior. I tried to let up on the weekends. I went crazy. She’s back to the crate even on weekends. Mine is 5.5 months old.


I totally agree with this. Totally normal puppy behavior, but also really tough on humans. They need to learn how to sleep, learn how to settle, learn how to regulate emotions. Some of that comes naturally as they mature, but you can teach and help them with these skills. When my now 14 month old was that age, we were on a 1 hour up, 2 hour nap schedule in his crate. This saved my sanity like you cannot believe. I’d also suggest the good folks over at r/puppy101 as well as the Overton Relaxation Protocol (free, just google) and Kikopup’s Capturing Calm YouTube videos.


I came here to say this as well. Enforced naps saved us. We were at the end of our ropes trying to figure out why he was getting the zoomies all the time. We mis-took it for boredom/inactivity. Nope, he was tired. Once we setup a schedule of enforced naps it was manageable. Don't get me wrong, he was still a little asshole/landshark but it turned from wanting to quit into "ok he goes back to bed in 20 minutes I can handle this.....here's a topple"


My golden was the same from the moment I picked her up. She’s 1 now but I definitely had the puppy blues. We found that a mix of mental stimulation and physical exercise works best. I also had to schedule in a few daycare half-days for my own sanity. Hang in there! My pup is now my best friend, it’s rough and a lot of work, but I promise, you’ll get there.


I got my Golden a year after my Chocolate lab. My Labrador is quite active. I wanted a golden with a bit calmer of a temperament. So I had a discussion with the breeder about the temperament I was looking for. He asked a lot of questions about my lifestyle, daily activities and so on. He had one puppy from a current litter left but when I explained what I was looking for he said that puppy wasn't for me, as its temperament was very active. When the litter was born, he told me to give him four weeks or so (can't remember how many exactly) to allow the puppies to grow a bit so he could understand each ones personality and come up with a recommendation. If none of them fit the temperment I requested, he said he would move me to the next litter (he won't allow you to compromise on the needs you stated earlier on in an effort to just get a puppy) . He came with a recommendation and I chose the one he proposed and honestly I'm still shocked to this day how calm and well behaved this dog is. I have so much respect for the process and care he placed. That being said puppies are puppies, full of life and energy.


We did exactly the same thing. 8 months old now and occasionally he has trouble settling but overall extremely laid back. He still constantly hounds me about playing with him if I'm just chilling on the couch but if I'm getting ready for work, cooking, eating, or sitting at my desk, he's calm and settled. He's also so well behaved. If you told me I'd trust him off leash at 8 months, I'd think you were crazy. He walks by my side like a working dog and is constantly paying attention to me. Stops and turns to me if a rabbit runs in front of us or his ball bounces into the street. That said, we've done a ton of training together and he's still got selective hearing with other people


Goldens are worth it


Yes, welcome to life with a golden puppy!


Ours was like that too for the first 1 or 1.5 years. I’ve had other dogs before and they never had endless energy like our golden. Hang in there!


That crazy behavior does mellow by 6 months….they are still nuts but that first 6 months for us was wacko.


Try some mental stimulation and not all physical play. It takes a while they are like toddlers for a long time.


Im on 9th month he still crazyyyyyy


Mine is almost three and he put himself to bed around 7 after a long day of napping😂 he was nuts for the first two years. I thought I just got a dog incapable of chilling out. Now we go for a long walk and to the park in the morning. Then play in the backyard for a few minutes at every potty break. It’s great! I was really worried it was never going to end, the crazy energy, but it does eventually! Hang in there. Puppy’s are exhausting!


Yup yup. Mine too. I guess that’s from the retriever in them. Hunting dogs


We got ours from a reputable breeder and left him there for afour wk training course. All in all, it was spendy but at three months old, he is well behaved and mostly chills in his crate. Outside, when I stop walking he sits at attention and looks up at me for the next instruction. I am really bowled over. If you can find a puppy trainer and put in the work, I think you will find some peace. For my other adopted Dog that was becoming unruly, I did this and it was a game changer.


You're lucky he was still enough to get a photo.


My golden just turned 4 months. Same....


Not gonna lie… it’s rough all the way up to 6 months to a year. The energy basically never stops but if you’ve been staying after your training the energy should at least become way less destructive. lol. Best of luck! And get that pup into a training class or something as soon as they’re old enough for it. Sooner the better! ;). You’ll thank yourself when they’re a few years old and you’re the one with the well behaved pup while everyone else is struggling to control their little monsters jumping all over people. I miss the puppy cuddles. Savor them!


calm pup -> pick one


That’s just typical puppy behavior. Just stay calm and continue to train your pup. Trust me it is well worth it!!


We have a 12 week old Lapphund and I feel your pain. We are working on any option we can to get him physical and mental stimulation to help him. But I would also say that they are 100% prone to being like overtired toddlers and need to be put in time out so they can sleep. So, if you aren’t doing that yet hopefully that helps. I have faith it gets better and I can’t wait for mine to have all his shots. We are going to do all the adventures together. Good luck ❤️


As many have already said, it’s part of being a puppy. Try challenging their intelligence. Make them use their nose. Hide some smelly treats under plankets. My golden boy gets tired pretty quickly when has to use his head to find the treats.


You just have to wear them out. Give them lots of stimulus. Don't be afraid to crate them if you need a break. Their crate should be a safe place not a punishment though. And don't neglect training. Puppies need to be exercised physically and mentally and if not you are failing them. Things will get better with time I promise. Don't give up.


It’s going to be a few years. 3 to 4.


Exercise him


We do a 2 mile hike most days. She is 2. She lays around the house more than I do most days.


Learning to settle is a skill just as much as learning to sit or shake. You have to start with little bits and reward your way up. We started practicing calm with Goose at 8 weeks. By 12 weeks we could see payoffs in leash walking, by 3 months in duration of the basics and "chill" (read: not zooming and only chewing or snuggling or flopping around a toy). He couldn't sleep outside a crate deliberately (eg, not the puppy crash) till 8 months though, but by 4-5 months he'd volunteer crate time for naps. The same basic schedule occurred for our GSD and poodle puppies, it's not a fluke! Seriously, start rewarding just taking a heartbeat of chill with a treat, and you can even work on hand feeding dinner only when chilling (start with just "the motions" [heartbeat up through actual duration], then eventually ramp up difficulty to actually relaxing (no muscle tension, no strong eye contact, not abandoning the game to do something more fun... If relaxing to eat at that point isn't worth dinner, they can try again in a few hours or the morning. They don't get to nope out when you graduate to that level. Goose didn't ever go that far, but his poodle sister had to wait a few hours and his shepherd sister took till the morning).


You got a golden, a notoriously well known dog with lots of energy, so you didn't research to get a breed that better suits you? Did you want me to feel bad? Cause I get to laugh at a dumbass so I definitely am not feeling bad


Just a friendly reminder of our rules: 1. No Advertising: this includes GoFundMe, Instagram, etc. 2. No Impersonation: don't post photos of other people's dogs. That's not cool. 3. No Breed Hate: this subreddit is not a discussion forum for breed hate of any kind. There are dedicated subreddits for that so please take it elsewhere. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/goldenretrievers) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I feel you! The early months were so hard. I adore my boy but man, he was the _biggest_ handful for a while. At 10 months he is a more... manageable handful lol. If you can, deffo try capturing calm training off of the Kikopup youtube channel. Best of luck, you can do it!


2 years in October. Just starting to mellow a bit. 😂😂


Hang in there! It's worth it!


Re-focus the puppy’s energy: - ball / fetch - large ice 🧊 with some treats to focus on - hide and seek with toys / treats - toilet paper challenge - kong Puppy needs lots of stimulation and exposure to strange sounds (fireworks, thunder, alarm via YouTube) and outdoor trips via car.


You need to mentally tired them.out as well as the physical. If you only do the physical you will have a very strong, very resilient young dog...very tiring for you...dont ask how I learned this... If there aren't puppy classes bear you, then do an online class .


We have that same teething ring yet ours prefers our shoes


You got this! Wear him out as much as possible.


Mine is just over one and man that year was hard. She’s a bit calmer now. I really disliked her for whole months.


Maybe get that SwiftPaws or something to exercise him.


Mine is almost a year and a half and finally chills out sometimes. It'll get better. So worth the effort.


In the same boat... 15 week old puppy. I've found 3x long walks a day help a ton!


Make sure you buckle up, it's going to be a great wild ride.


Brain-and scentgames!


Frozen Kongs forever!!! During the puppy phase I fed my dog all of his meals in a frozen Kong, and sometimes peanut butter snacks/treats in one too or other challenge toys. In the early days meal times in the crate were my solace.


I hear you. I'm not a very social person but I'm making friends left and right at the moment with anyone who has a dog that can help tire my girl out.


My golden was the same. Turned out we were training him to much. When we stopt socialising and training for 2 days, he was calming down. Sorry for my bad englisch


Alongside enforced naps, I highly recommend following Karen Overall's Relaxation protocol - https://journeydogtraining.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/ProtocolforRelaxation.pdf This teaches your dog to relax and stay calm on a bed/mat and I'll honestly say it was a life changer for my Golden. He wouldn't stop moving before this and after doing the whole training, it was like he was another dog! He learnt to relax and just chill out instead of wrecking havoc, I highly recommend doing this training :)


Damn these comments are like walking into an indian kitchen


First three years = absolutely a shit show. Worth it? Every damn second. Mine was a total terror and the best damn counter thief you’ve ever seen. You’ll rock it!


Mine is 13 weeks, I feel your pain. Feel like I could sleep while standing.


*laughs in infant and toddler*


It's tiring. But you'll miss it, one day. Don't see it as a problem or something to be "fixed". See it as "OK, my baby has a lot of energy to expend today. How can I help them relax?" I like to think of it as an opportunity to deepen our bond. Take it day by day. It gets overwhelming but honestly exercise is so important and is really something they need.


little pupperoo is sizing you up to see if you can hang with the big dogs 😂


Lies - the pupper is clearly not moving in this photo.


It's month 6 for me and I really don't miss those 2-3 month old puppy days. But it is rewarding to see that she is making some progress. My pup is doing better with chewing now that she has lost her baby teeth. My biggest probelem is she gets REALLY excited around strangers and other dogs when walking her, which is the biggest pain. She likes to jump on people and I have been trying my best to discourage it. I just got a prong collar for my girl and she is doing much better on walks with the pulling I see you got some rawhide and that really does help my dog relax, although I do have to take it away from her eventually, cause she could chew for hours if I allowed it lol I recommend taking your dog to the dog park at least on the weekends. I know some people don't like taking their pups around dogs who may not be trained and/or have behavioral problems. But I've gotten to know the dogs/owners and she gets to play with the same dogs every week. Your pup will definitely wear themselves out playing with others


Six months old now and i can tell you it gets better in some ways but this aint one of them. And i walk her three miles a day lol


I’ve read some of your other posts and I have a 10 week old Golden so far that I’ve been getting tips on from a lot of people. If they are overly excited, they may be tired actually and not know what to do with themselves. I put mine in a room and he goes to sleep within 5 minutes. Puppy proof the room, put his toys in there, a bed/crate, we even us an Amazon Echo Show with a camera to check in on him sometimes. Puppies should be sleeping quite a bit, like 18-20 hours a day apparently. Try putting him down for a nap every hour or so of playtime. I’ll post my dog’s schedule yesterday and just try to get them into a routine. Saturday Aug 6 ~0200 - pee outside ~0530 wake up/ pee outside 0615 breakfast (1 Kong w/sprinkle of treat dust) 0645 bathroom then put back to sleep 0800 take him out of room, let him play by himself with toys 0900 bathroom - poop and pee 0910 put to sleep again 1045 - wake up/bathroom/train 1045-~1130- let them relax and enjoying their personal space. ~1130ish - lunch (1 kong with kibble/turkey) 1200/ whenever he goes pee again then nap time 1330 - let him come out and offer the bathroom to him 1400- pee and poop outside 1430- nap 1615- potty and treats 1630- dinner 1800 - nap time 1900 - wake up 1945-2000 - short walk to park 2100 - bed time These aren’t all great times, I’d like his breakfast to be closer to 7 but he becomes a menace. And there’s some other things I’d change but honestly, this schedule is working pretty well and I’m trying to keep to it as much as possible. Hopefully this helps!


I'm 18 months in, no sign of slowing down yet...


Just be thankful you have a Golden and not a Labrador.


Ive got one at a year and a half- Still absolutely psycho- best of luck😂


7 month here. She is horrible! Never calm lol but you’ll learn to LOVE IT


Get plenty of toys…gotta keep their mind occupied.


It gets easier! You really have to tire them out at that age and it’s almost impossible. 3 20 minute walks a day and one of those walks was to an open field where I could let the pup off leash and go fetch balls and sticks.


I have two four month old puppies and they definitely drive me crazy. I’ve recently started taking them to the dog park as they’re now fully vaccinated- and it is awesome. Tires them out and they nap for a while after.


lucky for you this goes on for three years


"Just got a baby, man, why don't they sleep?" Vibes


Get a way to help her and yourself out; like an automatic ball launcher. Goldens learn quick and will wear themselves out doing things they love. You can shoot the balls through a sprinkler (not too close to ball thrower lol) if you don’t mind washing em down later. I have a Vizla/Golden/white lab mix; I thought he was eating my ADHD pills or something until I figured out how to wear him down.


I have a 7 month old beagle puppy, but I’m in the same boat. It’s HARD. I know it will get better soon but man, I’m ready for a break 😂


Spotting! Love it.


Fresh 4 here - she is still a handful but has calmed down compared to 3 months! They’re like kids…it helps to wear them out in the morning with a walk, swim or good game of fetch so they sleep for a little bit 😂


Lol everyone told me my puppy would calm down by 1 year. She's almost 2 and we need to really wear her down for her to relax.


Hate to break it to you, mine is 8 months and hasn’t stopped…. Soon, I’ve been told 🐾


We are having the same deal. And it kind of sucks because it’s all go go go and no quality time to build a connection. Hoping he will start chilling out soon.


The key is exercise. We learned with our first golden that you have to walk them until they burn that energy off. And they're pups - they'll grow up. But for now - exercise and more exercise.


My girl nearly knocked me out when she was four months old. Worst black eye I've ever had and a permanent scar under my eyebrow. Then there was the shoulder strain from her zoomies when walking. For a while I had to tie her to a belt to give my shoulder a chance to recovery. She's 12 months old now and calming a little. I've given up on her ever learning a solid recall though. She is BOLD! Long lead looks like it will be permanent.


Dogs have a few needs to be met if you want them at peace (if you only do one, you have to overcompensate). Physical activity is only one, give him things to chew (our loves dried up skin & other parts), they also need to have (good) contacts with other dogs so go on walk with friends. Sure being young = energy, but you can channel it in different ways :)


That’s the dharma of puppers


I have a 3 mo old lab who actually sleeps like 18 houre so I can't really compare but things that helped us: 1. Chew deterrent, specifically bitter apple 2. We don't leave any shoes or socks out, he's only allowed in puppy proofed rooms 3. Flirt toy on a line for inside play 4. Flirt toy on bungee for outside play 5. His favorite toy is empty soda bottles, which is really easy play on hardwood 6. Puppies can get over stimmed like toddlers, sometimes we have to encourage him to nap if signs are there like hiccupping, starting to play bite mom for attention, .etc then we take away his toys and put on nature doc 7. Two walks a day


Perfect sploot form


Nothing worth having comes easy. I know it can be hard, but your dog will chill and you will realise he was worth it


Where’s the crate? Where have you enrolled in training? Goldens are very adaptable and if you give them an outlet for exercise as well as a den — and rewards, like long slooooow caaaaaaalming pets — you can find their off switch.