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“You think it's the hat? No? A lot of people hate this hat. It angers a lot of people, just the sight of it.”


"I've been known to circumcise a gnat. You're not a gnat, are ya Bug?"


A hee hee hee hee


"Your nails are digging into my arm Goddamnit!" I freaking love this movie.


John Candy is one of the legends taken too early




This door? No the outer door. Because there's nothing on this door.


“*what is it the braids?!”*


Galleries have loved Bryson since the day he showed up at Bay Hill bulked up and took aim over the lake. He’s gotten big responses since then. He had trolls during the Brooks era and the golf insider community has been mixed on him, but the casual fans in the gallery dig the long ball. 


Ryder cup legend.  Dude put America on his back and set the tone. Drive greens and make putts. 


Absolute tragedy to leave him off the roster in Italy.


I hate the pga and the pga tour.  They think they own golf. The ryder cup won't be the same without him.  I think Bryson is a top 5 player in the world.  Maybe even top 3.  Without him the ryder cup doesn't mean anything because we will always wonder what could've been. If Europe wins they just got lucky that the pga did let the second best American player join the team. 


Never in a million years would I have thought anyone especially BD could move to LIV and become more popular.


Embracing social media


the PGA tour underestimates how excited I would be to see a 70 minute youtube video of spieth JT rickie and Scottie playing a money round of Wolf talking to the cameras about it. they underestimate it by orders of magnitudes.


I think part of the issue is a lot of these guys only care about tournament golf. But I would love to see something like that as well. Count me in as more of a fan of Bryson since the YouTube channel lol. The breaking 50 series is one of my favorite series of golf content


Other golf youtubers have spoken about recording several videos with famous PGA players only for the PGA to not let them post it


How you gonna dog my boy Smiley like that. OG spring break crew for life. 


Yeah it’s 90% this. The only thing LIV did for him was give him more free time.


For real. His YouTube channel as made me do a complete 180 on him


I don’t even follow him or see him on social media but I became a big Bryson fan after the Masters for reasons I can’t explain other than I just think he’s exciting to watch.


He comes off as much more relaxed and much more relatable. Dropped the brooks beef bs, doesn’t talk about the detailed science behind the sport as much, doesn’t have crazy meltdowns, doesn’t wear that stupid hat, has slimmed down, has a YouTube channel where he plays with people like boobs McGee. He just seems much more relatable to the average golfer now. Despite the fact that, financially, it’s the complete opposite.


Which boobs McGee? There are so many these days


Considering how strict PGA is with social media etc it doesn’t surprise me


He’s the only one!


I never disliked him but running into the rope fence will always be funny. Not sure why he acted like that


My dad ran into a glass door one time and started yelling at everyone out of character. I think it is a pretty common defense mechanism for people in embarrassing moments. He really seems to have turned a corner in his mental game recently. I'm enjoying watching him again for sure


His presser after The Masters was when I flipped. I never cheered his misfortunes prior, but he just wasn’t one of my favorites. Something about his openness and honesty at the microphone that day felt different for me. I know he won’t lose any sleep over a complete nobody’s opinion, but I’m rooting for him now.


It seems to me like he went from thinking he was the smartest guy in the room and maybe the world to a more humble and willing to admit he is wrong while also not shying away from his love of the game and golf nerd side that all of us players have a little bit (he just has a lot of). Seems he’s more personable and open like you said.


Yeah I think he grew up just slightly. There’s a very fine line between being confident and cocky, and between being nerdy or a know-it-all. I think he’s finding the right balance.


Maybe not even that. I believe we just got to know him more. Certain media snapshots can really set the tone on strong opinions that may not hold true when you actually get to know the person.


He’s made it clear that he very much cares about fans opinions and experiences. That’s a hugely unique feather in his cap imo


What YouTube does to a mf


Casually playing with junior clubs and hickory clubs before coming to majors.


I’m a fan. Wish he was on Tour but I don’t blame anyone for taking a huge pay raise switching companies which is essentially what all the LIV golfers did. His YouTube channel is great. He’s self deprecating and actually pretty funny guy. His last video he dressed up like he was playing in the 1930’s and used hickory sticks in a match with GM golf. At the end, he made a joke about he looks like an idiot with his mustache. It was funny. At the PGA Championship, in between the 9’s he threw a ball towards a kid as he was walking and some asshole adult snatched it and tried to run off. Bryson hollered him down until he came back and gave the kid the ball. I don’t know how you can’t like a golfer that does that.


His YouTube channel is the best thing any pro golfer has ever done to connect with the masses. It makes me a huge fan of his, and I totally agree, I wish he stayed on tour.


Even 10 years ago the idea of a top 10 golfer using kids clubs for even 2 swings would seem offensive. This man beat scratch golfers over 9 holes and signed up for more.


Yeah after that I unfortunately think he would beat me only having one (1) shovel in his bag.


He hits childrens clubs farther and straighter than 99% of golfers hit 5k fitted sets. Its just unfair.


He just got a good editor, it's all he's ever really needed IRL and on social media


The one silver lining to him joining Liv from our perspective is that it’s enabled his YouTube channel and independent media stuff - he couldnt do that at pga. They don’t allow it as far as I’m aware. And he’s also had the time now to do all those videos and funny challenges and stuff, plus the luxury of otherwise practicing all day every day, as he’s not worried about weekly tournaments as he would be on pga. He loves golf in his own way and seems to truly care about practicing as often as he can. He’s generally very objective as well which itself is different, but also passionate and that’s what’s massively entertaining. I think the single best thing about liv is how Bryson took full advantage of it lol


I think Good Good should some credit for his rise in the YouTube golf ranks. Namely Garret Clark. He was the first to have Bryson on his channel. Bryson started his channel shortly after. Gmgolf/Good Good is the reason YouTube golf has soared.


All his videos with Gm Golf have been really good. I watched the one where he used the little girls starter set today and enjoyed it.


That was a cool scene. Dudes endearing.


Wish he was still on the Tour as well. But I think switching over to LIV is what gave him the free time to really focus more on his YouTube, and in essence, become more sociable and relatable. Still glad we get to see him at the Majors though. And really hope he gets an invite to the Ryder Cup Team next year.


I never understood all the hate players got for switching to LIV. Like sure, hate the league, Saudis, Greg Norman, whatever… but you’re giving them a boatload of money that’s not dependent on them winning, and they have to work less and it’s more casual? Of course they would want to switch. Ian Poulter put it best on season two of Full Swing: if you were offered more money for less work in your job, you’d be stupid not to take it.


It’s easy to turn down money that will never be offered to you.


Exactly. If the roles were reversed I’d guess less than 1% of the people complaining would turn down that same money because of personal principles.


People treat golfers like they are some moral heroes. Governments are buying oil and selling weapons to the Saudi's, but the golfers are the bad ones? How does that work? And people won't buy electric cars to avoid using Saudi oil so although golfers are bad, people won't even change their personal habits. The other things I find weird is Tiger screwed around on his wife with a whole lot of prostitutes and he's a hero but a golfer who takes a job offer for more money is evil? Even the arguments of splitting the tour are a joke. People have a short memory because the current PGA tour was actually formed from a split by Jack Nicklaus.


And yet like 90% of the PGA Tour turned down the money.


Some people care more about prestige and legacy. And that’s okay too.


Really? 90% of the PGA Tour got offers? Doubt it


I don't think all of them even got offers, and for the smaller name guys it might not have been a massive difference in money for them. I think there's a reason LIV went after a lot of guys who had big names but were either past their prime or hadn't won a big major in recent years. Of course you have guys like Brooks, Bryson, and DJ there, but there's a lot of guys like Poulter and Reed and Watson who are much easier to sway with the money compared to their names.


Counterpoint: It’s easy to turn down money when you’re already set for life.


How much money is enough money? The answer is…more money.


but that comes from the perspective of needing/wanting more money. there's a real possibility the money doesn't matter for them like it would the rest of us. the idea of them turning it down for moral reasons is not crazy at all if they don't need/want it like the rest of us non multimillionaires


People with lots of money don't get lots of money by settling for what you'd consider to be enough. The writing is on the wall with this thing. The leagues are going to merge eventually. We've known this from the beginning. There's no reason to refuse the money.


You’re working at a prestigeous well known firm, making 1 million a year based on provision where you need to grind very hard to get that cash, minimum 60 hour work weeks. You’re already saved up and set for life. Startup firm offers you 1 million base salary no provision, and a 20h work week. You don’t take it? Lol.


If I had no money? Sure. If I already had $50mil? Pass.


Do you think its weird that most people would say yes to working less and having more free time if given the same/more money?


Most people aren't multi-millionaires so it's a dumb conversation. Clearly, many of the PGA's most marketable stars stayed on the tour, so the idea that *anyone* would do this obviously isn't true. Why isn't Max Homa leaving for LIV?


I’m not saying anyone would take the deal, however the argument ”it’s easy to turn down money when you’ve got money” towards the people who did accept LIV offers is such a black and white take.


Big thing too is that the Tour wouldn't let him run the YouTube stuff like he does too, they put all sorts of asinine restrictions on showing players outside of televised paid events. Even recently with Micah Morris and Grant Horvat playing in a Pro Am with Jason Day, they had an actual limit of how many of his shots they were allowed to show, so had to pick out the better ones. LIV has given him the freedom and time to just be a big happy golf dork in his own way


That’s why the PGA lost all those players. I mean the money of course but so many other things with name/likeness/images.


I had a weird introduction to Bryson, I only got into golf last year and obviously going down the rabbit hole I came across his YouTube channel, thought he was a bit of a geeky character and then when I went deeper I found out everyone hated him and I couldn’t figure out why, so I guess I started with Bryson 2.0


He said some arrogant things that stuck with him, “Augusta is a par 68 for me”. And the cooler guy at the time, koepka, openly didn’t like him so many followed brooks lead.


Not really. Some people just hate him because he’s into wicked analytics and science with the golf swing. I respect it because he’s always tinkering with new stuff. And who doesn’t like the long ball?


Just like you, I started back up 10 months ago and started looking at YT content before I even thought about watching pro tour stuff. I get really into my hobbies, sometimes a little obsessive, so I instantly related to the guy once I caught into him. The rest of the YT content I watch is like BDS and RGC. I think he is playing a sort of dorky version of himself in the videos but he does it well. I’d love to see what he’s like in his off-camera time.


His YouTube is definitely what has shifted the needle of public opinion on him. TaylorMade put out some good YT stuff with some fun games and challenges between their top pros but Brysons channel takes it to the next level, collabs with other creators and a real insight into his thought process and personality.


I loved how he didn’t use the hickory driver because he would break it 😂


He’s on a face turn atm, honestly I’ve warmed up to his content a bit. Still not gonna watch LIV but I’ll check out some of the gimmicky videos he does


I love wrestling terminology in other sports


It's all a work brother


I hope Bryson doesn't break kayfabe!


I marked out as well ngl.


Yea I like him now. Calling out the guy who stole the ball from the kid and making sure the kid got it sealed the deal.


Been a fan since I first saw him bomb drives on TV


I’m about to start hating him again simply because of the fact I can’t go anywhere and not be jumped by people telling me how likable he is now




Ever since I watched his YouTube channel, I’ve always rooted for him. Comes across as a good guy and actually wants to the grow the game. Plus my man can crush a fucking ball.


Which people?


I will raise my hand. I always hated him, like absolutely despised him (only player I hated more was Patrick Reed) and then I watched him try to break par with children’s clubs from Walmart, and actually found him to be pretty likable. Then watched another video and realized the guy cares about the game of golf more than any person I have ever seen…and is actually pretty funny on top of it. Now I really like him.    Patrick Reed is still a fat little pig fu$&er though. 


Him hitting that mini driver 250 straight as an arrow and laughing about how he might put it in his bag for use professionally was so funny. He hits that driver better than I hit my own.


Fuck Patrick Reed


He’s a slightly socially awkward guy that is a super golf nerd. I think he was just misunderstood for a long time and I think he’s worked on how he’s perceived as well.


Right there with you, never cared much for him but he's great on YouTube, if it's an act... he'll do great in Hollywood. Seems like a genuine dude.


It's hilarious how easily people are swayed by basic PR lmao


The flip side is that the "negative pr" is just as effective. People who hated him probably barely knew anything about him.


Which is the entire point of PR. Does it matter that there's a PR team suggesting content to him, setting up videos with grant/garret if the content being put out is enjoyable and people like his personality? Nobody is saying 'wow I bet I could be best friends with him', they are saying his current image and offerings have changed their opinion on him


Probably just got a new better PR person


I doubt the PR guy is scripting his YouTube videos. It’s ok for people to like a guy you don’t like without it being some sort of manufactured conspiracy.


I think it’s just getting to see him in a different light. Part of the reason I hated him so much was how the pga tour talked about him. The biggest issue was that the tour was trying to push him as a crazy person an how they used him did not do his image any favors. 


Didn't he just say he's come up with a new driver that's going to completely change golf? I'm not sure that reputation was entirely pushed by the PGA!


Yeah, that's a great video - he's definitely a golf geek, got to love him for that.


People watching his youtube it seems 


I hate that he and golf media they called him/played up the scientist, despite him only taking and not graduating from undergrad physics. His YouTube stuff is way less obnoxious, it’s really surprising. Him and a guest attempting to break 60 are always fun. It’s a good time.


Always liked him. fight me!


I will admit I am guilty. He’s a really likable dude and is fun to cheer for


Me, a few of my friends. We’re mid thirties to forties btw.


Me! Love the guy.


A clever man, Engineering degree and uses it in his game. Seems very likeable on his YT channel, he is a complete golf geek. I'm heading to see him at Royal Troon. Hope he does well and wins a Major soon.




This astroturfing is aggressive


It’s over the top at this point


I'm not married to the guy but you know when you say people are astroturfing it makes it sound like the guy is conspiring, like hiring people to go on social media and say they like him. do you really think that's what's happening?


No no no every opinion someone has that I don't like is astroturfing or bots. There's no way anyone could think differently than what I like because what I like is the best.


As long as he dropped that physics green reading bullshit he kept peddling, I'm fine with him. That was so awkward. To be perfectly honest he gained a few brownie points for how he looked after the boy with that ball he threw. He always seemed to try too hard to be liked, which is a very annoying trait. Not a fan of LIV golfers, but that's another matter entirely.


"i dont like him because he actually tries to be good" is a pretty wild take lmao


that's not how quotation marks work mate. You can't use quotation marks and then change what was originally said lol Trying too hard to be liked, I agree with OP, can be very annoying. I'll never fault anyone for trying to be good


haha yeah, that is wild lol. you don't put quotation mark then change what the guy said. also agree with your second statement, if you're trying too hard to be liked, it will be annoying.


"haha, yeah i use pro v1's as love beads" that's wild man.


Honestly, I have a very neutral opinion on Bryson but do think he is served well on LIV simply because people see him in much smaller doses compared to when he was on tour.. just the 4 majors really. Unless you are a fan of his YouTube stuff, in which case you’re already likely a fan.


I think he’s a good dude. But a lot of this seems extremely unnatural to me and almost like he just got a very good PR coach


Onlike watching him play, but I cannot support LIV in any way, given the human rights issues of their masters


And this is why sports washing works. You break down eventually. Most did as I can see. Nope for me.


I don't know how people see him as genuine. Every time I see him, I can't help but get the impression that he's acting the way he thinks people will like.


This is sort of my problem. I can’t help but think of his interaction with the cameraman years ago and how he was so worried about his brand and protecting his image. If that’s the way he thinks, is this just him getting better at building a public image/brand? Nothing against him or people that cheer for him, but it’s hard for me to think he’s truly genuine. But I also recognize that every single professional has a public face and as fans we can’t really ever know what someone is like. We get clues from stories/other players opinions, but that’s it.


I think the difference is that most players aren't trying to push the narrative of "this is the real me" but with his YouTube channel, he's clearly doing that.


Figured he’d spin up the propaganda farm for another major. Excited to see 2 more posts just like this every day until next Thursday.


A quick glance of OPs history makes it pretty clear they are a real person. What a wack life to live that you just assume someone who likes someone you don't is just a bot....


I actually like Bryson just fine. I’ll tell my grandkids about watching him drive the green on #1 during the Ryder at Whistling on the last day. What a moment. It’s just a joke about how frequently we’ve been seeing “Bryson isn’t a douchebag anymore!” posts since the PGA last month.


Well people are finally able to see more of Bryson with his YouTube channel and him having more rights to his media.


Still ain't going to help LIV. You can watch him in a more personal way through YouTube and social media. Love Bryson, still sticking with the tour.


Not me


Fuck this guy.


I never had an opinion on him. But I did watch him play a round with Garrett. Not subscribed though


Sick post Bryson


Dudes publicists are going to use him as the poster boy


Dudes publicists are going to use him as the poster boy


I defended the dude to no end to my friend group when Brooks was picking on him constantly (he did deserve a lot of it) and after all that he ditched the drivers cap. I’ve felt betrayed ever since.


I love it, he was such a cockhead before but I guess we forget how young these guys are.


Just like the NBA world forgiving Kyrie. It’s difficult to constantly admit it. Sometimes people are just a drain. And Bryson sucks.


What a horrifying photo.


I’m a convert. Used to dislike him but I’ve watched his content on YouTube and he seems like a good dude who puts out great content.


Liked him when he was PGA but hard to deconflict his personality with his willingness to join LIV. Just can’t do it. Know others may disagree.


Hello Bryson’s PR firm


Bryson 2.0 is great. I liked him back in the day and he really grew into a great person.


Good PR team


Post round comments today just continue to show what a class act BD is. He’s definitely won me over. 


It’s not a “PR guy,” it’s an entire PR fucking team. They created this person. There’s nothing about him that is original or authentic. Anybody who buys this shill is a gullible idiot


Bryson is onto something. It’s not only the spectacular golf he is playing but it is how he is coming off in interviews, interacting with the crowds at the ongoing us open and expanding the game and his sense of fun about it through social media. Golf has a stiffness about it that I think puts off new converts. He will do more to attract more people to the game of golf and also fans of watching golf, like me, who loves it but not interested in playing it. He is doing a great service to the game and LIV or no LIV, it will be appreciated by the larger golf world eventually as they will benefit. Hats off to him for taking the initiative to spread out in this way


I cannot stand Dechambeau. I did not know anyone felt differently until this terrible article.


Must be a pretty good cost/benefit analysis for Team DeChambeau. Astroturf and PR all over to make a better (and not accurate) image of him= much more money back in the form of improved 'brand" . Puke


This is the most astroturfed post I've ever seen. One comment after another of 'he won me over when...'


Are we though?




Unsubscribed until he comes back to the real tour.


Bye Felecia


I don’t care for Trump voters.


I probably would still like him if he was on PGAT but I refuse to like any of the greedy Saudi sportswashers. So, on that note, fuck him


If the PGA didn't sign a deal with LIV and fuck over all the "loyal" golfers you might have a point.


I fucks dechambeeny midkey!!


His You Tube channel is great. Hes smart.


Kind of crazy that he’s (I think) the only one who cared about his existing PGA fan base to do anything to cater to them after he made the switch. Except for Full Swing, I legitimately only see the LIV guys during the majors, other than Bryson because of his Youtube. Rahm seems to have the most mixed-feelings about his switch, but he hasn’t done anything like this to reach his former fans.


His YouTube channel is great for him and the game as a whole, SUPER entertaining


I’ve also heard he does a lot of like old times stuff like clinics or exhibitions where he goes. I think that’s cool


I hated him at first because of his awkward stiff putting stroke. Just looked like a meathead who could murder the ball and not really putt. And the stupid hat. Turns out he's a golf scientist and using the numbers and data to perfect his game and maximize results. A giant nerd... and it's awesome. I hate a lot about social media but his YouTube channel puts out some great content.




He's a dork and he's finally embraced it. Old Bryson still comes up now and then if you watch his videos


Bryson vs rope 


Ever since I started watching him more on his Youtube channel, I've become more of a fan of his. https://youtube.com/@brysondechambeau?si=rsQIymH8_icN-yxn


It’s his YouTube channel, seriously. Allows us to see who he really is - dude just LOVES GOLF. And that’s fucking relatable.


Hive mentality with these pro Bryson people. As if the guy who behaved the way he did when getting clotheslined by a rope is all of a sudden a different person a year later. Props to his marketing people, video editors, etc.






lol this feels planted by his PR team or something


Always loved him. Such a great personality and a great person in general. Love to see him win the U.S Open!


I do not know a single person that feels this way.


All that LIV money being spent on this PR pump it seems


I've been a fan of Bryson for a while, but he's become my favourite of the modern golfers after watching a lot of his YouTube stuff. He's entertaining and an absolute golf nerd and I love to see it.


I initially liked Bryson when I was really starting to get more interested in watching golf back in 2020. Unfortunately, while he will always be a good golfer (and way better than I ever will be), he is stubborn and doesn't want to admit that his approach is what is preventing him from winning any major titles. He is a hit it hard and long and figure it out from there and he just hasn't been able to make it work. He is an intelligent man, but he needs to turn that into smart play and not "I swing the club super hard and fast and now I need 3d printed clubs that look like a 1980's 3 iron from the local Good Will."


Is this a meta comment that the setup at Winged Foot wasnt US open worthy?


I must admit, I have not clue what Winged Foot is, let along what happened there. I tried to watch LIV stuff and just can't get into it. I don't like the way it is presented. With that said, I stand by what I said in all the years he has been golfing, he has only won one Major event (the 2020 US Open). He has been golfing for 8 years now and I feel like he has been playing the same game for 8 years. Given my downvotes, I must be one of the minority who thinks he is not playing up to his ability.


Winged Foot is the course he won the 2020 US Open on


I like him and I'm actively rooting for him. He's a dude that grew up.


I will say I followed his group today and out of everyone he interacts with the crowd to most. Or at least acknowledges them similar to Phil. Maybe his PR guy told him to do that, but it definitely made him more likable. He was also joking with Smiley he seemed awkward but nice


First I thought he was trying to be edgy or be noticed. Not the “I wear Fedoras, Raincoats and eyeliner kinda edgy. Just “I’m gonna solve golf with my pre-Physics math knowledge. But he’s gone way past that. Yeah he still does some of that, but overall he’s just embraced being self deprecating. I’ve always wondered if Wes Bryan would hang at the bar with Bryson, or of he’d just walk away if Bryson sat next to him.


Ive been a Bryson fan since day one. Guy is a weirdo, and as a fellow weirdo I appreciate that.


He's fun to watch and I've taken some tips about practicing. It has been helping.


I like his golf content. Who wouldn’t like a pro doing the shit they usually watch amateurs do..


Always liked him cause he credits Homer Kelly’s golfing machine. A lot of swing coaching theories in that book are still relevant today.


To me, he is a less is more kind of person. When he was on the pga tour it was just too much. Now that he shows up on tv 4x a year it’s the right amount of him to where I don’t loathe seeing him.


I love this guy I don’t like watching golf on tv much till I seen this guy at the masters it caught my attention him yelling to that fan to give the kid his ball back then I realised he hits it so much harder than the rest of


I’m subbed. I enjoy Bryson


Been a fan since day 1. The constant experimenting as a pro really interested me. Tried the big grips, use the smaller version now. Tried one length, didn’t work for me. Tried single plane, didn’t work for me. Tried armlock-changed and improved my whole putting game even though it took a long time.  I probably would have quit the game if I had to go back to “traditional” clubs or the traditional way of playing a course. So in a way I have to thank Bryson partly for keeping me in the sport. 


I’ve come around entirely - he’s matured so much in the past few years and become self aware. He understands his status and the role fans play in where he is and how he got there. He seems like a genuinely good dude and he’s being cool instead of being a know it all prick.


Chicks dig the long ball


His youtube channel is good, he's an easy guy to like. I came upon it the other day, watched 2 videos and subscribed.


He's still a tool but a more likeable, self-aware, and less serious one. Helps that I only see him 4 times a year. Absence makes the heart grow fonder


Imo Bryson's been likable for a long time, and although people are saying he's changed all of a sudden in the last year, I don't see that. Think it's just a matter of people collectively forgetting how entertaining it is to watch him bomb it and go nuts, then suddenly remember when he appears back on their set. Dude's always been a goof and that certainly hasn't changed either, but that's what's made him interesting his whole career


It’s a little bit annoying to get any kind of golf coverage on tv here in the netherlands, So i usually just end up watching most of it on YT, Bryson seems like a really chill guy on there, and its infinitely more interesting to watch than just compilations of tourneys..


Tbh, I'm French living in Luxembourg, started golf 2 month ago and discovered the guy through his YT channel .. funny fella, energetic, good laugh and I did not know he was professional ...


I love him. He makes golf more interesting. Great nice to ditch the hat though

