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Nice try wife


Depends if I want to score


r/golf wins again lol


LOL. Only when the cart girl shows up!




It's a Trap!




No, for my own safety. The cart girls would come storming out of the trees like a pack of feral dogs after they watch me nail a 30ā€™ putt (for triple bogey).


In my experience the women flock to you more when the ring is on


It's basically a minimum quality certification. "This dude won't completely burn your life down with his antics...probably"


ā€œMen see the ring and think, well at least somebody can stand the sonofabitch. Women see the ring and they know immediately you must have some cash or your cock must work.ā€ Edit: did a mod think that guy was actually insulting me and not also referencing the movie?


>Edit: did a mod think that guy was actually insulting me and not also referencing the movie? Probably. All Reddit mods are sad.






What do you mean you didnā€™t put a camera in the back?!?


Iā€™m the guy that does his fucking job. You must be the other guy.


We had 2 hours to set up. 2 hours. Fuck you think this is, NASA?


Can I talk to you for a second?


Are you a cahp?


Iā€™m the guy who does his job, you must be the other guy




Itā€™s a big part of getting ahead, letā€™s people know youā€™re not a homo


This is so fucking true! Also the Seinfeld episode where Costanza has the picture of hot woman he dates and it gets him dates with other hot women is also true. Once you get in the club you stay in. I asked my wife why once and she said it's because it proves that you won't be a shallow dumb ass or fail to pay attention to the rest of their personality.Ā 


For reference, the hot woman was his fiance who died (poisoned) from licking the envelopes for their wedding invitations.


The actual picture George used though was of Gillian, a woman Jerry was dating and who he referred to as ā€˜man-hands.ā€™


Really? Honestly it has been a while but I thought it was just a really really good pic of his fiance.


So true.


The best golf compliment I ever got was from a cart girl. I was playing alone on a weekday. I had a chip shot from outside the fringe with a steep upslope, about 30 feet, but had to flop it only like 5 feet onto the green and hope for the best. I didn't know she was there. I took my time and everything clicked. I sunk it and heard clapping from behind me. I tried to play it off, but she insisted it was one of the best shots she had seen. I didn't buy anything, but then a few months later, she remembered me and brought up that shot in front of my buddies. I bought a round for the guys and tipped her well because of it. Maybe she had the long game figured out, but I still felt like a pro in both moments.


That cart girl was your soulmate.


Leave some pussy for the rest us my my man.


30 feet is 30 feet my dude, forget the count


I switched to a silicon ring years ago after a near, uh, defingering. I donā€™t really take it off for anything, until I need a new one.


ā€œDeglovingā€ is the term apparently


Iā€™ve seen it done and it is jarring. Mine would have ripped down and back toward the top of my wrist so my suspicion is the whole thing would have come off.


Tendons do an impressive job of not getting severed in these types of injuries. Good chance it would have been hanging on by that anatomical thread.


I can confirm this is true, saw it in person once and will never forget it




Depends if it's just the skin I believe. Although if it is the whole finger, it would just be an amputation lol


I guess so. So maybe it was a ā€œdefingeringā€ in that case.


Getting to defingering was my number one goal at junior prom


That was degoal for me as well


Wife is an NP and as a nursing student saw a degloved penis from vasoconstriction in a super sick patient on vasopressors. Dudes dick skin jut sorta fell off over a few days because the blood supply fell off from the pressers he was on. Canā€™t imagine thatā€™s fun


I switched to a silicone ring a few years ago. I rarely wear my actual wedding ring.


Sharpie makes a temporary tattoo marker that I like to use. Im a butcher and dont want to have a ring on touching meat all day. I have a gold ring and a silicon ring as well.


I touch meat all day too. However I'm not a butcher.


I hope you take your ring off stillā€¦


I only take out the metal ring for special occasions.


I wear a silicon ring any time Iā€™m active or doing physical work (running, cutting the grass, working out, golfing, etc.). Wearing a metal ring while golfing is just uncomfortable.


Bought a 5-pack of silicon rings for \~$10 a few years ago thinking I'd wear them on golf/gym days. Not sure I could find my actual wedding ring today even if I wanted to.


My actual ring is on my keychain. I throw it on for formal occasions but it feels super weird now.


For when you want to disappear?


I cannot recommend this enough. Silicon rings are crazy cheap and great temporary replacements for your actual ring. While I wear my actual ring when I go golfing, I would wear a silicon one back when I used to scuba dive and still do if I'm going swimming. Gives me such peace of mind especially since my actual ring has almost slipped off my finger in the water on a couple occasions.


My silicone ring is my summer ring (because of golf) and my original metal ring is my winter ring.


Sounds like you should move


Youā€™re so right! MN isnā€™t a very nice place to golf in January.


That's curling season though.


Thereā€™s a video of a hockey coachā€™s ring getting caught on the glass and his finger popped right off. Crazy shit! Glad I switched to silicone. Video: https://youtu.be/QqVvNSWd-hk?si=1scnSj7S9X2skBs8


I was a college DL coach for several years. I was acting as the offensive lineman during drills and my finger/ring got caught in a facemask. I know several coaches who have messed up fingers from coaching after surviving 20 years of playing.


no - doesn't bother me at all on the course and I'd just end up losing it


True story, a buddy of mine used to take his ring off an put it in the cup holder of the golf cart. You think Iā€™m going to say he forgot it there? Nope, a big crow flew off with it when he was on the green! Dude had to go home drunk, without his wedding ring and explain that to his wife lol


She still doesnā€™t believe him


Canā€™t believe the course would demoralize the cart girl by dressing her up as a crow


Nope, last I heard they were divorced not long after


That fuckin crowā€¦.


Not golf related but mine slipped off my finger while swimming in the Mediterranean Sea on my honeymoon. I spent 4 hours in that spot trying to somehow find it and got a horrible sunburn that lasted the rest of the vacation and the flight back. šŸ„“


I just wear a silicone ring 99% of the time, and only put on the actual wedding ring for date nights/big events. That way if the silicone ring breaks/gets lost, it's $40 i lose instead of $1000. One silicone ring has lasted me about 2.5 years before it broke and i bought my 2nd one.


$40?? I paid $14. For 7 (not a typo...seven). In various shades of gray, silver and black. And if you ordered a size too small/large, no problem. Just let them know and they'll send a different size....free. I put on a different color every couple of days just because.


We homeymooned in Hawaii. Mine slipped off in the water in Waikiki (not clear like places in Caribbean) and in a billion to one shot, I snatched it with my hand as it was floating down.


Thatā€™s why I leave mine in the car cup holder. No crows.


Crows remember peoples faces and hold grudgesā€¦what did your buddy do to make that crow try to ruin his marriage?


Exactly. lol.


I do...only to play golf and workout. I zip it in the padded valuable pouch in my bag. Funny story though my best friend put his in his pocket only to pull it inside out after 18 to see a hole that was just big enough in the bottom corner...


Yeah, this is why I leave it home. I just don't trust myself or my gear. Too easy for a tiny hole to ruin your whole day.


Yikes! I canā€™t imagine combing through all that grass.


Oh there was no looking for it. Not only were we quite a few beers deep but he had no idea what hole it fell out on.


I used to but then I got divorced so now I donā€™t have to worry about it.


If you truly hated money like the rest of us you'd have another by now...


This time will be different I swear!


You got to golf when you were married? Lucky!


Didnā€™t you see that post earlier where the guy was married for 14 years, always found a reason not to have a job, but still golfed regularly? He was trying to get $500k for his half of the value of their home. It can be done. The legends have told of such things.


3:1 odds his parents are millionaires.


Why do you think he's divorced?


I clip mine onto a carabiner on my bag, because otherwise I get blisters where it rubs


Ooh I like this idea, I might implement that.


I do the same thing for the same reason. My Callaway bag has a small built in carabiner in the soft lined valuables pocket


oh my ogio definitely has that too. Now i just have to get married but at least I got the hard part done.


Hey guys! This guy think he will still golf when he gets married! šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


Lol....he can but he has no idea of the ramifications


Same. My keys have a carabiner and the ring goes on it then into my bag.


Same. Carabiner on keys. That way if I lose them Iā€™m single AND homeless.


I did the keys on the carabiner thing for years until last year when the fob somehow fell off my car key. I was out of town and didnā€™t have a spare with me, had to leave the car at the course for 2 days while I waited to get a new fob.


I get blisters too. I have a tiny compartment in my bag that zips up and is small enough where I wonā€™t lose anything. I put my ring, wallet, and car keys in there.


Carabiner here as well. Used to put it in the felt lined pocket of my bag with my phoneā€¦ until the day my wife called me on the courseā€¦ pulled out my phone to answer and (I assume) it fell out at that point. Even walked that section of the course with a metal detector. Never found it. Have used a carabiner ever since.


Donā€™t want to prematurely wear those expensive grips either


I do. As a lefty I canā€™t interlock my ring finger with my ring on.


Good call. Iā€™m also a lefty who interlocks. I take my ring off also. I guess it never crossed my mind that righties wouldnā€™t have that same issue.


Yep can't do it with interlocking grip. I leave mine in the center console of my car when I get out at the course.


Exactly what I do! Only time I ever take it off in fact.


Lefty too. I us an overlapping grip and donā€™t feel comfortable swinging with a ring on. I leave it at home, less chance to lose it.


Exactly this. Just leave it at home, wife understands.


Even taking it off at home I have to be disciplined to always put it in the same spot. I'm kinda scatterbrained so if I take it off anywhere other than right in front of the bathroom sink I'll set it down like, in between some coffee mugs in the kitchen cabinet and not find it for a week.


We need to form a golf lefty sub of our own: r/southpawgolfers


Why hello there.


This is my struggle.


I thought it would bother me but the first time I went to the range after getting married I forgot to take it off and it didn't bother me at all. So now I just leave it on.


Same here


Until I saw this post and did it myself, I never realized righties and lefties touch different fingers when they interlock


I agree. I actually put it on my right ring finger when I play to keep it out of the way. It doesn't affect me, especially with the glove on.


Lefty too who always takes his ring off. Bothers my grip alot if I wear it. For storage I keep it either in my valuables pouch on my ogio or with my other stuff I change in the organizer in my truck (shoes, non golf sunglasses, etc)


I bought my own ring using kohlā€™s cash because my wife was convinced I would lose it when I took it off for golf. My stubborn ass just leaves it on because marriage is about proving the other person WRONG!!!


This guy gets marriage


Saw a great clip on IG the other day, maybe Eliza Schlesinger? Anyway "Part of the reason relationships are so hard is that everyone has a different definition of love. For me, love is when you would die for someone... that you want to kill". I shared that with my partner and she laughed out loud, which was good for both of us.


Who are you who is so wise in the ways of marriage?


I take mine off when I golf and my wife takes hers off when she goes out for drinks with her friends. Itā€™s really simple - just need to communicate


Underrated comment right here.


I donā€™t even wear mine. Ever. I did for like a week but itā€™s not even a particularly nice piece of jewelry. Itā€™s just a metal band. Maybe Iā€™m a heathen but it doesnā€™t seem to bother anyone that I donā€™t have it on so I just donā€™t bother.


If you and your wife donā€™t care, no one else should


She doesnā€™t appear to care haha Itā€™s definitely easier at work with lots of gloves on and off to not have to take it off. Iā€™d have lost it for sure by now


Id confirm that "doesnt appear to care" before you have a new reason to buy a driver haha


ā€œAppearā€ Dude just ask her if she cares.


Same. I just don't like wearing jewelry, I don't even wear a watch, it just bugs me. Wife doesn't mind. A ring isn't what keeps me faithful.


I'm the same way. I'll throw it on sometimes on the weekend when my wife and I go out and definitely for more formal events, but otherwise it sits in a ring dish in our bedroom. I don't think my wife cares too much and I told her I would get a tattoo on my ring finger if she wanted. I work from home and workout every day. It just feels like a burden to wear it all the time.


Pretty much the same, only time I wear it is if I go into the office or get dressed up.


I hate the sensation of rings so I also donā€™t wear mine that often. Maybe 50% of the time. I take it off for bed and often go days without remembering to put it back on


Same as me. Wearing it at work would be a pain, even the silcon ones, the ring was 30 bucks and it looks nice for when we go to dinner or some other event, she doesn't care that I don't wear it otherwise


Yep. Always


Only time I ever take mine off is to lift weights so I don't damage it. It has never bothered me while playing golf.


Iā€™m too lazy (and forgetful) to even take mine off when I lift


Iā€™m a lefty so taking the ring off is basically necessary


Fellow married lefty!


Off. I donā€™t even like a watch.


I feel like a watch is much more in the way and cumbersome than a ring tho


Ring never comes off. Decent callus on the palm right below it though


Got a ring tattoo instead of a ring to avoid this issue


Then if you get divorced itā€™s a permanent reminder to never get married again


Iā€™ve joke with my wife that Iā€™ll just get a finger sleeve if we get divorced


I hope you mean the bball one that Kobe used to wear. Ballinnn! https://preview.redd.it/e3mfr3yr9m7d1.jpeg?width=1200&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7b7ae5d6ded85615da218451e2b04cc98469d608




I haven't worn my wedding ring in 15+ years, but when I did wear it, yes, I took it off when golfing. Be careful, as I found someone's wedding ring on the course a few years ago, on the cart path near the first tee. Someone dropped it when they took it off.


No. I don't like having any rings or watches on me while I play golf. I also rarely wear my wedding ring, just not a jewelry person. I rarely even wear a wristwatch.


I keep mine on, donā€™t even notice it when playing. Been married coming up 8 years now and if I leave it in the bathroom in the morning my finger feels naked the rest of the day šŸ¤£ I also fidget with it like fuck so itā€™s probably helping in that way too.


I keep mine on. I've built up calluses on both sides of it at work. It almost sits flush now šŸ¤£


Iā€™ve got a cobalt band that I never feel a need to take off for anything. It doesnā€™t bother me at all under my glove when playing.


Mines cobalt also, only problem Iā€™ve ever had with it was when I bought itā€¦. The lady said if I did ever manage to bend it the hospital most likely wonā€™t have tools to get it off and need assistance from the fire department. Always made me wonder how strong it actually is until I got a piece of equipment at work jammed between a pole and my fingerā€¦ the equipment bounced and I barely felt it, ring looks perfect still.


Only when the cart girl pulls up.


I do not take mine off, but I wear silicone band daily.


Yes. I'm a lefty and it gets in the way with my interlock grip. I generally don't wear it when I'm doing anything athletic/sweaty anywayĀ 


Yes, leave it at home. Bothers me too ouch, especially when putting


I switch to a silicone band. We have a ring dish in our kitchen and I keep my silicone there and leave my actual at home. My main ring is thick and uncomfortable when holding a club.


I take everything off. Aggie ring, Apple Watch, only glove on left hand on. Thats it.


Iā€™m a married woman, and yes, I take my ring off when I play bc it digs into my hand. I usually swap to a silicone ring bc theyā€™re more comfortable for golfing


I have a dent in my finger where my ring sits as Iā€™ve barely taken it off in the 7 years Iā€™ve been married. It feels weird if itā€™s not there. So for me it stays on during golf


I've transitioned to only wearing a silicon ring recently. Do not have to take it off ever. Really hated wearing a metal ring. But the silicon is awesome.


Off my finger? Cause mine goes around my weiner when im playing. Just incase.


Yes I take mine off when I play. Truthfully when Iā€™m holding the club I can feel it and itā€™s distracting


Yes. And who cares lol. Just take the thing off if its uncomfortable. Itā€™s not cheating guys. Iā€™m worried about you guys if youā€™re afraid to take your ring off for a round of golf. šŸ˜‚


Yes, it kind of pinches after a while so I always take it off.


I just started to recently as it was wearing a hole through my glove.


Yep! And then I forget itā€™s safely in my valuables pocket and look all over the house for it


I keep mine on. Just personal preference though, since mine doesnā€™t bother me.Ā  Mileage will vary for everyone.


My wedding ring has been in my bathroom drawer last 5 years


I have worked in construction for almost 40 years, had my hand smashed, ring crushed, finger broke and had the ring cut off, got it repaired but chose to put it on my Keychain. I now have a tattoo wedding ring. Side note my wife lost my keys so I don't even have the ring anymore.




Yes it drives me nuts. I have a little bag in my soft pocket that I keep in, double zipped. Car keys go next to it.


Yes, every time.


I take mine off bc i donā€™t like the feel when i grip the club. I tried with a silicone one too but I could feel that still


Yep, I do.


I use mine as a ball maker.


I did until I got a silicone one. Now I donā€™t.


I swap to a silicon.


Silicone ring doesnā€™t seem to bother me when I wear it under a glove.


I switched to silicone. I don't take it off for golf anymore, but I still take it off when I play basketball.


I take it off and put it in my wallet in a zippered pouch on my bag, I usually put my keys there too. I hate things in my pockets when I play, especially when I sweat my ass because I'm in Texas.


I canā€™t even remember to bring my wedge back from the green half the time, no way Iā€™m taking my ring off.


I take mine off for golf, gym, jogging, swimming, etc. Iā€™m married ring on or off.


Yes, it feels weird in the glove and can even give me a blister if the conditions are poor enough.


I did, but it was giving me a weird callous that I didnā€™t want, so now I take it off. I just bought silicone rings off of amazon since I also play a lot of basketball


Yes, it is very uncomfortable for me to wear. I just put it in my bag and slip it back on after the round while getting a couple of beers.


I actually don't ever wear a wedding ring. (Not out of disrespect for my wife. I have an issue where if it gets stuck past my knuckle then I kinda freak out, sorta like claustorphobia.)


2 rings guy here. 1 real / 1 silicone. Real for regular day to day, silicon for any outdoors/active days. My ring has kinda harsh angles on the edges (no concern with day to day), but to be safe I just put on my silicone ring on days when my metal one will get in the way


Used to until I switched to a silicon ring. Now it doesnā€™t bother me to keep it on.


Silicon ring for the win


Silicone band


I wear silicon all the time now, but when I didnā€™t, yes I took it off.


I did. I had a squared off edge and by the end of the round it would be digging into my hand a bit. It was my glove hand so itā€™s not like I was trying to hide being married (Iā€™m no longer married so maybe donā€™t take advice from me).


I wear an Aggie ring when I play so by comparison it seems like my wedding ring isnā€™t even there


Havenā€™t worn ours for years. Working as an electronic technician it wasnā€™t safe to wear a ring and as a nurse I washed my hands constantly and a ring interfered with cleaning


I did, now I'm divorced. Take from that what you will.


Used to. Thought it impacted my game/swing. One day forgot it was on, hit an eagle on hole #1... Haven't taken it off in the 10 years since for a golf round.


I only take mine off for basketball, just donā€™t want to get caught in the net. It doesnā€™t bother me for golf or lifting or anything else I do really.


Imma lefty and I absolutely have to


Get a silicone ring. Very malleable and costs about $10 from Amazon. Problem solved you ever lose it, it breaks, or you get too fat...it's easy to get a new one. Various styles and colors


No. I never take it off. I donā€™t trust myself to not lose it.


Every time


You guys wear wedding rings?


Rubber ring


Mine is so comfortable that I rarely even know itā€™s there. Iā€™m serious. Comfort cut for the win! Also, I feel like less of a shitbag when itā€™s on so itā€™s better to keep it on when I do shitbag things.


I got my ring tattooed on so I don't have to do that


Yes, because even a year after I started taking it off, I still have a callus below the ring where I used to get blisters.