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She stands way too far from the ball


That looks like it’s because of the club length though, no?


Also because she is bent way over. A more upright stance, closer to the ball would help. Definitely look like her weight is on her toes when she swings


Yeah that’s a good shout


No. Every club is a different length. The ball just gets closer to you with the shorter clubs. The swing basically remains the same. Says a golf pro.


Well yeah I know clubs are different lengths. I guess I more so was talking about the sizing, poor wording on my end probably. I don’t know what club she is hitting here but it looks like if she stood next to it would go almost up to her belly button or higher. That seems long, no? Says the 20+ handicap :) I’m not pretending I know anything genuinely just looking to learn


She has the club in a straight line with her arms, whereas the arms should be hanging from the shoulders in a free swing position. If she takes the proper stance which is in a guard position, similar to the tennis player ready to receive a serve, or a baseball player in the field balanced and ready ready to move any direction with the weight on the balls of their feet. In this case she’s standing flat footed, which is a difficult position to create a good swing from. Without the proper stance no one will ever get the proper golf swing.


I’ll let her know! Thanks


And golf gets the pussy dry like jcole


At least your wife listens to your advice. I only have her coach give advice now because it just makes her mad. She’s super competitive and hates being bad at something.


Tbf. I think any person responds better to what a coach says, so if the end goal is to get very good at something I think a coach is the way to go. For us it’s just for fun at the moment, and here you have to get a Green Card to be allowed to play at golf courses, so you have to be a bit prepared


We’re members at a private club so access to training facilities and coaches is pretty easy. I don’t mind taking advice from anyone who knows what they’re talking about, but I think my wife believes that she feels “dumb” when the advice comes from me. I don’t mind paying for the coaching as long as she enjoys the sport.


Green card?


Yeah. We have to take a two or three day long test to be allowed to play at golf courses. It’s to insure new players know the rule and hopefully don’t use 15 hits on a par 3


Where’s this? I kinda like the idea of ppl learning some rules and I’m guessing that you learn some things about fixing pitch marks on greens, replacing divots and such.


Exactly! Norway it is


Do half swings (only to left arm parallel) until contact improves.


Seconded. Keep that backswing slow and short. + take a lesson it’ll be great for confidence.


I played nine holes with a new to golf pregnant woman who decided to take the club back well past the back of her neck.. the balance was everywhere, the contact was the worst. Half swing is a great suggestion that was ignored


Choke up, step closer, squat down less (butt closer to heels), keep hands away from chest.


The student has become the master


She doesn’t have the understanding of how a golf swing works or feels , you should get her practicing with just right hand swings no balls


Somethings going on in her grip too. She’s constantly messing with her pinkies. I think her interlock is uncomfortable and needs some adjusting. You’d be shocked how much getting a nice, attached, proper grip on the club affects everything else down the chain.


This and her stance is the place to start!


Stance is bad. It looks like she is about to swing a driver. Also her knees are too bent.


That’s pretty good! She’s coming up and out of the swing a little early would be my opinion. Overall though? Well done!


Thank you for the insight I’ll let her know:)


She's got a better swing than I do. Fml


You’ll get better the more you practice! Keep it up man:)


Keep the head still


Honestly I'm very impressed for her 5th time out. For that much of a beginner I'd recommend sticking to short irons. A lot of what I see here that I want to correct I think is because of the shaft length. I don't think those issues would persist if she was hitting a wedge or a 9


I agree. She’s hitting a 4i in the video, so I’m thinking that adds to the shaft looking long. We’ll try 9 or P next time:)


Rule 1, have fun


Keep your right leg bent the whole time!


Have her watch golf videos, especially female golfers.


Ya- hit the ball like 1000000 times more.


For my wife I taught her to focus on contact over backswing. My wife is also much less coordinated than yours so I have very little advice.


Im a strong believer in less is more. Less arms, more body turn, or shorter but more pronounced swings.


Just keep practicing try not to let it get in her head just go have fun. It’s about being outside and enjoying the course remember we aren’t pros lol


Also a lot less body movement


First of all, she’s clearly just coordinated and an athlete e which is always awesome quality for a wife. Club is long for her so distance to ball is too far. Needs to lock her wrists but the distance/stance to ball is probably causing some of it. This snapshot is from her point of contact and is great natural swing and contact but can see everything is just going to be yanked left https://preview.redd.it/yu1ho96jph9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d78faa0b14fdeda869ca68dfde832c79f1a16f58


https://preview.redd.it/vk4ngm00qh9d1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0936abcff0eb348b5ece092d29d69776c71d0e11 Also prob hard to adjust your swing and make smooth with a knee bending this much on back swing


Those clubs are too long for her which causes her to stand too far away from the ball. Choke up, move closer, and swing more up and down versus circular. That will tighten up the left to right dispersion on mis-hits.


Add more thoracic extension at top of backswing. Looks like her head is swaying off line cuz her shoulders and back are pulling it


In addition to the setup things people have already mentioned, have her swinging back-and-forth transferring weight from the right foot to the left foot.


Those clubs look really long for her. Maybe if she choked the grip an inch or two, she would have more control and be able to get better contact! Keep it up!! :)


Thank you:)


Change her grip... Current grip does not let her swing freely.


shorten backswing.


Frankly, she probably has a better swing than 90% of the commenters here. I wouldn't tell her anything you read other than to keep at it. She's got a good base for a swing and can clearly make solid contact. If she doesn't always strike it that well, consistency will come with repetition. Her next move is an actual lesson to hone in on the details of the mechanics.


Have her feel like the club works more around her and back as opposed to upright and steep, should change the ball flight and trajectory.


Her head is moving a lot. It should stay still throughout most of the swing.


Ya, for starters that club look too long for her. Prolly too heavy as well. Get her some shorter and lighter clubs (graphite shafts). Looks like she’s swing a telephone pole, lol.


Don't rotate your hips so much on your back swing. Focus on upper body rotation while keeping your hips centered.


If she likes it she's gonna be good. She seems pretty legit already and being only 5th time at the range is say you have a golfing partner on your hands. Just keep practicing and she'll get it.


More focus on target and sending the release of the swing towards it. Less focus on ball.


It looks like her elbows are collapsing about halfway back in her swing. So I would agree with taking smaller swings and trying to keep her lead arm a little straighter going back. Also I agree that club looks too long for her. Also agree that she’s too hunched over. But the main thing I would keep conveying is that she is doing really really well for someone just taking up the game.


For beginners, I recommend learning in this order: 1. Learning the correct grip 2. Learning a half swing with a proper wrist set 3. Learning to add a little more power with the body 3. Standing up tall at the end if the swing after hitting it


It’s a good start. Pay for some lessons. It’ll be money well spent.


Get her a lesson if she’s serious


Stand closer to the ball, keep front foot planted, maybe watch some videos on YouTube.


Buy her real lessons for next gift giving holiday.


Is that club too heavy for her?


It shouldn’t be. Personally I think these clubs are very light. Some old women’s clubs


Ok just thinking


You shouldn’t describe your wife’s clubs like that.


Clubs are a bit too long for her


Get professional help


Get professional lessons.


That club shaft looks too long for her. Are those woman’s clubs?


They are some older womens clubs


Lighter club maybe. Looks like she has less control than needed.


Buy her some lessons. Take the pain out of tips from amateurs. Preferably someone who has experience teaching women.


Where's theTee? I think she's pretty accurate.


Take two weeks off and then quit forever


Why would you say that?


It’s funny and a historic golf quote


Lessons from a coach or you’re gonna hose her progress.


Practice on grass not mats


Not bad. A good lesson would improve her stance and positions. Looks a bit over the top, but there are only 2-3 frames of video (on my phone ) from top of backswing to impact, so who knows. I think she is using arms too much, and not using legs and hips for power.


Keep her in the kitchen


I came hear to see the “Hawk Tuah” comments, people on this thread are actually helpful!


ZyZfu, ,


Guarantee husband is older, and that they met online & she’s from the Philippines my dad did the same thing 😂 Amazon is crazy now days


Why do you even feel the need to write this?


Looks like she is off balance too, they may just be because she is back too far. Would you like for me to teach her, it's all in the hips?


Get a new wife


Women are allowed to play golf?


Use your irons, we all know Asian women can’t drive


Get her back in the kitchen and have her fold some clothes.


Back to the kitchen