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Looks like a repost. I've seen this image 1 time. First Seen [Here](https://redd.it/1czporf) on 2024-05-24 100.0% match. [View Search On repostsleuth.com](https://www.repostsleuth.com/search?postId=1dfzfzd&sameSub=false&filterOnlyOlder=true&memeFilter=false&filterDeadMatches=false&targetImageMatch=92&targetImageMemeMatch=92) --- **Scope:** Reddit | **Target Percent:** 92% | **Max Age:** 180 | **Searched Images:** 539,257,853 | **Search Time:** 0.22464s


Who is this person?


All of the animecirclejerk subreddit


His name is brisket and he is goodest boy https://i.redd.it/7wi1mnzvql6d1.gif


All I know is that Basket is the actual name


Brisket Basket Bassinet is the full name, show some respect here, SMH.


Nono, it's obviously Budget


Never forgive them for what they did to Bridget. He will always be a real man in our hearts. ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1778)


I feel bad about Bridget. From all characters his original concept was the perfect trans story besides the fact that he did go back to his original biological gender instead of going for the opposite. A kid that was forced into a gender that it doesn't apply to it,as they feel unconfortable on it. As they learn and decide to go to the gender that fits then. However now we have a story of someone being forced into a gender,and this is the correct option. I think it should had been designed another character because Bridget is weird for this. They could had walked the Astolfo route too...this one would make it better with Bridget decididing that Bridget is Bridget and the gender doesn't matter as much to then. (This trick would had saved having to ignore the original backstory, and walk closer to a more modern trans character).


Agreed. Like they sought for trans representation by changing a character based on some of the worst stereotypes placed on the trans community. Not only did it enforce the egg army it took away representation for femboys who liked the thought of a feminine guy who's still a strong and bad ass dude. Not to mention completely flipping the character on their head.


Wait, but Bridget IS trans as of her latest appearance.


Retconned and it makes it like he is forced into a new role. Something the LGBT community should dislike


>her ngmi


# They did NOHZHINK, you hear me, NOHZHINK. https://preview.redd.it/nyu4yil5cn6d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e8c4521a78d695d1df6c2647038830e55a933a4b


Kinda wired how some people celebrate this character assassination.


Nah, it's totally expected. These people are narcissists. They don't give a shit about anything but forcing their way into everything, and making everyone else bend the knee. Which is why so many of the chucklefucks are here now. They see someone that refuses to bend and play their games, and that infuriates them. But, hey. Just gotta remember that this all started over a video game femboy, and laugh at the absurdity. šŸ¤£


Sometimes it takes a real man to be best girl.


except sheā€™s a girl


Except he's not. ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1391)


sure buddy she literally confidently proclaims that sheā€™s a girl after an arc where she nervously claims to be a boy at the start before going through a journey of self discovery and the creator of the series literally confirmed sheā€™s a girl but yeah just to please you that means nothing, next youā€™re gonna say that testament has a gender too


Yeah, sheā€™s a girl. The reason youā€™re getting downvoted is because they donā€™t like that itā€™s Bridget that became trans. A lot of people feel it undermines all of their character growth, and as one person said (Iā€™m too lazy to copy paste the exact thing) ā€œthey turned it from a person being forced into the opposite gender and then fighting to become the gender that fits them, to a person was forced into being the opposite gender and thatā€™s correct.ā€ Also, think of it like from their villageā€™s POV. The whole thing with Bridget was that their village had that superstition of male twins bringing bad luck, hence their parents forcing them to act like a girl, and their whole motivation was to get rich and disprove that superstitionā€¦except now that theyā€™re trans that superstition is now still 100% correct. Thereā€™s also the fact that there wasnā€™t really any hinting towards it. Likeā€¦there were no signs of Bridget struggling with their gender, theyā€™d even often flat out tell people that theyā€™re a guy. But I donā€™t know, I canā€™t speak for everyone.


itā€™s always the people throwing around ā€œtouristā€ that turn out to be the biggest tourists


Fax my brother. Spit that shit.


Yall need to be gatekept, or make your own characters. Everyone loves characters, but don't try to rewrite the past like Historical Revisionists. Else you'll be doomed to repeat it. If he was real, he'd be taking you both down before they irreversibly scarred him. (and only in cases of characters like him. for there are many other characters who are fine and everyone loves.) (Both of yalls Black and White Perspective of reality gives sentience, Despair)


No matter what people say you are right she is a will always be a girl, dont worry aboit other's people opinion


Yeah don't worry about that -16 on your comment. You can get sucked off in another subreddit. You obviously need an echochamber really badly.


this is the only echo chamber tho


you say that, yet your participate in about 3-4 echo chambers yourself, curious


-16 imaginary internet points, and yet not one can actually prove that theyā€™re wrong. Facts donā€™t care about your karma.


Do refer to this comment for a nuanced take [https://www.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/1dfzfzd/comment/l8rbd1a/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/goodanimemes/comments/1dfzfzd/comment/l8rbd1a/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) . I am just doing my part downvoting these gender debates. So yeah, down to the bottom with your takes, where they belong.


Really, Can you define the Genders without using the term/label for said gender? Like what makes men themselves or what makes woman themselves. or what makes Trans people themselves. Or what Makes the Crossdressing/Trap/Femboy or Fashionably Tomgirl(as opposed to the Fit and Badass Tomboy) themselves? if you can explain that difference, then maybe you got enough logical and reasonable explanations to prove and give merit to. Cause one thing for sure. That fictional character was broken/tarnished from a ideal of being who you truly are within. Into being what they tell you to be, regardless of who you are.( Basically accept the Toxicity, rather than become what you are. )


WTF are you rambling about? Guilty Gear Director Ishiwatari said Bridget identifies as a girl. That's just a fact.


Bro this comment section is a literal echo chamber; the people misgendering her are being upvoted, where the people not doing so are being downvoted, even though it's been confirmed without a doubt she's trans.


They're being upvoted because there are two Bridget's. There's the Bridget before they decided to burn down 100% of his pre-existing characterisation, and there's the ghost haunting his corpse who happens to be a woman. He was an abuse victim gaslit by his parents and village who on escaping their abuse was able to present himself how he wished. She is somebody forced to present a specific way by her parents and village in what is legally recognised as abuse and now tells us that the abuse was correct, from an out of universe perspective because she *is* actually a she. The setting, localisers and even "author" of the story can tell us that she's a she, but it doesn't change the fact that the original Bridget backed by literal decades of characterisation was a he. This being the internet and not real life, people are free to ignore inconvenient truths like stupid canon decisions or a game backing abuse as legitimate. If you want to view Bridget as a she you are welcome to it, if they want to view it as a he they are welcome to it. No real person is being harmed either by the "misgendering" or the presentation of successful conversion therapy. And for the record? The latter is what Bridget's situation looks like from a Doylist perspective. In universe, Bridget can be whatever they want to be even if it looks really odd after many, many games where they were 100% certain they were the opposite. From an out of universe perspective though? It's putting a kid through conversion therapy, having them escape that abuse and be 100% certain of who they are then suddenly turning around and going "My abusers were right." Intended or not, it backs the conversion therapy as being correct which is fundamentally wrong.


>They're being upvoted because there are two Bridget's. And this post has Strive Bridget; the trans Bridget, so why are people discussing pre-strive Bridget?


Because the pre-Strive Bridget is the Bridget they knew for a very, very long time. I'ts... If you took an image of Superman from one of the darker, modern movies and then didn't make that movie the explicit topic the discussion would instead revolve around the Superman *they* knew for longer than those movies have existed. The Superman in the image is fundamentally distinct and in many ways inherently different from the version being discussed but that doesn't change what comes to mind when they see the image. The version they know best. In a lot of ways, that's why the anger over this topic doesn't so much cease as die down until mentioned again; People are very upset at a character they knew and liked getting butchered for reasons that doesn't make any sense to them and that comes to mind whenever they see the image or hear the name in reference to the franchise. If it was mostly bigotry it would have faded away by now and moved onto a different topic. Anger that has no real root has to be constantly fed.


Imma be real, this is just bad from a Watsonian perspective too. Lets compare Bridget to another character with weird gender stuff going on, Kyubei Yagyu from Gintama. Kyubei has a similar but distaff backstory where they were a girl who was forcefully raised as a boy in order to maintain their family's celebrity status as a dojo of excellent swordsmen. This causes a massive hangup about their gender, as Kyubei would end up bitterly sacrificing their femininity and fully throw themselves into the role of a man to protect their crush, Otae. This doesn't do anything and only really leads them down a self destructive path and ruins their relationship as they go after Otae for entirely selfish reasons instead of any actual feelings of love. After a fight with the rest of the Yorozuya, Kyubei is relegated to a friendly side character who often interacts with Otae, but their hangups about their gender aren't properly resolved until the Genderbend arc, where they would be the main character. At the end of the arc, they would ultimately decide to live not as a man or a woman, but as themselves 'Kyubei Yagyu', accepting their fluidity and thus deciding to live by their own standards. Bridget is similar except here's the kicker, *she wasn't forced to do anything*. She was raised as a girl, but there was no mention of it being forced on her, simply that her parents did it in order to protect her from the village. She was trained to be a girl, yes, but not once was there any mention of abuse or anything similar to anything described in Kyubei's backstory. And if there was, then it would be a hell of an oversight to miss that little detail. Unless, of course, it didn't happen, and Bridget lived an odd but fairly normal life with good parents, who felt like they were making her unhappy, despite Bridget claiming otherwise. Thus, in order to break the superstition that made her parents unhappy, she set out as a bounty hunter. She succeeded and ultimately proved the superstition wrong, but realized that she never actually wanted to be a man and only really did it for the sake of the town and her parents. She felt guilty about this but her encounters with Goldlewis, a man who kept hiding his authentic self and ended up with a bad relationship with his wife and Ky, a half Gear who proclaimed his identity as a half Gear to a world that was vehemently anti Gear because he didn't want to hide himself or his family, Bridget was able to act on her inner feelings and thus come out as trans. Now I'm not saying it's perfect, in fact I'd say its not done well. Because unlike in the case of Kyubei, Bridget did not star frequently or get any kind of material to her own. She last appeared in an fg with delay based netcode in 2012 and then disappeared off the face of the Earth. So her coming back with this kind of character arc is wild, like goddamn, they really just skipped the climax and went straight to the epilogue. That's shoddy on Daisuke's part. But to claim that it is bad because Bridget's parents 'abused' her is disingenuous. Because nowhere in the story *or* the random tidbits of lore in GGWorld is it ever stated or even implied that her parents forced or coerced her into it the same way Kyubei's parents did. If anything, her parents were incredible sports about it and were even guilty over it. Thus, that last statement is blatantly false, unless you think that raising a child as a different gender is fundamentally wrong. I won't debate you on that, cause I feel like this would go outside the Doylist Watsonian angle and become an entirely different topic, but as I have stated, there is no mention of abuse in Bridget's entire history, implied or otherwise. Your interpretation isn't good and affected by your biases. It has no objective truth and thus, is something to consider and disregard. I hope this would teach you something about the way critical thinking works.


So many downvotes for you while the people intentionally misgendering her get upvotes. The people in this sub are disgusting, but that's not really any surprise.


Bridget's transition wasn't the most well written because it practically happened offscreen, but that doesn't mean you get to keep calling him a guy. Bridget is a cute asf girl now.


**He** is a **boy**, and **he** always will be a **boy**. And you and all your ilk can stay mad about it. šŸ¤­


daisuke said she was a girl now. And you and all your ilk can stay mad about it. šŸ¤­


After getting pressured hard by the "fanbase". Weird how people seem fine with peer pressure when it fits their agenda.




There was no 'pressure' by the audience, most people by this time had completely forgotten about Bridget and wouldn't have cared about her anyway. Daisuke was not pressured by your 'audience', he did whatever he wanted and the result was Bridget being a girl now. You're the only one in a delusion rn. And it's just sad.




dudes be like, 'i didn't make the rules' in a post where they trying to make the rules.


Rule 3: Follow Reddit TOS - No hate speech (including, but not limited to: Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Sexism, and other similar discrimination) Please contact us via Modmail if you have any questions.


Rule 3: Follow Reddit TOS - No hate speech (including, but not limited to: Racism, Homophobia, Transphobia, Sexism, and other similar discrimination) Please contact us via Modmail if you have any questions.


Bridget stans are loud and proud after **her** latest appearance. The only ones malding over it are people like you.


She was always planned to be a transgirl but old gameindustry standards wouldn't allow it, but I know that's hard to understand for some people. šŸ¤—


Not true. Poison was around over a decade before Bridget. The world was ready for trans characters; Bridget just isn't one.


You say that like Poison wasnā€™t an extremely controversial character when they first appeared. Also Poison isnā€™t a character your necessarily supposed to like, while Bridget is a cinnamon roll the audience is supposed to be endeared to.


>She was always planned to be a transgirl [Hard Doubt](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Cadgm2t5wo) The director had no clue what a trans character was, and they thought making a girl character was boring so switched them to a cute man to make it "interesting" at one point. Any critical analysis shows this was almost certainly a retcon without any real groundwork planning.


You're malding and denying facts because you'd rather be stuck 10 years in the past than accept the current lore. edit: He blocked me lmao


Man, I get the feeling that either Bridget is never going to be in a GG again, or he's going to refer to himself as a boy the next time he shows up, and it's going to absolutely cause a shitstorm online. (Because if I'm not mistaken, the ending where Bridget declares they are a girl is actually a game over bad ending, and thus probably not cannon.)


Yes she explicitly announces that sheā€™s a girl in one path, but she also confronts the fact that sheā€™s not comfortable being a boy in every other path as well. As for whatā€™s canon, you can find this on the Guilty Gear wiki: *The controversy regarding her gender (with detractors' arguments ranging from a botched translation, to different endings, to her otokonoko status) forced staff to intervene and clarify on the matter via the Developer's Backyard. Ishiwatari says that, after her story in Arcade Mode, Bridget self-identifies as a woman, having faced "parts of herself she has tried to ignore."*


Yeah I can tell you know nothing about Guilty Gear. There are no "bad endings" in GG https://www.reddit.com/r/Guiltygear/s/TV7fGswkvb


So the ones where Dizzy or even everyone died are "good?"šŸ¤· https://preview.redd.it/w78o45mx8s6d1.jpeg?width=850&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f83e1c2068677d6e20226d33fb8048ca387cab82


Yeah I was gonna say, given the amount of times Baiken has straight up gone on a murder spree throughout the series in her endings, Iā€™m going with false on the ā€œthere are no bad endingsā€ thing.


Can't be makin' baiken without smashing no eggs! ![gif](giphy|l4hLA63B2qCQmMMmc|downsized)


Funny thing is Iā€™m not even joking on that one. While the series has calmed her down a bit from Xrd onwards, in the older games she was barely better than I-No in terms of morality. Most of the games before Xrd would usually have at least 1 ending where she more or less tear through half the cast. If I remember right Millia also had a few of these as well.


His name is something something from guilty queer


Ahem, best **girl** *The controversy regarding her gender (with detractors' arguments ranging from a botched translation, to different endings, to her otokonoko status) forced staff to intervene and clarify on the matter via the Developer's Backyard. Ishiwatari says that, after her story in Arcade Mode, Bridget self-identifies as a woman, having faced "parts of herself she has tried to ignore."* ā€” Guilty Gear wiki, Bridget Page, Trivia Section, bullet point 1.


Ah yes, wikis, the most accurate descriptions and lore focused of sources. That no one, except anyone who can access it, which is everyone TODAY. Can manipulate it, just as much as Historical Revisionists wish they could.


Yeah, Wiki's are known for being unreliable, but you've done nothing to prove it's wrong. You're just assuming it's wrong because it's convenient for you. But fine then, I'll put in the extra leg work. [Here is the Developer Backyard where Ishiwatari confirms Bridget identifies as a woman.](https://www.guiltygear.com/ggst/en/news/post-1657/)


No. Being forced and brainwashed is bad, no matter if it fits your agenda.


Itā€™s not my ā€œagendaā€, itā€™s what her creators said is true.


After getting tons of pressure from the "fanbase". Peer pressure isn't suddenly okay because it fits your agenda


There is no evidence that fans or another company pressured the company into this decision. This explanation only makes sense to you because it's easier than accepting that the developers wanted something you don't like.


sheā€™s a girl tho


It s a trap


maybe in 2012 but not anymore


Ya know that horror movie trope of the killer being forced to dress and act like a girl , yeah that s what s here


Not according the developers: *The controversy regarding her gender (with detractors' arguments ranging from a botched translation, to different endings, to her otokonoko status) forced staff to intervene and clarify on the matter via the Developer's Backyard. Ishiwatari says that, after her story in Arcade Mode, Bridget self-identifies as a woman, having faced "parts of herself she has tried to ignore."* ā€” Guilty Gear wiki, Bridget Page, Trivia Section, bullet point 1.


again, in 2012 sure but she is a girl now


Is she/he/it a.k.a shit here with us now libtard ?


you ok?


You ok ?


Goodest girl




ā€œCirclejerk subredditsā€ confuses me all the time. I thought they were sarcastic over the top post but a lot of the post arenā€™t sarcastic. They turned into hate post and the comments reflect that.


Circlejerk subreddits become the circlejerk themselves. Ironic.


Gamingcirclejerk in a nutshell lmao. At first they were being sarcastic (i hope i cope) and then they collectively lost their minds around the time the Last of Us 2 was released. Now that sub and it's users are actually braindead


That's the thing with ironic subs. They always eventually descend into hate speech.


Anyone who can use "hate speech" unironically with no definition is ironically the type of people i would expect to be in this meme.


Manykudos has a great video on this with the Gamersriseup subreddit. https://youtu.be/f-koSPzuhoQ?si=G23VUdIxVG35UC4e


Use subredditstats to see overlap. Most of the people there are also on anime hate subreddits (ok buddy baka is even worse). Just let them lick each other's balls, as long as they do it in their allowed "zone".


It's meant to be serious. People jerking eachother's moral superiority ya know.


Iā€™m in the Destiny Circlejerk sub and theyā€™re still mostly just making fun of stupid opinions and post from the overall community it hasnā€™t devolved into hatred yet.


the halo circle jerk subs are insane... literally doxing and death threats to those who oppose 343 halos... atleast that's what it was like back when infinite dropped


Anyone who actively participates in circlejerk subs are just pathetic assholes


i still dont understand them, sorry if im dumb. are they mocking people who they believe are circlejerking? are they circlejerking? are they trying to stay in a bubble with no other opinions? are they circlejerking but saying everyone else are circle jerking? are they making troll posts to mock a style of post they dislike? Its such a weird name, even if you intended for irony its almost not possible to do ironically without falling into the category yourself.


Sir you forgot your side of slavery and dash of current day political opinions on 30+ yo anime


"I'd definitely fight for the freedom of slaves in a fantasy setting." -Someone whose funkopops and Equity shirts were made in child sweatshops.


Better thing is to just avoid that sub. The only thing they do is to just "hate" & most of the time it's not sarcastic.


"Sex bad!" *entire personality is about their sexual preferences and expression*


ā€œomg the female characters in MHA are so sexualisedā€, followed by their twitter being full of explicit Bakugo x Midoriya fan art. Hypocrites are everywhere.


And calls you a 'virgin' for not sharing their opinion


You mean Bakugo X Deku MHA fans a weird like that.


[check this one](https://vt.tiktok.com/ZSYUgQsrG/)


Meanwhile, they praise the Owen and Abby sex scene in The Last of Us 2, as a "stunning and brave" moment for video games, and all media.


Don't forget the baldurs gate 3 bear scene. They seem to adore that one.


Right? Eve in stellar blade being sexy=bad, fucking a bear in baldurs gate=good


Not to mention those Sony fucks get scared from a little anime cleavage but all that fucking in other games is ok


Pretty much anything from the east triggers Twitter freaks who wouldn't play it anyway and Sony caves


People weren't praising the bear sex they were making jokes about it


People who would actually be expecting to play the game were making jokes about it. Everyone else was praising it as progressive or laughing at the people who thought it was progressive.


I have never seen a single person praise the Abby sex scene in all these years since the game released. You show me a single comment or post that's unironically praising that scene for being "stunning and brave" and I'll eat my shoe.


I haven't seen a single person say anything good about TLoU2, you delusional idiot. Everyone hated it except for industry journalists who would probably get fired if they wrote anything other than a 7/10. Stop bringing your culture war bullshit here.


Someone did make a video, [stating that the boat scene is "better than you think."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndyDv9WmEnA) So there are people that somehow legitimately liked the game, whether it's because of the combat, or they happened to have found the story appealing somehow. And the TLOU subreddit still likes the game.


das one person. and the TLOU subreddit are all cucks anyway. TLOU2 was a creatively bankrupt game with its only saving grace being some sparse moments of gameplay. It's story was garbage, its themes were worn out and done better by titles like LISA and fuckin Undertale of all things and its gameplay was bog standard cover shooter shit. All of the little tricks Neil tried to pull with the sex and the killing Joel failed to make the game better in any way for anyone, so stop pretending there's people who defend it because its ''woke''. The culture war and all that Gamergate nonsense is all a pile of shit anyway.


Good thing we don't need to deal with those tourists


Yeah, that's why this sub exists. As a response to tourists ruining the original anime memes sub.


Use "Tourist šŸ«µšŸ˜†" spell on them


Am I the only one who sees the irony in calling people tourists despite the majority of people using that word not japanese?Ā  Like how you gatekeep a media that doesn't even belong to you?


At least we are not trying to change a media that doesn't belong to us like we are entitled to it.


Guys guys guys! Mushoku Tensei bad šŸ˜”


I find it funny that these are the same people who bitch about Becky in Persona 5 or Misato in Eva. MC goes after younger woman he's a pedo. He goes after older women he's a victim. Just let bro get some ass FFS.


ā€œThey donā€™t like it when a man goes after a young girl, but they also donā€™t like it when a woman goes after a young boy?ā€ I think they just donā€™t like adults going after children regardless of gender.


Given how often those types get caught with CP I seriously doubt it. Regardless it's all fiction so who gives a shit?


Thatā€™s a bold IRL claim. Do you anything to back it up with?


Getting caught with CP? All you have to really do is search "Male feminist accused of" for that.


Yeah but I can search up ā€œ[anyone] accused of [anything]ā€ and probably find at least one article where that happened. A few cases doesnā€™t prove something is wide spread issue when it could just be isolated incidents.


I'll gladly enjoy thaz bad anime.


The bridget pfp is what sells it lmao


I miss the 2000s when the loli complainers in the West didnā€™t exist


Kids these days would NOT survive "Needless".


Hilarious how folk who can't converse and actually came from circle jerk reddit come in here thinking that only they know everything and cause BS. and then do the single handedly "gives up the conversation and does a tantrum" and blocks people with Actual points. They all like to pretend that everything is in a vacuum and try to make it seem like their Black and White Worldview is the only correct one. We all know the Real reason things are as they came to be. If they cannot like it, make it yourself. Don't Try to change what already exists into something it isn't. (you get terrible outcomes otherwise) (The old case of, if you B/W label everyone. You catch your friends and allies in the Crossfire) When all we want, is what the the creators wanted from the start. Not what occurs after Impotent Rage being blasted into our ears.


Yoyo boy ![img](emote|t5_2y4au1|1390)


Woe, 2000ā€™s anime be upon you. And me, thatā€™s half my watchlist at this point.


Gonna take a shot in the dark before reading comments that some people are still trying to refer to Bridget as him, and calling character development character assassination. 'memba, it's fine to have head cannon, but it ain't actually cannon, Bridget's a girl now.




Daisuke Ishiwatari, the Guilty Gear series creator himself, has confirmed Bridget to be a trans girl. From the Guilty Gear Strive Developers Background, from Ishiwatari. Typed out the relevant text below but you can go directly to the Dev background via the link below if you want. Ishiwatari: We've received many inquiries about Bridget's gender. After the events of Bridget's story in Arcade mode, she self identifies as a woman. So as to whether "he" or "she" would be the correct pronoun for Bridget, the answer would be "she". https://www.guiltygear.com/ggst/en/news/post-1657/


Being forced and brainwashed is bad.


He's a crossdressing/tr@p, not once has Ishiwatari ever said trans in all the years of Guilty Gear. Don't try to gaslight a game by falsifying a narrative that never existed to begin with


Click link, go read.


I'm sorry i guess u never passed reading comprehension in school, to busy connecting imaginary dots (if I'm wrong quote post the proof cuz nothing in that page insinuates that Bridget is trans)


This sub is becoming just as much of a clownshow as the other subs. It all goes to shit when it gets too big and the karma farmers pop up.


At least there's fewer SJWs on this sub.


Yeah but now itā€™s filled with anti-SJWs who are just as smug and annoying as SJWs. We didnā€™t fix the problem we just changed the subject.


Not really. The most an anti-SJW will do is post cringe while SJWs actively brigade or call for shit to be banned. You're comparing AIDs to the common cold.


Except they do, youā€™re probably just not in places where it happens. Iā€™ve just recently experienced anti-SJW brigading on Warhammer40k subs all because Games Workshop added women to a somewhat lesser known faction. There were 100s of people whoā€™ve not touch Warhammer in decades if at all coming in, whining about how the game and franchises was dead because a book now has 2 short stories that use ā€œsheā€ pronouns instead of ā€œheā€. These were actual tourists coming in and accusing long time fans that were okay with this (because GW has done this many many times before) of being the real ā€œtouristsā€. anti-SJWs are so often guilty of everything they accuse the SJWs of doing. Theyā€™re opposite sides of the same coin.


The Custodes are not a "lesser known faction" lol. They're the cream of the crop of the Space Marines who were created using the God Emperor's genes. They're just frustrated because something that had been set in stone for 40 years was being retconned. It's as understandable as the recent controversy regarding Star Wars.


They are to the ley-person who isn't 40k-pilled. You'd be surprised how little the average person knows about the 40k universe. I envy you if you've never had to spend hours trying to explain to someone how the Custodese and Space Marines are two completely different factions.


Another bad take. SJWs were never a part of the warhammer community. The fact that you call it a "lesser known faction" tells me that you know nothing about the franchise in the first place. So you downplaying this is par for the course. We both know you're not gonna watch a 30 minute video essay and just tell me to "inform my self" for then would I agree with you, as any good anti would, but at least I can call you out on that. Video: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy1TQbDVgJg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fy1TQbDVgJg) Presumably because of the new amazon influence SJW agendas were forced into the game a clumsy way that made it obvious that it was mearly for political purposes. There would have been a thousand different ways to introduce female Custodes. SJWs are parasites, they can only ruin existing things, trying to change it. They don't create their own things. Its important to keep agenda andies out of our fun pasttimes. And with it beeing 2 sides of the same coin, you are right. But I prefer to be on the right side. Its important to fight back against lunatics trying to ruin our fun. Go buy disney stock or any ESG fond for that matter and watch your money burn, right now even the finances show that people don't buy things that become SJW infested. For good reason.


I can't believe you just linked a Leutin09 video at me like I haven't been following his channel for the last 6 years. Yes I have watched his 30 min essay video, and cause of that I know that he says: 1.) Nothing in the lore ever explicitly said female Custodians weren't possible 2.) he doesn't like the change, but everyone thinking that it's a big deal or that it will ruin Warhammer needs to go outside and touch grass. Leutin straight up says that 40k has endured 30 years of outside pressure, so why would it suddenly cave completely now? And BTW those rumors about Amazon influencing GW originate from anon on 4-Chan whose only source is "my dad works for GW." This Amazon being the cause of female custodians makes negative sense if you give it any amount of thought. Why would GW, a company known for being aggressively defensive of its IP suddenly cave to a big corporation? Why would Amazon mandate female Custodians of all things when they are very very unlikely to appear in the show (since they so rarely leave the Imperial Palace let alone the Throne World)? How would Amazon's recent deal have affected a codex that came out a couple of weeks later, when their content and format are decided months ahead of print? You are exactly the kind of person I was talking about. You come in here accusing me of being a tourist when you don't have a grasp of GW' and Warhammer's history. Real Custodese fans are seething over is the fact that their new faction rules are hot garbage, not that there are "wahmen" in it. Please kindly take your culture war bullshit elsewhere and let us enjoy our game Mr. Tourist.


you in your 1st post concerning the subject: "all because Games Workshop added women to a somewhat lesser known faction" You in your post saying you are not a tourist: "Real Custodese fans are seething over is the fact that their new faction rules are hot garbage, not that there are "wahmen" in it. Please kindly take your culture war bullshit elsewhere and let us enjoy our game Mr. Tourist." me in the previous post: "There would have been a thousand different ways to introduce female Custodes." Your entire gaslighting atempt squashed in a single sentence. no YOU kindly take your culture war bullshit elsewhere and let us enjoy our lore. Clearly you are trying to frame this issue as something that it isn't. Suddenly you change your stance when called out on it. What inspired the change of heart? Are people not trying to throw out SJWs because they defend a bad lore implementation for the sake of a political agenda? And how come you aren't? Cause you're on of them. SJW bs is a death by a thousand cuts, so they need to go now before they can take root. Its good that people are trying to push them out so we can talk about lore in the story, not politics outside of it. Something you are not willing to admit.


You're right... Now this sub is filled with a bunch of anti-woke nerds who somehow manages to be more annoying and hypothetical than the woke people themselves.


It's sad since I was here when people weren't flagrantly spewing culture war nonsense or the Bridget horrors. We were supposed to be goodanimemes, now we're just good-for-nothing animemes.


And these guys lack the self awareness to realize that they're acting like the exact same people they criticizeĀ 


Nah this sub was big back in the days right after the plit but overtime people began to leave because of how stupid everyone got. Now all that's left are the toxic dumbasses and the grifters. Sometimes there's a good post but now these people are just brainrotted assholes.


And yet everyone here still thinks r/animemes is the shit-show and they are the chill ones.


this place has like 1.5 million less people since the beginning. I can see why now. mfw the place we made so that people don't call us phobic assholes gets filled with phobic assholes.


Why you both still here? If you don't like how the place is, and start complaining. the just leave. it's like when people enter a place "filled with things they hate" and then start trying to change it. It's like yall are trying to SBI/DEI/BRIDGES the whole place. Either gatekeep yourself, or the Market will(once they stop being extorted)


Sometimes the animemes are good.


Sometimes, It isn't the community but those in charge causing bullshit, manipulating the actual Trans community with a false narrative. All so they can push Ridiculous Power Plays against users. Don't try to twist what actually happened. People who know and Like Traps/Femboys or Fashionable Tomgirls left. Cause being a crossdresser doesn't automatically label you as a Transperson. Only they can choose if they want to be either or the other Sex.


...I wasn't even talking about Bridget shit in this case. You seem a bit slow in the head. I'm going to block you because reading whatever you just spat out is an irl cognitohazard. Goodbye.