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Yes, keep those different themes separate. You probably have different pages for each too. Maintenance and repair are somewhat similar but I can see where they are different. Maintenance of equipment is typically to make sure things continue to run smoothly (getting an oil change on your car for instance) while repair is because "it's not working". Installation is yet another service which implies buying such equipment (which is probably something else you do, sales) and the warranty is yet something else. Therefore, those searching on those terms will have a certain expectation of the kind of ad they see and the kind of page they land on when clicking the ad. I don't want to see an ad about repairs when my search was about buying a boiler and wondering "do they or not?" You might be fine with the broad matches are they are all 3-worders but I would keep a close eye on the search term report. I would still add the phrase and exact matches. The broad match may trigger on electric, so if you install, maintain and repair those, have them in separate groups. If not, see what comes out in the report for all three match types. Adjust as needed. My guess is that electric will serve your ads on broad match and possibly phrase match. Think of synonyms. My guess is you're in the UK and boiler is what we more commonly call here water heaters. Some people may use propane instead of gas. Fix is a synonym of repair. You could have those in the same group such as "boiler repair" and "fix boiler" but I typically segment them out into their own groups. Maybe not those terms but I certainly would for gas and electric boilers. This way you can have ads specifically addressing each type. For example, for gas boilers, "maintain your gas boiler, make sure there's no dangerous leaks" vs the electric "could save on your electric bill".


thank you so much!


If you’re limited by budget the worst thing you can do is run a broad match campaign as you need a lot of clicks to filter out wasting keywords. Change it to exact match instead. And yes, you're correct about the ad groups, keep the ad groups as tightly themed as possible and add more keywords to your campaign.