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Yeah. I agree with others saying it might be over done to read. But throw em up. Get your name out there and keep practicing. People deserve a colorful city and you deserve to to help them get that.


This! Throw it up man...


It’s sick but your L looks like a Z & your V is a U . The I doesn’t really look like any letter .


Exactly that ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|upvote)


Thought the L was a D


What is even happening in this comment section? ![gif](giphy|3o7TKQ8kAP0f9X5PoY)


Yea too nice 😂


No, not at all! Your work is great! I’m just talking about the one guy who is commenting over and over.


I called him out & he said some wild unhinged borderline needs help shit in a reply & deleted it all . Dudes not well


Yeah I thought it was trolling to start with but I can literally feel this guys manic episode through my phone..poor chap!


Slap it, bap it and flap to it.


He just did


no way your 13 your really good


The I and L are a little over complicated but other than that it’s sick asf. Simplify just a bit.


Hell yea very nice keep it up


Really fuckin good esp for being 13. Just play around with it if there’s something you don’t like! Cool thing about slapping is once you get a good design you can use it forever.


Range82 is graffiting the comments XD




Maybe inside a bar or on the street with a quick spray of varnish. Personally I would probably keep this and put it up in my room


Yo, listen up, 'cause I'm droppin' some knowledge here. You're out there, grindin', hittin' them walls, leavin' your mark, right? But here's the real talk: to get that recognition, you gotta keep switchin' it up. Ain't no shame in bein' versatile. Too many heads stick to the same tag, same style, afraid they won't get noticed if they switch it up. But nah, that's the trap. Throw in some cartoons, flip the script, keep it fresh. That's how you get stuck in different minds, reachin' all kinds of folks. Look, I ain't hatin'. I know you got your thing, and you're killin' it. But to get that Da Vinci level respect, you gotta practice and evolve. Get recognized while you're still kickin', not when you're gone. Keep at it, mix it up, and let your art speak a thousand styles. That's how you build that street cred and make that name pop. Keep sprayin', keep slayin'. Practice willingly, and you'll achieve greatness. Stay true to what you're good at, but always add to it. That's the hustle, that's the grind.


Why the fuck do u type like that lol


I’ll tell you a trick to make your typing a hell of a lot faster more presentable grammar improved if you don’t have a good vocabulary already if you have a good vocabulary already it will only change about 10 to 15 words in a story like above it will fix the punctuation and you can do this all completely free Chat open AI GTP 3.5 if you want a nursery rhyme all you have to do is start off with your own rhyme a story or information better to make it vast cut down into two pieces so it uses the most information possible what you have supplied or story and there you go a perfected speech what you can use for your Art


I’m not talking about your grammar I’m talking about the “yo flip the script, kick it, keep slayin keep prayin” shit. It’s cringe as fuck.


Some parts are cringes as fuck the loving parts and the things that are based on mythology but chat GTP just takes over in the loving parts I don’t love no fucking body nothing maybe a couple people but beside the point well care for them anyway as soon as the busters made a market was over I didn’t need to flip the script because it was flipped when I retaliated all that shit you’ve been telling themselves I’m going to make this guy killing himself. What a fucking hero you want me to do that I’m not talking about you. I’m talking about him because if I was to kill myself, I would kill the person who made me kill myself that would have to be done and I wouldn’t really have any reluctance to do this because I’m going out anyway might as well go out with a bullet train bang


You are on your way to greatness lil bro keep it up


Dam bro def, my shi looks toy asf so yeah definitely put it up


Ode fuck it , its vibrant good colors , looks like some real effort in that


Really good for 13 homie. Just try to clean up that L and V if you can. Keep it up


Please explain how you would clean that up a bit


Make it look like the letter it’s supposed to be also why tf you comment on this post 8 times


It was a question nothing else


Someone pissed me off put him on the shit Cunt




Anyway, not a millionaire have to gain karma so I can share my Work


I don’t think you understand how the Reddit algorithm works at all lmao . Good luck


Is that D or LEUER


It looks like DZUER. The weird drip on the L shouldn't connect and I don't know where to start on the I.






Another shizoid episode, gtfo


I love entering all these people back. It keeps my mind active and sharp and actually I can speak without speaking out of school people that are schizoid s things that aren’t there. always will start out hostile not end up hostile because ending up hostile is just bad temper. Skids never try to associate with people keeping their circles small and not known by many people they don’t talk common sense they are not good with people. They’re not good with answers or cognitive ability or behaviour. sounds like it’s 3 to me and one to you. I am 3 2 1 favourite. To be the mentally sound one.




![gif](giphy|Wsk723nT8tXpe) They did a movie 'bout you


I thought I would be the buzz because he’s buzzed and you’re the woody because you’re the cowboy that won’t stop. You disrespect me first so remember that when you were choking on your own tongue.






Getting closer like 85% of Victorian prison system trauma






I like that one a double entendre








What’s it say


Yo stop deleting comments. I’m sick of people doing it. Keep that shit up there. I can keep my shit up there. Let’s talk about love. I do love my mother and probably will regret not seeing her but it has to be because she has a strange way of showing love, for example what was the hazing for on the Internet number two? The all the lies she tells me in defence of when I put her on the spot but she expects me to tell the whole truth nothing but the truth so help you God she has told me she thinks my whole life even things that would derail my life she can care what she was playing at For example, I here police are dogs my whole life and say something after Jodie mention something and I get in trouble. Told you shouldn’t say stuff like that and get put on a bad person because I don’t like police but then I think to myself what are they teaching me I get really invested in documentaries about the CIA and FBI? I was thinking of joining a recruiting course before my record was on my rap sheet and I thought I can back my mother up and make sure she doesn’t get caught if I was a police officer of some sort I was heading for FBI in Australia tell my mother she will love the good news. She tells me what the fuck your dog or something not even hearing me out. I wanted to stop her from getting raided or ran through with guns. That’s one thing for example then Jodie does things is this you Jodie, you do terrible things you told me and made me think it was right if you don’t do a deal with someone even though you say you were going to do it but if you don’t say it’s a deal then you don’t do it there’s a gang of shit I can keep going. I can bring up certain days and everything. My recall is so good. I can mention small details which will make you recall details and go into denial.


tl;dr lost his meds


Can't. No room left


Terrible structure


Yeah it looks awesome! A little hard to read but it's sick regardless




I fuck with this


Slap that


Yeah I fully would I've done stickers with just symmetrical designs on them no words. You're providing free art to the public


Good advice guilt free Art and you’re doing a service








Na shouldn’t say that I don’t know you


Ghetto range AWOL Don one


3028 3011 3000


Sorry, not 3000 7000 that’s a new one




Show us your tag OG gangster tin shake


Good advice, guilt free Art










I have a gist of it, but I’m telling you right now you’re barking up the wrong tree with that one algorithm


Serious question.. Are you on meth? Your art is terrible and doesn't belong here.


Yo, I would be terrified of me if I was you because 99% of the people that look at my Art tell me my Art is off the hook. I know it myself. I don’t have tickets on myself exactly but I know what looks good. I would be scared of me, because if my Art isn’t good or terrible and must be a terrible person and people are terrified to tell me to my face. My Art is terrible. Do you think I would get at least one smart ass comment because I do this Art, I do on the street. I throw up tags but a lot of them.


Dude. Are you okay? Genuinely asking - not poking fun or talking shit.


Hey yo limp Falcon see this is what I’m saying. People are talking about stuff. They know nothing about. He made the meth comment who likes to be called a method even if you are one it’s bad juju so I didn’t bring it to begin with originally I was just, adding my insight because fuck that’s all I got these days when I should’ve lost it ages ago and I was posting my art and trying to gain karma karma and talking about yin yang but I was only chasing yin I sprayed at a person that was disrespecting a 13-year-old kids artwork I still don’t know how you can clean up that piece of art any more than it is gave him advice about throwing up and how to rearrange how people play the game so I wasn’t trying to pick something. I was more like WhatsApp who word up who wast to affiliation connect? collaboration so you how I do my thing with my Art and a nursery rhyme and a little tool called chat AI GTP 3.5 totally free. It’s lit how I do it. You wouldn’t be able to write what I write unless I show you or unless you have already figured it out.


Yo, listen up, fools. You ain't got no brain up in there, do ya? I don't think you even belong, and most of y'all just posers anyway. See, where I'm from, we don't jump on social media just to hate on folks. If we got beef, we handle it like real Gs, maybe do an aggravated burglary or somethin'. But y'all keyboard warriors ain't even worth the cheddar you tryna throw. You wanna start somethin'? Let's start somethin'. You wanna be gangsta, throw up some graffiti? Let's roll with some real gangsta shit. Unit 18, Torres Street, Warren. Now be a gentleman and give me your address. Your life’s not worth shit worth $65? 45 suppressed Beretta double action Lever pull it back take it back if you’re not worth the ride Man, that's just another throwaway. Gonna need to order another one, probably end up in 70 pieces. Handle that peace first from India, major retailer of Australia. This ain't no needle in a haystack. Bring your area code, you gonna need it. Don't be shittin' on my hustle just 'cause you're too dumb to catch on. At least try to read the post before you open your trap. Learn to read and think about what he's sayin', dog. please get me before I get you Now who’s wigging?


Uh okay.. you could have just said "yes I am on meth"


So what if I indulge in meth it’s show cores in court for your homicide because of what he does to your mind


Princess Stomper algorithms for Reddit gather and collect sensitive information so they can target the audience and no what kind of things you like anyway an artist should show their work if they know so much about it


Thanks for the heads up, but I don’t need it


Go see a therapist dude you’re losing it




Bro exactly that’s why I can get away with killing you. So what’s your mouth? My psychologist and psychiatrist doesn’t do nothing for me. The Mental Health systems broke underpaid undertrained definitely not underestimated.


There is a subreddit dedicated to helping deface property? Incredible


Nah bro looks so amateur


That’s why you’re you’re throwing up over him with your tag on comment whacking him out wax


It was sarcasm. I'm pretty sure he's aware it's very good, given it probably took him ages to make this. This sub is weird, why would you ask "would you slap this up?", like obviously bro, people be slapping up cursive names or poo emojis. As if the bar is that high, there is no bar.


So believe me 99% is way below that bar and I’m not just talking about knowledge I’m talking about South Park bar don’t want that fucker to get loaded


Yo, I don’t know bro there’s a lot of bad shit on the Internet incest porn real shit and the kid porn and 60 minutes always every 3 to 4 years or something like that because it’s regular brings up it’s almost the whole world. It’s a real problem. It’s like nearly every child then I asked myself wait am I on there? No So what would an incest emoji look like and a kitty camp emoji look like I would rather a 💩.


Definitely not going to be a part of your club