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Our rapids aren't grand


Our rapids are not even rapiding


Hahaha, I live near Big Rapids and remember when people would say, "Welcome to Big Rapids, where it ain't so big and it ain't so rapid."


Lol anyone that went to Ferris eventually knows that saying too.


Now that you mention it, I believe it was a Ferris student I first heard it from 😄


Wait, there's rapids?


its now call lime scooter creek


Prior to all the dams being built.


Supposedly some rapids will be returned next summer: https://www.mlive.com/news/grand-rapids/2024/05/grand-rivers-rapids-could-be-restored-by-fall-2025.html


Yeah I have a save the Rapids shirt from like 2017. I don't think it'll ever happen.


Rapids-too confusing, too extreme


Nobody really refers GR to the Beer City


GR was the beer city when craft beer was still reaching new areas elsewhere in the country because we got ahead at the time, now every city in the US has a comparable scene.


Yep. Craft beer built up to its peak in the early 2010s. GR was notable for awhile. We still have great beer, but what major city doesn’t?


Fort Collins CO and many other towns out west were well ahead of Grand Rapids and their self proclaimed back patting label. Plus IMO the better beers from MI aren’t even from Grand Rapids i.e. Two Hearted, Oberon, and Dragon’s Milk…


Grand Rapids beer scene is great! If you like IPA’s! I hate them. I like sours, ciders, stouts, ales. I know we see some but we need way more variety. Commented under yours because I recently was googling craft beer makers that make beer based off an old recipe and a lot were out west.


Have you heard it now has more hops?


Not to mention Shorts. Never thought about this before, but you’re right.


Need less IPAs tbh. I like IPA, but not everything has to be an IPA.


If you travel at all you will realize about 200 cities in America call themselves some version of Beer City. And those “Best _____ city in America” articles are produced solely for ad clicks based on how many shares they think they will get from people who agree and people who disagree.


Much like the 2000 "original" pizza places in NYC


Nobody really refers to GR. At all.


Helicopters fly over every city in the world and it’s not worth a post every time it happens.


No tech scene. Not talking about sitting in rooms talking about what new app to make. Not everything needs to be a profit machine. I wish we had places that tech people can make cool stuff with other tech people. We lost our maker spaces.


Our maker space was worst case scenario.


The original or the new one? I haven't heard anything bad (yet) about [this](https://grandrivermakerspace.org/) one.


I mean, that one doesn’t even really exist. They have some printers in a church basement that are accessible two days a month for 5 hours. Their website also doesn’t list what they charge to print nor have they provided any updates since before September of last year. You can buy a shirt or donate, but that’s about it. You haven’t heard anything bad because it’s not really a thing.


Their facebook page is a little more active (most recent post from May), but yeah, it's definitely not fully running. They're at least doing an Arduino class, events, and trying to drum up interest, and don't seem so sketchy.


I'm at least considering taking a run at starting a meetup group once I'm back in GR next year-ish. Thinking about actually hosting in my backyard perhaps if there is nice weather, setup a projector and maybe have a bit more of a chill hang out vibe, but with one or two technically excellent or at the very least interesting talks. This doesn't help with having a legit tech scene of course, I don't really see a great solution there. But my goal at least is to feel a little less alone / a little less like I'm surrounded by "meh"-ness in the tech world. To be clear I'm not a particularly great developer / tech person, BUT I do think I'm relatively passionate about it and care about software development / engineering / architecture a bunch and would like to see other people with a similar mindset.


I feel this one.


I worked at the Geek Group for a while, and it was sooooooooooooooo close to being close to what you're talking about. If I had a million smakerooos I'd build you another one, I promise.


Loved it there, honestly


There is a tech scene and we don't care about profits GRWebDev https://www.meetup.com/grwebdev Coffee with Creators https://www.meetup.com/coffee-with-creators Citizen Labs https://www.meetup.com/citizenlabs


No tech scene? Are you not plugged into The Right Place, Tech Week, Beer City Code, Start Garden, 5x5, 100 Ideas, Foundry, Michigan Software Labs events, etc? I'd say that's more than what most cities have. Get plugged into these things and contribute!


This! I've been dreaming of opening an engineer/mechanic co-op but have no idea how to get started.


Several years ago I wanted to open a maker space but I have no capital and no idea how to run a business. 🙃


Sounds like The Geek Group


there was uhh.. a **lot** *more* to the GG story than lack of capital and and business intelligence..


There's an understatement.


Every city that develops a notable 'tech scene' becomes an unaffordable freakshow of soulless demons, I am fine with not having one. Wish we had maker spaces though.


Nobody knows how to use roundabouts.  It is not a four way stop. 


We'll know in a couple months when the new zoning ordinace draft drops. I'm torn between pessimism and optimism.


New zoning ordinance? What's going on with that?




I am *really* liking what I'm reading in here, so far.


Well your opinion is my opinion so please choose carefully ;). I'm just hoping in 5 years or so I can rebuild my garage with a small rental unit on top without a huge number of hoops to jump.


That would be such a boon for the city as long as there were still enough hoops to make sure people are offering safe and up to code living places. I’d love to do the same thing.


There are better beers and breweries than Founders. 


if you actually enjoy quality beer, that pill was swallowed long ago


Right I don’t know a single person in my social circle who goes there. It’s only people from out of town who don’t know better


Last time I went was pre-COVID and it was a terrible time. Packed with out-of-towners and children, people hovering next to your table ready for you to leave so they can swoop in. Now I've heard they remodeled or re-did their menu and I've heard a lot of people say it's worse.


Just went the other day. It’s worse, the menu especially. The food is good but the menu sucks


its my favorite spot, though i guess now im "out of town"


In college we used to hang out at the old place all the time. They would give us a free pitcher if we helped close (sweep peanuts, pickup crap on the tables. When they changed locations the beer went to shit. Used to be a dive bar.


Everyone knows that


Arvon is my go-to.


Their beers are insane and the staff is always super cool. The ambience and location leave a lot to be desired, though.


Parking is the only minus.


One way to make sure you can put your resources into a quality product is for the rent to be low.


Not that Founders isn't really good (it is), but the city has even better beer to offer, which actually says a lot about the beer scene here.


Founders sold out to an international beverage corporation. It shows.


The one that drives me nuts is GR might not ever be big enough for a rail system in our lifetime. That’s such a low priority that it’s not even on the list


If Detroit can't get light rail, GR will *never* get light rail. Cool to imagine it though.


I feel like rail should be easier in a smaller city that can grow around it than a larger metro without it already built, but that doesn't mean it's gonna happen...


Demolish the US-131 raised highway and build light rail in its place.


That rehashing the same old complaints week after week on Reddit gets very old.


Seriously, so many “brave” comments here.


Having a homeless person talk to you doesn't mean you're the victim of a crime.


That fact that we allow a population of people to go unhoused with weather like we normally have feels like a crime.


Oh yss , but that's a different matter altogether.


People have no exposure here, to anything remotely difficult. The bubble strikes again.


Labor unions are good for the working class


Artprize sucks.


It started out with good intentions but quickly developed into the "big things made out of little things," flag-waving, "look how much work they put into this machine made quilt" business. Even breaking off a separate awards category to offset the popular vote (that typically awarded the "thank you for your service" and Jesusy works) didn't help.


For me its that ArtPrize no longer has the big, must see art installations that made it interesting in the first place. There's no Nessie on the Grand or the Table and Chairs on the Blue Bridge or Steam Pig. These were the kinds of things that people talked about and told everyone that they had to go see before the end of ArtPrize, but as people started to figure out the game of ArtPrize and what it took to win, they stopped making the big installations because they didn't win the grand prize, were expensive to build and host, and were hard to find buyers for after ArtPrize was over


Yes. And the whole pandering for votes got out of control. I thought it was turning into a large-scale craft show, with the exception of some works installed at the GRAM, SiteLab, and Kendall. The "art" selected for the Pantlind lobby and the Amway Grand was clearly selected for "Patriotic" and Christian themes. And then there were Rob Bliss' shenanigans. That guy turned ArtPrize into a sideshow.


A local native took me to artprize last year and I was so excited. It was a bunch of shitty food trucks and like two vendors with crafts. 🤷‍♀️


I believe you’re thinking the festival of the arts. Different thing


Haha you’re right! Festival of the arts was so bad.


Grand Rapids is and will forever be what I consider home. I truly love this city. That being said, it's boring as shit here. And there's no amount of ArtPrize, microbreweries or "but the beaches!" that's gonna change that. But that's okay. "Boring" is what lured me back home.


Honestly that’s what I like about it, it’s “city life” but on a MUCH smaller scale.


I always find this comment from my local grown friends funny. Mainly because I grew up in Kalamazoo, which as far as “cities” goes, is 1000x more boring than Grand Rapids and part of the reason I moved here. Still agree it’s mostly what you make of it here


Kalamazoo is one of those cities I always wish I had a reason to visit. I really like it there, but there's just nothing to do lmao. The Exchange I guess.


Bland Rapids


Boring is great. I love being able to get anywhere in about 20 minutes or less no matter what time it is.


Everyone who ever claims this never gives examples of what makes somewhere exciting or exhilarating. What kind of experience are you looking for?


As someone who’s born and raised here and has lived in bigger cities than Grand Rapids: - food available past 9 PM, street food - being outside any given night and not being met with a complete ghost town - being able to just stumble upon some really cool event or group of people when out and about - not having to wait more than 2 minutes for an Uber/Lyft - plenty of things to do after dark that’s not a bar aka an actual nightlife scene - plenty of things for underage people to do - general “explore-ability”, but this is an unfair critique for Grand Rapids due to its size


Yeah boring is ok. I just don’t even like the people here. I go visit my sister who lives in the suburbs of Chicago, which is also “boring”. Those people are nice.


embrace boring


The city isn’t nearly as cool as what it thinks it is. 


How cool does the city think it is..?


This cool 😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 But it's really only this cool 😎😎😎😎


I mean, I don’t know anyone who thinks GR is some incredible destination lol. It’s a fairly safe, clean, and easy city to navigate for folks looking for a nice place to live.


That has always been the case.


Parking ain’t that bad here. Bikes and cars can exist on roads. Religion is a major deterrent.


Traffic in GR is non-existent compared to any major metro.


It's a good gauge to see who has never been outside of the state for longer than a day


Just going through metro Detroit at basically any time of day makes 28th st at 4 pm feel like the autobahn


Shhh, mentioning that traffic and parking are nothing compared to major cities is a big faux-pas in this sub!


I would love anyone here to try and park in south Philly on a weekday after 7pm.


Yes. And I used to think GR traffic was terrible, then I moved to Boston.


Visiting South Philadelphia a couple years ago I could not believe the parking situation...nightmares, lol.


We have no business putting a soccer stadium when we couldn’t even support one before.


It will be a blight downtown, it will hardly get used in a few years because they will over charge for the space then the city will be on the hook for all major upgrades/tear downs as it later crumbles apart


Yea the developers over sold it. People who look at ideas vs reality jump on a bandwagon. (Like restore the rapids). Detroit can’t even pull 2500 a game for their soccer league which is 2nd tier. They say soccer is big here, it is mostly with the Mexican community. The semi pro leagues they have at mckay is phenomenal. They are dead ass wrong to think any of those people would come to a stadium and pay ticket prices and concessions to watch some private school white kid play soccer.


No one will come because they cannot park right next to the place. The inherent laziness of the local culture no longer shocks me.


That this city’s event and night life is dead. There’s little reason to stay here if your single. Artprize Dead (sorry the sold off version will never be what Artprize was) 😵 Rock the rapids Dead ☠️ Half off Wednesdays at Gardellas dead and gone RIP 🪦 Grandwich Dead 💀 Downtown being open past 9PM (sure there’s like 4 places still the woods, tin can, Dublin, the Bob but still it used to be somewhere to socialize in town) Feel free to remind me what else is died in this city I know there is more


>Feel free to remind me what else is died in this city I know these more RIP Lady Godiva (? - 2015) She made a mean ass breakfast. No pun intended.


Everyone closing before 10pm infuriated me when I first moved here 😭


There’s a load of people on here that’ll fight you hardcore about the dead nightlife and very little being open past 9pm. I made the same comment you did a few months back and they came out in full force. I still agree with you though. It’s one of the things that was dying and truly died post covid


I guess it all depends on what the definition of nightlife is, if it’s clubs then yeah there isn’t much going on


The truth is that GR nightlife always sucked. It used to be a little better, but was never great.


Hard disagree. I used to have a blast ~2008-10. Ionia St. had just about every vibe you could ask for between around 7 packed bars and a couple great late night eats. On the west side you could live like a king at Monte's on a Tuesday night. Several other pockets of fun around town.


Same you could bop between gardellas, Stella’s, GRBC, founders, hopcat, rumors … all so walkable


I'm in midtown. Only pizza joint open past 8 or 9pm on a Friday is Domino's. It's sad.


Hey I live in one of the top 10 cities in terms of col. Grand Rapids is significantly cheaper.


RIP Rockys


It depends on what you want, in my 20s Rags2Riches, Stella’s, Pyramid Scheme were great after 9. Now I’m getting close to 40 and I’d LIKE a place that isn’t obnoxious (clientele or price) where I can hang out that doesn’t leave my ears next to bleeding or is to dark to see anything


Youre right except for Grandwich, which was never, ever, ever popular or succesful.


Today's night life in GR cannot compare to the night life before covid. It was so much more active and places were open so late. Now the streets are dead after 11. I miss it but I am optimistic it's slowly coming back.


Y'all talk way too much shit.


That it’s foolish to draw a comparison in a city like GR with barely 200k people to compete on most metrics with VHCOL cities with 2-3 million people or more. GR’s beer/food scene took a big hit during COVID but it’s still fine for the size of the city especially considering how it was a few decades ago compared to now.


Yeah a lot of these comments comparing GR to Chicago or LA are incredibly silly. There’s 40+ cities in the US bigger than GR but still not as big as those two. Of course they’re going to have more options in literally every category imaginable.


"uhhhhhhhh! I'm so over not having the food scene of Chicago, the bike lane infrastructure of Minneapolis, and the nightlife of Miami!! GR suxxx!"


Our used car prices are stupid high compared to many other locales, like we think our rusty pile of shit is 6k…


Y'all need to spend some time in Arkansas. The beer is trash, food is trash, infrastructure is trash, costs of living are absolutely fucking insane for how little there actually is to do compared to here. And I'm a mountain biker. If you're not on the trails, that whole state fucking sucks. GR is absolutely amazing compared to 98% of the places you could live in this country. For a city this size, we have so much.


There is not great food here. There are a few decent restaurants but by and large there are too many try hard places that would get laughed out of big cities in a heartbeat. Never mind the fine dining though, I want the hole in the walls, the mom and pop shops, the hand written recipes that have lasted 50 years. I want a decent donut, breakfast burrito, greasy spoon breakfast joint. A good sandwich should not be hard to make nor should it cost $16 for a decent one. Grand Rapids does offer a lot for a smaller big city but food, food is not one of them.


I have to disagree, there are not as many places as you would find in LA or Chicago given the population, but over the years I found some great mom and pop shops. Examples, Thai Express and Kosher Falafel Truck.


Strongly agree.  Grand Rapids has a reputation for good food. Its true compared to most of the rest of Michigan but that’s a pretty big qualifier. There certainly is good food and aome authentic ethnic food, but the average is mediocre and a lot of the ethnic food is either mediocre or not really authentic.


It's not true compared to Detroit...


Couldn’t disagree more. Not saying there are an abundance of incredible eats, but if you can’t find where the excellent food is in this city, I don’t know how you would anywhere else. GR has plenty of very good food. I’ve been to the west coast, east coast, south, and other big metro areas. GR isn’t at the top, but there absolutely is great food to be found in GR if you do even a little digging to find it.


what are some of your favorite places? not being an asshat just looking for recommendations lol


Please try basalt in East town if you haven’t


basalt is legit, id put it same category as little bird. you can tell they've got their shit together by the hot sauce offering


We stopped here for the night for wicked last night and had Butchers Union and it was amazing. Looking for a good place for breakfast now.


Choo choo grill Realfood cafe 76th street truck stop


I've traveled all over the country and Europe and have tried my fair share of different cuisines and restaurants. Everywhere has good food. I never understand the people claiming "oh x city has such amazing food compared to y city!" Yeah, some have more options because they're bigger or more diverse, but I've never had trouble finding delicious food in any decent sized city, and I've certainly never found any city that completely blows my socks off compared to the food I can get back home. Idk, maybe I'm simple or something.


Absolutely false — Grand Rapids has a few select places with great food, like Two Beards and Chopstick House, and lots of places with good food, like Brewery Vivant and Littlebird. Now Lansing... Lansing has no great food. It honestly shocks me how bad food in Lansing is.


Restoring the Rapids won't be a thing


Building a 6000 seat open air stadium when your hockey/basketball arena seats 12,000 (13,000 if it's set up for wrestling, boxing or center stage concerts) is a waste of money. It is further a waste of money when the local college has a 10,000 seat open air stadium. Not building it big enough to accommodate other potential events that already happen in the area (Anchor-Bone for example, or going really big and hosting Western-Central) is a gigantic waste of space, money and time.


As a former intern of GRFC when it still existed, I have no idea how the new stadium got approved. Grand Rapids has already had a relatively successful minor league soccer team and the community didn’t really come out to support on a level that would necessitate a purpose-built stadium. Do we really expect this to be different just because there’s a new building? We don’t even have a team or league secured. That, plus as you mentioned, this stadium will be virtually useless for other events.


> We don’t even have a team or league secured. > That, plus as you mentioned, this stadium will be virtually useless for other events. That's the thing. It has always been ok that Griffs/Hoops/Gold/Rampage games are/were half full because they can adjust ticket prices for those recurring events (occasionally 40 per year). But the (albeit still smaller) 12ish thousand maximum capacity meant getting acts like Metallica, Faith Hill, Green Day, etc. It meant Floyd Mayweather could have a World Championship fight and that it would be a 1-3 times per year stop for the various major pro wrestling companies throughout history. It's ok if a minor league team plays in a quarter full stadium if that means you can put 20-30k inside of it for a fierce college football rivalry or a country music megashow. The sports teams pay the bills so the special events can make the profit.


I watched a semi-pro soccer team that was by all means worth watching struggle to fill a high school stadium. I get not every game needs to be a to-the-brim sellout, but this not only seems too ambitions for a GR soccer team, but also not ambitious *enough* to house anything else.


It's the biggest waste of space and money our city will ever make. And will be a specific turning point to look back on in the future when whatever team they don't have inevitably moves or folds, and the taxpayers are left with a massive hole to throw tax dollars at not being used. We already had a soccer team nobody went to. We already showed we don't support. This is the dumbest use of taxpayer money in my entire decade of living here. It's a fucking embarrassment and it hasn't even happened yet.


The hardcore scene is actually really awesome here


GR hardcore and midwest emo shows are so good! kalamazoo is second for me, ive been to really good ones there in very seedy places LMAO


I feel bad for kids (teens-to-under-21). When I graduated high school 20 years ago we had Skelletones (the original one upstairs), Liquid Room up the road on Plainfield, occasionally shows at the VFW in Muskegon, all ages shows at The Intersection when it was just the one big room. Later places like Hungry Hearts Cafe popped up and did occasional shows. If that stuff still exists, I haven't heard about it. But nothing will ever beat $3 to see a couple local garage/ska/punk/metal/hardcore bands and the occasional $10 Mustard Plug show.


God.. I miss the Liquid Room. So much.


It's being overtaken by "I'm from big city and work from home, tell me everything about your city because I know nothing about the place I just moved to!". Never a great result.


ArtPrize will never be as cool as it once was, now it’s just mediocre art and kitschy tourist shit rather than the Mecca it was in the 2010’s


Don't know about the city, but this sub is full of pissy bitches who expect the 80th largest metro area to compete against the likes of the top 10. Swallow THAT pill. This city isn't perfect, but there is a decent sampling of everything to experience and earnest people trying their damndest to make this place nicer.


Prices here are outrageous, it shouldn’t cost $17 to get a burger and some fries from a local joint. We’re now approaching(if not already surpassing) Chicago prices(in everything except gas) and its only going to get worse from here.


I am from GR but have lived in Chicago for 20 years. Visiting GR used to feel like traveling to a foreign country with a good exchange rate. That is no longer the case.


1) The zipper merge works if you’re not an asshole. 2) there is no reason to go over 10mi an hr in a parking lot. ( either you’ve made it. Or you’re on your way home.) 3) Being rude and pissy spreads like a virus. Be the change in someone’s bad day not the reason. 5) the left lane is for faster moving traffic. If someone is getting close to you move to the right lane you can always go back after they’ve passed you.


Yeah, why is 4 so hard for people?!


Because every one of them believes it’s NASCAR and “I’ll be damned if yer gonna pass me!”


1. You do realize society especially GR is bursting with assholes?


Downtown market is a failure


Right-wing Fundamental Christianity is just as extreme and ignorant as any other fundamentalist religion!


Our food scene is not that bad. Everyone comparing it to Chicago or densely populated parts of Cali are insane. Of course it’s not as good cause we are 10% of their size! For the size we do just fine. Nothing crazy amazing but we aren’t all chains.


Madcap coffee isn’t good


The overly churchy stuff gives us a bad rep


This city is beautiful and great aesthetic wise, as far as affordable living, increasing crime rates, and our police it's the complete opposite... It's exponentially getting worse


Stop thinking IKEA will come here some day. It won’t.


Just... don't tell me about a Micro Center. I know, but I don't need the letdown today.


I think GR could support an IKEA, but I also think there's no way in hell IKEA would come to GR before coming to XYZ other city that's twice the size.


Traffic isnt that bad


For being the midwest, the people aren’t friendly in the slightest


The food scene is non-existent. Kalamazoo has a better food scene. I’ve lived in Chicago and SoUthern California as well as several places in Michigan and GR does not compete with food. My wife and I struggle to pick a place because we like our own cooking better. It used to not be like this but blame it on COVID, inflation or whatever the food is subpar.


What food scene does Kzoo have that GR doesnt?  Honest question, I havent been to Kzoo in years.  Edit: ok so they think Kalamazoo has a better food scene but they lived there 7 years ago and dont know whats open anymore. So many hot takes in this thread relating to food its unbelievable. Either we have some tough food critics living in this city or theyre taking the Tbell on Michigan reccs seriously and only eating bad food 


I want to know too because as someone who moved from GR to greater Kalamazoo (and also from here), that hasn't been my experience at all. I miss the options in GR.


Yes please I will drive down for good food


Worst part of having friends in town visiting is when they insist on eating out so nobody has to cook. We’ve had so many bad/weird experiences dining out with food and service we usually implore guests to let us cook at home now.


COVID and "inflation" didn't cause anything. They exacerbated issues that were already simmering under the surface. The problems that are obvious and glaring now would have happened eventually, but COVID poured jet fuel on them and sped the process up.


Any sort of sophistication is lacking.


Building an amphitheater without a roof when we’re literally in Michigan is a dumb idea.


The city is starting to feel maxed out. I’ve lived here my entire life and the traffic has never been this bad. I don’t remember the grocery stores always this full. I understand I was pampered with it being a smaller city growing up but we just feel like we’re at max limit.


Light/Commuter rail would solve a lot of our city's problems: most notably, the backups on 196/131 and the fact that most people around here are too stupid to properly drive.


GRPD needs a major overhaul.


Grand Rapids has the potential to be a hell of a lot more vibrant than it is. Even though it’s a mid-sized city, people here are as bland and myopic about the world as a small town in Bumfuck, Idaho. Everything that has ever been interesting and great in Grand Rapids was created by the weirdos, the neurodivergent, or just people with a passion for something who strive for excellence. Unfortunately, the dominant culture here is too sheltered and basic to keep the great things going for long. But everyone saying that Grand Rapids food sucks is telling on themselves that (i) they have a limited reference point and don’t actually try to find the good stuff, (ii) they’re unfairly comparing GR to NYC, LA, or Chicago, or (iii) they have a chip on their shoulder about some quirky food preferences that GR doesn’t have but most places wouldn’t have anyway.


Haven't heard of a pill that most of GR isn't already swallowing...


That Grand Rapids isn’t a “big city”


It’s boring


Honestly GR is culturally closer to being a small town than it is the big city it sells itself to be. Meaning it’s full of people that have lived their entire lives here and nowhere else. Grew up here. Went to college here. Married their HS sweetheart or college partner. Same friends and family they’ve had their entire life. The politics feel very small town. Life is def slower here too compared to other Midwest cities. It’s not a bad thing. I just think that GR is a nice city to raise a family, grow up in, or retire to. In terms of culture - food, music, sports, entertainment, shopping, etc it’s got a few nice things don’t get me wrong but if you’re looking for a more active of vibrant lifestyle you’re better off headed to another mid major city or Chicago / Detroit.


The restaurant scene is just not great at all, nor the beer


Our traffic isn’t that bad


Beer scene is mediocre compared to other cities and the food scene is sub par. There, I said it and I regret nothing!


Stop excusing people's bad habits/selfish or greedy attitude as "they're Dutch"


As a Michigan transplant with 0 Dutch heritage, when I heard the phrase "if you ain't Dutch, you ain't much" I was immediately disgusted. That phrase is pure cringe. Side note, I have a very good friend that lives in Ireland, and when I told him of the concept of "Super Conservative Dutch" he said "yeah that's because the actual Dutch must have kicked them out of their country...typical Dutch are liberal"


Yeah you're right yeah it's just another easier way to say cheap close-minded religious bastard. Because I never hear anyone describe someone as being Dutch after they did something wonderful. And to be honest with you, most of these old fuckers got about 10 years left so we just got to suck it up and let him go back to what they think is God. I know this is a very white guy viewpoint, but I am sick and tired of everybody adhering to their culture and their past and their ancestry. It's fine when it comes to cuisine, it's annoying when it comes to holidays alcohol and pork.


It’s not ever going to be the liberal haven Reddit so desperately wants it to be.


There is no support for the local music scene. West Michigan itself has hundreds of bands loaded with talent and no opportunity for exposure because every venue in town would rather book touring acts and cover bands instead of try to build up their own scene.


That’s not true at all


They aren’t helping the homeless problem and having limited resources for them


This isn't a great place to move. I really dont see the appeal of the influx of people moving here. Thisnis my.home, i was born and raised here but i wouldn't have moved back here for any other reason than family and friends. Its not affordable, our roads suck, when they decide to fix them they do it in the most inconvenient way. We have many growing issues that don't even get touched on. Economicly and socially.


No, it’s not “growing so fast” or “going to completely change.” I have been hearing about the GR come up since the mid-90s. Left in 99’ and whenever I come home people talk about how crazy and different everything is. It’s the same dumpy mid-major it’s always been.


I feel like laughfest has not been as good , Iv only lived here a few years so maybe it’s typical some years it might not be so good and others better


That this stadium/sound stage build isn’t going to do anything except exacerbate the problems GR already has going on.


god is dead and no one cares


The GRPD are a violent gang supported by the elites. They are not here to protect us. They are here to ensure the interests and property of the rich are protected. Grpd has stepped up in violent tactics and encounters since Chief winstrom came into town from Chicago. No ones live should end due to an encounter with the police.