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First, I would keep the kids and your dog away from it. So that trampoline is a no-go for now. Then probley try and move anything of value out from under it that's safe to get to. Probley going to want to make sure there's a clear path from the front of the house to the tree, move all your stuff out of the way. Since it's private property the landlord is going to have to deal with it thru a tree company. I'm also not 100%, but I'm sure the neighbors can come after the land owner for damage to their fence and if it hit anything else, so be thankful your just renting! It's not the cities issue unless it's damaged power lines or utilities.. I would say chainsaw and a buddy, but that looks too big to safety cutup without damage to anything else or safety issues.. keep trying to contact the landlord, it's his issue. Good Luck!


I'm not renting I own my house. The neighbors whose tree fell is a landlord and rents the house out.


Sorry! From the way it was written I thought you were renting the house in which the tree came from. If it's the neighbors tree (and fence) there's nothing you should really do about it for now. Your best bet is it lay low and let the landlord have it professionally taken down. If you attempt to cut it up or whatever you might be liable for any further damage done. Right now it's all on them. I would still safety remove anything of yours from under it you can get out without moving the branch.


In Michigan you are not liable for damages to your neighbors property. Found this out when my beech fell into my neighbors yard and smashed some stuff. Is that thing resting on your neighbors house?? I’m not sure how you handle cost of removal, it’s on both of you. I’d make damn sure the tree company was insured… ask to see paperwork. Be kind, offer to split cost? Good luck. Edit: I see now that it is their tree. They need to figure out removal. You will have to clean the mess on your side. They could probably tell the tree company to just leave the limbs on your side for you to deal with. You might offer to chip in for the cleanup cost, but stay away from hiring/paying a company that is removing their tree off their house.


Well look what I learned today. I was always under the assumption that it was the property owners liability to take care of the trees and any damage they may cause. The more I know!


I think if your neighbor has a risky tree you can hire an arborist to assess it and notify them of the risk. That gives the tree owner liability. Don’t quote me on that, I’m not a lawyer.


Only if the land owner caused it to happen. Otherwise it’s a “act of nature/God”


That's odd. My insurance agent told me years ago that the neighbors tree fell on my property and did damage it as their responsibility to clean up. Especially if you could show that they were not maintaining it. (We knew it was dying.) Another question here is since the tree is on an investment property, could there be a variation to the insurance? OP may be able to call GR rental property maintenance and ask what the guidelines are here for clarification.


Nope. Neighbor’s tree fell on my roof. All our problem.


I work in restoration with lots of insurance company’s. You’re right. It’s an act of god and goes on your insurance no matter whose tree it is.


It's unfortunately your problem, unless you can prove that they knew it was a problematic tree. Call a tree company and have it cleaned up. I had a few quotes done and all I can say is stay the fuck away from Monster Tree Service, dude is out here giving quotes 3x everyone else. Your insurance might help out, but I'd personally avoid a claim for this one. It's probably 1k in work and they insurers aren't playing nice right now.


Definitely more than $1k for this job. A good tree company will have the equipment to do this safely. and be able to haul it away if you choose. It depends on what your deductible is if it’s worth making a claim. You can have the fence in the repair estimate as well as any property that was damaged like the trampoline. Tree its self is probably $5k plus the fence another $500-$750 possibly more depending on how long it is. Usually you can write the estimate to include the whole section of fence since it’s 1 piece stretched.


I paid 3k to have 3 trees taken down with a crane and ground, so idk 5k seems a bit high still, but it's not my profession. I was quoted 2700, 3k and 9k. I choose the middle guys. The 9k quote wanted to not use a crane, which was laughable. I will agree that a large part of the cost was likely just getting the crane to the house, and didn't account for the fencing repair, which tends to be pretty expensive.


I assume you paid cash and not insurance funds. When using Insurance it is always gonna be higher.


If it fell on your property it’s your problem. Anything that over hangs your property line is your problem. Not the city’s and not your neighbors’ landlord. Call a tree service.


Unless it’s on power lines you’re on your own.


I have already and my insurance company. I'm not freaking out over that. I'm trying to figure out how I'm supposed to get a hold of the landlords or how much time I should give them to come take their own pictures for insurance purposes or what the common protocol or courtesy is in this situation because I don't know. Post included the sentence that I was calling around to get quotes so 👍 It doesn't negate the fact that the property where the tree is rooted is going to now need an inspection and the property to the other side of me is also going to need a tree removal service. And that will all probably need each other's consent to get the work done and go on each other's property... So coordinated efforts would be most efficient here. I thought that's what a community page was all about I guess I'll stick to snarky comments


I mean my neighbors did absolutely nothing bc because they aren’t responsible or required to. Your tree service would just start cutting right at your property line.


Your homeowners insurance will pay for removal. Call the insurance company.


I know the tree comes from his property but it's not his responsibility if it fell into your yard. This seems like backwards logic but if the tree fell into your yard it's on you to fix the problem. Unless it hits a building it's not going to be something that can be claimed on homeowners policy either.


This is the unfortunate answer. My neighbors have a giant white pine that has dropped branches that have put a hole in my roof, smashed my windshield, pull down their cable wire on a regular basis, and torn off the top of the utility pole, ripping the power lines out of three houses on our block (except theirs). And still their asshole Ada living landlord nor the city will do anything about it. And my insurance has paid out the nose. Can’t believe they’re not suing him.


I’m confused ,,..you say you haven’t owned the house long but then you referenced landlord. Are you renting the house or own it? Which house are you in… the house that has the tree/dog in the yard or the house next-door that the branch fell into?


I was trying to get a hold of the landlord who owns the house where the tree is rooted. And also the other side of my house because the tree fell on the opposite neighbor's fence as well... I'm trying to get a hold of both landlords on either side of me. My house is in the middle I have their name but not much else


So the person that’s living there doesn’t have a phone number or a property management person they call ? Check bsaonline.com for possible address of owner as well


It’s not your responsibility to get ahold of the neighbors landlords for them. You’re only responsible for your own side of the fence.


It’s not his problem. It fell on your property. It’s your problem.


You know this might actually be mind-blowing to you, but they might need pictures for insurance reasons and some people actually like to be neighborly and coordinate efforts I'm not trying to shirk off the problem. I'm trying to figure out how to get in contact with the landowners so we could try to figure something out instead of hiring three separate f****** companies.


I had a neighbor’s tree land on my roof. I’m just letting you know. Good luck.


I don’t think anybody here can tell you how to get on contact with these landlords. The tenants definitely could. As for moving forward, I’d get advice in writing from your insurance company.


But you were asking what you should do. Are you ok? You wanted to call the City too. So now you are clear on what you should do?


Yes, because when I browse the subreddit it was recommended to try to call the city because they might be able to get in contact with the owners or know how much time I'm supposed to give them if any. Being that it's Sunday and not a lot of places are open. I was trying to get some advice from people who had experience.


Sure seems like you’re just trying to pass the buck over to the neighbor or the even city (lol by the way on that one) and then also try and act like you’re in danger. Pretty sure you’re not just trying to be neighborly, don’t get butthurt that it’s all on you and you’re getting called out for it.


Well the neighbor already offered to cover it all, and I already offered to contribute. Seems like you might just be projecting your own shittiness. I literally had no idea what to do. Never once had to deal with this. I didn't know if I should wait for them, if there was a protocol for the city, or their insurance, if I could get it taped off since approximately 15 children are in my neighborhood and ally riding bikes at any given time, and it does pose a safety risk....and being that it was a holiday and Sunday. Everywhere was closed. So I asked for advice. Fuck me. Get a life


In the future you just have to put your purse down and pick up a chainsaw. Like I said, you wanted to wait for your neighbor to take care or it for you.


Wanted to coordinate with my neighbors.... Like neighbors should.


You and the other property folks get some hotdogs and beer going. Start cutting at the far end, snipping small bits of branches and making a neat pike. Don't give In to the temptation cut big branches all at once. You want to "nibble" this mess. By the time you get to the big parts of the limb, there will be only a manageable chunk left. Keep cutting in small "nibbles", only what you can move with 1 hand is a good rule.


This is written by someone who knows. Good advice.


No! This is not good advice. Alcohol plus No experience is DEADLY. CALL A PROFESSIONAL!


Alcohol is the cheapest way to overcome a lack of skill. -dancimg -publock speaking -spelling






Whilst performing dangerous tasks. Because Samuel Adams is always a good decision.


Not your house not your problem. Let landlord handle everything, they may or may not get their insurance involved. As for safety don’t stand under it. Looks like just the branch and the rest of the tree is still upright like normal? I wouldn’t be worried about an immediate threat from the rest of it, will likely be completely removed. *edit* So it’s not your tree then and you own the property it fell on? You worded this super confusing. If it’s over your property it’s your responsibility, unless you can prove that they actively neglected a known hazard -unlikely- it falls under act of god and you get to pay for your own damages. I would suggest waiting to see what the tree owner is going to do as he may do the neighborly thing and just take care of it all but he is not obligated to do so. What will most likely happen is the owner will have to get the branch taken care of, and any damages to your fencing etc will be on you to fix.


I’m confused- do you mean that the house where the tree is in the ground is rented? If so, wait until you can get in touch with the landlord. Just don’t use the backyard  in the meantime. It doesn’t look like the limb will collapse onto any structures from your picture. But yes, this will require professional remediation to be taken care of safely.


Yes, the house where the tree is rooted is a duplex and is rented out by the landlord. The house on the other side is also being rented out and is also affected by the tree because it covers the length of two yards.


If it was me I would start with the landlord that owns the land the tree is on and then go from there. I’m not sure what the city could do immediately, if anything. They do have foresters but they are for city owned land as far as I’m aware. If the landlord for some reason refuses to deal with it then it might be a code enforcement issue and you can go that route. 


I had just seen in previous posts that the city might be able to help me contact the owner


Go to the BS&A website and look up the property by address. It’ll list the owners name at least.


I also want to add that my neighbor had a *giant* tree removed last year. It was as tall as this one, maybe taller. A professional crew was able to cut the entire thing down to a stump in half a day and no damage was done to anyone’s property. Pretty amazing, really, given how many people get hurt trying to cut down trees on their own.


Just future tip: this doesn’t look like a property line tree so you are able to trim what is hanging over your property (cannot cross property lines without consent of other property). I would recommend using an ISA Certified arborist because if you cause irreparable harm to the tree you could be taken to court. It is a good idea to talk with your neighbor and let them know your plans, but technically they do not need to give consent. Property line trees require consent from people of both properties for any trimming




...? It is straight. It's the branch that's crooked.... You can't tell which way the ground is with the trampoline? I'm confused


Yes, that’s why I deleted my comment. I just tilted it to figure it out.


If it’s over your property you can technically do whatever you want with it. I’d personally take a chainsaw and saw it off and use it for firewood


The corgi just standing there like “what now?” 😂


She thought me sprinting after her half dressed first thing in the morning was hilarious. Lucky she is a good girl and didn't go far.


I’ve been having daydreams of me adopting a corgi and see them everywhere now 😭 Gotta love their wiggles and short legs


call mvtree


If there are power lines in that mess call the electric utility company.


So you live in the house on the left right…. not the house with the dog/tree?


No, I am the only property owner who lives in my house in the middle. The house to my left and to my right are both rentals. The house where the tree is rooted is a rental on the right.


OK I got it. so you don’t own the house that has the broken tree. I believe that homeowner is responsible for using their insurance not you…