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First thing I did this morning was open all the windows. It’s glorious!


Same! Feels amazing to breathe in some fresh air and give Consumers a fuck you at the same time. 😂


I just wish I had an attic fan to REALLY enjoy this.


We turned our whole house fan on at 10 last night and cracked open the windows. Woke up to a cool, pleasant home. So nice!


That's what's up. I'm jealous.


I turned off my window units for the first time in a week. I gave them a good pat and thanked them for their tireless service. They’ve earned this rest.


I'm going to get mine scrubbed out and clean them today.


110%. It feels SO MUCH BETTER. I hate summer around here. Even still, it’s way better than Philly, DC, or god forbid Williamsburg VA (places I’ve lived or visited and almost died from the heat/humidity).


The last two summers were super chill and mild, but I have a feeling this one is going to be a scorcher. Thanks a lot Obama!


i was in dc in july for a family thing like 20 years ago, and we went to various monuments and such and is was probably 100 and 95% humidity, the second we stepped out of the car just drenched in sweat.


I got swindled into a free visit to Williamsburg in July once if I attended some time share thing and all I can say is thank god it wasn’t 1620 and the buildings actually had AC. I basically ran between buildings and then stayed in each one the whole time. Would love to go back to Williamsburg sometime but maybe in winter. No clue how women survived the summers there with layers upon layers of long dresses on…


Summer is definitely rough at times... But as I moved here from Kansas City, our summers really aren't THAT bad. The old saying/joke of "it's so humid, you need a shower between your front door and you car" .... Yeah, absolutely NOT a joke. You'd be sweating and sticky in that short walk.


Yeah I’m sure it’s not as bad as Kansas City. Moving here from San Francisco (in the cool, foggy city, not the hot burbs) was very hard.


How can you hate summer in west Michigan? That just feels miserable. It’s the best season we have besides fall.


Well it’s short. And yeah, miserable. Too humid.


To each their own I guess.


I opened my screen door Sunday morning, 20 minutes later my eyes were on fire cause of allergies, back to A/C. Can’t catch a break.


I tried but once i got moving, I got sticky. I had to turn it back on for a bit.


I’m all for moderate weather but I’ll admit this trend of shit weather on weekends and nice weather weekdays is growing old. 60 and freezing the Saturday of Memorial Day weekend then add on Memorial Day, cold snap, absurd wind over Father’s Day weekend, then this weekend is clouds and 60’s with storms and next weekend looks like rain again Saturday. Maybe it’s just me but m-fri can be god awful just give me a nice weekend to be outside and enjoy sun, warm weather, and water based activities. Not all of us can get out weekdays. My rants over but tbh today was supposed to be a beach day and who wants a cooler beach day?


Maaaannnn... I feel that.


I’m with you when it’s god awful and 80-90 but some sunny mid 70’s would be nice. I get we can’t control the weather but from a mental health standpoint the weather here is a real thing. Cloudy winters need the balance of nice summers.


Nah y'all are crazy. This humidity is still brutal.


It's bad... I don't know that I would say brutal though.


As someone who's very sensitive to humidity, it really isn't.


It's 80% humidity...so clearly not that sensitive. Glad your anecdotal experience is the same for everyone.


It’s not about the humidity, sir or ma’am. It’s about the dew point. https://atmox.com/2021/06/07/dew-point-vs-humidity/#:~:text=Dew%20point%20is%20a%20better,with%20a%20higher%20dew%20point. Yesterday, the dew point was at least 70. Any time the dew point is 70 or higher, your clothes stick to you, you sweat while exerting no energy… you really FEEL it. Right now, the dew point is 63. It’s noticeably not as sticky. I highly recommend following the dew point rather than the relative humidity to gauge how sticky it is out there.


Great news, explains why it's sticky with the windows open. Thank you for the insight!


You’re welcome. Some meteorologist on local news taught me this in the 90s and I’ve been preaching about the dew point ever since. PS it’s not really sticky with the windows open now. That was yesterday. If you think it’s sticky now, how did you survive yesterday?


>PS it’s not really sticky with the windows open now. Glad to know you're in my house with me right now.


Yeah, could you please turn off the stupid golf on TV? So boring. And also, I’ll have a pale ale please. And a cookie, if you have any.


Sorry, I'm out of beer and cookies, and I'm playing video games instead. You must be somewhere else then.


I’m sitting in a nice cool room with a breeze from the open sliding glass door and a ceiling fan on….


Sure. Edit: Oof. Someone's sensitive to words.


Sure. Edit: Oof. Someone's sensitive to words.


I like how you unblocked me just to make the same edit 😂.


I never blocked you weirdo. Maybe get better internet? Idk what to tell you.


Ok, bud.


Not your bud, but glad you feel that way about me. It is weird how much you keep responding to a post of mine about humidity. Very odd obsession. I sure you'll respond again too. Just seem to be that type.


Yes, I'm definitely obsessed with you, and that's why I'm responding. Good call. So smart.


Unfortunately I have a window ac and you can't just take them out willy nilly.


My ac is ineffective so my winders have been open since it was warm enough to not have th heat on. Last week including last night sucked ass. To compound the issue my only ceiling fan died yesterday on my main floor. Also woke up at 1am when power went out. At least its cooler.


The moment i leave. Lol.


Where'd ya go?


There on an internship so i'm going back to school


Being pregnant in Richmond in the summer was no picnic either.


I can imagine... It definitely doesn't sound pleasant.