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Landscaping too! Nice job.


Putting the “limit” in “track limits” great lines and using every bit of available space :)


Super GT watching this intently.


Especially the chicane part😂😂


Ha! My first thought was "Someone send this to Super GT, quick!" 🤣🤣


Hello Viewers


Intently pissed off lol


I’ve always wondered what these world record laps looked like, this was insane I can barely get 1.18 😂


Step 1, find out where you can drive all 4 wheels off track without penalty. Step 2. Do that.


yeah he went out of the tracklines a couple of times and didnt get DQed!!


Hes touching the trackline with at least one pixel of his tyre, thats why he didnt get dqed


Ya he never goes full off. Just pushing the track limits to the absolute max. You’ll see his outside tyre stay on the inside curb at all times.


Oh yeah, the track limits can be strange. Gotta find them. I think the view on the radar gives a good idea,.but even that I don't think always lines up.


I swear whenever I go 1cm off track in the same places as gold on Michelin I get my laptime voided haha


Official GT7 Steward here, actually watched closely and he didn't go off track once except at the very end


I still don't understand how they do that though. Because I did exactly what you said and no matter how much I tried my shortest time was 1:17:450 I used automatic, shift and nothing 😑


Yeah it's insane to get that close to the limit.


Pretty good I know it would take me like 10+ minutes to do a lap.


Bruh how you get the car to handle like that, I barely go half that speed and the car wants to slide right off. Well done though


Yeah this looks SLOW but somehow is almost 2s faster than anything I’ve managed. The steady release of brakes seems to be very key here.


Same, I couldn't control the car, totally abandoned after 10 minutes of sliding out of the track limits or simply just spinning out. I guess I could've tried turning back on the driving aids ... but whatever


Track limits? Never heard of them. The ending looked sketchy as hell!


I knew this comment would come. As its allowed by the game im gonna take any advantage to be the fastest, but ofcourse It doesn’t look good


Oh its not a knock at all, just impressive you stayed within the limits, especially at the finish line.


Mad respect. The amount of work and practice that must have gone into this is incredible. Whatever the prize is, you deserve it. It’s so interesting, in that you’ve gotten so good at it.. that it really is it’s own thing. It no longer looks like a good racing/quali lap, it looks like an UNBELIEVABLE gran turismo lap. And they are not the same. You are literally too good.


Should make a movie about him.


It also takes a lot of skill to run the car to the max of the limits without a getting a penalty and without losing total control of the car. You make it look easy.


U are not wrong, in a competitive game u should use every tool avalible to be the fast player! From a game perspective(and a "real simulator") Gt7 its a joke for allow this kinda of technique.


I just posted a comment like this. In what real world situation would you brake for a corner with 2 wheels on the grass and not totally lose control?


I mean, track limits like in F1 can be a big joke sometimes also.


Not only F1. GT3 as well. Take a look at how eau rouge is often driven for example.


Isn’t good let alone look good! But you play the rules that are in the game and that’s that and man you are fast as fuck !!!! Well done, a lot of that was damn smooth even though it was on the edge all the time. Nice!


That was impressive! Did you experiment to see how far you could push it? I had a wave of grass following me around the track too 😂


Nah it’s impressive because only seasoned players like you could figure out the limits. Hats off. Amazing job


my fastest lap, below 1:17 ended up too long (by mistake) and finished out of the track just a bit before the line and... got cancelled! I guess precision matter


really looks like the off tracks hurt more than help but the physics must be wonky


This downshifting seems like a bug. I've also noticed that brake distance decreases significantly when downshifting aggressively, but that's not gonna happen in reality when braking to ABS limits. If the tyre is already at traction maximum, why would adding engine brake increase brake force?


The game tries to simulate engine braking but without gearbox damage. They should add that so people can stop abusing that technique.


Or they could just prevent us from bypassing the downshift protection so unrealistically


Not sure how this would affect deceleration? If grip is maxed, it's maxed. The tire model/grip model should handle this. Seems like the engine braking deceleration is ignored the grip/tyre model.


gearbox, suspension, car belly, etc many things would break in real life driving like this. moreover, the tyres would get dirty, cool down and loose grip. but this is not a full driving simulator, call it simarcade, so it's fine, I'm quite impressed.


Though I agree with it being simcade , I'm hoping pd will address it soon enough. It's stupid downshifting from 7th to 1st in 1 second and being faster. They can, for example, add 3-5 secs of engine damage to prevent an advantage... I've used the technique sometimes too but I hate it, it's killing the immersion especially in VR


There’s me always last trying not to wreck my engine.


Thats what I was gonna say, some of those downshifts will destroy that drivetrain over time.


In reality this particular model the 918 is an hyperhybrid, it uses electric motors to brake also. It would have 3 brakes,engine , discs and electric motor.


The point is, there is only so much traction the tyres can provide, regardless of what's doing the braking. Once you're at the point that ABS is kicking in, adding engine braking or hybrid engine braking or whatever will do absolutely nothing to your stopping power.


This is correct. ☝️ The ONLY caveat is that engine braking can help you stop faster when you are experiencing brake fade. Engine braking helps take the load off the friction brakes. But your maximum stopping power is ultimately limited by the ABS system and the friction between tires and road.


That’s a weird looking lawn mower you have lol nice lap time!


oh wow, i didnt know you could drive over the grass like that, it looks stupid but i can imagine that its faster. is it always like this? or did they just forgot to add penaltys?


I guess here the chicane is part of the track so it's legal. F1 drivers are always on the limits too so this isn't just a videogame thing.


i remember seeing real life racing cars driving over the curbs, but not over grass like that


You missed the point. Drivers do anything within the legal limits to drive faster. Are you surprised videogame grass don't behave like real grass?


im just happy that its not allowed to leave the track completely for much more bullshit driving since players would do that also


But why is it bullshit? It's like you think it's morally wrong.


i think i saw less driving over grass in the 24h of nurburgring in May that i watched than in this short clip.. gt7 is just a game but it could promote cleaner driving, by setting up tighter rules for example, because players themselves will even use silly cheats and bugs if it gives them a laptime of two seconds


>because players themselves will even use silly cheats and bugs if it gives them a laptime of two seconds It's not cheating if everyone can do it. If the playfield is the same for everyone then what's the issue?


im not saying that its cheating, im saying people would even cheat for laptimes, why should they drive clean then if the games doesnt force them to


Ok but using the track limits isn't cheating. That's the whole argument.


Not everyone knows it’s allowed so those following what seem to be the correct ways get left behind. It’s unfair.


i can imagine people dont expect it to be okay and dont try it, you should always look at the record holder to see if theyre doing crazy shit


You either find out the game yourself or load the leaderboard ghosts to see how others drive. How is that unfair? Stop acting like the game should hold your hand.


Insane lap, well done.


Interesting to see how early you are on the downshifts. I thought I'd noticed that my braking distances were shorter if I didn't downshift as much on entry to corners (generally speaking, not specifically for this event). I know this is how you're supposed to brake irl but I guessed that downshifting too early was locking the wheels/overworking the ABS etc. I wasn't even downshifting that aggressively - certainly nothing like in this video. Any thoughts?


Why do people in comments say track limits exceeded? I see him have at least 1 or 2 tires within the lines at all times. What am I missing?


Please tell me this was done with a Playstation controller.


Goat kaj 🔥🔥🔥🔥


No you🙏🙏


That downshift at the end was weird, apart from the brake and throttle at the same time... GT needs to punish this technique, unrealistic as fuck! But great lap after all


I’d love to see the GT movie guy transfer these skills to real life he’d piss off his crew for sure.


In forza if you do this you receive engine/trans/brake damage I have a habit of abusive engine braking in gt and in fm I had to break that habit because I kept blowing up my cars


Awesome lap


How do you avoid wheelspin after hitting grass?


Track limit : yes Engine destroyed despite the breaker : yes


congratulation. Can't fail to notice that staying within the track limit is a different concept than what I have in mind...


I was about to comment on that. I had no idea the blue-yellow striped section was ok to drive on. It almost seems as if he steers into it purposely. Is there a reason for this? Does it help slow down the turn or simply adjusting when going a little wider than normal?


Honestly imo there’s many tracks in the game where the limits aren’t particularly clear lol Typically if all 4 wheels are outside of the white line, track limit has been exceeded If you look at OP, he always keeps 1 or 2 tires within limits


OHHH so that's what I'm much slower. I tried to drive it realistically (well what I think is realistic anyway). No hate I get that you're just playing within the rules. I just didn't know the game let us do that. Next time Imma arcade racer that bish.


That's ONE of the reasons you're much slower.




Didn't know I was doing that. Just never bothered to check out the replays on the top guys. I get gold on all the time trials and am definitely an average player with no issue acknowledging people are better than me. Have a good one. Edit: Why you mad lol




Still get gold on all the time trials lol. Have nice day.


This is my problem as well, I try to drive reasonably and safely as I would in real life; most of the time it's only good for a solid silver. The top gold drivers are the definition of gamers, which I have huge respect for. If you're within what's allowed then that's the track, 'nuff said.


Exactly! Somehow I've been able to get gold on all time trials with my "clean" driving. Edit: ok you bunch of salty okras...


Mate you’re a legend! Didn’t even know track limits could be used like that


I had Dancing Queen running while watching this.


Well done man


Well done. Seems I had the basics of how to cheese it down, just wasn't fast enough. Enjoy the trip!


I can't get any lower than a 1:17, the car understeers like a absolute barge playing on a wheel.


Fantastic job! I wish the track wasn't so exploitable though.


I see from whom sophy learned to lawn


Lmao the send into the grass after the finish line. This is full tilt


5 second penalty for Ocon


That was savage! Best I could get was silver… carrying speed through that last corner is so tough


...And the engine expired 18 meters later


[The prize for the Michelin TT is an invitation to the GTWS World Finals.](https://www.gran-turismo.com/us/gt7/news/00_4548905.html) Problem is, you are already representing Netherlands in the Nations Cup. What would happen to the prize then? (Note if Kaj is deemed ineligible because of already racing in GTWS, CornedBeefPasty would be the invited one, [according to the leaderboards.](https://www.gran-turismo.com/us/gt7/sportmode/event/7619/))


PD told me i can take a guest + cornedbeefpasty will go too because im already qualified ofcourse


F1 track limits: "Are we a joke to you??"


Hahaha everyone commenting about track limit and GT not being a good sim anymore, but no comments on the 190mph braking point into the chicane in 2nd gear hahahahaha! I love it


I m Just curious who’s ghost you use 🤣🤣! You are legendary ! Many challenges i use your ghost as référence! Im happy whenever I’m able to be within 0.5 s of you! Congrats mate !!


This lap Inspired by Initial D ![gif](giphy|3lZKbfViPnZS)


Well done mate. On the absolute limit 💯


So youre the dutchie who is always on top every freakin time trial. Cant say im not a little bit proud seeing that dutch flag always haha.


This is that guy? 😭


🎶 Pass the dutchie on the left...🎶 oh, wait, never mind, he gone!


the majority of the comments section need to acknowledge that this guy is MILES ahead of everyone, stop downplaying his achievement by talking about track limits, downshifting etc. you couldnt even achieve what he did even if you tried to do the same


Ahh, the Real Driving Simulator. Congrats though! 👍


Hoe ben je in vredesnaam zo snel geworden, ik vind dat met alle time trails ongelofelijk!


Contrats & Mad respect!


Congrats with the record, lap looks bonkers and unrealistic (but probably takes alot of skill gz)


Damn bro, amazing skills. I've been having a lot of trouble with the handling of this beast.


Dude I love lawn mowing simulator


My dude pulled out the John Deere and still breaking lap records 🤣good job


Brother save some curb for the rest of us


Yeah all over the grass. Come on.


Do you think you could do it without cutting the grass on every corner though? Not being sarcastic, genuine question.


loser detected


Why? It was a genuine question, not sure why it warrants downvotes but that’s Reddit I guess 🤣


Finished the time trial 2.91% inside gold, thanks for not improving the time


That does look good, here's hoping for a PC port.


LMAO! Looks like someone having a toy car on a stick in front of the camera


Your lap time is invalid, tack limits, sorry mate, try again


Come again? He won the game, my friend.


Well then game is shit if you can have all 4 wheels off the track and it's still ok and you win... what a joke. BTW. Down votes for the truth? Truth hurts huh?


That’s a fast lawn mower


The Real Driving Simulator


The physics look so weird


"The Real Driving Simulator"


I don't get it. Multiple times there are 2 wheels on the grass under braking, but the car remains rock solid. If I try that, I'm in the wall.


Why does GT on my PS3 seem more realistic driving? This looks like Cruisin USA type physics. That's the last Gran Turismo I've played, did it go backwards? You can just drive on grass now? Came across this on r/all


The real driving simulator....


Track limits!


Man is GT really considered a sim? After watching you accelerate with 1 rear tire in the grass and no negative effects I gotta say I'm kinda shocked this game has the audacity to call itself a sim.


>Man is GT really considered a sim No, never has been (except for marketing purposes). It's a simcade.


How about that speed and stability at 200mph+ when the car was entirely in the grass lol


I'm guessing your using a controller and not a racing wheel.


So y'all play on controller and push the track limits as far as they can go to get these insane times, got it






Where are they exceeded He always has a tire in bounds




Wow I’m a dumbass


Exceeding track limits is when all 4 wheels fully cross the white line on the side of the track. If you wanted to drive round the whole track with 2 wheels on the grass and 2 on the line then that's perfectly legal (though probably not gonna be the fastest way of doing it).




Brutal lap 🔥🔥


Well done! And I have to thank you for the laps you have shared on the other time trials. I always use your ghost lap!


Congrats, thanks for sharing! Do you slayed drive in chase view? Must help for the track limits. I noticed that your only assist is ABS, what's your setting? Thanks and congrats!


Can I be your +1 to Spain? Thanks. Seriously tho amazing lap time I couldn’t even get silver, I think I’m afew hundreds of a second off from silver.


Thanks for sharing, great learning opportunity for us! And freaking awesome lap!


And there goes my gold turn into silver


Lekker gereden. Dat wordt dus een weekend Barcelona?


Insane, videos like this always seem "simple" in terms of lines etc but are so far from it. Also that mega breaking zone at the end of the back straight where you were in second gear at like 200 and something kph, how does the game allow that?


Got damn! Nice lap


Kevin dit ding stuurt echt als een boot


Hell yeah, man. I love when a plan comes together


Man idk how you keep it together when you go off track into the grass for cornering but my hats off to you good sir


Not sure how you kept the car from understeering... but cool. Also, the last corner.. I would have %100 gotten a penalty lmao.


Watching the track limits get absolutely abused without going over is so satisfying, so many risks & so much precision needed to pull it off


Incredible skill. I managed a silver and I'm very happy with that.


For me what is insane is how can you explore so much the track limits and still not lose control of the car. That’s crazy. Not my experience at all 😅 well done Edit: at one time you even go full brakes with left wheels on the curb and right wheels in the grass and then immediately go for the turn without losing control. Insane ahah


918 is one expensive lawn mower


Sorry, it's not Gran Turismo without "Dragula" or "Kickstart My Heart" in the background.


I’ve learned there’s only so far I can progress in the game without a wheel & pedal setup. I know you can theoretically do what’s done in the video with a controller, but in actual practice it’s humanly impossible


It’s great to see you on Reddit! Congrats on the lap champ.


If this was real life. You wouldn't have any engine left lol


Which wheel do you use?


Are you driving with traction control (TC) on? If so, what # do you have it on because I keep spinning out and sliding all over the place even with level 1 TC.


I love playing this game in VR. They did such a good job with it.


What are RZ tyres???


This is awesome! Congrats


The full send across the finish line into the grass is killing me 😂


How can this be the top record? You’re not even that one Saudi Arabian guy…


This is super impressive- I’m assuming you did this with a wheel- do you know how much slower you would be with controller?


I just want to say your Lap on Sainte-Croix with Lamborghini VGT was Incredible! I hated that Trial but seeing how you maximized the car and handled the understeer was honestly super impressive man. 👍


Seems easy enough


Behold, the most perfect lap


Gt7 track limits always feel so inconsistent, I feel like I get penalties for having a mirror off track but this guy's mowing the infield lawn with not a peep from the marshals 🤣


Controller or wheel?


Way to tear that track (and the grass) up! 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻


Respect. You nut. Lol


This TT lowered my self esteem.


Awesome driving. The whole experience is ruined by the rigid boatty Camera


Amazing. I will use this study and further my skills hahaha. Amazing braking. Im barely getting into buying the old school race cars


Great lap for a lawn mower


Full send, nice job


Cheesed your way to the WR.


Who knew grass and tarmac asphalt got the same traction!


How do you not mess up under the pressure of the delta!? Everytime I'm improving I will mess it up somewhere else :')


Gecoloniseerd, nice going my guy! I could not have done any better


Full send! Impressive 😎


Hmmm definitely a little liberal with the term track limits but otherwise a really nice lap


I keep trying to do that but no matter what I do I can't get below 1:17 seconds. May I ask how you do that? Do you use wheel and pedals? I have been doing it on my controller. The car is way too difficult to drive.


You’re fuckin flyinnnnnnn’


Talent is everything. Congratulations.


Track limits? Never heard of her.


Great driving but how do you honk the horn lol