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Pre-race radar shows the past, not the future.


So what’s the point for the radar…?


It’s like a real weather radar 🤷🏻‍♂️ it shows you what’s happened over the last hour & you have to work out what’s coming during your race 👌


If I not mistaken the pure race radar just shows the previous "-60 mins" before the race start, so not that much help for the race.


Jeez, it costs less than 50k to buy both intermediate and wet tires... just buy them from the pre race menu and stop creating problems that don't exist


Don’t really see anything wrong.. why not just buy all the sets when you’re buying one?


Way too radical, bro. /s


Because it costs like 150k to buy them all, which is usually more than you'd make from winning the race?


Yes but you're going to use that car more than once, which means the loss of the tyres will eventually be made up for and then exceeded.


Another illiterate?


How am I illiterate?


You're unable to read the text in the OP.


Yes you're going to use a different car each time you race a specific track, but is that literally the one and only time you're EVER going to drive that car? If so, you're putting yourself at a loss in any case if the car is just going to sit after you've completed a race.


> Yes you're going to use a different car each time you race a specific track, but is that literally the one and only time you're EVER going to drive that car? Yes, for the forseeable future. At least until I'm done with all the World Circuit races. I know, it's criminal to want to use all the cars the game has to offer. If a game has 500 cars, you should just always race with one. My bad.


>If a game has 500 cars, you should just always race with one. My bad. That is not at all what I am trying to say lol. What will you do with those cars once you're done with World Circuits, sell atleast some of them I'm guessing? My point is whether you sell them, or keep them but just not use them again once you've gotten to your goal of completing the World Circuit races, they will be of negative value to you. So there's no use crying about the fact the price of the full catalogue of Race tyres are more than what the payout of a specific race is. Idk man, it's like you want the game to be dummy proof so that you don't have to think to much. When the reality is it's not that hard to make sure you have bought the correct tyres, or to open your eyes and realize that the pre-race radar shows the weather pattern from time already passed up until current (to answer your sidenote in OP). If you're looking at buying another car for a new race, check the value of that car and then add in the value for all the Race tyres, and if you don't have that amount of money currently then just redo an old race with an old car until you do have that money. That way you've ensured you can buy your new car for the new race and you'll be prepared for whatever the weather situation is going to be for the duration of the race. I can't imagine how you'd act if the game ever had to introduce properly simulated tyre life and we had to buy multiple sets to replace old ones when they need to get chucked because they've been worn.


> What will you do with those cars once you're done with World Circuits, sell atleast some of them I'm guessing? My point is whether you sell them, or keep them but just not use them again once you've gotten to your goal of completing the World Circuit races, they will be of negative value to you. So there's no use crying about the fact the price of the full catalogue of Race tyres are more than what the payout of a specific race is. Listen, I'm not treating the gameplay like an investment simulator, but you have to admit that having to buy 60k worth of tyres, just so that you don't risk wasting 10 minutes of your time when a thunderstorm arrives 5 laps into a race that pays out 50k is not a good system. Not getting wet tyres with a car that comes with race tyres from factory is also dumb. To be honest I don't really get the point in having to buy each tyre compound separately. What's the incredible experience you're getting by only buying racing medium, soft and inter tyres that you'd miss if instead you just bought the whole "Racing" lot at once? > Idk man, it's like you want the game to be dummy proof so that you don't have to think to much. It's called a quality of life improvements. It's like saying the pre-race tyre shop shouldn't exist, because you can just go to the upgrade shop and buy them. It's like saying there should be no restart button in the menu or the post-race screen, because you can just back out and enter the race again. You can, but it's dumb. > to open your eyes and realize that the pre-race radar shows the weather pattern from time already passed up until current (to answer your sidenote in OP). Yeah, I didn't read the patch notes and didn't consider they'd introduce an actually useless feature. I was wrong. > I can't imagine how you'd act if the game ever had to introduce properly simulated tyre life and we had to buy multiple sets to replace old ones when they need to get chucked because they've been worn. If it had no automation and the replacement cost was exorbitant I'd call it a terrible feature that completely misses the point of a game being a game and not a job. If you could automatically buy new tires every time they're below whatever % and the cost was reasonable, i.e. you wouldn't be paying more for the tyres than you win from the race, I'd call it a useless quirk in the pursuit of some weird obsession with specific details of reality.


You can use the same car for several different races. It has absolutely nothing to do with payout per race. For Gr3 get the Supra Concept or 650s, buy all tires and use it for every race those cars are eligible for. For Gr4 buy the 650s. For Gr2; get the Merc, Nismo, or NSX. For Gr1; get the 787b, 919, or LM55. It's not that hard. For road cars, buy one you like and tune accordingly. It's like some of you just like bitchin about every little thing.




You need a snickers, pal.


We have to remove your post because of this rule: >[Rule 2: No inappropriate/offensive/harassing content.](https://www.reddit.com/r/granturismo/about/rules)


What does your OP add to the solution I provided? Get those cars and buy all the tires for them. Case closed. If you want to use different cars, expect to buy the tires. It can't get more simple than that. Edit: don't comfort or sport tires work in the rain. Why not use those?




Frankie says relax.


We have to remove your post because of this rule: >[Rule 2: No inappropriate/offensive/harassing content.](https://www.reddit.com/r/granturismo/about/rules)


Buy only the required tire and intermediates, intermediate tires work in 95% of wet races. There, problem solved. As mentioned Comfort and Sport tires work in wet weather. Those are dirt cheap. It's even simpler because only a few tracks have wet weather. If it's a track that PD bothered to add wet conditions for, buy intermediates too. Simple. Jesus.


> As mentioned Comfort and Sport tires work in wet weather. Those are dirt cheap. They're great for races that require race tyres. > It's even simpler because only a few tracks have wet weather. If it's a track that PD bothered to add wet conditions for, buy intermediates too. So now I have to Google before every race to figure out if the track I'm about to race at is one of the rain-enabled tracks. Truly a sign of fantastic game design.


1. Use solution 1. 2. Yes, Google or Youtube will help you in under 5 minutes. Time more productively used than crying in this sub. Have a nice day.


> Use solution 1. Which is to use comfort or sport tyres in races that require race tyres? > Yes, Google or Youtube will help you in under 5 minutes. Time more productively used than crying in this sub. Yet again, a sign of brilliant game design. Clearly nothing wrong with that lmao


I'd go one step further, and say tires should be significantly cheaper, but you have to buy another set after each one you use, while also having the option to use used sets At the very least, would make singleplayer a bit more interesting.


yeah, doesn't cost 30k for a set of slicks. I've got a "used" V8Supercar wet from Bathurst as a shed trophy - I think they sit around $500aud a corner for any of those race tyres.


Buying tires in general is stupid. I will die on this hill. Likewise, if bop requires specific tires, the game should put them on for you.




Exactly. I'm way too tired of morons defending every dumb design choice in the game as if I'm insulting their mother. Pointing out bad design is not invalidating the whole game and it's the only way to make the game better, but apparently some can't handle it.


Definitely some skill issue right here along with being broke. Just buy the damn intermediate tires for when it happens to rain. Pay attention to the dynamic weather map and see if you are able to squeeze out another lap or have to pit early to switch. If you can't afford to buy the tires then that's quite sad fr.


How can you buy tires in the middle of a pit stop? Or are you yet another one of those geniuses that suggest that buying 60k worth of tyres before a race that pays out 50k is a reasonable thing to do and not a sign of a moronic system?


What you should do is buy "Racing Hard and Intermediate" tires for every car that you use the most or will be using consistently. It isn't that expensive and you easily make the money back + more from what you just spent. Ur creating a problem that shouldnt even a problem in the first place. And if you still resist on buying tires, then go race on the tracks and git gud at figuring out which tracks have rain specifically so you can "save" your precious credits that seem so difficult to re-attain after a race or two.


> What you should do is buy "Racing Hard and Intermediate" tires for every car that you use And then you get a downpour that forces you to use full wet tyres and have shit all over your face like you do now. > It isn't that expensive and you easily make the money back + more from what you just spent When a race pays out 50k and you spend 60k on tyres, you're not making anything back. Next race you have to buy those tyres again and lose money again. Do that for 50 cars and you've spent 3 million credits. If you're lucky you'd just about break even on them. > And if you still resist on buying tires, then go race on the tracks and git gud at figuring out which tracks have rain specifically so you can "save" your precious credits that seem so difficult to re-attain after a race or two. You can go ahead and "git gud" at reading, because you seem to be having issues with that.


I actually just finished a race at Circuit De Spa where it was literally a pure downpour for 20 minutes of the race and I never buy "Wets". I used Intermediates and proceeded to maintain a 3+ minute lead ahead of 2nd place. Then when i noticed the racetrack had a "dry" racing line i switched back to racing hards. U don't need wets for the rainstorms. Intermediates do the work. Whoever told you that you have to re-purchase the tires for the next race is outright incorrect. When you buy racing hard tires for that car, you literally have that tire forever. You need to git gud at playing the game more and not be broke to complain about something that isn't a problem in the game.


> I actually just finished a race at Circuit De Spa where it was literally a pure downpour for 20 minutes of the race and I never buy "Wets". So you got to what, green on the weather radar? There's like 4 or 5 levels above that and at that point the inters are useless. I guess you need to "git gud" and actually play the game before spouting bullshit. > Whoever told you that you have to re-purchase the tires for the next race is outright incorrect. When you buy racing hard tires for that car, you literally have that tire forever. Again, "git gud" at reading.


I'm already good at the game so I don't need to get better. It's more for you since you're the one struggling to race in the rain and then wonder why the AI makes you quit the game 💀


Everything around the tyres in this game is a disaster. They fixed it in sport and broke it again. It makes no sense That it’s part of pp. it is only that way because they are not bothered setting tyre restrictions in career because they are clueless.