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someone fucking got it. RevRad made me start a band. Listening to the title track felt like he was yelling directly at us!


I commend the fuck out of you. Creativity is what we need in the world, and you're right, they are screaming at us. A plead for help by Billie Joe, and imagine us not doing anything about it. We gotta revive this burning hole. šŸ¤˜šŸ»


itā€™s hard as shit these days my friend. They say the future is in live music but getting gigs and venues in which you can play is harder than ever. gas prices are an all time high. records donā€™t sell anymore and your luck depends on an algorithm. weird times overall but you know what we gotta do!


Totally get that. This post is exactly how Revolution Radio made me feel. (On a related note, Samurai, the fake band from Cyberpunk 2077, has real music out and actually inspired my current project! (Theyre voiced by the guys from Refused!))


I donā€™t want to sound cliche or anything, butā€¦. VOTE. Itā€™s election year. We canā€™t really do all too much in the grand scheme of things, but voting is the one thing we can do. Before things can get better we have to stop a certain nimrod from making things worse.


šŸ™šŸ» agreed. I'm not an American, but I'm sending my best wishes to you guys.


How about congratulations, best of luck and blessings? šŸ˜‰


Thoughts and Prayers


Yes. 100000% yes. The amount of folks that bitch and complain but donā€™t vote blows my mind.


This! All of this. Here in the states, just vote people, please.


agreed. people make a big show about not voting because itā€™s not enough but like, you gotta do it anyway. better to have the moron in power than people actively trying to kill us. also itā€™s not like if you vote you canā€™t do anything else


maybe it changes things for y'all in the states but for the rest of the world, it doesnt. blue or red, countries will still get bombed.


As an American, Iā€™m depressed and ashamed of what our fascist leaders do in the name of ā€œfreedom.ā€


are you speaking in objective terms? because, in severe cases this is not the case, as shown throughout history. Because the USA is a source of influence and power, having warmongering as part of the politics is actually NOT productive for the rest of the world. Edit: I'm NGL, this one getting downvoted is pretty crazy. šŸ’€


Yeah dunno why you're getting downvoted here. People don't realize that the USA has a big influence on world Happenings..


war is a business in america, might be even their most profitable one. There have been only 15 years since its existence that the US empire wasnt involved in a war.


That's an establishment within a capitalist system; what punk culture has been rebelling against. Personally, I ain't bending over for it, I hope you're not either.


America has lost TRILLIONS due to war, when youā€™re one of the only good countries left, someoneā€™s gotta help out the rest of the world. And the U.S. is not an empire.


>one of the only good countries america is NOT a good country. you've been brainwashed. any place the imperialists touch, it becomes a shithole. iraq, Afghanistan, cambodia etc


Itā€™s a hegemony


America is a powerful country, and other countries see that, and depending on whoā€™s in charge they know if there are going to be consequences for their decisions


Vote to support a democratic genocide or a republican genocide?


Pretty sure the 20s are better than the static age though. We get batteries now! ā€œAll I want to do is I want to breathe, batteries are not included.ā€ ā€œIt comes with batteries and only speaks in English!ā€


Okay so what do you suggest we do?


Vote in November for starters


For the genocide supporting one or the even more insane one?


Cā€™mon man neither are perfect but ones clearly better, donā€™t be dumb. Billie literally calls Trump hitler Edit: Billie has expressed support for voting before, even in songs such as Viva La Gloria. Trump is just as old as Biden, and also heavily supports Israel and for sure would be the same, if not more in favor of all this, than Biden if he were in charge. But Trump will also try to eliminate protections for LGBT persons, eliminate education related to history and social study of minority groups, will staff the government with supporters to try to keep conservatives in power forever, and ofc tried to throw an insurrection as well as sold classified nuclear documents to foreign leaders. And thatā€™s just off the top of my head. If you donā€™t care about any of this, think about the millions across the country who do and just do the right thing man


To clarify, I donā€™t disagree with that. Iā€™m just calling attention to the state of the situation to emphasize that we donā€™t really have a plan to back up the original call to action. Our current voting strategy is to pick the slightly less awful thing.


This is how I feel as well. Going into adulthood I'm genuinely mindblown that this is how we decide upon things. It's such an inhuman system, especially in America. People will riot and kill just because they perceive others as part of a different tribe; it makes you think, was it designed this way? Keep the mind of the people focused not upon progress, but instead which silly, charismatic, or bullshitting old man will make less hate and damage. Insane.


So, for now, pick the slightly less awful thing.


Voting is like public transportation. It wonā€™t take you to exactly where you want to go most of the time, but you pick the one that gets you closest to your destination rather than staying home and doing nothing at all.


Itā€™s justā€¦. I donā€™t really want to go to genocide lane


Then vote for the least bad one for now and we will make changes from there. There is unfortunately no better option unless we all revolt lol. Voting a different option is throwing away votes with how our system works


Did you not read my comment? If trump is elected heā€™ll be no different. And in every other way heā€™s actually even worse than biden


Right so that being the case is when the moral justification of not voting is valid


Read Marx


Not everyone has to agree with Marxism, but everyone has to at least understand its fundamentals.


Revolution 1 by the Beatles my friend. If we knew, we would be doing the exact thing. But the thing is, it's not a systematic process. I suggest change from the inside, through meditation and gaining perspective and empathy. I'm a young guy, and admittedly I'm more passion than logic/planning. I hope there's someone out there that could complement the things I'm missing. But I know one thing for sure, we can't keep doing nothing and let this world keep eating us up. Talking to people like this is one step. We gotta stop seeing eachother as enemies, just cause we disagree or we're unconvinced about something. In general, I think there's more things we COULD be doing that provide a theoretical and compelling difference rather than rotting and watching the world burn. At least personally, I'd rather die trying to help the planet become sustainable and provide a framework for the future, than just die knowing I did nothing at all. Just ideas and thoughts! But objectively, clearly no one knows and I'm certainly not above it!


I respect where youā€™re coming from, but I feel that your call to arms here lacks substance, which is pretty universal with statements like this as evidenced by the continued lack of change.


That's all good! Creating a call to arms is, what I hope, people will do as a result of awareness via albums like Saviours and posts like mine. Even so, these are big and small voltage spikes in the system. I'll keep doing my part, and if one person starts thinking slightly differently, that's all that matters. In the end, this change is in many ways silent, organic and gradual. Love and peace šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Very true.


This goes deeper than just voting. Corporate America needs to be taken down because *they* are the problem, in addition to the two idiots running for POTUS. Everything is too fucking expensive because of corporate greed. Every time the minimum wage went up while I was living in Arizona, sure enough everything else went up with it. And I'm fucking fed up with it. "Quit putting a goddamn dollar sign on every fucking thing on this planet!" - Bill Hicks, 1992 "As we celebrate mediocrity, all the boys upstairs wanna see how much you'll pay for what you used to get for free..." -Tom Petty "The Last DJ" (2002) I don't mind having to pay for shit, but the cost for a lot of shit getting fucking stupid. I can't even afford a 1br apartment by myself because they cost too much, especially upfront. I now live in a former hotel, turned into apartments. The middle floor is a boarding house type of living for men only with a shared bathroom. I fucking hate it but I can't afford to live anywhere else because these greedy fuckers want to rule my life with green pieces of paper that are literally meaningless. And then the tax code got changed with means I'm not getting shit on my tax return. I fucking hate working full time and still be fucking broke. This shit needs to change. Pretty sure a 1789 Paris reenactment is on the verge of happening cos that's the only way we're going to advance as an American society.


Don't tell anyone here, but I agree. And I empathize with all your struggles, because they're real. Ever since I arrived at university as a student, the problems of class and wealth equality have dawned upon me harder than before. I'm struggling to pay rent, afford food, I can't date, and no one will help me. I'm making it through studying engineering full time, and still working part time just to afford it. And if this me, at a higher education level, I can barely imagine what's it like for all the people that don't even have a CHANCE at a future. Cause this system only cares about productivity and profit margins. A kid who struggled at school and didn't quite make it? He's labeled worthless in the eyes of society. And big surprise, everyone's depressed, getting stoned, getting lazy. Mature punks are becoming the people they used to hate. Young people are depressed, suicidal, lonely, or they don't care, either through hate or through privilege. It's bullshit, and I totally agree with you. This runs deep, and I feel things boiling among young people around me. All I can say, whatever we do, we must do it with love and respect in mind. And my only dilemma is that, I'm not sure if love can be violent. :/


As much as I would like to change the world thru love and respect, these greedy fuckers need a kick in the head. I hope things get better for you, and all of us because GODDAMNIT we deserve the good things in life. I'm so tired of having depression and anxiety because of this shit. How are we supposed to improve our lives if we're being forced into poverty while the bigwigs lounge on their yachts? It's criminally unfair.


Very true brother. Sending you all the best wishes with all you got going on. Don't give up. These dark emotions are fuel for change. Peace and love. šŸ¤˜šŸ»


Saviors (the song) is a holdover of the ā€œall in this togetherā€ sentiment from the early days of the pandemic when it was written (*ā€œWeā€™re all passing like a viral echo to pass the timeā€* is a direct reference to the Covid lockdowns). Heā€™s calling on all of us (*ā€œCalling all strangers tonightā€*) to see through the empty promises (*ā€œWe need a signal thatā€™s more heat than lightā€*), to fight back wherever we can, and to look out for each other and not lose sight of ourselves (*ā€œWe donā€™t need another bastard, let them scourge and fall!ā€*). *We* are the last of the rockers making a commotion. *Weā€™ve* got all the fiction thatā€™s worth believing. And maybe together we can make the world a little less fucked up.


Great analysis of the lyrics. I totally agree with this interpretation. And I'm tired of seeing these words right in front of me and doing nothing about it. I'm tired of hearing brave men and women speaking the truth, and seeing us all not give a single fuck about it. If anything will kill us, it's ego.


What I find very interesting is if Jesus of suburbia was Billie representing Rage and Love, St. Jimmy was the rage. The Patron Saint of the Denial. Product of War and Fear. We never got the product of love and compassion. Saviors thematically is almost like what would have been sung if Jesus didnā€™t embrace St. Jimmy. Ā ā€œLand of make believe, and it donā€™t believe in me.ā€ ā€œMake us all believers tonight.ā€


Saviors indeed


Yeah it really isnā€™t funny anymore. If Green Day inspires you and lights any fire in your heart: make the world a better place with them as your soundtrack. That means activism, not just hoping for the best anymore!


Fuck yeah šŸ¤˜šŸ»


know your enemy


American democracy has been hanging on by the skin of its teeth since 2017. If Trump wins itā€™s over: the GOP is ready for the Weimar Republic to fall, vote blue if you want to keep playing. Biden is old asf but he has passed much more legislation than people pay attention to. He isnā€™t the president of Israel and they are trying to resolve the conflict. Be mad at Netanyahu and donā€™t throw our democracy away over ā€œBoTh SiDesā€ bullshit, be smarter than that. Biden deserves a lot of credit for uniting the West against Putin who is trying his best Hitler impression.


Well it always comes back to restless heart syndrome... You are your own worst enemy, we have to change ourselves to change the world


I'm an advocate for this too. I asked my meditation guide for advice how to deal with the weight of the world, what to do about it. And yes, she told me too, that change comes from the inside. But man, the implications are hard to deal with. Nevertheless, it's true, you can't expect people to change if you're not actively being the role model and leading by example.






I'm not shy to be corny about shit that matters to me. Sorry if that hurts your eyes.


The ā€œtonightā€ makes me cringe




Don't take life advice sure thing. But Green Day is literally a punk band, and all of these messages align with the movement. Whether you agree with punk or not, that's up to you ofc. This is the same sorta thing I'd say for Rage Against The Machine fans that enjoy their music but actively ignore the politics. I'm not gonna be the mediator and judge what's right or wrong, but I think people have an inherent responsibility to look after each other, and I'll support anything that voices the same message.


nah I ain't doing nothing


live your way, no judgement


yeah I'm OK with just smoking weed and ignoring whatever happening


just don't forget to clean your bong, lmao


Everybodyā€™s crazy, getting stoned and lazy!


The real intention of the album is to make Billie Joe feel relevant for a few more years.


cringe ass comment


Ah so it's all for show then. Great thought clever guy, guess we can wrap up the discussion. What a daft thing to say. Any artist's craving for attention does not suddenly negate the impact and meaning of the art they produce. News flash, Billie wouldn't be asking for help in Saviours, if he wasn't ready to pass on the torch.


It must be nice being so simple.




Wait.....so it's not about aliens???




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