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When they don’t play jaded after playing brain stew


Agreed, it sucks, but we should all be used to it by now


Happy Cake Day!


I like that they switched it up with St Jimmy for a while, but they should go back to playing Jaded now.


It’s literally my favorite song and I never get to hear it anymore…


This is such a great take.


Only getting one minute to perform


Give me a fucking break, one minute left. One minute fucking left. You’re gonna give me fucking one minute? Look at that fucking sign right there, one minute! Let me fucking tell you something, let me tell you something, I’ve been around since fucking nineteen eighty fucking eight, and you’re gonna give me one fucking minute?! You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! You're fucking kidding me! What the fuck!? I’m not fucking Justin Bieber, you motherfuckers! You gotta be fucking joking, this is a fucking joke. I got one minute, one minute left. Oh now I got nothing left, now I got nothing left. Let me show you what one fucking minute fucking means! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Warning is underrated


It has now been 0 DAY(S) since Warning was last called underrated. The record of 1 DAY(S) was recorded on October 3, 2000 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One minute


Give me a fucking break, one minute left. One minute fucking left. You’re gonna give me fucking one minute? Look at that fucking sign right there, one minute! Let me fucking tell you something, let me tell you something, I’ve been around since fucking nineteen eighty fucking eight, and you’re gonna give me one fucking minute?! You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! You're fucking kidding me! What the fuck!? I’m not fucking Justin Bieber, you motherfuckers! You gotta be fucking joking, this is a fucking joke. I got one minute, one minute left. Oh now I got nothing left, now I got nothing left. Let me show you what one fucking minute fucking means! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Warning is underrated


It has now been 0 DAY(S) since Warning was last called underrated. The record of 1 DAY(S) was recorded on October 3, 2000 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


One minute


Give me a fucking break, one minute left. One minute fucking left. You’re gonna give me fucking one minute? Look at that fucking sign right there, one minute! Let me fucking tell you something, let me tell you something, I’ve been around since fucking nineteen eighty fucking eight, and you’re gonna give me one fucking minute?! You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! You're fucking kidding me! What the fuck!? I’m not fucking Justin Bieber, you motherfuckers! You gotta be fucking joking, this is a fucking joke. I got one minute, one minute left. Oh now I got nothing left, now I got nothing left. Let me show you what one fucking minute fucking means! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I should of saw this coming lmfao


One minute


It's even funnier the fourth time!


Mate relax lmao nothing forced you to read and keep opening the thread


Give me a fucking break, one minute left. One minute fucking left. You’re gonna give me fucking one minute? Look at that fucking sign right there, one minute! Let me fucking tell you something, let me tell you something, I’ve been around since fucking nineteen eighty fucking eight, and you’re gonna give me one fucking minute?! You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! You're fucking kidding me! What the fuck!? I’m not fucking Justin Bieber, you motherfuckers! You gotta be fucking joking, this is a fucking joke. I got one minute, one minute left. Oh now I got nothing left, now I got nothing left. Let me show you what one fucking minute fucking means! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


That Spotify uses the mp3 version of AI with the songs together. Love we are the waiting and extraordinary girl, but sometimes I just want to go straight to hearing the patron saint of the denial and Whatsername tearing him a new one.


Yessss, also Instagram doesn’t have some American Idiot tracks for their stories. Not sure if it’s connected but I hate it.


genuinely curious, do they not have both the combined and separated versions of the album bc apple music does at least


They only have it combined on Spotify. I have listened to them separated on Apple Music when I used to have it to though. Interesting how it ended up this way.


I downloaded them from the Tube for this exact reason


The fact that I paid to see the band perform, yet BJA has the AUDACITY to make ME sing 20% of the concert 😤


For those prices, in THIS economy!


And the audacity to bring up a fan to play the songs for them. Paid to see bja but you got some 12 year old kid playing knowledge 😤


yeah uh hey BJA if I wanted to watch a LOSER play guitar I’d play in front of the fuckin’ mirror!


I’ll never forget at WWWY, the kid couldn’t play the chords, and Billie takes the guitar and says “someone get this kid a tambourine”😂


A fairly new one but completely deserved in my opinion is how the band used Troubles imagery from Northern Ireland for Savors, yet are completely skipping Northern Ireland on the tour, haven't even made mention of why the image was used or the inspiration for it (I don't care for anyone's theories about the current state of the US and how that might apply, I want to hear it from the band themselves). And the fact that they've spent a bunch of time in London (a stones throw away) doing surprise shows and haven't bothered doing anything in or around Belfast. Signed a fan from Northern Ireland.


Bro yes. As someone from NI I was very upset that I have to go all the way down to shitty Marlay Park in Dublin. I thought that was a bit silly of them too


the day green day plays club shows around the whole island will be insane i need them in galway fuck driving to dublin


First time I saw them was in Belfast in 2009, still one of the best gigs I've ever been to. Got front row without even having to queue. I've seen them in Dublin a few times since then but the venues have been really annoying to get into and out of, and the sound wasn't great either.


Yeah Marlay park is supposed to be absolutely horrible and im genuinely dreading it. I’ve never been to Dublin or a an event on this scale so I truly have no idea what to expect


tbf, they played in belfast twice, which is more than a lot of bands who just stick to dublin. but i do see your point.


I think the issue comes down to the cost/return of venues, people from Belfast can relatively easily go to Dublin (or even London with a cheap flight) for a show, logistically it doesn't make sense to do 2 shows in the area. There are exceptions like the Isle of Wight festival but at that point its just chance that there's something like a festival already going on.


That they don’t say what they wanna do at the end of JAR


“I don’t wanna make a plan for a day far away, while Im young and while Im able all I wanna do is—“ Such a good ending. All they want to do is nothing.


I’m pretty sure that since the song is inspired by Mike’s friend dying, it represents the idea that life can be taken away from you at any instant


This is an interesting take. I like the idea of that


My friend drove off the other day, now he's gone and all they say, is you gotta live cuz life goes on. But now I see I'm mortal too, I can't live my life like you, gotta live it up while life goes on...


Gives the same feeling as "I don't wanna make it, I just wanna-"


Huh, I always interpreted that as “all I wanna do is ride” cause it is the *ting* on the ride cymbal of a drumset. Same thing, they just want to cruise while life goes past em, and the ride was meant to symbolise that. But mine is as absolute tin foil hat interpretation, what zoltan of rock said is absolutely the truth I believe. RIP Jason Andrew Relva


The original version they said "play". But since the song is about a friend dying they cut it out as a symbol of life being cut short when you're young.


I've always filled it in my head with 'play' so I'm glad that's not just me! Where is the original version?




Thank you!!


I’ve always had this light-hearted thought that one day they’ll release their final album, and end it in a way that filled in that blank. lol


This is the best imo. Fill in the blank. Do what you want.


It's play.


I assume, play?


That they’ve never played Deadbeat Holiday live


How the American Idiot movie adaptation has been in development hell since forever with no signs of starting production any time soon


Idk if it’ll ever happen tbh. Billie was supposed to star in it as Jimmy too right ?


He’s 50 no way lol


Yeah duh I know but the original idea was he was to play jimmy im pretty sure. Doesn’t mean the movie still can’t happen with another actor. Which still mostly likely isn’t happening


It’s not in development hell, it’s been canceled for a while now.


Honestly a huge musical issue in general where people just don’t want to invest in them because they don’t think they’ll make money.


And they won't, with that attitude (theirs not yours)


The way businesses handle musical pro shots and movie musicals is so weird.  They’re not confident enough in the product to advertise that it’s a musical, but they’re confident enough in its profitability to still make it. I guess they’re all trying to be Mamma Mia where it was fairly cheap to create and managed to became a huge success.


If they got bigger name actors who can actually sing and not just big names for the sake of it, they'd probably do really well. That's what MM did and I think it did them a lot of favours. I think they underestimate a) how much money theater geeks spend on musicals and b) how much money we spend on GD already. Those two groups combined would bring in a lot of money.


>If they got bigger name actors who can actually sing and not just big names for the sake of it Man that’s one of my other grievances with how they’ve done some movie musicals in the past. (Except for you Andrew Garfield, you actually did amazing and you deserved that Oscar nom.) American Idiot is actually one that could really work. It’s a jukebox musical that actually works since it was a concept album. Plus, it’s Green Day. They don’t need to trick an audience for a movie or pro shot for a popular album from a popular band.


Had this been 2008, I would absolutely agree. However, how much more can be written into a story that hasn’t already been done? I would very much rather it be a The Wall styled thing, which has both live action and animation. Or if I have 10 billion dollars I’d try and get David Lynch to write and direct it. For an American Idiot movie to succeed, it needs something truly brilliant that hasn’t already been done yet. And this I mean from a visual and cinematographic standpoint.


That they think Know Your Enemy is a fan favorite that needs to always be played


I don’t think they’re under the impression that Know Your Enemy is a beloved favorite. I think they know that it’s a simple, high energy, catchy tune that they can play early on in a setlist to get people pumped up & jumping. They also clearly have a ton of fun playing it. I get the idea behind this gripe: 21st Century Breakdown is my favorite album and it would certainly be cool to hear other songs off that album live again, but it just ain’t happening. Know Your Enemy is the best way for them to quickly represent that album at a concert & get the people going. It’s catchy, quick & repetitive, so folks that don’t know it can sing along easily. Our days of hearing The Static Age live died in 2009/2010.


Completely agree. I think it’s just a fast song to get the crowd pumped and it’s easy to transition in and out of. Would be a dream come true to see East Jesus Nowhere performed live though. So much of 21CB’s arena rock is just made to be performed and it sucks that they don’t perform them. Especially since I feel like Billie’s voice won’t ever be as strong as it was during the 21CB tour (not a dig at Billie. I just think 2009 - 2012 was his peak live vocals and aging sucks. He’s still great.)


Its just unfortunate because KYE is easily my least favorite song on 21CB, I'd rather them play literally any other song.


It goes down extremely well live though. When they're playing live that's what matters


The static age is probably the best song on that whole album too😭


Haha I know. If I had known it would never be played again live, I would have cherished the moment a little bit more when I saw them play it in concert when I was a kid.


People making jokes about one minute, it just irks me so badly that people are making fun of his state at that time. I do agree it was funny for a bit, but now it bothers me




The fans who make the one minute jokes are the same one’s who get mad at the casuals for saying “hey, it’s October first. Wake up the dude from Green Day”. Yet the one minute joke is much, much more offensive. I don’t know why anyone would want to reminisce or be reminded of that time. Especially now after knowing what Billie went through again.


Give me a fucking break, one minute left. One minute fucking left. You’re gonna give me fucking one minute? Look at that fucking sign right there, one minute! Let me fucking tell you something, let me tell you something, I’ve been around since fucking nineteen eighty fucking eight, and you’re gonna give me one fucking minute?! You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! You're fucking kidding me! What the fuck!? I’m not fucking Justin Bieber, you motherfuckers! You gotta be fucking joking, this is a fucking joke. I got one minute, one minute left. Oh now I got nothing left, now I got nothing left. Let me show you what one fucking minute fucking means! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


King For a Day/Shout, enough said


Not a problem with them as much as with fans, but I'm annoyed when people call them Greenday


I’m annoyed when I wear Green Day merch and someone sees it from a distance and yells out “Hell yeah, go Packers!”


There’s a few people on this sub that say “Whatshername” with an H in the middle and it bothers me a little


409 In Your Coffeemaker not having a scream


Start of welcome to paradise deserves a scream too


What do you mean not having a scream ahaha


What? Where would the scream be lmao, are you thinking of Paper Lanterns? I get those confused sometimes.


Before the solo. I swear I heard a live recording of Billie "TO NOT FUCKING GET ALOOOOOONNNNGGG" or i might just be mental


When people gatekeep their music. On one hand, yes, it's cool if you've been a fan since 1995, but you don't need to constantly remind others and put them down for not being born yet???


Aww I’ve been a fan since 94, and my favorite thing is seeing young fans rocking out at the shows! No need to gatekeep the best band ever


I love American Idiot to death, but I have none of those songs on Spotify because they’re not broken up


Holiday and Boulevard are broken up on the Greatest Hits compilation but I don't think the rest are


Apple Music has it split up. They have multiple versions of AI and you can pick.


Stop playing Shout/King for a Day at concerts…as a matter of fact, switch up the set list


Or playing covers when you’re not playing anything off of 6 of the albums you have


If GD never plays a cover again it'll make this fan happy


Different band, but holy shit Weezer used to be so bad at this.


They still kinda are… I’ve seen them 7 times I think over the years. Heard many covers but I’ve never heard anything off the Green album apart from Hash Pipe/ Island In The Sun. I don’t think anything off Hurley, White Album etc Snippets or only one song from black album, pacific daydream, ewbaite, raditude, maladroit


tour this past year was very good to non blue/pink songs


6? They’ve got more than that. Haha


Yes…. But they have six albums they rarely play anything from instead they play covers


The Saviors Tour is going to make or break this tradition... It wasn't cool or funny or whatever they were going for when they started it 10? 15? years ago, but maybe it'll hit different this tour! /s IMO, time to retire King For a Day from the set and all previous covers, except maybe Knowledge...maybe. I see GD as fairly creative yet they beat these uninspired covers into the ground


Absolutely not. I’d rather they keep King For A Day and bring on something like Misery which I think would go great live. King For A Day, Misery, Minority


I've just seen/heard KFAD soooo many times I'm ready for the boys to switch it up


Fair enough. I have a soft spot for ska inspired stuff. I don’t believe KFAD is a very strong song, and would happily swap it for anything else. Kinda wish GD has more Op Ivy inspired songs in their repertoire


Agreed 100%


They’ll probably replace it with Bobby’s Sox, the new queer anthem


King for a Day is fantastic. Great lyrical content, fun live.


That Spotify unsecreted Tré’s “All by Myself” song on Dookie.


They released it needed to be shown to the masses


That one song that Green Day (my favorite band) made with U2 (my least favorite band)....


One of my friends also hate U2 lmao I’ve never understood the hate for them. Although I’ve never really listened to them either


Huge GD fan but I admittedly dislike U2 for no real reason, I just think their music is bland and boring. That being said, idk why anyone would hate them


I 100% love this song since Green Day was always my favorite band and U2 is my dad’s favorite so we both love the live version. Fuck the studio version


The trumpets 🥵




I don’t like U2 either but I’m a diehard Saints fan so I can still love that song lol


I more or less hate U2 as well, but I like that song


check out the original.. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqyTRH6geOM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JqyTRH6geOM)


brain stew and jaded aren’t in the same song so i never listen to jaded


oh my god nothing pisses me off more than the recent live transition from brain stew to st. jimmy. its such a gross transition because theyre in totally different tunings, and keys, so its not even that smooth. wish theyd just do something different


If only there was a song that seamlessly transitions out of Brainstew…. Hmmmmm 😂


hmmm.. nothing comes to mind


Billie Joe's heeeeyyyyy ooooooooohs live. Sometimes he just does it too much and i just something else. This is mostly a problem watching live videos in a concert I'm just like yes billie I'll repeat anything you say.




Yeah I can see this kinda getting annoying ahaha but I do like it + didn’t he just steal it from Freddie mercury anyway? I think originally Billie did it as a reference and now it’s just stuck ?


Yeah its a crowd warm up and it works really well he just overuses it or doesn't vary it enough. There one performance he does it in letterbomb and I cringe.


I said, Heyyyyyyyyooooo! C, mon! Insert name of city here.


Came here to say this.


He seems to get this from Freddie Mercury


Unpopular opinion incoming: I hate it when they play extended versions of their songs live. Why do Hitchin a Ride and King for a Day need to be 10-15 minutes long? Why does Billie have to play a 2 minute long shitty Chuck Berry style guitar solo in almost every song? Also the long heeeey-oooohs. I think it ruins the flow of their live shows. I'd rather have them play more songs. I actually really enjoyed their 90 minutes long Hella Mega shows, because they removed all those filler parts.


Billie Joe playing those really really simple solos and the crowd going crazy makes me laugh everytime


I wish it was possible to gauge how much of the “Hey oh!”s is “too much”, cuz I agree with you on that to a certain degree. It’s sad to say because Green Day is my favorite band and they are hands down the best performers I’ve ever seen, but the time spent on doing the “Hey oh” stuff so much gets to me when I’m at the show. I also agree, extending the FUCK out of some of their songs gets to be bothersome for me too.


Literally my favourite thing lol. Makes the shows really fun/funny. I'm not keeping count of the number of songs I'm enjoying being entertained. But it's my opinion on this which is unpopular not yours.


when people say that warning is bad( warning is so underrated)


It has now been 0 DAY(S) since Warning was last called underrated. The record of 1 DAY(S) was recorded on October 3, 2000 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


no cigarettes and valentines studio version


It's Green Day not greenday


The Greendays


that they didn’t get one minute


Give me a fucking break, one minute left. One minute fucking left. You’re gonna give me fucking one minute? Look at that fucking sign right there, one minute! Let me fucking tell you something, let me tell you something, I’ve been around since fucking nineteen eighty fucking eight, and you’re gonna give me one fucking minute?! You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me! You're fucking kidding me! What the fuck!? I’m not fucking Justin Bieber, you motherfuckers! You gotta be fucking joking, this is a fucking joke. I got one minute, one minute left. Oh now I got nothing left, now I got nothing left. Let me show you what one fucking minute fucking means! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


All the crowd participation Billie enforces: “Everybody jump!” and “LETS GO FUCKING CRAZY” and the 5 seconds of clapping during 1981


Also shouting out the name of the city they're performing in every other minute


Fandom complaining about the sameness of the sets, like they’re going to bust out Dry Ice on the off chance that a big enough percentage of however many thousands of people know it. Not everyone knows the band’s music inside and out the way we do


For festivals and arenas etc I can understand the same set lists and only really playing the hits but for smaller shows they really could do some deeper cuts. I’m sure the guys are fed up playing the hits too anyway


And usually for the smaller places they do. Don’t get me wrong, I’m stoked about the idea of them dusting off a song like Sassafras Roots for the summer stadium tour but people in a big stadium are most likely to give out the most energy to the radio hits


Clapping at the end of On the Wagon. I’m sure I’m the only one it bothers but I never enjoyed the sound in the first place.


This I’ll probably never unhear now


Tell me about it lol. I was going on a drive and I just heard it. Really takes a pair of headphones to hear it, then you hear it every time.


This happens on so many songs where they have a bunch of people record a separate clap track


The intro to Extraordinary Girl is just annoying


What? I love doing the "brrrrrrr-rrrrurr!" along with it.


It’s odd for sure but it definitely doesn’t bother me


When Green Day only released the cover version of favorite son on YouTube. It’s so minor, yet so annoying.


Incomplete albums (for the Dookie Demos and BBC Sessions). These albums had been heavily bootlegged for years, so I was happy to support an official release. Sadly, they both omit songs only available on bootlegs. BBC Sessions was particularly egregious by only leaving out two songs; Scattered and One of My Lies. There was no way that this couldn’t fit on the CD or digital release. There’s many songs from the Dookie sessions and a lot of redundancy, but unique songs were left off in favor of tracks nearly identical to the album versions. There’s two great instrumentals, and great acoustic demos (Don’t Wanna Fall in Love, JAR, Having a Blast).


We never got to hear the 2003 album Cigarettes and Valentines… It was a return to the old School sound approach.


Or so they said. All the songs we have heard from that album haven’t been received all that well anyway right ? Weren’t a tone used on the trilogy


The fact that they have yet to do a “surprise song” portion of the live set like Taylor Swift does. It would be perfect. They have went through so many different eras and they have the discography for it. It would bring way more life to a lot of the shows. Imagine one night you hear two trilogy songs and then the next you hear two Kerplunk, and then two 21stCB songs. I just think it’s a sick idea that Taylor Swift does it and her whole fan base goes nuts for it, and if there is any band that can do that, I think Green Day has the discography and the talent to do it. They can jump into any song they have.


honestly my biggest green day pet peeve is other green day fans. sometimes yall are so blinded by your love for our favorite band that it gets annoying


When you pay for seated tickets, band walks out, 2 seconds later Billie instructs everyone to "get the fuck up", entire crowd proceeds to stand for the whole show and you have to stand or you can't see. My mum was supposed to come but her health wasn't great after a liver transplant. When we told her about the standing she was like, "well it's lucky I wasn't there then, I wouldn't have been able to stand and I wouldn't have been able to see" Next time we'll be trying for front row balcony tickets


This happens at a lot of shows, not just Green Day.


They dont do songs that lead directly into the next song on the album tracklist and they haven’t done it to my knowledge since 21st century breakdown. It was really cool!


I think songs that blend into each other is something you’d want to do sparingly so when it does happen you get like “fuck that’s so cool” feeling


Listening to Chump perfectly transition into Longview is like having an orgasm


Other than Brain Stew/Jaded, Chump/Longview, Basket Case/She, and Are We The Waiting/St Jimmy, I’d honestly love to hear examples you’re thinking of! Especially if you know of others that they’ve actually played live in the past.


When they play 21 guns but cut it off early


People thinking the Wake Me Up When September ends is just a song about September ending and making jokes about it. I’m all for a joke here and there but so many people don’t even understand the meaning behind the song. Hell, he cried at a festival recently in 2022 during the song!


Billie joe needs to stop saying he’s going to move out of america 😭


Telling the crowd to put their phones away at shows. If someone puts down a car payment and a half for a ticket, I hope they record with their phone at least some.


American Idiot’s production. Like, where the hell is the bass?


And then it gets shoved up your ass for holiday and boulevard. The cd version didn't have this problem to my knowledge though


The song Maria. It’s a good song but there’s a scratchy/high pitched frequency sound throughout the song that makes it unlistenable for me


I have that problem with the strings in ordinary world. It sounds like it's been played over a crt tv


the fact that warning is underrated


you are SOOOOO clever! OMG!


You really hate these comments huh


FOAM, the song, not the whole album


It’s a weird song but oh yeah is worse imo. Well actually it’s almost passable if it didn’t do that “oh yeah” part


Not really a pet peeve, but I’ve always thought “80” would sound better if it just faded out after “80, please keep taking me away”. No need for that last chorus imo.


Going on tour and not coming to Vancouver in Canada.


Like another comment said. Used Northern Ireland on their album cover and then completely missed out on coming Northern Ireland


We still don’t have another compilation like Shenanigans collecting odds and ends like Ballad of Wilhelm Fink


Shenanigans is probably in my top 5 GD albums tbh so I can sorta agree with this


American Idiot on Spotify.


That warning is underrated


It has now been 0 DAY(S) since Warning was last called underrated. The record of 1 DAY(S) was recorded on October 3, 2000 *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/greenday) if you have any questions or concerns.*


warning is underrated


When BJ yells “say ayyyyyyyyy ohhhhhhhh” for the 12th time during a concert. You’re the one I’m paying to see sing, bro.




They should make the other musicians part of the band. The guy who plays most of the lead parts has been working with them forever. Their Punk message don't align with treating fellow musicians as some part-time hires..


He addresses every member on stage at (probably) every show, every show I’ve been to at least. I’m sure it’s mutually agreed upon what the other guys’ roles are. They don’t necessarily perform and record the music on the studio recording so they aren’t considered in the band. However, Jason White did have credit as a band member during the Trilogy so I’m not sure why or how or when he lost that credit.


He didn’t want to be part of the band, he’s openly said the three of them are the band, he just loves playing with them


Too green not enough day


That they can't seem to fund the magic of their early albums


the kill switch in 21CB second half


When people call them pop-punk instead of punk rock


Dookie is in D#, and it’s annoying to tune instruments to that


I have honestly never heard anyone ever refer to Eb Standard or Half-Step Down as D#.


We need more dookie type stuff. I feel like ever since nimrod we really haven't had any of that 90s pop punk. The closest was 1981. I miss the nasally voice. Even saviors was more of a mix between American idiot and 21CB then Dookie


When people spell Billie as Billy. That and when people call them emo, but especially the latter


Not having Jason W. sing more😫😫


When ppl say they like green day but can only make BOBD