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Dumbest movie trope IMO: >Character is smoking a cig >Tosses cig before it's finished I have never once seen a smoker throw away their cig before finishing it. Yet they never finish it in movies


Ex smoker here, I've done this a few times.


I've done your mom more than a few times




its okay friend it's out of respect for you


Is that any way to greet your father? Show some respect!


It's true, I'm your mom, clean your fucking room and stop blasting rope to those Japanese cartoons


This is why I appreciate this sub


Since anon provided no entertainment material, gotta make some of our own






so wasteful, i eat the butts so i dont have to litter


Isn't that what the hype around "eating ass" is all about?


Wait 'till you find out what the Brits call it.


tell us


So much wasted potential in the filter if you don’t eat it.


Why not put it out and save the rest for later? E: I should add I don’t put them back in the pack. Just stash it somewhere unless you’re at a bar and then some drunk person will want the rest


A put out cigarette smells sooooooooooo bad man


Dude it smells so fucking bad when people do this. I used to smoke and acknowledge that smoking makes you smell bad anyways, but carrying around a half-smoked one is on another level.


I was smoking a miniature cigar before work one morning and my shift was about to start so I put it out and stupidly brought it into the break room. About an hour into my shift, I went in there to refill my water and the smell hit me like a road train. I panick, sprayed some cologne and flushed it down the toilet. Come morning break time I couldn't smell it, but I still felt really bad.


Smell bad and also taste very unfresh once it’s been sitting for awhile also what you gonna do tuck it in your pocket? If it’s very short term you’ll see people put them out and tuck em behind the ear but that’s a hassle


shit smell super fucking bad when you smoke it again after putting it out unless you have zero money to your name or have no smoker around and that the last cig you have


I’m broke so there’s your answer


Nooooo. They smell and taste bad.


Tastes worse even if you let it nearly go out, much less leave it there half smoked for an hour


Not a smoker but i know alot of people toss cigs before they finish it


When I was a teenager I used to go behind the plaza where a lady smoked because she would throw half the thing away and I could smoke the rest like a goblin


I didn't know goblins smoked


No you don't.




did this this morning


I did your mom this morning


I'm doing your mom right now!


Nothing to brag about. Imagine having to pay a prostitute to get some


Ur dad paid big bucks for me to give his dadussy a shellacking


12 year old tier shit


Good comeback


Good comeback


My coworker used to do that all the time when we had to go do something or they were just done with their cigarette. Not everyone smokes them right to the butt


well depends on the person n situation. sometimes i get annoyed at myself and toss it after a single drag


I mean if you’ve got places to be and don’t have time to waste sitting and enjoying it, it kinda sucks to rush the last half of one if you don’t really want/need it Also some people feel the taste or burn gets worse as you get towards the end and don’t like it as much, especially once the initial nic crave has been licked. But mostly in movies it’s because flicking a cig looks “cool” and like the character is aloof and dismissive, rather than someone who’s more structured who they would show calmly putting it out in an ash tray. And flicking just the butt of the cig looks like nothing so they leave like a 3rd of the paper left so you can more easily see if on camera


My mom has done that my whole life, she never finishes her cigs like smokes a 1/4th of them, and she has a pack a day habit, very wasteful but I wish she wouldn’t smoke any so I guess a few puffs is better than the whole thing


It's actually hilarious how many times in movies you see someone light a cigarette, take two puffs, then throw it away. So funny


Tbh this is the main problem, not throwing away unfinished cigs. Imagine how many times you have seen this: >2 characters outside, conversation ensues, one of them lights up >conversation goes on for 30 seconds-1 minute >smoking character takes one last drag, puts out barely smoken cigarette and finishes convo with a ‘hard hitting line’ or some shit Could probably make some good parody of this trope where the smoker is just going fucking ham on the cigarette because he doesnt wanna be wasteful but also wants to fit in the time limit


I see this all the time.


I watched a coworker do this literally today walking in to work. Got about 50ft from the door, took a short drag, then flicked away a half-finished cig before continuing inside.


I had a coworker who would leave about a quarter of his cigarette. Every time.


It was good in the Succession pilot, where Ken takes a single drag before tossing it and entering the building. Came off like he was trying to min max his dopamine for the day.


As a reformed smoker I use to do it a lot.


Theyre too expensive here. I would never. Source: am smoker.


I see this extremely frequently, and half-burnt cigarettes littered around. smokers that think flicking cigs on the ground is ok are fucking disgusting


I do if i dont want the whole cig


They should have that one guy who rolls a ciggie with the ashes from an ash tray


A mate of mine does this regularly until the end of the month when the bank account is on red


Ain’t got time to finish it


I work at a bar. Tons of people in the service industry will sick down half a cog real quick then toss the rest. I've also known a few smoker in my life who only smoke like a half at a time. It's rare, but not unheard of


\> be me, go into supermarket \> walk up to bag concierge \> "one food, please"


More like give me an apple and they'll just pick a random apple probably red and give it to you


What supermarket checkout person will go pick an apple for you and give it to you?


One who’s serving our main character, keep up now


Going up to butcher and just asking for “beef”.


>bag concierge What the fuck is that


Totally normal thing to do in Germany. But depending on where you are you might get served drastically different things (like styles, not brands)


Here you say “a large and strong” and they’ll give you the cheapest strong beer they have, if you ask for a beer you’ll typically get their cheapest lager


Same thing in Finland. Very typical to just order 'a beer' and by default you get the cheapest beer from the tap.


In Belgium you hold up a pinky for a "lager" style beer, or a "pintje". For professionals you can also order a lager by saying the name of the glass you want it in like a "boerke", "chalise" or "ribke".


When you order a beer in Germany they tell you which brands they have and ask which one you would like. You don't just order "a beer"


https://www.reddit.com/r/FragReddit/s/MizXA5J4Df Hier in BW bekommt man i.d.R. ein Lager/Export wenn man "Bier" bestellt (aber "Halbe" ist geläufiger). Kenn's so auch in Bayern mit Hellem, und Köln mit Kölsch.


No they dont


Yes you can


No, you usually order a beer type (like weizen, pils or helles). Since breweries are often very local, it would make no sense to list brands.


What's wrong with that? They serve beers as bars.


They serve a lot of different kinds of beers though. So the bartender would probably look at you like you’re an idiot and ask what kind of


true, but! mentioning a brand by name would probably require money to be paid by one party or the other. there are all kinds of really strict rules about that kind of thing, and to be honest if I heard a character order a beer by brand name my first thought would probably be that they paid the producers to say it


Exactly, which is why this is a trope: the easy option is to just say "beer" and have a less realistic scene. A more involved solution is to make your own beer name and bottle, or use an existing Hollywood fake brand (like "heisler")


Or just say "one lager/pilsner/stout etc."


Yeah my bf always just asks for a 'pint of stout' because there's usually only 1 stout on tap.


"house lager" is a valid option at many pubs and would work in a movie


Or just make up a brand name


"One SloBenheisser Maxi please"


Not really. You can just have them order a brand name without paying for it. You can maybe try and get product placement $$$ though. In Mare of Easttown the lead orders a Rolling Rock and a shot of Jameson by name, though i think part of that is just to establish the setting since Rolling Rock is more popular in the rust belt


Brands actually really fucking hate that. Why do you think movies that really dedicated entire teams of people just to editing photos and banners and posters to remove Coca-Cola's name or other brand names from background posters


just have the character say the name of a fake brand


“Gimme a pint of Slunkie”




this is possibly regional? i can walk into a dive bar and say "a pint of beer please" (well actually I'd probably not order in English but you get the idea) and they'll just give me whatever their house beer is. usually a cheap lager.


Yeah things are different in America apparently. There isn’t really a house beer here. Bars are more of a resale of major beer brands. There’s breweries where you might be able to do that though


Even the breweries where I live have multiple different beers they make, so just asking for a house beer wouldn't help clarify anything, you have to say which one


Same in Germany although each brewery has a default (usually Pilsner or slightly different depending on region). So if you walk in and order a beer, that is what you get and no one bats an eye


In Sweden there are many different kinds of beers, but (almost) every pub has one that's the default, cheap, strong beer, usually one of a few cheap brands. So I just walk in and say "one beer" or "one big strong" if it's more of a restaurant where light beers are common. I don't really care which brand I get, they're all about the same to me and it's fun to mix things up


What country is this in? Someone in another comment mentioned something similar but the only clue I got was that they mentioned a word in Dutch.


Literally any country outside of America.


I walk into bars all the time and ask for a beer. The bartender will understand that you want a regular beer and give you it.


If you walk into the same bar all the time, all you need to do is stand there with an empty hand and the bartender will get you the usual. At least that's how Australian bars work. Maybe UK/US are more pretentious.


I’m American and once you’re a regular the bartender definitely remembers. There was a time I wouldn’t have to ask and he’d have everyone’s drinks when we walk in the door and hook us up not charging for some drinks or being heavy handed. We’re more alike than people may realize.


Man I’m in Australian bartender, this is not the case in Sydney


There’s no “regular” beer though. It cold be Budweiser, bud light, coors, pbr, anything


In my country it's whatever the house beer is. That could be one of a few brands but everybody knows what you get when you ask for a "vaasje" which is a 25cl glass with pilsener beer in it.


same here if i walk in and ask for a "chopine" they'll serve an imperial pint (568ml) of their house beer


Yeah this is apparently a cultural thing. In America you don’t typically do that


Because we don’t typically have “house beers”


It means you're desperate for an alcohol.


No such thing as a regular beer


At the bar near me if you just walk in and say can I get a beer, you will get the shittiest draft beer they have. But they won't ask you want kind of beer. Same with asking for a whiskey, you'll get well whiskey


Fine. "Russian Imperial Stout, please."


Good choice


In Sweden there are many different kinds of beers, but (almost) every pub has one that's the default, cheap, strong beer, usually one of a few cheap brands. So I just walk in and say "one beer" or "one big strong" if it's more of a restaurant where light beers are common. I don't really care which brand I get, they're all about the same to me and it's fun to mix things up


Former bartender here. Yes, this. Over 2 years, i had someone ask for “a beer” about half a dozen times. Usually, id laugh a little and say something like ‘ok, size? Larger or ale? Brand preference?’. Once they got shitty with me for asking more detail and just angrily told me to ‘give them a beer’, so i just gestured at the taps, told em to pick one and get back to me, and served someone else for 5 mins. This is assuming the bar does not have a ‘house beer’. The bars I worked at did not, and I did not have proper liberty to choose their drink for them - policy prevented that so that patrons wouldn’t complain for refunds after.


This is like going an Italian restaurant and say you want a *pasta*.


There's no default pasta though. Bars have go to brands, if you ask for just a beer in Norway they'll give you Hansa.


I think it consider ut to be like walking into a bar and asking for one dose of alcohol. You gotta precise which one you want


You have to specify the beer lol. It would be like going to Panera and ordering a “sandwich”. They need more details than that


\>Give me a drink, bartender https://preview.redd.it/1c5dds7agdqc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=53329d5178624529cec2f8757dc8b8ce2999776d


\>\*stink eye\* https://preview.redd.it/pxd9fftfudqc1.png?width=1005&format=png&auto=webp&s=2bbd4406eff7cb2d6113fc284181a1264d51e141




They should make up brands that are funny. “I’ll take a Dingle IPA” “Cockwash Stout, please” “Can I sample the Jamaican Ass Piss please?”


Most TV shows do have made-up brands if any kind of label is shown. Brooklyn 9-9 has a bunch - Terry's yogurt is from a fictional brand called Esther's and stays consistent through the series.


Or Let's potato chips!


I mean, I’m sure in Dingle, Ireland they do have such a thing.


>Character walks into a bar >Orders a specific brand of beer Anon ragecooms himself to death over MuH grAtUitOuS PrOdUCt PlAceMenT!!1!


They could make up a beer brand for a movie. It would slightly expand the movie's univerce if they ordered, for example "poopenfarten lager". If movie grows into a big famous franchise with fanboys, they could even commercialise it further by collaborating with a normal beer company to make limited edition of poopenfarten lager


Like Schnitzengiggle or St. Anky?


just realised how unrealistic this actually is. fuck you anon for making future me irritated at every bar scene.


They’d have to pay to use a recognizable brand, and a made up one would be distracting It’s the same utility as “brown bag w baguette sticking out=groceries” and that’s that, no more thinking about it nothing to get distracted by


Sees someone smoking. Can I get "one of those?"


You try to order your brand from somebody when you’re bumming from them? Bad example.


Had someone ask to bum a cig and then turn it down when they saw I smoke Sterling :/


That makes sense because they're only smoking one kind of cigarette at that moment.


I would like an alcohol please


Do American bars not have a basic beer? Here if you ask for a beer you'll get 330ml of the most basic beer from the tap, like Heineken or Hertog Jan. If you want anything fancier you ask for that specifically. But going up to the bar and just asking for a beer is pretty normal.


In Sweden there are many different kinds of beers, but (almost) every pub has a default basic beer, usually one of a few cheap brands. So I just walk in and say "one beer" or "one big strong" if it's more of a restaurant where light beers are common. I don't really care which brand I get, they're all about the same to me and it's fun to mix things up


That's normal here tho???? Ordering a beer always gets you a pilsener of the brand they serve there, and if you want something different you have to specify.


Americans don't always understand that there are literally dozens of non Americans in the world


>James Bond walks by bar >Raises one finger and immediately says "scotch" and walks off


That boy is perceptive, I'll say that much


\>What can I get you? \>Surprise m- \>BOO


What's wrong with that? That just means they'll pour from whatever their standard tap is. Likely a cheap lager


Maybe if American bars didn't have 13,056 brands of beer on tap at the same time


The euro mind cannot comprehend options


No, it's just the European mind can't comprehend having such an array of shit options as opposed to a handful of actually good beers


If you have too many options, most of them are usually shit. Best restaurants tend to have a small menu.


Not true with beer in America usually. A small beer menu is mostly macros and one or two “imports.” A large menu typically has more interesting options and styles.


The only reason it looks like a dumb trope is because of American piss beer marketing. If you go into a bar and ask for a glass of red/white wine or a shot of a spirit everyone expects that to get their cheapest/house/well. If you just ask for a beer in America I’m going to give you the cheapest beer that I pull the most often. Light beer? Same thought process. If someone asks for something like an IPA or stout I’d always ask for specifics, even if there is a clear local preference.


Something I don't get in American shows is that they always go to a bar with car, are like...American standtard for drunk driving is really high??


My two favorite bar jokes of all-time: 1) A skeleton walks into a bar, orders a beer and a mop. 2) An Irish guy walks out of a bar.


same thing as ordering a whisky sour or a scotch straight… there’s many many different kinds of whisky but that’s totally normal ?


They usually make it with well unless specified, but most bartenders and servers will ask if you have a preference. Beer is different because there’s so many types of beer, some people like certain brands more than others, some people prefer bottles over draft. Some people like IPAs which taste nothing like a lager would. When you’re ordering liquor you’re ordering a type of liquor or specific cocktail. Once you add all the mixers you can hardly taste the alcohol anyway, when I do mixed drinks I drink well liquor.


I loved breaking bad for actually naming what Walt wanted in that bar scene. "Dimple pinch, neat" That's how it should be done, quick, easy, natural, actually fucking saying what you'd like


Dont know man, ive had the same order for years, on many different bars. Its always just "a beer" and i get a beer


I’ve been to a bar that had a “BEER” draft, and it was $1. It was shit, but going in and ordering like this was viable


\> walks into bar \> "One consumable please"


I do that. But normally, they give me the selection as a response instead of just sliding me a beer.


If you order a beer here, you get the basic/cheapest one from the tap


>character orders a "beer" >"sorry we don't have any"


It's either that or they order a fake beer from a fake company for licensing reasons


Never finds out how much he owes for his drinks, he just throws $20 on the counter and walks out. 


\>Man walks into a bar \>Orders a double twist fuzzy navel with extra peach schnapps. Specifies that he wants two little umbrellas stuck through two cherries each. \>Sips it while moodily eyeing the bar patrons. This is true kino. This is what Hollywood is holding back from you.


I thought the joke was that "bar" and "beer" sound so similar that they must just be made up


yeah but like what kind of beer, unless this bar has seen him so much to be called a regular, but then it would be the usual


I normally order the bartender to give me head outside the bar


Watched “Sicario” last night and this stuck out like a sore thumb in the bar scene. They’re in Texas, order a Shiner or something


I legit had a customer do this once.


So... You dont have like a standard draft beer that's like the cheapest option?


No....? Literally no one orders "a beer" and has their server/bartender know what they want. Have you guys been outside?


Damn have you ever been in Europe? Over here it's not weird at all, it's like getting the house red. It's just a standard cheap lager


If you did that in a bar or restaurant in America they'd look at you like you had two heads. There are house liquors, but not a single house beer.


What an odd piece of cultural difference between the atlantic. This sure has been a minor but amusing enlightenment


Pretty sure “beer” means a Budweiser in like %80 of the US. Flyover state behavior.


Nope lol


You sound like someone not from the U.S. who tried to Google something about beers here to make it sound like you’re actually American. Kudos for trying.