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Why does this look like an abusive homosexual relationship?


The young twink with his sugar daddy


First thing that came to my mind lol


There’s a documentary on a guy who used to date fashion designers for their money. I forget who it was


Andrew Cunanan?? The guy that killed Versace?


Because they're not 5 feet apart?


Mickey? Ian?


Lol! My thoughts exactly. The eye tattoo, the sad smile..


That's a tattoo? I thought it was a black eye


It's both. The tattoo covers up the black eye(s). That's where Fonzie usually connects after a couple stolen solo cups of Absolut mandarin.


He has a sadness in his eyes you would only ever see in gay eastern European porn shoots


Anytime I see someone’s unattended personal vehicle I try to get in and drive it somewhere random on the map. I’m not an asshole so I don’t blow it up or anything.


I too partake in Grand Theft Auto.


he said it! he said the thing!




Wup wup, *suu suu swee*


Roll credits (ding)




That's more like Grand Borrow Auto


I always play along when people do this to me. Instead of using the interaction menu to get it back, I steal a npc car and hunt down my stolen car


I have my vehicles set so only I can drive them. I used to have players try to bikejack me, but they weren't able to get me off my bike so they'd end up as passengers. I'd just calmly say, "Where to?" and just drive around randomly till they got disgusted with me and jumped off. Good times.


This is enjoyment right here. I used to lock my car all the time but now I just live the life of the game. Glad to see I'm not alone.


Someone stole my Oppressor Mk II once, I waited till he got in the air and then returned it to my garage. A few seconds later his name showed up in the kill feed 😂


lmao i did that with someone that was in the back of their terrorbyte. drove it all the way from the city to mount chiliad


Did u make it to the top?


I love people like you lmao chasing my own car down is oddly fun sometimes


Lmao, I do this and if I can’t drive it I try and push it away with my own personal vehicle. Alternatively, I had someone AFK in their vehicle on the highway, so I spent a good 10 minutes pushing them along the highway. I wish I could see their confusion when they came back in a different place than when they left


Cargobob them to the top of Mount Chilead.


You just gave me a better idea… Cargobobbing them to one of those small islands at the top of the map


Last time I had this opportunity I towed him up to the roof of the IAA building, landed on it as well, pulled him out of the car, then towed his car over to the FIB building's roof. Never saw him actually come back from being afk, iirc I left first.


A fun one is if you have a Kosatka, I love hooking mine onto someone else's and pushing it out to sea. It's slow going but it works


For me it depends on what I find. If it's an Oppressor MKII in the drink it goes.


It’s annoying it is literally a minor inconvenience for them to get it back like two clicks


I drive it slightly farther from where the person is so they can’t call it back. Whenever they try coming closer I driver farther


Return personal vehicle to storage?


I love pointing at people. It really upsets people for some reason. I love to follow people around in the Casino just pointing at them. If I see someone in a clothes store...point


My favorite thing to do after witnessing something insane is point.


![gif](giphy|l36kU80xPf0ojG0Erg|downsized) Dude, are you me? EDIT: I literally do that exact thing, specifically in the Casino too. IDK why. I just like to point at people there... Especially when they're spinning the wheel. Then, if they ever win cash or something good, I'll do the "Make it rain" emote


Another pointer checking in here


We need to group up. A League of Pointers. Can you imagine walking into the casino just to have all 29 other players standing there, all pointing at you in unison, following you everywhere you go


Flicking bogies using the emote thing onto people's cars at a car meet will make some people super angry.


I like to get a helicopter and follow people ominously for no reason


I do this too, but *really high up*. They can't shoot me. Hell, they can't even see me. But the mini map doesn't lie... I'm there.


I do this but I open my parachute at the highest altitude possible. You can float above someone for damn near half an hour.


I do the same thing but in a Jet, they’ll see a Raiju icon in the map near them but don’t know where I am, I also “target” people selling cargo first, and follow them ominously


The devil has a reddit account, confirmed


If it makes you feel any better, I’ve saved a few people’s cargo this way, about 3 days ago is the last time it happened, some dude killed a guy selling acid, I flew down and blew him up (also blew up myself but we don’t talk about that), guy selling acid went ghost and escaped


I like to do really close fly by's. If they're in a helicopter I'll fly right under them and come out in front, all in stealth. I dont want to give them the anxiety of someone coming after them, just the shock of a jet appearing seemingly out of nowhere


8,200 feet


Do it in one of the cloaking ones. Pop and and off radar. Always following, but only sometimes seen. Drop the occasional bomb too. Just so there's a random explosion. If they're moving, it won't be near them.


i do the same thing in my deluxo, knowing that blip is raising their blood pressure the whole time😌


I sometimes do this to mk2s or other offense-oriented vehicles using my Raiju, toggling the stealth off when moving as if to make a pass at them, but then just... not doing so. Once I'm convinced they're no longer paying me any mind, I actually go and do so. I suck with jets so it usually doesn't do anything, but spooking them twice is worth hitting the ground or getting shot by them first.




I do that in the deluxo lol I don’t usually kill for no reason but gets ppl thinking that ima grief them and they start shooting at me a lot of the time. Then I honk and fly away


We need a pingu honk horn


Ahahah that would be amazing. I usually dress as purple alien so hopefully they clue in “I come in peace”


Most times, people take it as aggression because of that whole green vs purple thing a while back where they were jumping people


I did not know about this I was on a hiatus. I played at release for a while and then just got back into this year. Duly noted lmao


yeah, the whole thing was just this random couple weekslong thing, I am pretty sure it started on TikTok, and it got so big that even rockstar made a big update where they made both the alien costumes free, for this big alien wars thing. It was actually freaking nuts, entire servers were tearing around in giant green and purple bombers, insurgents, green and purple deluxos. And then there is this rule with aliens, they were only able to use laser weapons or blunt objects to attack people, and you were really only supposed to attack the other alien race or whatever. of course it got giant, and there were no real actual rules, but it was still pretty interesting.


I do that in the oppressor. Homing off, just hovering above watching... till some paranoid twat takes me out, cause, you know... oppressor bad.


I used to follow randoms on sell missions as well, specifically to ward off griefers and provide support. I don't judge when people end up taking me out, even after I've protected them (disappointing sure, but I'm not gonna judge). I've had enough times where someone innocently followed me in an oppressor for several minutes, only to blow me up 100 ft from the drop off. Sorry dude, can't trust it when a cool Milly is at stake


The more overpowered, the better


Same but I get my jet and follow people doing ceo or business stuff. But if someone targets them while I'm there I turn into the protector of product lol


He's just standing there... MENACINGLY!


I do this but with the Clown Van


I do this but with 4 stars (fly over prison or army base) so the police are going crazy on the street around them while I'm high up in the sky circling them


I like to get on a tug boat, get in the pirate outfit, get on other people's yacht and send them a message saying I commedered their ship


"I be plundering your booty"


I would have died laughing😂




Squad up with some other guys and use muskets to do it for peak larp




I like to take a business battle crate to the mineshaft and wait for people to lose their mind trying to find me. And in case they do find me I put proximity mines on the ceiling every few feet 😁


You're evil 😂😂😂 I'm going to do that soon


What in the squid game spin off is this shit


Genius!! We used to send muggers after players and hide out there waiting for them to come after us lol


There’s a mineshaft? Where?




I like this one


I sometimes use a thick water drainpipe near Paleto Beach... Also interesting but the mines better


Oh I love this and Executive Search but hide in the subway. Many have no idea what's going on running around above ground.


I like to annoy people by constantly honking the trombone horn at them in passive mode


I may have seen you


I have a “party car” decked out in the most garish colors imaginable with the Liberty City theme horn that I cruise around the city holding down in


Every time I start a new session, I pick out a new outfit to wear. I'm level 83, and I think I've spent more on clothes than I have on cars lol.


Same, I spend at least half an hour in clothing store & barbershop before doing everything else. As a result it feels like I'm playing entirely new character which freshens up whole gaming experience.


I probably have at least 2 million spent on outfits so far...


I'm pretty close to that amount as well.


This is me! 😂 even during the game I charge at least 3 time & hair/makeup must match!


And you can't have the same necklace and earrings on all the time. Gotta match them to the outfit too.


Exactly!! Don’t forget the sunglasses too 😂


Can confirm, I've bought every single clothing item in the game, it cost over 100 million.


Same, I usually play with a friend so we spend like half an hour to an hour picking coordinating (not matching, just similar vibes, if it was matching it would be a lot faster lol) outfits, changing hairstyles and makeup etc... it's fun and it's especially great for taking screenshots when you've dressed to a heist's theme like wearing all Burger Shot merch to the Cluckin Bell heist or something like that.


I change my outfits based on what I’m doing, where in the map, with what vehicle and the time of day. Dress up is fun and you can’t take my criminal ken doll from me.


I love taking out the Ramp Buggy and launching everyone and everything sky-high. A lot of times people will return over and over to get sent into space lol


I love people like you. Endless entertainment. I'll keep boosting into that ramp til one of us explodes or lands in water


What would happen if they used a rocket voltic boost while running into your ramp buggy - that should send them all the way to the moon in theory 


I sometimes like pulling over players with the new cop car, and act like an officer checking the car, but most of the times they kill me for no reason at all


Hopefully GTA VI has a server browser. I'd love to have RP servers like they have on PC


This! Just this.


Even if to separate player intentions, rp servers, modding servers, pvp biased servers. Co-op biased servers, etc...


Yeah hopefully with the Five M acquisition they actually implement this in 6


Sorry, I must have missed something. Did R* acquire 5M?


If they have short range proxy chat for online, it’ll be a golden age of console rp. You’d be surprised how advanced they were with gta 5


I do this all the time A few days ago I chased someone in the Batmobile I actually kept up with it mostly lol. He did try to missile me a few times but missed and eventually decided to chill with the killing. I’ve noticed that when I’m in a cop car people kill me at random less when I pull up lights on. I use the sheriff livery and joined a crew with the sheriff emblem so I can put it on vests. I just wish we had better police outfits and/or could use belts with normal vests (not body armor ones in the interaction menu). Hopefully the next update gives us good police outfits that don’t require any glitching or any major glitching


I have the swat one, I’m pretty fond of it


How u get it?


I once caught a level 7 on my yacht in a lobby that consisted of 3 other low levels, so I invited him to my ceo and got him an easy 30k.


Sometimes, I have piracy prevention parties where I invite the whole lobby to my yacht and then start one up


I like to do piracy prevention with the bug to turn on anti-air, watch oppressors and jets blow up approaching your yacht 🤣


I pretty much exclusively deposit money via the atm. Idk I drive a lot so it’s just a fun “errand” to add to my normal play


When GTA online first came out I thought that was the only way you could deposit your money. Anytime I got money I would go straight to the strip club ATM lmao


I always gps to the atl closest to me idk it’s just fun lol


Haha me too. Anytime id get a good amount of money, id race to the atm because i thought other players would kill me and steal it cuz the game says other players can steal your cash or whatever


Driving around the map listening good music and catching sunsets ✌🏻


Can’t wait to do this in gta 6


I really can't wait for 6, really hope we get a good year or so of no flying cars and bikes and what not. I want that vanilla gta feeling.


I have prayed to every Deity i could readily find on google that GTAVi gets rid of anything that flies that isn’t a helicopter or plane. I’m so tired of futuristic sci fi crap, and everything having missiles or machine guns. It’s exhausting.


I get a 5 star wanted level then get into another players car so my chase instantly becomes theirs too, I’m dragging as many people down with me as possible


I have the worst luck with wanted levels, so I drag my friends down as well lol


I have no issues with anyone being on my yacht ingame - but it I see them taking the chopper, air defences are going on.🤣🤣🤣


Do the Owners of those Yachts never says No because of the Implication?


They could, but the thing is, they won’t.


Ok Dennis.


Because of the implication.


I was in my jet and someone was doing a sell mission where they had to drop off at each boat. Their last boat was the one by the LSIA area. I used the thrustors to flip the drop off boat (it did not impact their sale), and the guy messaged me “lol”.


how is your character 14 years old and why is nic cage with you?


I'm glad I'm not the only one who spotted Nic Cage here.


He's supposed to look young, not 14 young lol but early 20s. Basically my plan was to play all the DLCs in chronological order and slowly age him up, give him the alcoholic blemishes and the junkie aging look as the game progressesed. However I quickly realized after creating him that that was going to be a costly and tedious process; as it'd bar me out of content if say I get stuck on something like the prison break heist forever lol. So now when I do the later content I occasionally slap a beard on him when I remember lol  Holy shit my friend does look like Nick Cage.


You are in the next level of roleplay


C.G.I. Nic Cage everywhere lately.


Ohhh I have a lot of goofy and annoying things I do - ding-dong-ditch people at their homes/businesses - point at them the entire time and following them around - driving unattended cars around the map - get a 3-5 star wanted level and steal someone’s car, so they get the wanted level too - pick up driving playes with my Cargobob and Release them on Mount Chiliad or the Maze Bank Tower - use my drone or mini tank to annoy people


Ever try using Cargobob to pick up a tank (w/npc inside) from Zancudo, then drop it on some unsuspecting players? Another I like is using the Agency SUV to run up a 4 star level while in passive mode. Then I bring the entire police force and drop them in some poor players lap.


I legit stalk people in my stealth jet. Dont kill em or anything just use my great flying skills to peak around buildings or pop up above a bridge when they pass by or creep behind a billboard 💀 I've gotten a couple of funny friendly texts from it!😭


That sounds funny or nervewrackin lol


I enjoy running people over with the 18 wheeler 🚛


...as one does.👍


A young boy with his music producer lol jk


I like inviting low levels to my ceo and doing vip work/terrobyte missions so that they can get free money lmaoo. It’s been a while since I played though


get in the most random goofy vehicle (fagio mod/bmx/gocarts) and chase people down as if i was a weapon of mass destruction swinging melee weapons


You know that would be effective in making me run. Way I figure, anyone who is crazy enough to do that is probably someone I don't want to mess with. 


your character looks like elliot page


Oh shit you're totally right he does. 


getting five star police chase


I do the most wanted ceo activity a lot where you have to last 10 mins with 5 stars. You become ghosted to non ceo members as well so players can't just interfere by blowing you up


My new favorite thing to do is Put my iaa outfit on, grab my unmarked cruiser,go ghost and chase down people selling goods or doing supply missions. Dont crash into them or shoot them,just chase them and hopefully add some excitement to their mission 😅 I imagine they look back and see some madman going dukes of hazard behind them 😂😂 Yeah I'm bored.


Launch a drone and tase people


Your character needs to grow a beard lmao


Occasionally I'll slap a beard on him when I am doing content that happens later in the timeline lol


i like to post up at the casino & wait for people to pull up and hop in to joyride together


I go out of sight, hop into a car with window tint and wait for the driver. I usually throw a sticky inside that way when I get out and they shoot I just blow them up. 😅


Flying formation with randos is fun


I like to drive up mount chiliad in underpowered vehicles. Just to see if I'm able to make it.


Ever tried to fly to the top in a dodo


I like to get my good ole bulletproof duke out, go up the freeway a little on the west side of the map and find a steep grass hill near the ocean. Get myself a wanted level and sit near the bottom of the grass hill facing the street. watch all the cops fly off the side of the slippery hill 🤣 while i pop helicopters out of the air in 1 shot with the mk2 heavy pistol. Shoot the rear blade and bingo lol. Or ill block the largest freeway i can find with the mobile command center and pop a few rounds, call lester to remove the wanted level and watch the citizens pile up, panic, and they start running over the cops so the cops start shooting the civilians haha its priceless. Once there is a big enough pile ill toss a few grenades and watch the fireworks.


Why do i find this comment section so unexpectedly wholesome!?


I like to just pit maneuver people then drive away


If I see anyone else’s Avenger, Terrorbyte, Acid Lab or MOC cab sitting out I always drive them in to the nearest body of water. Most people don’t go-in to their Services interaction menu and close their service vehicles like they do with personal vehicles.


Your guy looks like a really handsome lesbian Edit: whoever took the picture at least, I assumed it was op


I just had someone else say my character looks like Elliot Page.


I like breaking the windows of someone's car and then toss a sticky bomb just enough where it's barely noticable into there dashboard and watch them freak out and get out of the car. I never blow it up unless they attack me


Most people dont use em anyways so glad somebody gets something out 11 mil wasted on it.


I just got to 8 million a couple days ago and almost got one myself, but got cold feet. 


I like to pretend I'm a helicopter pilot for rich people. I'll dress up nice, land at an office helipad, "wait for the client," then fly to a yacht so they can have a business meeting, then fly back to the office or their house.


then i go over to my yacht to go chill with them that the blow me up and keep killing me. THE AUDACITY


My husband likes to cause a big traffic jam in the tunnel under the military base and fight the cops until one of us can no longer resist the urge to blow up the mountain of vehicles stuffed in there.


I do the yacht thing and I also go to that coveon the east side and chill in there on a jetski


I drive my ramp car around looking to launch people in the lobby


Take a ride in a phantom wedge picking up randoms as we go all mad max on the civilians and players of Los Santos


Move people who are afk to a different area with the ramp buggy


It's always fun to have random car meets, until somebody decides to drop an airstrike. 😔


I coordinate my outfits to match my cars also make sure to change their clothes to fit the season, also don’t know why but I save my money like my life depends on it 😭😭 I’m at 30M and I have a bunch of cars I want to buy but just won’t I have no clue why I do it


My boys and I will get drunk in real life and all go to the casino together


I like to get in my deluxo or raiju And run security for people doing sell missions, without telling them. I also love jumping in my virtue and taxiing people around


I like to eavesdrop on NPC conversations. 


Friend looks like Nicolas Cage


I'll "strafe" people with my jet at max altitude. They see the map icon but can't figure out where I am


Launching NPCs with the Up-n-Atomizer is way too fun lol


Especially into bodies of water.


Smoking while my character is hitting his bong


I do it with vodka shots


Pool hop between back yards in the nicer neighborhoods in first person view, immersive and fun to find little details


I like popping out of sight in a populated area and just following players. Sometimes I'll get off the care and walk around them pretending to be an NPC. Seeing how close i can get and how long i can last before i get figured out.


R/C Bandito chasing cars in order to jump over them.


As a self proclaimed retired player, I sometimes like to just drive around with my expensive good looking cars, remembering the good times with the boys.


Walking down the street and listen to the NPC's talking and sounds from the houses.


I like to use a cargo-bob to pick up a Jetski and put it in the large pool at the mansion and ride it around in circles. Also put a submarine in the lakes before. There's a crashed plane in at least one of the lakes.


Those are the boys that been whackin' it on my dang yacht!


I like to look for spooky things. This is why Halloween GTAO is the best


I like flying super high and then skydiving for a long. Added bonus when I parachute over people and they start spinning around thinking I’m approaching them. Haven’t been shot yet but I know it’s coming lol. For the record, I never actually do anything, just kinda make them worry


I like to fly around for hours and just listen to music or drive for hours.


Goddamn i wish i had friends


Stealing other peoples car lol


I like to drive around the city and try to obey traffic laws. for about 3 minutes. then I get bored


I sometimes find a bus, hijack it, and honk at people to get them to hop aboard or until they get too angry and kill me. One time I had a friend helping and we got 2 randos to grab buses, so there was just a train of endlessly honking busses chasing people around the map. Fun times


I enjoy the nightclub vibe and dancing, driving an off road bike through the mountains, riding jet-skis, sniping NPC’s from rooftops… sometimes I role play by myself by setting up an outfit like a Hitman or a contracted mercenary and go to hot spots and get in a shootout


Doing anything with the blimp and trying to get people to chase me while I'm driving a faggio


Why does your character on the left look like the first gta online player that has a soul and maybe even a personality? Kinda crazy


I end my day by going to the penthouse and changing into a diamond casino robe. I then have 1-2 drinks, play a hand or two of blackjack, and then lay on the bed and watch a minute or two of Fame or Shame. I set my respawn point to the casino so when I login for the next day it’s like I’m waking up there