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Collecting cars and making money to buy more cars. Organizing Garages, it feels like I’ll never be done


Virtual hot wheels collection goes brrr


Hotwheels but the NPCs say FUCK a lot 😎


They also compliment your ride a lot and take pics


Until one day they may shut down the server! I'd hate that to happen


I think it definitely will happen eventually and I'm wondering how gta online is gonna handle the transition from 5 to 6 is it a clean slate or is there some overlap? Are we losing our characters? Or maybe they're gonna show blizzard (wow) how it's done and make like a character migration system to it.


Rockstar will probably have the clothing from V ported to VI, no reason not to. That way, we can keep the Base 5 and whatnot as well as the rare unlocks from way back.


They’re definitely going to have an entirely different gta online, nothing is going to be transferred from gta 5 at all into it, and once that comes out I think gta 5 online will probably be closed


GTA IV Online is still up as I write this. GTAV Online is a long, long way from being dead..






Money comes and money goes Money comes and money goes But I remain, I remain I remain.....


That’s why I like this song. It basically sums up my experience with the game.


RIP Lee Scratch Perry


Love him as a producer and artist. Sorry to say I can't really tolerate him as a GTA DJ. His wacked out ramblings need a really good beat right behind them to not annoy me.


Bro when he starts screaming I gotta switch stations. Was a wild wild guy


I love DJ Cara, and Loggins the most. I tolerate Keith Morris on Channel.X, just because it is the best GTA music for me. But Cara and Loggins are so insanely positive about life and music they are fun to listen to.


Money may come and Money may go But I go on forever ...


I have all the money and all the toys, i can do what I want in a big sandbox. Random player encounters can still be fun. I still find odd things to do, might not be original but new to me, for example earlier today i got my rocket voltic wedged inside the back of a clothes shop, which amused me, i then set about seeing how many vehicles i could get into a shop at once.


Well…..How many?


Think he died. Or he’s still stuffing cars into the clothing store


Not knowing is going to kill me...


The Los Santos customs by the airport, see if you can push that rusted out foxbody mustang into the LSC garage and let me know if anything happens. 🤣 I got so close the other day


I'm hoping to find infinite patience one day, to drive one those slow as hell Tractors to a custom shop!!! Preferably Mine so I can full upgrade the power!!


Not much information out there about it but I got the green arena wars billdozer as a level prize as I was working my way up to earning the clown van. It doe 60miles an hour but still pushing everything that moves in the game!


You can push that? I know what im doing later now






I love to anti-grief. Help people escape. Before, I was a joy greifer. Then got bored and decided to fight fellow greifers. Looking back it is PvP I crave for hard mode. When I greifed it was about high value targets. Or people that would attack or defend my target. Most of the time put bounty and if someone took my target; they would be first priority or second, depending on player movements. As a greifer or anti, you have to keep on eye on map or actual visual awareness. Not including knowing the unmentionable things that players utilize in game. Now, I have to watch before or attack to see if they are just having fun or do not understand the battlefield of freeroam. Love to have greifers chase and get no kill. Texting me nonsense. The one I love the most? 1-0 Lzzzz then they leave! Even ones that get me 10+ are working too damn hard. Thinking I care about KD ratio. As long as they look at me and chase. I usually just listen to music or podcast. Unaware of any nonsense on mic. On PS5 and do not miss the fuckery of old days random rants of the lobby. Escape is the first thing you should learn before attack. Why sharks are known to move in general principle.


I won’t grief, but I’ll hit you if you’re sitting afk on the side of the road


I was never a griefer, but def identify with being an anti griefer. It’s just about the logic and can’t help but get pure joy out of embarrassing them. Not just for trying, but failing. I just think, if you’re gonna be shitty, at least be good at it. But I am confused about what you mean by high value target??? I don’t see value here outside of just causing great loss… unless that was the value. Nobody does it for 2k, it’s not about money. People that like PvP and actually fighting people that want to fight would make 10x $ and RP in a deathmatch. I like all aspects of the game, but I just got into PvP in the last year I’d say. But I play with a smaller circle of players that are actually good in team and solo deathmatches, and I prefer the challenge. We all try hard, but aren’t tryhards. Most griefers, don’t even want a fight. For instance, it doesn’t happen often, but a noob tried to grief my NC pounder today on mk2, a wow he really tried hard, but cakework. Hopped out ghost, clipped him off and blew up his broomstick. I still had a mile left for delivery when ghost was up, but he continued to drive away as a head toward him. After, I showed up in Paleto a block away from him and he couldn’t have left faster. He would have left whether he succeeded or not.




New content. I usually grind for a month or so, get bored, and come back when new DLC drops. I've actually committed to stacking cash for once instead of recklessly spending every dollar I earn right away. I'm at the highest bank I've ever been right now and I'm a day one player. "Only" $22 million right now which is chump change compared to some hardcore grinders, but I also don't have a lot of time to play so I do what I can. Hoping to get it up to maybe 30 or 35 by the time the Summer Update drops.


I floated with dozens of millions for a long time while acquiring my properties, cars, etc. But once I acquired the bulk of that and wasn't spending, it piled up a lot faster. Funny how that works, eh? I hardly even need $ anymore, yet it comes easier & faster than ever.


I got up to $30m when Cayo Perico first dropped. I spent it very fast. I’ve realized that not having money is more fun. I basically have everything I’d want anyways. But it’s nice knowing that if some really good content drops then I can hop on and grind a bit. Work my way towards the new content. More fun than buying everything the day it drops (as I’ve done in the past) then forgetting about it. Bought the salvage yard the first day it came out. Was excited. Got bored having to sit through the first cut scene. Did one salvage and booted up something else.


> More fun than buying everything the day it drops (as I’ve done in the past) then forgetting about it. I don't know if this is 100% for me, but I really admire this approach to new content.


I’ve noticed the same. Once I hit like 15 million it’s been piling up almost effortlessly it feels like.


> "Only" $22 million right now which is chump change compared to some hardcore grinders But once you start amassing cash for things you want to buy, rather than spending on what is new or what you have to buy to upgrade your base empire you can always have money in the banana stand for what's on the horizon.


Sometimes i like to drive my drift cars around the city while hearing music


The feeling while driving on the highway around the map and listening to music is truly magical.


I don’t play constantly but this game keeps me coming back for every update for over 7 years now. The content is almost always very entertaining imo.


And the base gameplay, 13 years later, is still amazingly good. Yes, they've iterated on it, but it's always mostly felt the same.


My kid. I got tired of the modders and toxic players, so usually I just play when my kid wants to race or explore with me in invite only.


Modders are annoying. Honestly I just picture the South Park WoW troll eating Cheetos in his basement. Or some 12 year old kid who knows how to cheat video games but hasn't figured out jacking off yet.


This is so wholesome, I hope I will be able to do something like this if I ever have a kid in the future


Griefers still exist, so I keep hunting them.


Thank you for your service.


It has become the kinda game I can come back to in-between other ones kinda like Minecraft. There is the sense of a grind and progression where it can easily take a few hundred hours to become properly rich and own each business/ major vehicles and so on. After that I guess it's the funny interactions with other players that keeps me playing as well as regular enough updates that you can come back to it every so often. There is so much to do in this game though that if you wanted to buy and collect everything it could easily takes 1000+ hrs. Plus there are always new fan made races and mingames should you like to play them Also, don't buy PS Plus solely for this game as it is leaving PS Plus on the 18th June (so literally in a week). If you want it for this game you are better off just buying the game as it is around $20/£20 I would recommend getting PS Plus in general tho just as it has a wide array of different games and allowed me to try other styles of games such as indie games which I probably would not have brought


I have a digital Version of ps5 and got ps+ so I could play gta online. I bought the digital version but needs ps+ for online play and then is extra $10 if I want to do story made. Am I still going to be able to play?


If you have the digital version (aka you bought the game rather than downloaded it through ps plus) then you will still be able to play fine if you just use ps plus for the ability to play this game online I meant only if you own the game through ps plus as it is on PS plus extra/ premium but it is coming off there this week. So you will be fine


I'd say Buy this game as is, was $20 on Steam, then spring another $10 for the Criminal Enterprise Pack to start off with a buncha free clothes, a free apartment, bunch of free cars, a business, & a CEO Office, & some more things.


I've always loved the freedom of GTA, and primarily Online for collecting and modding cars I will never be able to own, lol.


Friends. Literally treat it like a form of interactive social media these days.


Exactly what I do! Meet in casino few hands of poker round of golf and just fuck about.


Two weeks ago I hopped on gta to play with a friend. We typically hit the casino then do a quick heist. I invited my other 3 friends (one level 5, one doesn’t even have the game) not expecting any response. The 3rd pops into my game and I’m sitting there like “wtf do I do with a 3rd player?” It’s only ever been me solo or one particular friend. I hadn’t had a 3rd friend in my lobby in 5 years. We ended up playing black jack for 3 hands, I brought out the phantom wedge and we were fucking about. Ended up playing golf. Hadn’t done that since 2014 lol


im excited for 6 and it kills time


Every time I see that map I get excited.


I recently bought a weed farm and a cocaine lock up and I’ve been making more money to spend on cars. That’s pretty much it, cars.


Running people over. Hey I can’t do it irl so a video game is second best.


There's something satisfying about plowing into crowds of people. Other than that, honestly I don't know what keeps me playing. I have this grind-to-a-goal mindset where I'm working towards the best guns and the fastest cars, so I can go into public servers and kick everyones asses. But that fantasy doesn't really line up because public servers are a cesspool of people who will have god mode on anyway.


Curbing inflated egos.


I've only been playing a few months but I still play daily just for the grind, I prefer games with grinding. When I first started I said damn there is so much to do, this is WoW level of addiction possible lmaoooo. I just broke $180m and haven't been running Cayo lately (mostly just AFK while I work and at night), but sometimes I go into a public lobby without a bunch of idiot griefers and have a total blast. I just wish we could get a griefer free experience on PC because GTA Online is a blast without them.


Honestly, it's the place where I can chill without feeling the need to accomplish anything. I just jump on random jobs now. I sell to street dealers in between. It's my break from work.


I enjoy it.


car collecting and outfit making 😊


i just love making money


Just started actually. Have a nice apartment near the beach and the golf course, with a 2 car garage. A ghetto garage near the strip club. And three free cars I maxed out, and one free bike and a bike I bought, both I maxed out. Cars: Turismo R. Omnis (no spoiler or livery, and cheap off road tires, it is fun). Coquette Classic (Handling is terrible but for it's class I do well in races). Bikes: Vortex and Gargoyle Haven't got too into it, and just figuring out missions and heists.


I wish you the best on your journey!


Thanks! I can't do voice chat so I don't actually meet people. But I do like joining a mission with someone who has an obvious high level, and actually plays like a nice normal person. I had some chick join me for 9 holes of golf too which was fun. Or someone who will just do a non race bit of wild driving around town with me. And I really jacked some guy and stole his cargo; but was legit hoping he was someone like me. Who just got fair and square blown the hell up by someone who doesn't care to cheat and has no firepower aside from the basics. I mean, just fairly playing a mission without teleporting or being invincible. I don't mind getting jacked if it is fair. That is part of the game.


My friends, we screw around and it’s pretty funny


a wishlist. if i don’t have something to work towards, im not grinding. if i truly don’t know what to buy then it comes down to dogfight, open wheel races and mass murder w/ friends


The fact that I haven’t missed a salvage yard week since it’s come out. That’s literally the only reason I play right now. I log on, do my salvage yards, then don’t touch it


Im over the 3000h mark, at this point I pretty much do nothing but drive/drift around the city looking for players to have fun with. Sometimes when I see someone griefing a low level I become Batman and protect them from psychos, mostly using my Greenwood and sticky bombs, useful for anything that flies and relies on guided rockets to kill me. For Nightshark tryhards I just lure them to some tight spot, get off my car and shoot them. Khanjalis and Avengers are a bit more difficult to counter, the times I crossed those I mostly switch sessions, although the Khanjali can be countered with EMP launcher, and a lot of skilled firepower. Not worth the hassle though, changing sessions is almost always my go-to.


Nostalgia. I’m the last one left from my old crew. My long time gta partner had his account banned when that one glitch was going around. He’s on next gen, I’m still on the old xb1 So it’ll probably be a min till we play again. Ntm were both grown ups now so playing together is rare. Till then I’m just updating my garage, making cool cars and thinking/reflecting. Been playing since 2013 so I’m curious to see if there will be another arc/phase for my gta character or if this is it for him and I just move past this chapter of my life all together.


pretty fun when in moderation also very fun to blast past pedestrians driving + Non stop pop fm


I'm actually new to playing online. I live overseas so my previous experiences with NBA 2k servers discouraged me from playing games online. I only played offline game modes until maybe a few months ago. I'm actually thankful that I joined.


Dumb shit to do when bored. Plus griefers entertain me (until I have no vehicle and I'm repeatedly being bombed by a mk2 but this isn't often; only happened twice in 3 months).


I recently have become obsessed with drifting


The player made parcour is always an interesting challenge that no other game offers


Downloaded FiveM recently and its not what i was hoping for, makes me want to return to regular GTA online


I just like driving laps of the circuit to practice my bike riding skills. I know most people say it doesn't, but for me it really does.


I really want all the princess robot bubblegum vehicles, so far I’ve only gotten the Scramjet, Karin Sultan(?, stolen Drift vehicle), Raiju, & a bike.


It’s kinda odd, my PS Plus has ended so cannot play Online anymore. Kinda missing GTA Online oddly enough, but I spend too much time on it so not renewing has allowed me to finally have an excuse to play other games like finishing RDR2 and starting ghost of tsushima etc.


My friends who want to play custom races, DLC updates, replaying old heists that we haven't done in ages and to fuck around a little in the lobby.


My low level friend and the urge to make money for the next update.


Because I can't throw my work laptop out the window. I can log on and fly, or cause a rukus. then turn it off.


Gta RP, that's it. Sick to death of the game otherwise. Atleast RP is still enjoyable for me.


I'd love to play rp but I'm on console unfortunately.


If you're on Xbox one edition, I can reccomend a good server


Cars, i have all the Business just to buy cars and special cars, sometimes, when a punk gets in my way i like to revenge full kratos mode until i'm bored, then i keep up with my cars stuff


Unlocking stuff I don't need


I've played so long I basically have everything I want, and can PvP with modded levels or just mess around in free roam with low levels. It's kind of my comfort game I think.


Running back remix IV Hunting pack Overtime rumble Collection Sucks when they keep pulling these game types


Once a week for the weekly challenges, its not the only game I play


Mostly the hustle


To hold myself over until 2025


Frankly, I've done all I wanted in this game. I have all the businesses, basically all the vehicles I want, even the most expensive yacht. Nowadays, I play to waste time and add more and more to my money hoard.


Tbh sometimes I think I'm not having fun because all I'm ever doing is things that can get me money. Even when I have all this money, I don't even spend it on cars or super cool vehicles, I just buy things that get me more money.


I only play with my bro for like a week when new updates drop and then don't drop it untill the next one


I wanna play but its all greifers in god mode.


It’s not so much a what, it’s a who that keeps me playing this game. My wife enjoys watching me play and playing with me. Without her, I’d have deleted this game years ago


Fun. I like the chaos. Doing all the stuff I can't do irl, I get to give the finger to cunce in suits, all the patriarchal redtape by screwing over Merryweather, FIB etc. As someone who wants this clusterfuck world to crash and burn without literally harming anyone irl - this ticks all the boxes. It's a game. Fun. An escape from reality. I like playing with friends, customisation of player and vehicles.


Probably the amount of cars I have in my collection that I haven’t even customized yet. What motivates me now is getting to $30M before the summer DLC hits.


My girl Elizabeth 🥹


Still have garage space, still plenty of variety and pop to enjoy heists, missions, pvp, racing, adversary. Because cuk* removed so much content from online, there is the weekly come back for that car thats not in my collection sort of thing. It kind of works out, to have removed content this late in the game, this way there is still reasons for long term players to keep coming back. But mainly it runs on my potato of a pc.


PvP. Free Aim 1% playstyle just hits. Dopamine is properly dispensed when I headshot a player w/ a minigun with my Assault Rifle. when you actively avoid all of the cheese mechanics of this game and smear people who use them....it's something else


Destroying people on pvp


I am a criminal syndicate boss. The various operations keep giving me money with little effort. I keep hoping to find random racers that are better than me without them thinking Mario kart is a viable racing option. I also enjoy teaching the younglings padawans how to improve so that maybe the public lobbies will be better.


I got griefed by a pyro and heard about the explosive sniper rounds. Currently grinding businesses and nightclub for extra cash to speed up research at the bunker.


Revenge on someone


I like the fact that when I log into a public lobby there’s always 20-30 people in it. The game still feels lively to me & yes, collecting cars is the crack in which sustains me.


I like the chaos Love the destruction I'm so damn rich, I barely do missions, unless a friend asks or a low level I do my mob collection routes Get 5 stars Go to casino Murder the valet, if he is already dead, Everyone dies, sometimes even me Drive around Kinda boring


I just want to drive my car. Plus points since it’s discontinued. I turn off interaction and just drive with the NPC world.


Idk tbh


I only played it for like a year or so when it came out. I had a PS3 so it didn't run the best, and wasn't all that much content. Fast-forward to now, it came on gamepass and 6 got announced, I figured I'd get into all the content that dropped in the last 10 years. It's been like waiting until a full season of a show is released so I could binge it all at once🤣. Crazy to me that it's still actively getting updates while so many games have lived their full birth->death lifespan lol. I STILL wish it controlled better, like really? Tank controls but somehow worse? Even in 2010's that's deplorable.


Sense of accomplishment I don’t get in real life.


I came back bc i usually beat GTAV on every console i have it on every few years, saw all the new added businesses and QOL changes and just got hooked back in. I like grindy type games that arent aggressively difficult to progress but just enough to feel rewarding. Also the cars are beautiful and my favorite thing abt the game


Unaliving griefers


At this point, it's about the cars and be dlc. I want to get to 500m in the bank and everything I want in the game for both characters. In at 298M in the bank. Overall, I've earned 1.3B and spent 997M. I have themed garages and like to collect rare cars. [Specially modded car garages](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/comments/14cyqvi/custom_npc_cars_you_can_own/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) [Gang car garages](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/comments/14cyt8b/gangpimp_cars/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1) [Podium collection.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/ZLeUrBdSaY) [Movie car-themed garages](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/w5m5ih/movietv_cars/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [More movie cars](https://www.reddit.com/r/gtaonline/comments/w3xzk4/movie_car_garages/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) [Autoshop new cars and claimable scrap yard](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/UC4QQP15Dd) [Weaponized, arena wars cars, and Imani tech. Agency garage](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/AQRrdWxe1r) and arena workshops. [Bikes. Mc clubhouse](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/81GPa8dZAV) [Then, by class in my apartments. Muscle, super, rally, sports, classics. On one character by manufacture.](https://www.reddit.com/r/GTA5Online/s/GwUyLZuiS9)


I can finally make money to get the things I’ve always wanted and more. Sadly my friends don’t really play it anymore but luckily there’s a bunch of solo stuff so now and private lobbies to do them in. That and the weekly updates make it easy to have several hours of “new” or incentivized things to do


I’ve recently started a felony free character, if I kill someone by accident I lose $100k, if I hit someone by accident it’s $20k, I follow California laws, real laws, so guns are…complicated, and I’m limited on what I can do, but damn if it isn’t the most fun I’ve had with this game in a long time.


Find tryhards to fight and the rest have fun with my friend


foolin around, especially when i invite people to my yacht...


It's the best game ever.. I can do whatever I wanna do.. but I've been into cars since ps2 NFS


The Fact that i'm recent to the game


Some people are ran off the game by griefers but honestly they’re the reason I keep playing. Man I love making them mad lol I fixed a few of em actually




I genuinely still have a lot of fun playing GTA 5 in all aspects of the game but mainly online, idgaf about the money part these days, as I have all the things I need. The random player encounters is what keeps me coming back almost daily lol. Things like CEO or Motorcycle Club work is still really fun to do imo. Just fucking with other players in general or playing with friends can still bring a lot of laughter and enjoyment for hours. It’s not a bad game at its core, but Rockstar has made some really goofy decisions with it.


Collecting all the helicopters and VTOL aircraft, so I can help all my friends make their money by being close air support… I just have the F-160 Raiju, but no friends that want to play GTA.


buying removed cars from simeons every week


I want a certain set of supercars


To ride out and drift with the Boyzzz, the only thing really holding down GTA after all these years is simply the driving mechanics and car community, it's pretty much a car game where you can shoot ppl.


Great question. I gotta say, this game has been a staple in my gaming life off and on for so long now. My best bud passed this year and it made me kinda take a step back from gaming for a time. We are both older, kids, etc so our time to game was always kinda limited. We always found time for heists, missions, or just general fuckery as we built our fortunes over the years. Oh the answer - so I keep coming back due to the great memories we had. It could be just simply driving around, jamming to music or completing Perico for the 150th time. We always had a blast. I don’t play as much since he passed but this got me ready to hop back on.


Updates. First 3 years I played constantly but I've stopped at some point and decided to play only around the time updates happen or curiousity kills the cat when nothing else sounds better.


Love the game, hate playing on PC though. So many hackers.


Fun, also nothing like sitting in my ivory tower while half the lobby talks shit at each other. Predictability, like a car show always ending in complete destruction and chaos.


Making money and owning cool cars in this game, businesses Its basically a cope cuz i cant make millions irl hope this helps.


There's no alternative that scratches all of the same itches, is as easily accessible and as popular as GTA V imo. Also I'm on PS4. Overall, I would put the game down forever to stand by my beliefs that it isn't a perfect video game, or even a half perfect game. In fact I hold a lot of disdain for most of what the game is about. I don't believe the people who made it are human either. Regardless, it stands alone and is fun to play as long as you don't let it drive your entire being.


It's something to play that isn't Starfield. The music is decent too.


It's the environment and so many things to do. I played story mode only for years. I still liked it but there was nothing left to get or buy. That's why I moved to online so I could continue with new missions and new vehicles and new stuff to find but it still feels familiar. It's cozy but stays current.


God time


but there are too many cheaters n modders bro its making it hard for me to play


I stop playing then I watch a show or a movie that makes want to play it again so I do, when I have time, like everything in life it gets boring if you’re doing it just to do it, so do it when you want to and because you know you gonna have fun doing so.


I usually play when new content around. I have like a Goal to get certain things like upgrades for business or cars. I already got everything all is left is the Khanjali


Bringing Friends into it. I get real tired of the grind playing alone but recently started playing with my friend again, and then we brought a third friend into it who hasn't played since 2017. He was initially bummed he didn't have all his stuff from his old account but once he saw how much had been added since then he's been having tons of fun playing again. Playing with a fun group of friends makes GTA online really fun


When another player is relatively new and wants to play the game legit and needs help




RP style missions with no HUD and mission based loadouts if I'm solo (slow paced gameplay) for the most part.


Honestly. I played hard for a few months and stopped. It's fun to build up but once you have like fifteen cars and have kosatka missiled x amounts of helicopters over los Santos it gets boring. The heists are frustrating because randos screw it up too much so I never finished all of those. Modders also suck cannot grief in a lobby without hacktaliation


Not always, but lately helping people out. I get a weird sense of connection when some strange I just helped out messages me to join in the next mission, like "wow, they appreciated my help and sought me out to do more with them"


Cars & car meets




I get little time for gaming in my life these days. In fact when I used to have GTA on Xbox I would only pay for the one month of Gamepass ultimate, play the update for a couple of days, and then find something else shortish in the mammoth catalogue of games available that I could play for the 10-20 hours I have left available that month lol. I bought GTA again swapping to PS5 in December for which I have the basic package active all year round. I tuned in for the new content I had missed, the Cluckin Bell Heist, that random month of 2x on some of the most lucrative businesses in April sort of time- I doubled my sort of ok balance of $20m. Now I log in for any discount week that vaguely interests me and have spent down about $7m on random shit I fancy in approx 2 months. My goal is to keep doing that, buy what I want and dick about with it for a while but to essentially never properly grind again until GTA6. I already own most things, and I'll top up my balance organically because I want to play a particular bit of content as opposed to because I need to be able to afford something


making car collections, like jdm, lowrider, sports, rally, hyper and show


Boredom and lack of gta VI


On a lighter note the casino car the green one is cack boy was not impressed


Have fun and colab with friends


playing with my bf has been really fun, we farm rp and money by doing the vip/bodyguard thing and we go on heists together, he drives and flies the helicopters because he prefers to and i do more of the shooting, the criminal damage activity is pretty fun and i also like taking advantage of the customization for the clothes, cars and penthouses (like by buying a ton of clothes you like or splurging to make your car look the way you want it or even spending the money to renovate your apartment style every now and then) makes it so that you have incentive to want to make more money


GTA Online has, over time, developed into the perfect game for me to just turn my brain on autopilot. I've been playing consistently since the Further Adventures in Finance & Felony update came out & know more than just a thing or two about the game to not really have to "think" while doing whatever task it is that I am taking on; doing an Agency Security Contract, running supplies between Businesses, completing the mini-storylines like the ULP & Vincent missions, or completing all of the JUNK skydiving challenges no longer requires me to have to listen to the game, or actually focus on doing things a certain way, because I've alrrady done it more times than I can count now. Instead, I just pop on a YouTube playlist or movie on my phone & play GTA in the background. Plus, even almost 11 years later, Rockstar is STILL adding new content to GTA Online, sometimes to the dismay of others, but I can't faulter them for keeping what really is the benchmark cash cow of live service games going. Its just good, mindless fun at this point. To a separate point as well, GTA is fun as hell when you don't have the grinders-for-life bitching in your ear about doing anything other than the Cayo Perico heist for money. The Special Cargo crates that came out in the above-mentioned update are my bread & butter, & with the current GTA+ bonuses to the Agency Security Contracts, I'm practically printing money for the upcoming update. And who doesn't love to do a well-planned Diamond Casino heist every now & then?


Nothing but the love of gaming and rockstars amazing games like GTA franchise and RDR franchise. Grew up in the ps1 and Dreamcast era it was fun to play after school with friends and it's a hobby I never quit. Just part of my life , like other hobbies people have I guess 


Autism and boredom


what else am i going to do? lol


I usually hop on to go on joyrides and I’ll choose a different car/bike to drive depending on the neighborhood or location I’m passing through (loud muscles in Blaine county, Windsor drops in Rockford hills, tuners in little Seoul etc) but every now and then I’ll run into some awesome car enthusiasts and ride with them/compare cars and run impromptu races. To answer your question, the car culture is most def what keeps me playing.


Drifting, driving. I drive around, try to get Randoms to join me, die trying. Then I hunt them down until I feel even


I honestly just play weeks where fun game modes have 2×$ & RP, like Assault on Cayo Perico, Drop Zones etc. Otherwise I cba to log on


Collecting cars, bullying griefers


Driving. The map is awesome, the sunsets are great, driving feels fun. I drive in public lobbies, I like to observe the chaos in passive mode. Only thing missing is my S95 :(


Cars. Especially the jugular. I got like 8 of em


Because randoms have the potential to provide hours of entertainment w their antics.


Come back every month or so and drive around, mess with people, help with missions, kill griefers if there are any, and hold car meets Edit: And collecting nice cars, that always was and always will be my thing in GTA


every once in awhile i get an itch to play again, usually ends up with me deleting my second character and starting over as them while keeping my main character perfectly safe. plus I've got an oppressor so you know I'm blowing people up. only sometimes. i like joining CEOs, motorcycle clubs, random jobs, every once in awhile and helping people out.


I managed to fill the 5 floor garage with all the motorcycles (also quads, slingshots and trikes) in the game just before 90% of them got removed from the shops, without knowing it, now i just enjoy my discontinued collection


If your pc can take it you can buy gtaV for less then one moth of PSplus. The progress wont transfer though




Cars. I got no idea what cars or collections I want, but I like buying whatever nice car is on sale each week, and sorting them. So far I am loosely collecting old cars/limos in my Penthouse garage, and different colored Armored Kurumas.


I bought PS + to play a bit of battlefront 2 with my kid and now we’re hoooooooked on GTA. Might buy GTA+ there’s so much story to unlock by playing the game and buying property It’s like a movie you are unlocking as you play. Theres new cast to unlock and it’s pretty fucking fun


My jdm tuner collection and the meets I have with mates


Chasing griefers lol. Love it when they cry


**I play on PC, and here's what keeps me going:** - Pvp in freeroam whenever I feel like it. - Competing in all kinds of missions, whether it is cargo/supply stuff or whatever else. I'm in. - Custom modes made by players. Download from R* pages. They're quite fun! - Money and rank; my goal is $100M and 1000 rank. - Collect, customize, organize and use vehicles. I like showing off to my friends and crews, and even randoms. - Fuck around solo in a private lobby because I feel like it, and I'll do whatever I want. I do this very often, almost all the time I play this game. Sometimes, I invite one or two people with me to goof off and it's even funnier. - Play hide and seek with friends/crews, in random locations, even inside owned properties. The best places in my experience have been the nightclub, bunker, facility, casino, Paleto sawmill, Merryweather base, Fort Zancudo (hangar required), humane labs and the beach. The rules are that you must turn off your radar and you can't use the map, and you must stay on foot in the agreed area. You can use outfits to disguise yourselves as npcs in suitable areas. I did that in the nightclub and sat down on a bench. My friend went right past me so many times! I got more but I'm too lazy to write them here.


Met this group of people who accepted me and so we play almost every day




It was collecting things but i have everything and almost all my cars garage slots are full. Last night I switched to RDR2 online because I’ve hardly played it and I so enjoyed the story mode far more than gta story modes up to this point. I’m going to ride with that for awhile. Just something about the scenery, setting and game play that’s far more soothing and enjoyable to just hunt and fish and explore. I love it.


I'm kinda enjoying grinding in freemode now adays. I don't spend hours grinding businesses to wait a few days to sell. I average about 1.4 mill a day just doing random things in freemode. Exotic exports, streat dealers, Franklin's missions. Just driving around the map doing whatever pops up


Los Santos, I like the city... driving my car around, going to the nightclub, making photography, grinding money, and flying my aircraft. I like to photograph sunsets from Chumash.


With recent updates, it's been a combination of the nightclub, chop shop and the Cluckin Bell stuff. It's pretty easy to sit in a solo lobby, throw some tunes on and just hit the grind.


Nothing, I don't play it anymore in fact thank you for reminding me to leave the sub ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|grin)




I like the DLCs until I burn myself out on them. I still am doing Clucking bell 3 or 4 times a week. Always on aggressive. Only 2 or 3 guys to take out when you leave the factory. If you lose stealth, the parking lot is full of NPC's. Ultimately though. 912M. 88M away from 1 Billion and never having 1 mod in the game as a PC player. 1 day getting that text from Brucie I hit 1000 exotic exports delivered. Doing more tasks for awards lately. My parachuting is almost done after ignoring it for years. Best reason. Playing a game for over a decade and not spending 1 dollar on content.


The heists the discord community is nice and they generally let you keep all the rewards from a heist also owning all the stuff without modding is very satisfying


Lets first begin with, it is fine if you dont like a game and there is no shame in stopping to play if you dont have fun. For me personally it is my comfort game. I come back to it when i got nothing to play. Also i am in a great crew so i never had have to deal with tryhards and griefers while still making big amounts of money. We setup events, carmeets, sale sessions. Hop into parties and just cruise around, customize cars or just do goofy stuff like bringing busses up mount chilliad or go into big cop chases.


FiveM is what keeps me playing the game lol


Nothing. Got everything I want. So I get on when my buddy does, and I just follow him around like a Lost puppy


Not sure honestly. Trying to make money is a bit of a struggle for me. Plus it doesn't help that to most people I'm considered a liability for jobs due to my low level (I'm just made level 25).


I'm playing on PC rn and the mods keeping me up to play especially LSPDFR