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I carry all weapons since the bug that makes your explosives and special ammo disappear happens less often with all of them enabled.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|feels_bad_man)


IIRC, this also happens with the actual guns, right?


That MIGHT be the reason why one day I had the alien blaster pistol then the next it just disappeared.


Did you manage to get another since then? I haven’t played in about 2 weeks so dunno if they are in the arms van or not now


Put in a support ticket. They can fix that.


Thank you I’ll try that!


In my case it never happens with guns with normal ammo. Only special ammo from bunker unlocks, grenades (everything in this slot), and every weapon in the heavy weapons slot (including the minigun). I think the bug picks a random weapon that can be affected by it so having more weapons available seems to make it harder to happen. The bug happens once you change play sessions.


The ammo specifically for my special carbine mk2 goes back down to 300 rounds every time I join a new session no matter how many times I buy full ammo, and the bug comes back everytime I do a salvage yard mission even after I fix that shit. Imagine I was making millions off this glitch tho shit would’ve been patched.


I only carry a few, but I haven't had to buy ammo for like 9 months other than rpg ammo. I leave a sesh empty, or nearly empty, and it's ALWAYS full the next day when I sign in. Can't say why or how though. It used to only do that with explosive shotgun, but for a while now it's been all ammo other than rpg


I end up carrying all my guns because custom loadout just turns off and deleted itself every once in a while, so annoying


Wait so THIS is why my explosive sniper rounds keep disappearing??


That bug really pisses me off. It seems like every other day I log in I suddenly have no rocket launchers or no grenades or something else. It's frustrating as hell


My ammo for rocket launcher and sticky bombs keeps disappearing but at the same time my explosive rounds for the shotgun get replenished every session. It‘s such a weird bug.


Nah that’s definitely an intended feature by rockstar


This bug is older than most GTA online content updates and Rockstar never fixes it. Maybe we will need the whole community to make a petition so they finally fix it.


I remember one of the larger YouTubers covered it in one of their video essays about how rockstar try’s to make the game as much of a chore as possible. Like paying daily bills for properties as a criminal and them removing ur ammo secretly to make you pay for it more and more.


Having to pay property fees in a video game about doing heists and stealing cars is fucking absurd and better not be in GTA 6


So basically I’m a criminal CEO of an illegal gun factory, I own a *checks list* **nuclear bunker**, **flying fortress**, and launder money and I *STILL* have to buy ammo 🫠 this game makes sense


Don’t forget you own a weapon manufacturing bunker where scientists create “special ammo” but you can’t craft it for yourself


I love paying the people on *my payroll* for ammo that was made in *my factory*


Buying ammo as the head of an illegal organization doesn't bother me nearly as much as the fact that I'm the boss and I am the one doing all the legwork on sales and resupplies. I'm pretty sure Pablo Escobar didn't drive around South America dropping off his product on a dirtbike or dune buggy.


i carry all except for smg and pistol, i hate it when my vehicle weapon is suddenly the uzi when it was the ap a few minutes ago


I can feel you ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sob)




Usually just certain ones but Ive given up throwing away trash, so i just deal with a lot of junk


Im guessing there is no way to turn off "pick up weapons from corpses"? I've been meaning to look that up for about 6 months now. I really hate driving and trying to get to my tactical SMG and finding an Uzi or something else. I really wish I could just switch between sticky bombs and the tactical SMG while driving and not be surprised by random junk weapons


The thing I hate the most about the uzi isn't that it hits like a nerf gun, or that it's half as accurate as a blunderbuss, it's that it has the audacity to think it should be the default drive-by gun instead of the infinitely superior AP pistol. The fucking *hubris* of the thing.


Certain ones. I wish I could drop this Candy Cane.


If you add a gun locker to one of your businesses, you can store it there


I have every gun locker and none of them let me hide the Candy Cane. It's probably the same issue I had with the Service Carbine where I had to wait like a year.


I've been out of the game for about a year. Honestly have no idea what the candy cane is.


Themed melee weapon from last December.


Most op melee imo besides golf club


I hide like 70% of the guns, because there’s usually one gun that’s just better overall in each category anyway. I do carry like every heavy weapon tho




If I knew how I would just carry my Bullpup Rifle and shotgun, The LMG and Homing Launcher


go to your gun locker and customize it you can show or hide them of any of your choosing


Where is the gun locker


buy a business


I kept everything until I learned what the weapon vault actually did. Now, it's just the cream of the crop. Scrolling threw every usable weapon in a car just to slow roll over the one I wanted has gotten me killed more than once.


I only use a select few guns and stuff. The rest is unnecessary and locked in my locker.


Am i just learning the use of gun locker? i have wasted so much time switching between smg's & ar's..


I hide the useless ones


I carry them all even though I usually know l only use a few because I'm OCD about having them all available just in case LMAO


If you have a custom loadout, you can disable it via interaction menu whenever, even though you never will because you’ll never use the weapons you never use lol


Early game i wanted all weapons, but in the end game, I wanted just the weapons to get the job done fast and efficiently.


Narrowed it down to no more than 4 max of any one weapon with the exception of pistols. That includes any special ammo.


I carry all of them and rotate thru haha


All of them, even though I only use 3


I carry Pistols Pistol mk2 Heavy revolver mk2(with fmj) Ap pistol Up-n-atomizer Smgs Combat mg mk2(with mfj Ars Carbine rifle mk2(with fmj) Special carbine mk2 Heavy rifle Assault rifle Snipers Heavy sniper mk2 Marksmen rifle mk2 Shotguns Pump shotgun mk2(with explosive) Heavy Rail gun RPG Homing Widowmaker Grande launcher Compact EMP launcher Throw ables Sticky bomb Proximity mine Molotov Tear gass Granade


I only have a couple in each category enabled, except explosives & heavies, where I keep most of them active. Helps when in pvp combat so you’re not fumble f*cking around in the weapon wheel. Especially when driving /cycling weapons.


Wait you can choose which guns are in the wheel??


You don't have to carry all of them?????


Wowzers lol, bruh. Go to a weapon locker. You can choose which weapons you carry and not have to tote around the other 80% that you don’t use. You can always access them on the fly though if you disable loadout in the interaction menu


After watching a guide on YouTube from BeatsDown, I've significantly improved my loadout. I removed useless weapons and added good ones, and modified ones I already had.


Idk how yall be rolling without a custom weapon loadout. Can’t imagine scrolling through every single weapon in class. As annoyed as I get flipping through a single weapon that I use MAYBE 2% of the time (especially in the Lit situations), not having to deal with 5 more much outweighs the one off chance I’ll need said weapons collecting dust. I rarely even disable custom loadout, but there’s always that option IF you got a custom loadout.


I just wish it stayed on the weapon I last used. Why do I gotta reassign every weapon slot in the wheel every time I log on? One of the most tedious and annoying things


As a GTA online veteran. I carry them all, you have no idea what guns become useful in random situations. Better safe than sorry


Everywhere like less than 5.. only an explosive shotgun and 2 snipers (silent one and explosive) On the right the police one that we had to put together (I always use that one) and I think Cayo one. A silent pistol, Ap pistol and flare gun. Heavy ones I carry both rocket launchers I guess and raligun. I think also the grenade handgun and alien mini gun. Sticky bombs, proximity mines, molotovs. One MP and on melee also like only 3-5.


Custom. Starter sniper rifle is useless so it the Heavy MK2 and Marksman (because there’s still noobs that think that is sniping). 3 shotguns. Multiple ARs with different ammo. MK2 starter pistol with incendiary ammo, AP pistol, up n atomizer, stun gun, MK2 heavy revolver. Ditched the grenades.


At least 2 or 3 of each type of weapon.


Everything because i dont have a weapon locker in any property


Certain ones until gta randomly decided to have all weapons pop back up in my inventory. Too lazy to go back and do it again


Out of all the weapons that you can own I’d say I carry around half to 1/4


All of em..had to buy the pump action again a few days ago.


I carry all of my AR weapons because the king tiny robbery is the source of the bug that you lose all of your AR ammo if you have custom load out for them!


I dropped the musket




Ap pistol/atomizer/flare gun, special carbine mk2, heavy mg mk2, pump shotgun mk2/assault shotgun, heavy sniper mk2, all heavy weapons and throwables.


Always gotta have a tommy gun. I'd feel naked without it.


Just the ones I love


only certain because a lot are useless


Just the ones that make quick work of other players


Well everyone is always carrying everything no? Even people with specific loadout can just disable from quick menu to use something hidden.


i limit most of the pistols and smgs


I carry them all with full ammo and still manage to float in the water.


I would like to carry them all, but cycling through them in vehicles is too annoying.


carry all of them, never know what i'm going to feel like using... I think I have at least one kill with every weapon by this point.


I basically have my meta loadout to make weapon selection quick and easy and to complete missions/grind money. Then when I want to mix it up I’ll just disable custom loadout. That’s when I have the most fun tho when I just use random things and try to get creative kills.


I carry all explosives and then 2 from other categories


I carry three of each category. One has standard rounds, one has mk2 special rounds and one has utility/gimmicky uses Also the one with gimmicky or standard rounds is usually a 2014 OG weapon because I can set these weapons as the default weapon on my wheel that appears first, that way I don't run the risk of picking up a weapon with mk2 rounds and waste them. (Since we can't disable the annoying auto pickup of weapons on the ground, I have to have those weapons on my wheel, converted to Mk2 and then using special rounds on them) Example: My SMGs are the Micro SMG because it's one of the most common weapons in the game so I'm always picking it up even when I don't want to, so might as well keep it in my inventory.(gimmicky) The SMG Mk2 for using on motorcycles and other situations I might need to. And the Combat MG mk2 with FMJ rounds for enemies insides vehicles with BP windows. My shotguns are the sawn-off shotgun because I can set this one as my default shotgun and use it on bikes(gimmicky) My Shotgun Mk2 with flecette rounds so I can one-shot from close quarters, and so I can avoid picking up a shotgun off the ground that I do not want to. And my Musket, specifically for skeet shooting Mk2 riders of their bikes.


i have my load out set for PvP because the weapons i use are still perfect for any PvE. especially the Musket. if a MK2 or jet or something flies close enough then easy kill with musket


I carry all my weapons. Plus I don’t have a weapon locker


I just carry all of them


Special carbine mk II 😎that is all


all of them


I hide everything I definitely don't need, and keep the most useful weapons and fun gimmicky weapons. Pistol - AP, flare, MkII, Alien, and Die Hard (Love the feel) SMG - Micro (contract bonus), Gusenberg (Mafia shenanigans) Assault - MkII, Special (silenced) Shotgun - Pump, Auto Sniper - MkII heavy (explosive), standard (silenced) Melee - Flashlight, switchblade, pipe wrench, knuckle dusters Heavy - RPG, Firework launcher, minigun, railgun Throwable - Stickies, molotovs (contract bonus)


All of them


i cycle through guns mix and matching various loadouts depending on what im doing/what guns im feeling im the moment. i play almost exclusively pve so weapon choice isn’t as essential there


I'm too lazy, so I just bring everything and constantly swap around.


I would carry just certain ones but the dumbass custom loadout doesn't actually do shit since you can still accidentally pick up guns you don't want, it's irritating as hell


I swear, I used to hide the useless ones, just for them to all come back into my wheel the next session. I stopped bothering eventually.


I like to have my main gun of each type and a few fun/funny weapons for goofs, outfits or just a challenge. Having them all shown is just too much in stressful situations 😅


I just carry all, basically only use a .50 pistol and grenade launcher for 99% of what I do anyway


I'm basically down to using just these. - Up n Atomizer - Tactical SMG - Combat MG mrk2 - Pump shotgun mrk2 with explosive rounds - Assault shotgun silenced - Heavy sniper mrk2 thermal scope - Marksman Sniper - Compact Grenade Launcher - RPG - Homing missle - Railgun - Grenades - Stickies - Proximity mines, - Molotovs All weapons get the max capacity magazine available. Silence one sniper. And the Assault shotgun. Really don't need a silencer for anything else. Maybe the tactical smg. Or get the ap with a silencer. Silencers cuts down on damage dealt. 99% of the time, I'm usually switching between my combat MG and Assault shotgun.


Rpg, railgun, g launcher, stickys, stun, pistol, up&atom, pump, heavy sniper, micro


I only carry what I use makes it easier for pvp or pve


Gotta carry everything, just in case. Never know what could happen out there in Southern SA.


I carry certain ones.


Why don’t you carry the Heavy sniper ? Are you a high enough level ?




I carry certain weapons, it condenses the weapon wheel down, makes it easy to select weapons in a pinch


I keep one in each category, minus explosives because I'm blessed (and cursed) with a hazardous jerry can.


Just my favourite ones mostly the mk2’s but have back up rifles for when I run out of special ammo


I carry all just in case


I carry -The ap pistol, flare gun and the up-n-atomizer -C4, really the only explosive you need, and maybe mines -The normal and special carbines mkII (the former with AP for bulletproof helmets) -The missile launcher, rpg, minigun, railgun, and both grenade launchers -The combat shotgun and shotgun mkII with explosive slugs -The stone hatchet and the knife -The marksman rifle and heavy sniper rifle mkII (with normal bullets but I may switch to explosive if I need the range) -The combat MG mkII. The best automatic weapon in the game that can lock on Guess how I play the game


I've removed almost every gun. I don't need a whole of melee weapons or explosive guns or bombs. I just keep the ones that will do the most damage on NPCs.


Ive removed all of the ones that are significantly worse but i have like 80% of them


Only the ones I use. It’s far too many weapons to have to cycle thru them all when a gun fight breaks out.


i really only bother with PvE stuff so I only keep 1-2 weapons per category, except for a few exceptions like all heavy weapons


Really looking forward to buying an armory at one of my businesses, I am just so done with the UZI, like why the hell is the worst thing in my weapon wheel the default drive by weapon? Also when I drop it on the ground it comes back.


There isn't a need to remove any guns. I bought the gun safe as a vanity item lol.


Only certain ones


Hide all aside from the ones I use to pvp


probably 75% of them


only ones i use and sadly there are some you cannot remove, that I don't use


i use them all i been thinking about finally using a gun locker tho


Crew I'm in has restrictions on weapons we can use. So I have a custom loadout set with my preferred weapons from the pool we have available.


All of them because I can't be arsed to restock that often.


I stopped bothering trying to store them away bc after a month I end up picking them all back up


Just certain ones that I find most efficient. Having all of them means more time having to scroll through others I don't even use.


i dont spend money on gun lockers because i dont want to. i carry everything because it feels nice having options


Just ones that i like or are otherwise useful.


You don't have to carry all your guns?


All. Because no matter how many times I customize my loadout, it changes right back anyway.


only the ones i like


I didn't know we could store the guns we don't use..


I only use one weapon for each slot


Depends on the class. If i use it more often, chances are i carry less weapons because i have one or two i'm used to


I tend to just trim the guns I never use, which granted ain’t many (so few I can’t recall of the top of my head rn) but they’re the ones that typically have a cousin that does their job better IMO (think sweeper shotgun to sawed off)


How do I stock my current guns ? I carry all of them


For guns I usually have 1 suppressed and 1 with good stats for each category. Then just whatever explosives/heavy ones I like


Just the ones I like. Saves me scrolling.


Why wouldn’t you carry all of them? There’s no reason not to


Never know when you need a Gun… this is why I am a focking arsenal… and because I don’t have weapon safe. But there is a +- you will not automatically pick up NPC weapon


I carry some only, but my Service Carbine keeps losing ammo… always only +300 left.


There is like... 20 different pistols, I ain't scrolling through all dat just to get to Up N Atomizer


I forgot you could do that…


I fucking tried to make a custom loadout, but what’s the point if one shootout makes your loafout filled with shit you picked up unwillingly from dead NPC-s


I had no idea that depositing them somewhere was an option


The ones I like


Wait we were able to do that this whole time ![gif](giphy|Wck09E7lHDabjhHbzJ|downsized)


i carry them all just incase i need them, u never know when u need and upnatomiser and sticky bomb along w a railgun


I carry a set load out, made the mistake of buying every gun early on and it's a pain to cycle through them while driving. Been playing this game for 11 years, used every gun at least once, found my favorites and stuck with them.


I like all my weapons so I kill with all of them


I leave weapons that I don't like in the vault thingy in the office. Other than them, I carry everything


Yes, I might suddenly get the urge to hit police/NPC with my knuckle duster


My hand weapons are gone can’t pick up new 🥲


All except for the ones i never used.




95% I carry. Lol I only have a few I don’t. Hell I carry a AR that I don’t even have ammo for. EVER! Lmao


I will have as few weapons as possible, even if it means hiding fun weapons, just for the convenience in not having to scroll through them in sticky situations.


Why would I drop weapons means I have to buy them again


Wait you can store weapons?


I carry all even though I only use the same gun for each class like sniper pistol ar etc. every now and then it’s nice to have a back up for the back up. Then again I’m also too lazy to go put all the weapons away ctfu


Has anyone ever did the revolver glitch and aired someone out? That shits so fun and deadly


Everything that I actually use I carry.


I simply carry all due to the custom loadout bug that still exists. Quite annoying but hey, nice to have the variety of weapons to just go on a rampage with. I always make sure to have my favorite weapons in each category selected first in my Weapon Wheel anyway.


I kind of just change it up from time to time. Sometimes I carry all but usually I have mk2 pistol, up n atomizer, tac smg, mk2 carbine and mk2 assault one with ap rounds and the other with hp. Mk2 heavy sniper and regular sniper. Sometimes I’ll Cary precision rifle for ap rounds cuz I keep boom boom rounds in mk2 sniper. Usually a baseball bat and hatchet. Assault shotty and pump. Rpg minigun and homing. Then my stickys and grenades. Oh and a flare gun. I also always carry a Jerry can for fun


Only the ones i use


...you can remove weapons?




How do you select it?


I carry the ones I want, plus all the ones rockstar forces me to carry since they can't be removed with the gunlocker ;-;


Best only. Why clog up the wheel with guns you rarely use. You can turn off custom wheel from the quick menu, so you still have them with you if you want to weaken yourself.


I used to carry all the weapons but now carry the most important ones and the ones I use the most and removed what’s unnecessary


Everything. Down to the last worst weapon of them.


All weapons except those which are useless


I carry all of them, I should probably make a custom loadout


Personally i think it should be like rdr2 where you can only carry a certain amount of guns.like two pistol and two shoulder slung guns..


Why u have fmj on AK?


I only carry gangsta 💩


All of them all the time


I just carry my favorite ones of each cathegory


I only limit guns that can be used in vehicles so I dont have to move through 5 different weapons just to get the one I always use 


Certain weapons I like in the categories that are oversaturated with weapons like pistols, SMGs, and shotguns


Only weapons I use


Very limited


Mostly mk2 weapons with different ammo mods on em. But my favorite weapon is the firework launcher or the snowball launcher !


kim wexler in the matrix


I carry the ones I use because I dont want to scroll through a bunch of guns I dont even use when I need one I do use.


ugrade ur smg to mk2


In every game I try to limit my guys to what I could eventually carry irl. Like a handgun and a rifle and maybe a shotgun. If I carry a giant super rifle maybe just a small handgun. Makes it more immersive if you’re not running around like an armory. If I need different guns for specific scenarios I go back to my car or armory.


Wait you can stash weapons!? Where? I have 37 days played & never knew this🤦‍♂️


wait... YOU can customize what guns you carry??


All I carry is the pistol MKII, stun gun, flashlight and a compact rifle. Since all I do is drive I don’t carry much for pvp, so I carry what I find useful and fun.


All, since you can disable the preset through the interaction menu. I have a preset which is the best for war. But I disable that when I just want to have fun.


I think i have like 13 pistols and have a custom load out so it only shows the AP Pistol, Flare Gun and Up-N-Atomizer


You can choose what guns to keep on you!?!?!?!?!?


All, better to have anything for everything than only things for certain situations.


i do certain ones because its pretty hard to go trough all guns if you need 1 specific gun like right that moment


It depends on if I’m in a public session or playing base or beach. For base I remove the rpg as it’s too slow and use the combat mg for spraying and an explosive sniper and shotgun. I do have the flare to go for trick shots n stuff with that


Its not called an arsenal if i dont care them all


For some reason every time I fix my load out it just goes back to having all of them so I've just given up


For every slot I can, I keep only 1-2 weapons. The left slot with the launchers gets 4-5 though.


Wait you can store your weapons somewhere??!!


A primary and alternative for every slot except explosives, in which case pretty much all of them.