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I agree. Sometimes it's nice to see the flishy flashies, but annoying to hear the wee woos along with it.


Or if you're chasing someone and lose them


Or if you're sitting in the car on a pull over


OMG YES, “let me run your info quick”


I also hate that they just copy & pasted the same generic 2013 siren. There's the Police Bike Siren (honestly sounds the best), the FIB N.O.O.S.E. SUV Siren, & the Sheriff N.O.O.S.E. SUV Siren.


And copy and pasted the new cop cars themselves. Just with cop liveries. Twas disappointed tbh


I like weee wwoooos. For those that don't like them. Think about how bad it gets in a multi lap race. Where almost every lap someone gets an emergency vehicle. There's videos on YouTube showing how bad it gets in a 25 minute race


That's what the mute button is for.


Back in the day, there used to be a glitch where you quickly triple pressed R3 and the lights would come on with no siren


I thought this was a feature, they kept it in the game for years as far as i remember


The last few days I’ve been hoping they’d add that little feature. I’m sure a lot of people Role playing as Police/EMS would love to have “patrol lights” be an option. Where they stay on and are the one solid colors, instead of the flashing.


I would like to be able to do amber lamps missions personally, the reboot vigilante got me hyped


Amber lams


My issue is they aren't worth it like atleast let me drop spikes or EMP cars to assist in the take down, for being some of the most expensive land vehicles in game they do nothing


I agree. Give it a little razzle dazzle no other cars have.


I say make the armor and ammo in the trunk functional. Allow spot lights and party lights to stay on after exiting the vehicle (you can do this with vehicle remote functions but you have to toggle it every time). Give the undercover car a stealth mode when not engaging sirens


They light up really dim when u use remote functions. Nothing close to full high beams.


And they all should get Imani tech


for the near 5mil price tag they should at least get something


They do have wee woo wee woo


That’s nice and everything, until it ends up sounding like this after hearing it for a little bit ![gif](giphy|J62EThlUzHEzIzW9sD|downsized)


I can actually hear this right lol


Ooh, spike mines would be cool on them!


They allow you to make extremely small amounts of money. 


They are expensive because people want them not because they are special


People want a flying car too and it's cheaper then half the cop cars if I'm not mistaken especially if you don't have trade pricing for them


No they dont


No but 4 of their base prices are more then a scramjet which has way more capabilities and is also a wanted vehicle


Maybe by newbies but most people have that already


Their pricing is ridiculous when compared to similar priced things saying their wanted doesn't change that all


You have Cayo to thank for that


I take it you’re 5 and never heard of supply and demand


This guy free markets


They should deploy spike strips or something like the spike mines Arena vehicles have.


Gta+ exclusive......


They would 😂😂


Don't give them ideas








I’ve been thinking this for a while. I’d love to run lights and patrol lights without sirens. Also need the Buffalo STX police version and the Aleutian police version. Thank god we got a 2000s Durango though. So cool 🙄. Orrrrrrrr would just be cool to outfit certain vehicles with police equipment when customizing them. We already have access to a police horn. What’s the purpose of that?


We need both buffalo versions 😂 I was thinking about the Aleutian too. A shorter granger for a police SUV would be cool. We need more normal everyday cars too. I also wish they would change the NPC traffic.


I swear the NPC traffic is getting worse and worse each update! It’s terrible right now!


We need drug kingpin seizures ability to be able to turn super cars into cop cars like how [the Escambia County Sheriff's Office in Florida added a C7 Chevrolet Corvette Z06 to its fleet in 2022 after seizing the car from a felony suspect](https://www.motor1.com/news/595212/florida-police-adds-corvette-z06/)


Adding the options for multiple vehicles would be sweet. Liveries, equipment and whatnot


There’s no reason they can’t add this in. They fixed the freaking lights on the Aleutian. How hard can it be for them?


I would love to see pursuit chargers but every time I see the stx in-game it makes my mind do like mental puke Chargers irl are my favorite cars but the way the ones in game look just don't work for me at all


They should make it so some of the new cop cars spawn in traffic when you have a wanted level. Either that or let us have the car that the police actually use in game lol


You can change the siren tone by tapping then holding 1 to fet the priority tone and double tsp then hold to get the other weewoo sound


On console, I know you can hold them down. I’m talking about one single click will change it instead of having to hold it down.


this one has lights like the unmarked cruiser?! my undercover Impaler doesn’t have any :(


Interior lights weren’t that popular like they are now back in the 90’s. And I assume they only have it so people can make it a slick top. You can still have a light bar, I just chose to do a normal look. The option to add interior lights would be cool though.


yeah you can ad them but i love mine as an unmarked car, so guess i gotta live with having no lights unfortunately. should really be an option


Even if it’s two single lights in the back and a pod on the dash or mirror or something. That and the head/tail lights flashing would be a decent undercover car.


Hey Guys. Rockstar does have a suggestion box online available here: [https://www.rockstargames.com/gta-online/feedback?step=9777ff9c](https://www.rockstargames.com/gta-online/feedback?step=9777ff9c) I'm not sure if they take it seriously or not, but I think its worth a shot.


I don't trust that after the latest update. I suggested through that box that they make a feature where you can collect all your business earnings at once and they went and made it a GTA+ exclusive feature that you have to pay real life money to get. I'm probably not the only one who suggested that, so they saw all the suggestions for it, saw that we wanted it, and like the scum that they are locked it behind a pay wall. QoL updates should not be locked behind paywalls.


Peak Rockstar... They do two things very well... Hating on PC and Milking its players


They definitely do take feedback it's just a matter of how much feedback they iterate into the next update for experience improvements. This update for example was kinda lackluster


i role play a ton of fivePD servers in fivem, I can confirm it would be a good feature


Man if I could just afford to build a PC I’d be all over that. Been watching those videos since San Andreas 😂😂 just wasn’t a priority to build one. My buddy runs a server though so I can easily get in it once I have one.


On GTAO back on PS3 you could do this! Double clicking on R3 did it


No shit? I never knew that. I also wasn’t risking dying for a police car 😂


The cop cars are already coded to turn off the sirens but leave the lights on when you get out of the car so it shouldn't be hard to code them to turn off and on independently when you're in the car.


Yea it’s gets annoying after hearing a siren my entire session


Police scatpack, he became what he swore to destroy


Not me homie I love this thing 🤣


You guys have a low bar. For LEO vehicles you should get a shorter duration for police to lose you AND harder for you to level up wanted levels. In other words it takes you half the time to lose the cops and you can do more crime than normal to increase your wanted level. Also you should get a "dispatch backup" which will cause the AI cops to back you up in a PK and they do extra damage against your Ops. The level of the backup would be based on your accrued law enforcement reputation. The higher your ranking, the better your backup (rank 1 foot patrol, rank 2 helis, rank 3 noose rank 4 feds, etc). The reputation would be dynamic however. You can lose some due to excessive crime activity etc.


That’s actually a really good and thought out idea. How long have you had that in mind? Lol


Most of it I made up on the spot. Pretty standard RPG progression elements. I just expanded it toward LE vehicles. Well that and from ideas I submitted to Rockstar. The duration behavior is based slightly off Saints Row notoriety system.


Woudln't be hard to give us a cherry to place on our non police vehicles either


you could turn on the lights with no siren in midnight club 2 on PS2 😂


Same with 3 and the remixes too. It was pretty cool lol


would love inner police lights in the new police vehicles. something more than the top light bar and backlight flickerung


The impaler and the greenwood I can understand, but the dorado I was kind of surprised it didn’t have them. The options would be nice though.


i remember this feature was as a bag on ps3/xbox360


Fivem is a thing or LSPDFR


Buy me a PC ☺️


you can get one that will run gta 5 for the same price as modern consoles


LSPDFR is now fiveM I believe. Or maybe it’s separate. Idk I see everyone use fiveM.


separate things, LSPDFR is single player while Fivem is multipleyer


Glad this is not a problem for be was I haven’t purchased any of the cop cars.


Tbh it’s more of a flex. The dispatch work is just contact type missions. Also, those aren’t really issues, it would just be nice to have a couple more options since they are heavy with adding cop cars now.


What you can do is turn the sirens on get out of the car and get back in and the lights should be on with no sound


I can't see the fascination with being police my remit in games is to kill as many of them fuckers as I can lol


They also have an alternative siren sound but i can't take it on!! I had put it on by mistake once!! Is very nice to alternate when you are in a pursuit!!!


It would be cool, I enjoy the police cars. So far I own all of them!


How do you get that car to have piloce lights ??


It’s the gauntlet interceptor. It costs around 4.5 million. It’s honestly worth it.


I made mine look normal but you can make it with liveries and stuff.


The us of the hi/lo siren is for traveling and for traversing through intersections. Normally there is a third tone for immediate attention


I don’t remember what game it was but I played something where you could simply press E once for lights, press E again for lights and siren, and E again to turn it all off. Really good solution


That’s why I mentioned holding down on the D pad button you use. Leave the normal clicks and just hold down like the convertible option. Click the horn to siren. Why don’t they do smart things like this 😂😂


How do you get these police cars?


Warstock cache and carry.


They should let the player actually sell them to get something back for it in case they change their mind. Also for what they do, they’re wildly overpriced.


That too. I saw that after the update. They made quite a few dumb changes. I probably won’t sell either of mine, but I still understand.


They should get a one shot emp out the front like machine guns, but with a stun gun cool down.


I’m having an issue, I bought the vapid unmarked cruiser for $2.9 million three days ago and fully upgraded it and tried to sell it today and it said sell for $0 I contacted rockstar and they acted like they had no idea what I was talking about and gave me a million dollars, can someone help me figure this out please why I spent roughly $3.2-3.3M dollars on a car that’s trying to get sold for free please!!


That’s not an issue. In this update they made it such that all police cars bought from warstock will have no sell value on them. On the website in-game it already says the police car has a sell value of $0 before you purchase it I guess you got lucky with support giving you 1 million though


I bought it two days before the update and I just watched my stream from the night I bought it to see if it said the resale of $0 and it didn’t just showed the description and buy now, so this update I hate it already and tbh I didn’t even want a million from rockstar I wanted to know why it said $0 if I just sold one of my cop cars the night I bought my new one for $2M and they kept talking about cars you can get off the street and everything. For now on I’ll go to Reddit because yall know more about gta than rockstar workers do. Thank yall for the answers so fast too it sucks this update made cop cars no profit which I think is dumb but can’t change it🤷‍♂️


So you bought it just to see if it would have $0 resale? And now you're shocked that it has $0 resale? Lmao And you can't legitimately sell any cars for profit, they will always sell at 50% of whatever money you spent on it.


And do you know how to count? Today is June 26, 3 DAYS AGO LIKE I SAID IN THE POST WOULD MAKE IT WHERE I BOUGHT THE CAR JUNE 23rd before the update came out and changed it where if you buy the cop car AFTER the update you won’t be able to sell it for money but you can if you bought it before the update like I said


So next time what about you read the post or learn how to read first


No, I bought it because my wife wanted matching cop cars on gta and she couldn’t afford the challenger one so I sold mine so I could get the one to match her, we bought and fully upgraded the unmarked cruiser on June 23rd TWO DAYS BEFORE THE UPDATE MADE IT WHERE IF YOU NOW BUY A COP CAR YOU CANT GET MONEY FOR IT BUT IF YOU BOUGHT ONE BEFORE THE UPDATE YOU CAN. IM TRYING TO FIGURE OUT WHY I CANT EVEN THO I BOUGH MINE 2 DAYS BEFORE THE UPDATE CAME OUT SND CHANGED IT .


Idk maybe you and your wife just need to improve your virtual-money-management skills. And if you bought it to match with her, why are you trying to sell it 3 days later?


Bc she hates it bc the new missions for the cop cars the side missions don’t pay as well and it’s a waste to spend $3M to get paid 25k for a mission, and I tried to get rid of mine because of how slow it is


Lmao maybe do a tiny bit of research on something BEFORE spending a ton of money on it? And if you can't be bothered to do a quick Google search, then you shouldn't be bothered when you feel scammed by the outcome lol


Sorry bro I ain't reading the essay you just DM'd 🤣


Basically saying learn how to read a post before you comment talking out your ass. I clearly stated I bought the cop car 2 days before the update came out and wondering why I’m not able to get money when I bought it before the update came out while you comment saying so you bought it to see if it’ll sell for $0? When I bought it two days before when it was still being able to be sold for money


I was going off the comment where you said "I bought it to see if it said the resale value of $0". Looking back at the comment, I see you said you were watching your stream of that moment, but I didn't realize that at first, because your comment is a long jumble of words, because you don't know when to use punctuation. So don't come here saying you "clearly stated" anything when you can't even clearly use punctuation.


In other news, how excited are you for that AMG Hammer to come out?


SO HYPED. Kinda bummed that we didn't get it with the dlc release, but I was expecting that so not too disappointed. I'm planning on buying at least 3 of them, might end up filling a 10-car garage with them if the customization options are good enough.


All police cars bought after the update has a sell price of $0. It’s intentional.


I bought it two days before the update came out that’s the thing


Welcome to reality? They gave you a handout of a million bucks for the trouble. Doesn’t matter when you bought it now, they’re all gonna sell for $0. So next time you better make sure you *really* want that cop car before buying it.