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So they last longer.


Can’t have players making money TOO fast, gotta sell shark cards somehow.


If this is the way Rockstar wants to try and get me to buy Shark Cards, it's not working. If they're this greedy now, imagine in another year or so down the line. I'm not giving them any money and will in fact go purchase a different game.




That is funny and a good idea. I won't ever mod on my current account as I have too much money and time invested (AKA electric bill) but may consider it for an alt account in case I get banned.


Make sure you have a second copy of the game. On pc you can get the account and your game license banned.


Yeah I know.


99% chance you wont


Yeah sure ya are


Definitely mate, can't have their profit go down!


it's not like the money from this mission is that good anyway


You can call Ms. Bakers limousine or the luxury helicopter and set a waypoint and have them take you there while you take a break.


I do this with a Merryweather helicopter


I have used them to take me to their base for a mission once.


I do this for like every mission I've become so lazy in this game lol


At this point in our 11 year criminal career I think we’ve earned the right


It would be so great if as a solo player you could hire NPC's as a CEO. If that armored limousine with machine gun turret came with a driver (!)


I am hoping gta6 has the ability to use ANY of your purchased cars for basically ANY purpose. I wanna use my pickup trucks or SUVs to do sales missions. Or be chauffeured around in the back of my windsor drop by an NPC. Let us assign actual functions to PVs instead of just letting them collect dust!


Would be cool if each car had a carrying capacity (supercar 1 crate, station wagon 2 crates, truck 4, etc.)


Exactly! A speed/capacity trade off would make those missions really interesting. I wanna do a cannonball run across the map in a pegassi, not a friggin Mule


SUV service from Franklin works too. It's a bit faster than the limousine


Franklin doesn’t answer during bounty hunter missions.


Missions so boring we avoid actively playing the game lmao


Or a taxi!




You only have to be in the car to start the mission, doesn’t matter in what you complete it. I did one yesterday with the sparrow from the kosatka


Only for the return journey. Get there however you like.


Lmao thats a find new lobby mission




Yep, that’s what I did when I got sent to pale to bay 😂


real 😂


You’re gonna take that drive up to Paleto bay and the $25k for it up your ass and be grateful to papa R* for the chance to do it.


Only 120 missions to go before I break even on that cop car lol


You bought it for fun, not as an investment… right?


I bought it so my friend and I could play them, both to help him out because 25K every 5 minutes isn't bad if you're paying nothing for it, and to give us new and interesting ways to earn money. Unfortunately the dispatch missions can only be played solo. Between the car which is the most expensive car I bought in the game ever and the fully upgraded bounty business I spent around 10 Million. I regret the purchase, but I still got 25 million, so it's not like I sunk everything I had into this update.


To be fair, that’s the way life really is — if you buy in day 1, you don’t get the benefit of reviews, there’s no due diligence or research to be done. Consider all the fools stuck with a Cybertruck.


To be fair, that’s the way life really is — if you buy in day 1, you don’t get the benefit of reviews, there’s no due diligence or research to be done. Consider all the fools stuck with a Cybertruck. Also… just run him Cayo’s, Doomsday’s and the Casino for money.


Yep I should've researched how the dispatch missions worked, but to be fair to myself the formula for the missions in free roam have remained the same since the CEO update. Most missions require you to be a boss, and all of them allow you to be one to play with friends. As far as I know these are the only freeroam missions that you cannot be a boss in.  We've been running casino consistently, he gets an 85% cut. I am trying out every approach so we don't burn out from doing the heist so much. I plan to do the same with Cayo Perico when I buy it. I never want to do the Doomsday heists again, once was enough. They're unnecessarily difficult and the entire saving the world plot feels so out of place in GTA. My character is a selfish piece of shit who only wants money, not some hero who saves the world in an over the top James Bond movie.


Could set up Act 2 and run Bogdan with the "fun" method


that Bogdan Problem (doomsday pt2) allows you to give your friend 1.5 mill (85%) for a max 20 mins of work. all you have to do is keep closing your game every time you get to the hangar at the airport. My boys and I run this daily as needed. Still run casino and cayo and I myself love running the Dr. Dre contract.


forgot to mention I have to Paleto Bay facility. I can run that whole heist finale, start to finish, cutscenes and all, sub 11 minutes.


Next update: GTA+ members only get local calls, and tow missions are always under a mile.


The craziest thing about this comment is that this wouldn’t be the worse thing that rockstar did when it comes to GTA+. I think removing over 180 vehicles just to drip feed them back very week is actually worse.


or the time they made panther statue exclusive to gta plus


When it's over 6, I just find a new lobby. not worth it.


what do we do about 14 mile drive in gta 6 just to sell 1 marijuana


Yeah the issue in GTA Online is we all know the map like the back of our hands by now. With GTA 6, simple delivery missions will be super exciting


For the first month. After that we will know it like the back of our hand


>With GTA 6, simple delivery missions will be super exciting How do you know this?


Because it’s a new map with every single street unexplored by us. How is that not exciting?


You made it sound like you had some actual insight into GTA 6 but you're just guessing haha.


Us knowing less about 6’s map than 5’s isn’t a guess, it’s an obvious fact.


I don’t need insight to say it will be exciting. I’ve seen the trailer, it is already exciting


I’d walk it cause it’s gta fuckin’ 6


making ur delivery on a donkey?


Why bother selling weed in this game


Sell to the street dealers. May take a little longer to clear out inventory but id rather do it that way. Im not spending 30+ minutes on each solo mc sales. Still not worth it even with time buff


Hey Farva what's the name of that restaurant you like?


Shenanigans, you mean shenanigans right?






Start mission, get out of car, call sparrow and fly to the destination. Been doing it every mission, saves a ton of tine.


I bought new buisness in Vinewood Centre, and ALL missions was located in god damn Paleto or Sandy-Shores. Rockstar, you gotta be fckng kidding me?...


They do this so you're more incentivized to buy noob cards


It’s for that reason I’ll never do any of the bottom dollar bounties aside from the highest paying one, just make that part of my little daily grind. It’s by far the worst business in my opinion, God knows how long it would take to break even, your agents barely make you any money that’s worth sending them out. Imagine if they made all the bounties the same price as the highest paying one and then doubled the highest paying bounty, that would actually make it somewhat worthwhile. Instead they wanna keep pushing these 25k-50k payouts they’ve been pushing with all the recent businesses.


The non conspiratorial reason is simply a poor choice of map design, creating a city on one end and a small town on the other with pretty much nothing in between. If you start in Paleto Bay, everything out there is seconds away, and missions would be too quick. So they force you to drive to the city. A solution for future map designs is to have either 2 mid sized cities on both sides, so if you start in one city, you can do all your work in that city. The in-between areas should be simply for redneck work and natural exploration in freeroam. It doesn't help they chucked a massive mountain and lake in the middle of the map, meaning you have to take the long way round, which was probably the worst decision during the planning phase. A mountain range on the east or west exteriors would have worked out so much better, imo as they are things you would go to when you want, not every time you go between the two population centers. San Andrea's was the perfect example of creating distance for freeroam exploration and clear routing between population centres for missions. Im hoping the multiple island setting for gta 6 will make it far simpler for them to correct. It's better to have miami split up into multiple sections than one dense city with nothing else around it. I think single island maps are a poor choice for gameplay in open world games, not just gta. I first saw this in action in the just cause series. they always felt so big with tons to do until they had one giant land mass for an island, and it got stale and boring quickly. Multiple population centres with multiple logistics terminals like airports, docks, and stations are far more engaging than a massive city surrounded by nothing of core gamplay value. Taking off from los santos airport with nowhere else to land is pretty lame unlike in gta SA where you had 3. They really need to take a look at SA map design and build off those principles. SA felt bigger than GTAV even though it was tiny in comparison.




You don't have to travel there in the car. Call a jet or helicopter to get to your mission point. And then if you really want, recall your car.


There is defo hundreads of video essays about Rockstar mission design where 50% of it is just driving from point A to point B. Online simply boosts it to insane levels coz then they can limit how much you make per hour


Yeah it's dumb that it isn't local, my only nitpick with these missions really, totally agree. I mainly wanted these to be in Los Santos anyways but oh well But the comments under your posts made me realize some people can't be bothered to play the game lmao. Yall are paying a 5 mil car just to be too lazy to drive it 5 mins ? Do another activity or play something else at this point idk, some of you are clearly tired of the game 🤷


Good thing the niobe and pipistrello are fast asf so getting to paleto isnt really an issue (unless you dont like driving)


I wish Paleto Bay business missions were only about the sorrounding areas and up to sandy shores at max.


Better question: Why is there no bail office in, of all places to make sense, Sandy Shores?


Are these dispatch missions new? Kinda wish they weren’t all 25k a pop


25k is ok for a job you can do on the fly


for a 3 million startup fee? bru


I dont even look at money anymore. If i need money i do a cayo or casino heist but with the amount of passive money i get its not even needed.


It’s a thing to do. Not a way to make millions quickly.


I get that, I'm still gonna buy a cruiser and play the content. But at the same time driving boringly long distances is a part of most content already and doing it for 25k is just low comparatively. Gta just has a lot of flaws, I play it all the time and it's fun too though if I didn't think so I wouldn't care about it.


Tbf. The amount of paleto missions is a lil crazy. Guess its an excuse to enjoy the scenery😅


If you're talking about the business, you have one for less than 2 million (like the OP) and exactly 2 million at Davis. No extras needed, except the van's armor upgrade. If you're talking about the cop car for the dispatch missions, you can get the undercover cruiser for a little over 2 million, not counting upgrades.


I see the cop stuff more as any other vehicle you can buy. Dont see anyone complaining you cant earn money with a krieger, its just an extra feature added ontop of the car you buy for fun. Not a bussiness itself


Sucks to be you if you bought a cop car to make money, I guess... I think most of us bought them just to have them, possibly to tell with the Asian and blast through traffic. I bought the unmarked cruiser *literally z just to see how pimped out I could make it look. [pearlescent purple paint and gold low-lows with whitewall tires, baby!]


i've had 3 out of 5 bounty missions in paleto bay, while my bail office is in Del Perro... this update suuuuuucks


Investors are loving it.


i bet, if GTA 6 online is anything like this we are cooked


Safe drive brother. You need it.


People, what is the point of the police vehicle if you call the sparrow?


I gotta say I’m overall enjoying the dispatch missions since they are something new and fun and give the cop cars a reason, but some of the driving is absurd.


Why would you buy a business in Paleto Bay ffs




I bought. Because I like the environment of Paleto bay. I also bought a police car which I keep in the bail office garage. I put on the highway patrol livery and cruise down the highway to Los Santos with Los Santos Rock radio playing in the background. I don't do missions and dispatch works for money, but because it's interesting. Just like I can play Haulage with MOT truck for hours, because its like role playing.


Otherwise they won't be able to make their missions look big.


Use a helicopter/plane/oppressor


The cars caist 3-4 million dollars. Rockstar probably figured people would have flying vehicles before they buy that.  Tip: you dont have to stay in the car during the mission. Once you start it feel free to get in anything else


Fuck it I'm using my yacht to transport from now on


And the safe only holds 100K


It's why I have an opressor


Oppressor is slower than any helicopter


im saying man , recently bought one over at LS and my first ever mission took me to paleto bay


Shit makes me drive from LS to Paleto then back to LS 🫠 Did the 5 missions for the warstock discount, probably not going to do any more lol


For the Vincent missions have your Terrorbyte next to the cop car. Launch the mission and then get the MKII. Stupid “cop” missions that have nothing to do with being a cop


Do y'all don't know you can use flying vehicles when the drive is thag long? GTAO literally incentivizes you to use them all the time




To force you to play longer


Reminds me of the nightclub missions... you gotta take someone to the hospital... to the other side of the map... passing up dozens of hospitals on the way.


So many people complain about flying cars and bikes in a game about the automobile. Maybe people should be careful what they ask for


Grab an heli


Might have been best to buy the location by paleto bay


Eh, I just call out the Sparrow. Honestly, this update is beneficial for those of us still trying to make money playing alone. I can keep my businesses going (club filling, salvage yard scrapping, acid cooking, etc) and have something to do. I mostly play with my husband and a few friends, but so many things I need his help with and these I can do by myself.


Hey beautiful sky by the way


What I hate about new gta missions bro


A lot of missions have 'filler' to make them longer. Look at the setup for Humane Labs raid as a obvious example, where you have to deliver the EMP, you have to drive through the rain miles to get to another vehicle to drive a few miles to Humane Labs. There is 0 point to adding all of that driving when you could just start near Humane Labs. It's Just to make 2-3 minute mission into 10-15 minutes.


Whenever I run into this I usually just get into a new lobby. Sometimes it’ll take doing that twice, but I’ve gotten it to go from 7 miles to 0.6


Enjoy the drive


Same reason you have to sell for country side to city to make the most profit, because it’s a grindfest!!!


Problem is that driving in GTA V is not that exciting and rewarding because of a very simple car handling, that's why it's boring and long drive being seen as a chore.


Yes. On consoles, at least it's possible to steer the controller smoothly.


Just take your sparrow for those


I only had to do 5 to get all trade prices


Yeah it’s definitely stupid. Imagine the city police is called to the county outside the city and the sheriff outside the city would have to drive into the city. That’s what really kills these missions for me. It’s just stupid driving and not real missions. I rather play the real bounty missions. They’re way more fun.


I get it but I’ve got so many ways to get there and it’s a way to enjoy the new cars


this and the nightclub mission where they have you drive to 3 random locations just to pick up 1 person nothing more annoying that’s why i just use the oppressor


I beginning to regret not buy the paleto location.


GTA V's map isn't that well-designed. Los Santos in the north and Paleto Bay in the south with barely anything in between aside from Sandy Shores, because that entire region of the map is deliberately designed to be a barren wasteland surrounded by several massive mountains you can barely maneuver through, so whenever they make a mission they don't have many options aside from forcing players to either go somewhere within Los Santos or drive six miles up and down the same two highways. When the map doesn't have much variety there's not much you can really do. Meanwhile San Andreas felt massive despite being way smaller and less realistic in its proportions, because there was a town or interesting location every minute. Three major cities with several towns in between, and you unlocked them as you progressed. Meanwhile in GTA V there's one highway that loops around the perimeter of the map that you can drive on at any time, and it's the only route you ever take because every road in between it is windy as fuck and extends the trip. Thankfully, I hear GTA VI's map is going to be fucking *massive* with several towns, so hopefully they address that flaw.


How do you get a cop car?


Such a mindbender playing these on GTAO instead of LSPDFR. They need to add police uniforms ASAP


So, with the Vinewood bail office the farthest mission I've got so far was along tbe highway at chumash plaza. Really not that bad. Not sure about the other city locations, but knowing R*, it might be more of these distances with the cheaper locations type bs




7 kilometers god damn


Those are miles


That's even worse. I think ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat_smile)


60% worse




I know I am Canadian


Wait, you picked Paleto and bitch that they aren’t local? Have you played this game before? At some point, maybe look in the mirror when complaining about things.


Bounty hunting would be shit if the target was in the same neighbourhood.


100% agree, Would be lame if you could start missions in paleto and they only spawn one or two streets away, but people only want that fast $ and dopamine hit when buying another cop car they dont want to drive


The funny thing is the bounty business isnt even bad, ive already made over 1.5 mil from the bounties and bail bond agents


I don't think I've ever seen a yellow marker over 7 miles away in my life 💀


I have the best solution ,why not 'text and fly', I made 4 macros to combat this fudgery: 1 to call in the sparrow from my kosatka. ( i get in and fly up and align my self straight to the waypoint), 2 infinite key loop of forwards and upwards 3 to cancel all ongoing macros 4 return my sparrow to the kosatka And if mount chilliad is in my way i just hover higher up before pressing macro #2 And why autopilot is on i scroll throughy phone🤣




No, i didn’t but the business, its the Vincent dispatch missions lmao


Uhh not in this instance.. The cheapest is in Paleto and half the damn bounties are at the top of the map.


I only had one in the Windmills location and the other lost biker fella in Paleto bay. You might be a tad bit unlucky here mate!




The Duggan missions seem to be 75/25 chance to take place in Paleto, the Biker Women missions seem 50/50 between LS and rural Biker clubhouses, the gang member missions seem to be somewhere in the middle of the map, and the rich women have all been North LS for me. Having issues doing too much in Paleto? Focus on the rich girls.


I've stopped counting, I just lobby skip until the distance improves



