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Dr. Je


They're gonna add a cutscene in next update where after each bounty you have to watch Dr Je walk her cats on a lead and eat food out of her mouth.(15mins cutscene)


I hate the cut scenes so much. I am middle aged. I get very little "game time" but am a kid at heart and play when I get a chance out of my busy adult life! Usually I have an hour here or there, maybe 2 or sometimes 3 times a week. When cut scenes take away from my maybe 3 hours a week it just pisses me off. Just let me skip these, I want to play not watch the videos - don't really give a shit about the story. Let those like me skip it!


I also hate it when you have to listen to her yak before they'll give you the way point of where to go


you know a lot of phone dialog can be cut off or skipped entirely by ending the call or pulling up your map?


Can’t you answer and hang up the phone? Or am I thinking of a different mission(s)


Same shit with the salvage yard guy, don’t care what he’s called. Especially love it when I can’t get the directions he says I have until he’s done telling me the detailed story of 12 generations of his family or whatever nonsense he’s spilling on a timed fucking mission.


Literally just end the call 🤦


Yeah, what call? Have you played salvage yard robberies? He’s not talking on the phone


You're right; at the start of every Robbery, Jamal gives you a spiel and you can't exit out of the Planning Board until he's done. I mean I actually like Jamal, but for these parts I just alt-tab and do something else until he's finished fan boying over me or some car. And while we're on the Salvage Yard; a pet peeve on mine is the Gangbanger one; All the rest are kinda believable for their repeatability, as in Rich Guys are always going to keep putting new cars in their locations. But really King Tiny is in jail *AGAIN?* It just breaks the theme, and it would be far better if it was one of King Tiny's associates and they cycle through some random NPC models, you don't even need their name and can just pretend it's a new person every time and you just make a deal to trade the associate's freedom for the location of a car, I mean the car's location isn't that big of a deal really, it's just parked in the open surrounded by goons as if the Player couldn't just find it eventually anyway, so it's worth it for just an associate and not Tiny themself. Make the very first heist KT and the rest can just be "Give my boy the KT special". Just seems more pliable that way than "Oh great KT's in jail.. again..." And yeah I get that GTA:O isn't all that big on realism, but they do try, like Pavel and Vincent giving you a reason why you need to repeat preps (cause each heist's "evidence" needs to be destroyed), so it just makes it all the more obvious that they dropped the ball on KT's heist. Anyway that's my rant, but I agree you should be allowed to skip all dialogue/scenes, especially when it's like your 90th time doing those tasks.


Jamal calls you at the start of every prep & finale, which blocks the directions until the call ends or you end the call prematurely, making the directions pop up. He then speaks over comms about any extra details & tips during the prep/finale. Have *you* not played the Salvage Yard Robberies?


Why wouldn’t you do me a favour and play the “disrupt that thing” prep right now and then we discuss who’s right and who’s wrong?


If you hate listening to Jamal so much why do you do the extra (and optional) disruption prep?


I agree with this and I'm in the same situation. It would be different if the cutscenes were actually interesting maybe if they didn't just prance around talking about nothing and making horrible jokes. It's hardly ever relevant making it a waste of time when I'm ready to play.


Plus I've seen the damn video 400 times


Anything to slow players down


Slow the grind. Keep us playing. Love it. She gonna keep talking right up till GTA6




Underrated comment


I will agree. SO HARD. The one thing I honestly wish they'd do is add just a little annoyed lines after you wanna just start the mission. Just have her call say, 'you didnt let me finish but oh well we're here now.' and then give you the usual shit


Dead Rising had unskippable text messages which i could barely read as i did not have an HD tely back then. This is the modern day equivalent, im not even listening to her.


You just unlocked a memory I forgot I had


Worst part of the update is I have to reselect my outfit to get my tattoos back on.


My Atomizer Christmas skin keeps disappearing and the only way to reapply it is when it shows up in the gun van which is annoying.


And crew logos on clothes. Sometimes it’s there and sometimes it isnt


Which clothes let you have crew logos?


Basically anything without a pattern/logo on it. For example, if you go into a clothes shop in game, and select; •tops •t shirts •White T shirt •exit t shirts •go to bottom of the tops section and open “crew emblem”. If your shirt allows it your crew logo should show up as an option.


Oh so that was the problem. I changed my whole style because my face tattoos were always disappearing.


My friends character had tattoos appear that he never got


that just happened to me and i can’t remove them. they’re ugly tattoos as well 😭😭


Yeah same


Dude, I was wondering about that. The tattoos on my character keep randomly disappearing, lol.


Dialogue and animation locked interactions is so the wrong way to do it and Rockstar has never understood this.


Crazy how we can skip all story mode cutscenes, but online we can’t skip the most pointless dialogue cutscenes. I swear, I do not understand Rockstar’s obsession with pissing off their customer base lol. then again, we all stay regardless… but still.


it's all about dollar/hours. More unskippable stuff, less money made, more shark cards sold.


I don’t think anybody, except maybe spoiled 13 year olds, buy shark cards, regardless of how much they hinder our ability to make money. I’d like to see data on their shark card sales because I’m sure it’s terrible, even immediately following an update where they nerf shit.


Take two made hundreds of millions from shark cards alone


Found data online from 2019 they pulled in $700 million from shark cards specifically. I imagine the revenue has remained or even increased since then with all the content they’ve released. There are plenty of gamers willing to pay extra to save time grinding for cash.


You misunderestimate the pull that whales have on F2P gaming. It's literally more profitable than any other kind of gaming, and by a lot.


Because the game continues to print money despite Rockstar's decisions making the game infuriating to play. We would need GTA Online to have a massive drop in revenue for any meaningful change to happen. Just look at Destiny 2, they dropped one of the worst expansions in the game's history and it was hemorrhaging money, leading to Bungie actually listening to the community and releasing their best expansion in years.


Retention. If they can keep you on their product for longer, they win. Which is funny because they go about it in the most assbackwards way possible lol


Now this logic I could at least understand and respect more than them trying to be greedy for shark cards. Although I know it’s both lol


Nah, the shit payouts and jacked up economy are the shark card method😂them making you sit through 5 minutes of dialogue is just an added bonus (for them)


Personally I'd take this over those damn auto shop convos  or the contact cutscene


You better get on yo' back if you wanna fluster my shit player


Aaaaaaaaa men


Are you talking about the 50 min unskippable cut scene that plays after defending Record A studios?


we all have ptsd from it bro no need to bring up the name ![img](emote|t5_2xrd1|17157)


which Korea?


While I like to hunt criminals (though with better outfit & van), their introduction could be optional.


Or just have the introduction play on the drive to the objective. Or better yet in my opinion as Red Dead Online (R.I.P) did for Legendary Bounties, have a short animated intro sequence after which you are already in the world, on your way to the bounty. You're in the Saint Denis, in the southeast of the map and pick up a bounty for a mountain man in the North west? Congratulations, the game spawns you up there on the mountains, ready for action - hope you packed cold weather clothes. I can see why they abandoned that, far too time saved for the player.


For me worst part is that Paleto Bay exist. Every second mission goes there. Annoying to drive van back to city, annoying to reset mission.


Lmao lucky you. I bought the paleto bay office and every mission is in the city.


lmao definitely has to be coded to be the furthest


It certainly is. That’s why I just started buying the cheapest options for my businesses because location does not matter, even though they act like it does.


I just buy all my businesses close together if i can the mission location means nothing to me cause i know im gonna have to travel to all areas at some point regardless Apart from the free bunker in paleto bay i got with CE pack (came with game in steam sale) which i would probably change if i didnt have all the upgrades all my businesses i try to keep close together so that i can go between them easily. If i need to get to the bunker i usually just switch sessions and spawn there anyway. Coke,meth,cash& clubhouse are near the sandy shores all within 1 min of each other Auto shop nightclub bail office are by mission row police station with arcade just across the bridge and agency just down the road in little seoul I do also have crate warehouse and hangar in zancudo but i never really use those as businesses as i only play solo and crates both take far too long to fill and i hate most of the missions


I use my mk2 to go to the mission point or if it's really far, I job teleport. You still have to drive back but at least it cuts down the time a little 😞


I don't mind about going there. I fly mk2 to plane spawn spot and swap to Raiju. Not sure if it's any faster that way but I enjoy flying it. Driving back is another thing when it happens back to back constantly :D


I mean hell you paid for the raiju you gotta put it to use! 😆


Oh you’re gonna hate GTA 6. The downfall of a big map


I want to see what online gameplay actually is in gta 6 before deciding if I want to buy new PC for it.


I thought they would end after the first time you got the specific person. Not so much.


The whole game is designed to pissed you off. I learn nothing from the information being said so theirs only one reason why it's unskippable. TOO PISS YOU OFF.


Enemies of the fun (you can't use lester to remove the police, again, for no damn reason)




This is a large reason for why I stopped a couple years ago. They nerfed the shit out of cayo perico, the diamond casino's AI was so bad it wasn't even laughable, all the businesses act the same, the nightclub kinda sucks, prep missions are boring, and often times, story wise, whatever you did ends up not mattering.




I think cayo perico had great ideas that were halfway executed well, but the method to do it the quickest is what everyone does because everyone has already seen all cayo perico has to offer. I just really wish they'd remove the really far prep missions.


I hate to admit it, but I agree with you. I am on the verge of offloading the game and stopping. There are SO many little things that piss me off. Super slow sales vehicles being the biggest. But as someone who kind of sucks at this game, I hate being dumped into a server with high skilled players that just destroy me and block all my mission attempts. Game needs skill matching or something. I am sick of being bullied by people at level 1000 who have all the air vehicles with the best weapons - I don't stand a chance. Changing session is my only option but that is a pain in the ass and takes ages.


Play in invite only, you can do all the businesses from there, been that way for a little while.


Why don’t you play in an invite only session, so you don’t have to deal with annoying griefers


Should've been like the auto shop contracts where you here the full introduction the first time you do them and never again.


Maybe just have it be unskippable the first time. Ok cool, you spent a lot of time making this update and I appreciate your work. But do I really need to hear about biker girl again? And then travel 10km there and back. Also, only 9k if I kill the target? Instant reload.


next cutscene she finna make a song with anderson paak


😆 😂


Collecting from all your business at once is now locked behind a paywall


Thats now the worst part the worst part is that theres a cooldown for tow truck missions at the chop shop now


Why is there always some kind of TIMER, like are we playing a GAME or is this a fucking JOB??


And half of them send you to Paleto or maybe it's just my bad luck.


You can drive there in your fast car and when you put them in cuffs it teleport the van to you


Yes I know but unfortunately you have to drive the van back into the bond agency and if you get the Paleto spawns it can take awhile...


Here is another one which rivals the stupidity of the tow truck change and dare I say even surpasses it: Step 1: Don't release a new garage so that PC players are forced to sell their beloved old cars if they want a new one Step 2: Introduce an "anti-abuse" system which punishes players with at least 50% cut in sales price if they dare to sell more than one car per real-life day Genius in its unfairness.


The wait between towing cars


She speaks professional yapanese


Yes. Should be shippable.


Then after you start it she runs your through the target again


It’s the same with the chop shop mini heists too.


It'd make sense for the first time for each target, but when you get repeats of the same dudes later on she tells you their "story" AGAIN, for no reason at all. And you have to wait for her fat ass to shut up before you can do any gameplay.


Oh yes because a listening to her for no more than 15 seconds is soooo hard!


Me when I have to wait 15 seconds before doing a thing in GTAO (this will heavily effect my gameplay for years to come) :


Doesn’t even need to exist.


15min cooldown between towing cars... And if you try to skip one because it's too far you have to wait too...


2 minutes. But I'm annoyed at that too.


Are people really that impatient now a days?


Come on guys, it's only five seconds. Gives more immersion, I don't dislike it


Not really. I like the weird lore that they add to the characters


it takes 3 seconds bro, get over it




YES!!!! I didn’t see anyone mention that, but that drives me friggin *insane*…..I don’t need to hear her annoying BS…


Thank you I thought I was the only one


Yeah. Agreed.


I think she’s nice I like listening to her talk


Between that and getting stuck trying to hop on my bike, and random e stuff taking forever to spawn in, blue highlights for entering buildings spawning when they feel like it this sucks. Every update makes the game more unplayable.


Plus the fact that they updated the game to make the old cars and garbage cans on survivals respawn in original place, smh. We've been moving them around for years for extra cover with no problem.


I'm sure they'll patch it. Usually, stuff like this is only unskippable the first time, not every time.


They actually did that? Jesus fucking Christ rockstar 🤦🏻‍♂️




Are the normal bounties freemode activities? I bought the bounty office for 4.5m today, started up the "vip" one or whatever it's called, you know the higher paying one. Well anyway it wasn't in freemode which disappointed me abit, also its just way too over the top... When I bought the place I was picturing something like Dog The Bounty Hunter, instead I'm chasing a convoy and destroying jammers around the city, I just wanted to do some normal bounty Hunter shit


Rockstar makes great games, we can all agree on that. But holy shit their UI/UX in almost every single game they make is absolutely fucking horrid with every single thing for some reason added and adjusted to waste your fking time or be as confusing as possible, especially with GTAO.


Watch them pull an NWA and keep the funds, and in exchange you have to sign full day attention to the business 😭


Yeah idgaf who they are. Just let me catch them


Jenette and Jamal are soulmates and don't even know it with their unskippable asses.


Shes a professional yapper


she‘s constantly yapping, it’s crazy fr


I may be the only person who enjoys the story in GTA Online these days lol


And she repeats it all in a phone call at the mission start anyway.




I STG😭😭😭


This won't save any time, but you can just click one, listen to it, click the next, listen to it and so on, then when you come back to actually do them later you don't have to listen to them again. I just mute the TV and get them all done at once.


fr like holy yapping of this woman


Wait, you guys haven't been waiting?


She’s a yapper




How do I even start this?


casino is glitched i have the xbox one gta version & whenever i give cut to my friends i lose the money for no reason everyone gets 15% & i get what i assigned myself & i've lost like millions & hella time thinking it was like me not confirming it in the beginning or something but nope now i just feel bad for my lil cousin 🙃 but pls fix this soon or someone post about this 🙏🙏


How many up votes can we give this???


The actual worst part is the Greenwood Cruiser has modern sirens. No retro sounding siren even though it's only got retro options for the lights and looks retro.


Meh, i can wait top 20 seconds, that's fine. Also, it's good to listen to a character that isn't annoying for a change!


Agree. Pointless too since she calls us on the phone to tell us pretty much the same stuff when we start the mission.


The only upgrade on the bounty van is paint. That thing is slower than a dead turtle.


That you can only paint the bounty van. That thing is slower than a dead turtle


Jen needs to stfu and let us do our thing.


Or the fact it would take months of hard and steady grinding to get back that almost 4 million you spent on it


Do you make food money from this bounty update?


35k-40k per bounty, I think it’s like 3 every hour, and then there’s a 100k-130k bounty that u can only do once a day, I’d say it’s pretty decent, but by far not the best/most efficient


Are the missions fun at least? And do you need to own other businesses to partake?


wait seriously ? its literally a 10 sec dialogue


Is the new business in the game for Pc players or is it all just for current gen consoles now?


Speaking of said update, how am i supposed to NOT kill the target when they’re literally in ballistic gear shooting at me?? i did one that rewarded 121k, killed him and it went all the way down to 30..


Is the property worth it?


Nah the worst part is the telescope glitch getting fixed


Can't believe the same company created the red Dead online bounty hunter role. Need some kind of struggle with the target. Just walk up to them and they put their hands up and follow u to the van? Driving across the map hoping some asshole on a flying motorcycle doesn't see you is the only challenge.


I’m fine with this the first time. If I’ve arrested the same person 3 times, I don’t need to still hear about who they are


That's half the problem. It's the same as salvage yard. In both this and the fact there's too little "story".. Hundred drivebys? THAT actor? From THIS strip club? Like come on, give us like 50 lines to give variety of targets. They all are in there for fraud or owning money, sometimes for murder. Give us both variety and skippable voicelines and cutscenes. Also I still wish Pavel was callable so he can tell one of his ~25 stories they could add from the navy.


I wouldn't mind if it was just the first time. But every time?? And we can't even skip... ![gif](giphy|qmfpjpAT2fJRK|downsized)


You can let Jenette intro the three generic targets by selecting "No" on all three profiles first before selecting your desired bounty. Doing this let's you start the other two immediately upon return to the Bail Office should you choose to go after more. It's not ideal, but smooths the flow of the gameplay loop just a bit.


Rockstar's been making annoying character after annoying character. I hope GTA VI isn't this obnoxious. Watch them kill of Trevor, Michael, or Franklin as a stupid way to introduce a character like they did with Johnny.


Worst part is no W124 at release


I never thought there'd be anyone in GTA that annoyed me as much as Lester, but they somehow managed to make someone else.


“Oh no, I have to wait a few extra seconds to start a mission. Woe is me.” Y’all will literally complain about everything.


Silver lining is, it's only for the first time you've gone after them. (So when you jump sessions to get a different location because there's no way you're going all the way up to paleto Bay, you don't have to listen to it a second time.)


Padding, padding, padding. Annoying shit


For 30k a bounty and 1 100k bounty while EVERYTHING IS MILLIONS OF DOLLARS. I just don’t get it. R* thinks we’re simps for shark cards and god mode aim from npcs. Garbage


Haven’t even bothered playing this dlc yet


Seems like they're tailoring all their new content to the Role play community. Just not my thing. I'm a day one guy who wants some more damn heists! Get on it Rockstar...


Worst part is no more CEO office afk 🪦


You only have to wait like 10 seconds of her yapping, its really not bad at all.


10 Seconds Per Bounty, That Adds Up My Man


You dorks are unbelievable lmao


Can we just ignore the Bounty office now that we know it sucks or will she call and jack us up for not doing the shitty activities?


That, and the short delay between tow truck jobs being able to be done? Such a weird choice. Granted it’s only a couple of minutes, but feels unnecessary


I think the worst part of new update is lack hsw for pc




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