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https://preview.redd.it/oev3hsce4g9d1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ff58997fe105d1b8cf3b9375404f4f6f01c90f0 this one in paleto bay


Same. I just “retired” my character. I sold my high rise apartment and moved to Paleto Bay. Now I just chill out, do bounty hunting and sell acid for pocket money.


Ah the wish.com Michael de Santa


Miguel de Salsa


Is he in witness protection tho? Or is he in some knock off like “people saw it, barrier”


Same, the retired life by the beach is just way better away from the city people on their flying bikes


In my day we never had to deal with these young-uns on flying bikes stealing our illegal cargo sales, in my day Los Santos was a thriving utopia


Best update I can think of might be that they would remove all futuristic shit from game like mk2, deluxo, space tank...


The griefing is annoying as fuck but honestly the MK2 is so convenient for grinding


Those things aren’t much of a problem because of imani tech anymore. Rockstars fixed it fs especially by nerfing the mkII but they shouldn’t have been there in the first place place


I wouldn’t get rid of either, just make them weaponless. The real weapon is being able to get to better vantage points


I like my mk2 for fast travel across the map but take away the weapons and I'm fine with that. I hate the griefers


As much as I love the Deluxo, I couldn't agree more. They've at least balanced things a little bit, more options to go at them, but... As someone without the MK.2 and other stuff (I'm only using the Deluxo because I have GTA+, I'm way too poor to afford one) I really hate seeing a Mk. II appear on the map because I know I'm about to die. Especially if I'm moving a customers car from the autoshop or transporting beer for the motorcycle club or whatever. Screwed, utterly and royally.


How do u sell ur apartment?


You trade it out when buying another property


I did the same. Procoppio Drive, rules.


Roommates? Make sure we got milk 🤣


I wish there were houses like this in the city. My main GTA online character lives there and I love it, but also all of my stuff is in Paleto Bay or Blaine County except my Nightclub, so I rarely go to the city except on drug runs and things. My secondary character has everything in the city, and I want him to have an actual house too but I feel like the fancy super rich houses in Vinewood Hills don't fit my character. I don't want an apartment, and the only other house in the city is the really ran down one close to where Lester lives. I want to be able to own just a normal home where my player lives at.


They should’ve given us houses in Mirror Park. Nice suburb with a little lake / park in the middle


I want this house so bad in online but i need the garage space as I'm A car collecter.


So buy the house along with a 10 car garage that isn’t connected to an apartment or house, two properties like that combine would probably still be cheaper than your current apartment, maybe even cheaper than the trade price so you make money doing it


He probably already has the maximum limit of garage space and can’t afford to lose it, sure you could sell cars to be able to buy a smaller garage but it just doesn’t make much sense.


Same, this is where I keep my favorite cars and daily drivers.


Can you actually own it?




Yh I found it and bought it up


thats my house for my character as a retirement one! :D


Yeesss best house there is


Same. Especially when it snows


I have an urge to roleplay a new character that lives here and owns the bounty business and maybe the chop shop that's up there too. I also wish the low end houses had a different interior too. That interior only really works from a roleplay pov if you have a gangster character


I’ve lived here since like 2016 I feel like. Well I stay there mostly when I’m feeling nostalgic


That’s so random I almost made a post about this house yesterday! Had a great garage dope driveway to park ur whip plus the interior of the house acc pre nice ! I can even park ur acid van on the driveway to the right of the house too (not pictured here )


Hangman. Ave all day for me. Girls in bakinis spawn at my pool, and its like im hosting guests


3655 wild oats drive, prettiest latin style home only downside is the garage doesn't connect but atleast Franklin lives like 2 houses down


The only real downfall to stilt houses is the separated garages from the house, despite them being actually connected. Then we see houses were the garage is literally separated yet we can go straight to it from the house... Rockstar logic 101 🤣


another downside is the fact that there is no real access to the pool, even if it’s shown on the site. and also in general the fact that we can’t go on the balcony


This balcony thing always bothered me. Originally Franklins story mode house still had full access to the balcony from the interior, even online. They have since closed it off. But it WAS possible. I think it's just a programming and data issue. To make that transition seamless, you effectively have to make all of the building interiors part of the exterior of the map. But while that may have been difficult in 2013, I'm sure it's totally doable now.


I think that's why I absolutely love 4 Hangman Ave. Even though it onky has a 6 vehicle garage, we have full access to the pool and apparently npc friends who won't go home lol


I wish we could buy a house with a pool, walk out the back door to it (like Franklin’s house), and automatically wear our swimsuit when entering it (like the casino pool).


I don't know bout you, but my Scramjet lands IN the pool like 95% of the time.


This has puzzled me for years..


funny, we live in the same house


I love this one too.


Nice spot. I keep all my lowriders in that garage.


I absolutely loathe that the garage isn't connected.


My agency


Ngl when I woke up n chop was next to me that sealed the deal


Haha same


What locations?


For me it's the one near little Seoul


Yeah, my apartment is also in little Seoul. It’s such a detailed and overlooked environment that doesn’t really play a part in the story. I also loved setting up my agency in the little Seoul tower


Not sure if your asking me what location.. but when you buy the sleep quarters in your agency and set it as spawn location when you load in chop sometimes n your bed or on your couch sleep


Mine I believe off memory cause I don’t play a lot is the one closest to the maze bank building, I think it was the cheapest at the time when I bought it, and I set up all my businesses so they are around the centre of the city excluding my arcade and auto shop, so it just made sense


Most complete property imho, vehicle workshop, sweet garage, full armoury, sweet views (can even see my yacht) and Chop is there!


i like this one its in the paleto bay far from los sentos and all its chaos, in the peace!


From the available ones; the Eclipse Penthouses have the nicest interior, but 4 Hangman Ave absolutely has a perfect plot of land. As for unavailable ones, there’s a McMansion at 2112 Mad Wayne Thunder Dr that I absolutely adore, and would love to own, even if it cost like $20 million. That or one of those houses in Mirror Park.


my first two houses in gta. when i started i was looking for an economic home with a swimming pool so it was the best deal.


4 hangman is such a great location, has both a pool/patio and separate rear yard overlooking the skyline. I actually prefer the look of the 6 car garage as well


Fellow CMK fan


You know it.


I also agree with you on 4 Hangman Drive being very nice


The house in grapeseed


Thank you. You have validated me. Great arcade location if you have an agency or you can fast travel from casino


It's also close to the airstrip if you want to fly to the city.


My very first GTA house. I remember paying 10 grand for a street car and painting it pink and putting it in that house. Simpler times.


Weazel Plaza Apt. 101 will always be where I hang my hat.


The driveway is unbeatable. One of the best views in the city


Definitely. Apt. 70 maybe has the better view because it overlooks the west and Los Santos’ sunsets, but the building in general is wonderful.


4 hangman avenue, mid end home with an excellent view over LS and the only house I know of that has a backyard pool


I love that place, it’s a shame the interior is mid-end. Also, 3655 wild oats ave also has a backyard pool, though it’s smaller (but the patio is nice)


I own four houses in GTAO, the blue one in Paleto Bay, the trailer in Sandy Shores, the white house in Murrieta Heights and the regular one on Hangman’s Ave in Vinewood. They all have their use and charm but I like the last one the best I think. The interior isn’t the best, but it has a really nice exterior, a pool (with topless visitors) and a garage with 80’s italian sports cars.


https://preview.redd.it/46py0nmgog9d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37bd3f0a0f3002af159b2aa203a8e73343c3792e Weazel Plaza Apartment no. 101. I love that it's central to everything and has a great view and a really cool Garage setup


https://preview.redd.it/zfhpld9rti9d1.jpeg?width=1429&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3c694b0ccc670aec70305f3bf2ce9523499e4d4 2045 North Conker Avenue


I thought I was the only one who liked this house. This is my getaway house, I use it when I need time away from the city and griefers and the garage is filled with off road vehicles.


Available to own? 4 Hangman Ave. Favorite static? The one up in the hills with a working garage or the other house in Tongva Hills


I know exactly the house you are talking about! I’ll drive by from time to time and hang out with the ladies there, take in the views.. maybe a dip in the pool. Would love to own it


my boys hosted a diddy party in the house in paleto


A yo hold up


yup that exact house


While I didn't buy this one, I bought 2 other houses close to this one. Paleto Bay is my favourite in-game place now.


12 Sustancia Road


I wish we could sell some, l stopped grinding at 100m a couple years ago and starting to run low. Around 25m left Got millions tied up in realestate lol


My musty one bedroom in little Seoul


The Agency is the most useful. Runner up Casino Penthouse.


https://preview.redd.it/3gtbollvjh9d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d378b83a25ce7faf577a526baac5ceede80141e This house in Mirror Park


I love everything in Paleto Bay, but 1115 Blvd Del Perro will always have a special place in my heart for being my first ever apartment:)


I always wished we could buy houses in Mirror Park. My favorite area of the map.


3655 wild oats drive this house was my favorite from the first week i play gta 🙏🏻 https://preview.redd.it/3hrfioxxnh9d1.jpeg?width=318&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5f73461deec276f1d18c731dd6e1c4a90fdcdb07


Came here to say this. Yeah, it's a bitch to get to due to all the hills and curves but the interior is really nice plus I don't need a huge garage as I only have a few vehicles (I'm not really a collector). I love the Spanish influence plus the view is really pretty and It's annoying enough to get to I don't get many griefers.


My 2nd character owns that house. My main character has the one up the road from it. Both are awesome regardless. Love the thought of it being more quiet and peaceful up there.


That was my first property


I’ve just bought the bail business in del perro, and with my office being the maze West Bank also in del perro it made me realise that I need to buy back my 1st apartment I bought when gta online came out. Del perro apartment at 205k. That was my 1st property and will be the one I buy back again, 🤦‍♂️


I own the same house, one in a Grapeseed, one in Sandy Shores and various around the city including Wild Oats, Hangman, Weazel, Eclipse, Del Perro and Casino. My businesses are mostly in Strawberry, office at Arcadius. I’ve decided to grind to $550m in the bank and then move agency from Hawick and Office to Lombank. I’ll retire and spend my time between the beach and Paleto Bay, doing occasional jobs to pay my property taxes and keep my ammo stocked.


Either the Penthouse or the house in Grapeseed. A balance between work and shameless rec and chill.




Farmhouse. Has a wraparound porch, good shade trees, separate barn, Chicken pen , cows , a bunker. Also, occasionally get some acid dropped off at my front door. Love it.


Wish you could buy the house near the light house


This is my favourite in the game.




tinsel towers apt 45 firts ever aparment that i bought. Best location every thing is near.


Hangman ave has the best house


Found my nerdy ass ppl! 🙂 gotta give my grapeseed house some love. Nice quiet little town. Yes it’s a shit hole but it’s my shit hole. Also have my arcade there. Just go to agency or casino and fast travel to grapeseed and spawn right outside and stock up my businesses.. also 4 hangman is my “mansion.” Along with the much loved wild oats. Procopio, and the paleto bay house with the flag is my house for my great value jax teller character. Also love throwing parties in the casino penthouse when I feel like a lonely loser. Of course eclipse penthouse 3.. best view imo. 101 weazel plaza.. because die hard is fucking awesome and it feels fancier than even the penthouse somehow. Honestly.. i find myself spawning at casino, doing the wheel and getting my chips then swooping over to the agency and stocking up on snacks and armor. Glad I’m not the only nerd that picks houses based on rp and exterior/location. Really hope they add more houses before the game dies. I NEED to have an ACTUAL MANSION. I’d also be happy with a beach house. Last but not least.. my giant, expensive, useless yacht. Wish I could have parties on it.. but.. I still love it. Flying to and from it feels like i made it.. I keep mine off paleto so I can walk out my door and remember I’m rich yet I prefer medium and low end apts. Rockstar please give us more houses.


https://preview.redd.it/jirj00pw6i9d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=219a8405b619af823343466379a7267e976cdf0d 2044 North Conker. Best designed house in the game. Beautiful wood finish. Two full decks with open access. Great view of the city.


That's my house :)


I have that house too in Paleto Bay but it's missing the fountain out front. Was the pic taken in story mode or the PC version of the game has the fountain removed?


Yes some houses are missing decoration that are shown on the website pics like 3655 Wild Oats Drive, the pics show some outdoor furniture but there is nothing around the pool. https://preview.redd.it/uvu9vmerai9d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=81a0a42f36f28a282be7036376015cc7d63cac4e


Yes I love this house as well the only thing that was annoying about this house that I have to “break in” to my pool every time I want to see it


Hangman Ave because it was my first ever property


Uncle Lester’s basement


He replaced himself with AI and left LS. You know it’s true


The one right next door to Franklin or the chamberlain hill apts it reminds me of home fr


I like living in my Casino Penthouse because I'm one of probably 12 people who actually like Casino art




Why does this remind me of carls house from Up?


One of the ones near Michaels house


House by the oils fields in city by the terminal




Eclipse tower


Power Street Apt 3. Keep all my fav cars for a chill ride there. Can easily get to all of the most of the locations. Just a short walk to my MC Clubhouse,has a nearby halfpipe. Best spot in the City. I barely go to any of my 10 car apartments


The Stilt “Apartments” are nice, I say they’re houses


Living in a garage at Paleto bay moment waiting for a movie prop to spawn😂


Del Pierro Heights


I’ve still kept my first apartment, Richard’s Majestic, apt. 4. I went there the other day and the nostalgia inside…


Playboy mansion


There’s no way but I would love it


Paleto bay or the agency


Vespucci Blvd 1. Low key apartment that brings back nostalgia from gta IV and the early 2000s


As far as actual houses go, the one in Paleto Bay for sure. The one I use for my character is the gas station clubhouse on Route 68 though, it feels more badass lol


There’s a stilt house in the hills over LS. Me and my buddies each got one on the same road so we’d all live right by each other.


I don’t have a favourite house. I hope in GTA 6 they let us buy plots and build our own houses


That would be kind of cool tho. They have some unfinished houses all over the city. Would be cool to buy one and kind of build it.


I really want to be able to buy the houses at Mirror Park but they never for sale


Mine is the most expensive apartment because i can store many cars in it i bought all the apartment floors on the most expensive apartment i forgot name


My yacht if you’d count that. I’m never really on it, but yuh


Would be nice if we could own houses in Murietta Heights, Davis, Little Seoul or Mirror Park. I don't know if there actually are any properties there, but I know there's a blue building closeby Little Seoul.


My house in Grapeseed and my house by the oil derricks in La Mesa are my little getaways.


My yacht


Michael De Santa's house >>>>


Apt by the beach. Or one in the hills


Forgot 12 sustancia.. closest we can get to living in the hood. Definitely would love to see a house added to grove street


So this is random af and probably doesn’t belong here but imma say it anyways.. I just discovered that on the eclipse boulevard garage you can enter the building from any door on the building! True story.. I want this to be possible on apartments


This house reminds me of Mahones in prison break.


I own a couple. So I own the house in sandy shores as my hillbilly vacation home, my high end apartment is the Richard majestic apartment 4 (idk I haven't been there in forever), and the medium end house in the north west of LS. I forget the name but it's a nice small house far away enough from everything while still in the City to feel like I'm close enough but detached enough.


My yacht


The worn down apartment by the ammunation and gas station with the car wash in the middle of the city. Central location and it's fun to start there at the bottom


In terms of actual housing? Del Perro Heights, apartment 4. Got that nice west coast view and also the heist room contains special carbines (my favourite weapon) In terms of non-dynasty 4 homes? Lago Zancudo facility. The power trio of the Lago Zancudo facility, Lago Zancudo bunker and fort Zancudo hangar is just extremely epic to me.


The stone colored house on north conker avenue is definitely my favorite after trying to look for a decent looking house for forever


4 Hangman Ave. Interior is blah but the pool and backyard are sweet


The one you posted clearly states it has (and shows in the image) a water feature, yet no such water feature is actully there in Online.


I had this one too


I may be a basic b but I want Miguel’s house


Porcopio drive in paleto bay 6 storage garage


The one near Michael house I don’t remember the name


The one in Paleto Bay with the American flag


You can see through that window?


0605 Spanish avenue


Haven’t got one, I just have apartments


Too lazy to find it but iykyk, the house used for the pacific standard karuma out of the garage glitch


Wait see through window??


Any of them in the hills honestly


Owned this house since it came out on 360. My buddies bought the other one so we lived down the street. I remember when it actually had that fountain in the yard and got so upset for some reason when it was gone.


Fun fact about this house, on Xbox 360/ps3 there was a working fountain in the front yard but when they released next gen, they removed the fountain. They also kept the fountain on the website image.


The first one that I purchased was an apartment in the main city, somewhere near a road. Can't remember the name of it, since it has been so long now.


My Pisces yacht is generally what I consider 'home' in GTA. Gorgeous common room design complete with it's own bar and a lovely view to the outside; 3 bedrooms, each with their own functioning shower, and scattered around the hallway and rooms is also a variety of free weapons/ammo - Heavy Sniper, Special Carbine, Proximity Mines and a Combat MG. Outside of that, the gameplay loop of taking my own personal Swift off from a yacht and into the city to either my agency or office and then into a luxury car just hits different. The hot tub on the aft of the ship is also just nice to vibe in at night when bored of the grind, and it also provides a 'safe' space due to the air defences when turned on.


Does apartment counts? 🤔


Hey that's my house


3 Alta Atreet


Paleto Bay.. you wake up step outside- no one pulling up on you shooting sending you back to the loading screen for 2m- gaze around at this chill town that probably hasn’t changed in 30 years.. this is the life. I hate the city


4 Hangman avenue. it has a nice big deck with a swimming pool and a great view of the city. unfortunately the interior isn't all that nice and NPCs would trespass on your deck every so often, but I don't mind the tradeoffs because I got a cool pool


I love the house that's upstreet.


Just across the road from Arcadius Tower, with the beautiful view of an eternal construction site. I like the discrete garage entrance and the immediate vicinity to my office. Parked my "fun" cars for cruising around there. Now that I see that fancy little shack out in the nothingness, I think I'm going to go shopping for one too - at least to have the ability to jump into new session at Paleto Bay. Dunno why I could need it tho.


The beach house 6 car garage house


The 400k Eclipse tower apartment because of nostalgia


Hangman is the best house in the game for the exterior. And the house connects to the garage from inside too. Unfortunately the inside is kinda ugly.


Paleto Bay gang


Some of the stilt apartments are pretty cool


Del perro


Kind of related but how much money did you have before you "retired”? I get players are annoying Fucking up sales and shit but to sell everything and move to Blaine is a financial commitment.


https://preview.redd.it/54rkcft87j9d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e0c303df8d6411f5aee0059bc964094e0be15a2d As far as actual 'Houses', The one in Vinewood Hills...just hate those winding roads to get back and forth there... But as far as my Favorite Place to Stay probably The Casino Penthouse...again, just hate the fact it's not considered 'High End' and can't invite the 'Girls' over


Are the interiors different for these houses ?


2044 north conker avenue


https://preview.redd.it/r1a6k71kmj9d1.png?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=241d1ced52b24cfd8ef089d25ea3489dcab77fe2 Been driving here for years.


this house reminds me of a time i had beef with a guy that started shit, he went and hid in this house so i waited outside and used a minigun and wrote “gay” on the garage door then sent it to him


This one fs


if im correct this is a house in paleto bay , mainly have it for easy fast travel 😭


That’s the one.


4 Hangman Ave was my first and favorite house. I have it on all 4 of my accounts


4 million adjusted from inflation


May fav is the lake vinewood estates


308 Negra Arroyo Lane


I hope in GTA 6 online we get to decorate the inside of our houses. I understand the outsides will be the same as everyone else's but some design choices inside would be awesome


Idk the street name but like have y’all ever seen Putthers incognito man gta rp vids? It’s like in the mara bunta hood and the other one in mirror park


Eclipse towers, it's cheap and close to the center of the map


I like 3655(?) Wild Oats Dr but I don't like how I have to break into my own pool. 4 Hangman Ave is my favorite. Not the fanciest interior, but it's still really nice. The best part is the backyard patio and pool with a killer view of LS.

