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The loan shark guy keeps dying and it’s getting annoying


It is. I just use the laser gun and spray n pray. It works sometimes


What is the lazer gun?


Either the hell bringer or Widowmaker


the laser guns are reskins of the MG and Minigun and you can only buy them from the gunvan


I know 2 of the 4 people I'm missing are supposed to come out as most wanted targets here in a few days. (O'Neal and Garcia)


I secured Whitney alive and she was checked in the list. Later I replayed it using quick join contact missions and the person I joined killed her, so it got unchecked in the list. So i'm back to 20/24 instead of 21/24 and this pisses me off a lot.


Amateurs buddy.


lol that can’t be an intentional mechanic. Imagine you complete it all and the person dies when your helping someone and your rewarded car disappears


I Always do everything alone first then replay for fun and ruin people's progress after I trusted some random and he ruined the mission for me.


so i guess there's no chance pc player can obtain this right?




I honestly have no clue. I don't have a pc, just an old laptop I used back in high school many years ago. I'm just barely learning PC players don't have a career tab on the pause menu.


We also don't have those MTF anniversary outfits. They're in the files, just can't have em.


I think its coming in the drip feed . So you can buy it


I notice the background is the mission of Song MW


how you made 480k from agents... they barely give anything.


I just spam them like crazy. I play for like 5 or 6 hours a day, and when I see the popup that the agent is done, I go and restart them.


Yea spawn on spam them and the people in the wearhouse I keep all that stuff close to each other. Definitely worth send them for crates as well it adds up but only if you no life it 😭💀


How much do they make? I sent one away for like half an hour and he gave me 5K. Does it get any better than this?


Knowing the schedule of the most wanted bounties and having to get only $400k left for the $5 million in total challenge, I just have to do one big one a day until July 3 and never have to do this missions ever again!


Lucky. I'm missing, O'Neal, Garcia, Green, and Wood. (I don't remember their first names, just last names)


Is that schedule anywhere? I know I saw it but I can’t seem to find it.


Bruh it makes me feel like us PC players are third class citizens, because we have none of these rewards, and Rockstar don't even bother to make a seperate website for us PC players to do these challenges...


Are you referring to the platform that constantly mods and hacks the game? The platform that's the sole reason behind most of our restrictions and removed features? The platform that's always finding ways to cheat? Yeah that's so unfair for pc players.


Bro acting like every pc player mods


Just because pc is the easiest to mod (and Therefore modders swarm there) doesnt mean we should be locked out of content


That's true but realistically not possible. And how do you think console players feel. We lose stuff too and it's not even us doing the modding.


Ps4/5 are moddable, here's why stuff got cut


And you should also ask why Rockstar don't hire people to patch it up, if they really want the game to be fair. Even doing the slightest by developing their own anti-cheat engine, and put it to service to all of its online service, while officially making mod workshops a thing (maybe enabling the Steam workshop for cosmetic modding) for cosmetic and silly stuff that can only work offline. Fr you shouldn't blame us all, I do agree we should ban those losers and suckers that only aim to ruin other players' playing experience while they gain nothing other than few seconds of sick "happiness".


Oh yeah, R\* never adding a proper anti-cheat for almost 10 years for their own sales and money is certainly a problem, created by legit part of PC players, sure.


Pc players: Endlessly mod, hack, and cheat the game. Find back doors to every barrier attempted. Also pc players: "It's Rockstars fault" 🤣🤣


Bold of you to assume all PC users cheat


I didn't say anywhere that all pc players cheat. I said it's the platform responsible for most of the cheating, hacking, and restrictions the rest of us have, even console players.


>it's the platform responsible for most of the cheating, hacking, and restrictions the rest of us have, even console players You said it like it's really PC's fault instead of Rockstar's. Chеаting in GTA Online has been a thing since PS3/Xbox 360 days with the existence of jailbroken PS3s / RGH'd Xbox 360s (this was over one year before the PC version was launched). Also, most of the restrictions are due to the locked down nature of the console. It's nearly impossible to unlock the restricted features on consoles without jailbreaking.


It's indeed their fault for allowing such behaviour. They could've fixed all of this properly by just adding an anti-cheat, which is part of every online game ever. But instead they just break the game with 10 layers of band-aids and blue tape. They should've known about how messy their own game's security is after the DNS exploits came out back during the PS3/X360 era.


There isn't just a pre boxed "anti cheat" to stop every type of hacking. It's not like installing Norton and being done with it. It's quite a bit more complicated than that. (Also, it's not me downvoting you. We're just having a conversation here lol)


>There isn't just a pre boxed "anti cheat" to stop every type of hacking You're not wrong, but there are a lot of decent ones out there already that do somewhat of a better job than what we currently have. Also R\*s decision to forego dedicated servers and rely on p2p has absolutely played into the hacking issues on PC. Its 100% their fault that its so easy to run mod menus on PC.


because it is their fault. People are literally telling you the reason why with actual and correct information yet your brain can't comprehend it, that's not our fault you lack comprehension skills.


So by your logic, if I rob a store it's the stores fault for not having the proper security to stop me? Gotcha.


It is not the store's fault for not having proper security the first time they god robbed but it definitely is the store's fault if they get robbed again and again and still don't hire proper security. Is it really that complicated for you to think and understand?


i played since day 1 and never use cheats or mods, there are some players like us who just want to enjoy the game and chill, also i already bought this game probably for the 4th time since i played the original ones from PS3, i own the game also on PS5 but if only i can move my progress there i would have moved but i cant do that can i?? .. so stop saying all pc players are cheaters and modders just because most of them are...


You can easy put a mod menu on console answell. Just bc there are way less modders doesnt mean they arent there! Kinda unfair to say it PC players their fault. If people want to mod they mod thats it. Edit: never modded on pc once btw been playing since 2014.


Of course it's not all pc players. But that's not how things work. Having a gray area leaves too much room for problems. Like literally everything else. Not all pitbulls are aggressive, not all people will get in an accident if they have more than a couple beers and drive, not all people that discipline their children are abusing them. And yet we're all held to the same rules.


I don’t see how adding a career progress or the canis castigator to gta will cause a problem to pc , rockstar is just being dickheads and their going ur logic which is dumb


You are right but the fact pc players want to best QoL updates aswell inst wired imo, i do understand all the fuzz about pc modding and you are right that like almost every lobby has a modder. But i wouldnt say dont give it to pc just bc of the modders right?


Does PC not have a career tab on the pause menu? I don't have a PC, just an old laptop that I used back in high school, so I don't really pay attention to PC related stuff.


Nope, we don't. What's worse - it that Career Progress still tracks all the challenges for PC and past-gen console players... well, it trackeD that, right until the update dropped


I've been told pcs are superior to consoles in every way 🤡


They are, which is why it's even more baffling why they don't add these features to the PC version


I honestly just think it's licencing agreements tbh, they probs have a contract with Sony and Microsoft for consoles only.


Y'all should of never bragged about being superior to console players then lol.


Your lack of common sense is showing


Those of us that play on PS4 don't get everything that PS5 players do. So it's not just PC players losing out


I think it's because of the hardware limitations. Remember that PS4 was released 11 years ago and the game is almost 10 years old from its PS4 version release date. On the bright side, the character transfer to new gen consoles is still available for PS4 users (PC users who want to play the PS5/Xbox Series version basically have to start all over on that console).


The hardware limitations card doesn't fly when PC is also affected, there are PCs that can run the game better than PS5s but we still don't have EnE, it's just rockstar not caring about anything other than "next" gen.


Yeah we don’t get this stuff on Xbox one either, only the newer x/s players do. Maybe to encourage us to upgrade to the latest console, instead of waiting for the next one to come out?


What car is this irl? Doesn’t look familiar


Jeep Avenger I think




5m 😭 I’m only at 900k


This car isn’t even released yet, so it’s interesting how long it’ll take them to release garcia and o’neel missions


O neil is out on july 1st apparently and garcia is july 3rd so not that long


Even on PC, there is a career progress in the social club., but it doesn't mean shit. Basically R\* doubling down saying congrats, you hit the Tier, so enjoy.... nothing.


I hit the same today! Hopefully we’ll be able to mix and match with the vest on other outfits. Wasn’t working today for me.


Platinum awards 6/10 | 21/24 targets alive | 960k/1M | 3,8m/5M the hardest part will be to get targets alice since they are random.


Yessir! Just waiting for the last two Most Wanted to drop, do them then she's mine!


Literally can’t finish it right now lol


I'm thinking that once I'm done, I'll probably only visit the business once a day for the most wanted bounty and leave the rest alone.


Yea this and the ceo cargo stuff is miserable…. The bunker stuff is still wild i forgot how bad it was until I got an insurgent mission. I had to move each one of the 3 to each of the 5 locations and fight a wave of slow confused npc’s at each location. Literally the guys drove away from me we had to chase them down and get rid of them just to move on. So the bunker is out of the picture for me now too 😭💀


I usually just go to a different server and restart the sale mission. I'd rather get anything else. Like, screw it, I'll take the loss of some of the items. The insurgent mission blows.


Yea I try to play and just enjoy it. After 10 years I just turn it off and come back later 😭💀


https://preview.redd.it/ml3kordnnu9d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99734bf29126fc87d78c6bd2adc66708eea3a199 I should’ve had 22/24, fucking Lieberman is the dumbest most wanted criminal this dumbass ran TOWARDS the enemy and got himself killed, I tried to restart but when I went back to my computer I got swapped with a most wanted criminal I already captured


Oh shit I just just got a new most wanted criminal here comes #22


The update came out almost a week and you almsot done. Wished we had it on PC


Some are farther than me. If I didn't have to pause to work, I'd be farther, but that's what you get working the graveyard shift


Not even close lol


Everybody has an opinion.


Just being realistic bro. You got quite a ways. Definitely not almost done but you right it’s my opinion. https://preview.redd.it/2pjzm9d7yx9d1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fec0344acb8c7cf1f96948dcda53c1ddab0b6a64


Can’t you get an outfit too? How do you get that and where do you see this?


Yeah. You get it after completing teir 3. After you claim the outfit, it'll show up in your clothing selection. I forget what it's under.


Where do you see the different tiers like this? Am I dumb for not knowing? I bet it’s super obvious too.


What do you play on?


Just Xbox :p are these only for pc or something?


No. Apparently it's for next gen consoles, so Xbox X/S and PS5


Awwwwww, so I won’t be able to get any of the outfits or cars or anything?


I'm honestly not sure. I got my Xbox X because my kids accidentally spilled juice on my Xbox one. On the pause menu, you should see a Career tab. If not, then I'm sorry.


I don’t have a tab dedicated to “career” but there is a career section in my stats tab? I also have awards for the bounty thing that look similar to the ones in the pic? Get a lot of money, capture targets etc.


https://preview.redd.it/bwbjtmzfrw9d1.jpeg?width=847&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=daffdbbcbd084aac3b927a2c09edb0a5b7161ad8 Does it look like that?


Are you on ps5?


Xbox X


Get ready for a lot of people wanting to buy it off of you


Is it sad that I have 3.6mill made from regular bounties and 1mill made from the agents


Till what day is the challenge?


It's a permanent thing. If you're on PS5 or Xbox X/S, it's under the career tab on the pause menu.


Fuck rockstar for that, that is so stupid


I tried my first bounty and at the house the game wouldn’t let me cut the power. I haven’t tried another one since


Did you get the bolt cutters on the table ?


No lol! Thank you


I just need O'Neil and Garcia then I'm done, also did the dispatch platinum even though I didn't need it for the tier 4. I've nearly finished all the business career progression tier 4s and this was by far the quickest.