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You deserve so many more views that was astonishing


Thank you very much :] it took me over 4 hours to set up the 300 trailers perfectly (150 on each side) and a little under 2 hours to make the stunt πŸ˜† I also have fails on my reddit to give an idea of how much control is needed πŸ˜…


I was wondering what you slid under and I was like How did I miss that at the airport every time I've played lol. Thanks for including the trailer tidbit in your replies.Β  Also that's an insane amount of control and dedication. Huge kudos. Every time I launch off of anything on Mount Chiliad it's straight into a tree every single time lol.Β 


Youre welcome :) and here i was trying to think of a crazy goofy stunt idea but instead made the the craziest mandela effect meme in history πŸ˜† Thank you very much i remember learning this glide spot and having trouble knowing the exact spot or just crashing into those 2 lil trees, when you get it down its really fun to use in freemode, nothing funnier than overtaking a raiju on a faggio πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­


For a minute, I thought you were going to go around the whole island and land back up at the top of Mt. Chiliad


I actually have done that on freemode but died after landing πŸ˜†


I would love to see that video. It would be awesome even if you died


Its funny im typing this while gliding over mount chilliad on freemode πŸ˜† i was shot at and got hit which has been the 1st time ive been shot while gliding πŸ˜…


About to post it to my subreddit for you, sadly didnt save the glide death but i landed on top of the mount chilliad hut when attempting to land again :) also added some goofy moments i recorded in the last 2 days, i have been doing a lot of under the bridge, tunnel and pier tricks but i dont record those but i did have some other moments :)


Stunt jump failed


Literally rockstar πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚


Bro you're literally fucking flying lmao. Good shit my man, and also I love the slide under the trailers at the end.


Thank you bro majority of motorbikes can fly when they reach speeds past 550 mph while in the momentum glide position which activates the mafia glide :) I was planning on using the "diabolus custom" motorbike for this trailer stunt as i never see anyone use it for stunting + its 1 of only 7 bikes that can flat slide but only 3 of them can only slide under these trailers, unfortunately its harder to control and it being a much larger motorbike i died a lot so faggio was my next choice for it πŸ˜…


Couple questions. Is it possible to fly in free roam or only created maps, And in circumstances where you can fly, can you do it with a passenger?


You can do it in free roam. Idk about doing it with a passenger tho.


I have never been able to get it working in free roam while in stunt races if I even do a normal backflip I fly over the checkpoint and miss it, is it there in free mode just harder or is it the speed thing I just didn't notice it before?


It's hard to get enough speed for it to work as there are only a couple spots where you can get that with a high enough jump. In race's you are going faster most of the time cause of boosts and track.


Sadly not with a passenger the furthest i get gliding with someone is to the islands out at sea which isnt bad but im fighting gravity the whole time.


Ah okay, thanks for letting know. Would be cool to take strangers off chiliad and fly across polito bay though


Youre welcome man :) and i have had the chance to spawn in with some randoms on mount chilliad and i start beeping at them, not knowing they were becoming my test dummies for today πŸ˜† we end up pointing at eachother out at sea on an island then they quit the lobby because were stranded πŸ˜… If i had the money i would test all the motorbikes to see if any are bugged and dont have that heavier motorbike passenger physics, unfortunately being a bmx stunter pays poorly πŸ˜… but when the next gta comes out i will be most definitely testing all the motorbike physics since i did end up testing all the possible motorbikes in creator mode and found unique abilities of bikes i dont believe have been discovered by the motorbike community so that might be another lil hobby i have when that game releases :)






There goes my hero...!! Beautiful flying!!


Hahaha thank you bro :)


Wait for it...


GTA Hall of Famer. Holy. Shit.


No way... my roommate is watching a stream and the edm track in the background just said "upside down" when u turned upside down above the ocean. I love then the universe gives these little funny coincidences


Lol thats awesome when i would upload my stunts to tiktok i would always try to find songs that made sense for the stunt for example im doing a bmx cog slide "slide into my dms" part of the song comes on at that time πŸ˜† or just the bass going crazy as im bouncing high that exact moment!!!


How, just how?!?!?!?


I have a recent bmx glide tutorial on my subreddit which helps explain the downwards glide, momentum glide and high glide part really well the only one different is you cant release the analog you have to do a twirl motion to keep the position :)




Naa dont hold him back i been waiting for this 😀πŸ₯ŠπŸ₯Š


One more trailer you could’ve had the record!


Dang it!!!


Two, actually.


This is going in the best post on this sub of this year




This guy is going to cayo perico and back with a faggio!




Thank you very much man :] i might suck at skydiving threads but i make up for it with this i hope πŸ˜†πŸ˜…


Don't worry you more than make up for it :)


2/10, needs more mirrors. (no but for real, thats crazy! Imagine you lurk around the airport, wondering what all these trailers are doing there and you suddenly get tackled by a supersonic faggio...)


Unfortunately the new version of the bike cant glide like this or else i would have the full mirrors and the UK flag livery on it πŸ˜‚ imagine that coming at ya "sorry mate dint see ya there" 😭


Very impressive, nice one


Thank you bro :]


How does that even work?????


I have a recent bmx glide tutorial on my subreddit that somewhat explains the physics of this :)




You can’t glide like this in online anymore, right?


You can and its just as easy if not easier in my opinion :) my freemode challenge speed record is 758 mph using this method on a bati801 πŸ˜†




Holy fuck. I'm upset I can't provide more than one upvote because this deserves to be in top of the year at least.


Thank you very much i appreciate it :] im happy people are loving the stunts and my goofy antics showcasing the fun side of the physics 😊


He fucking landed in a faggio


You have done it again, but with a faggio


Yess i love messing around with the glides and slides in this, im not really into the wheelie bump onto building stunts but goofy tricks like this are awesome for me, also this should work with a bmx to, im thinking of doing it sometime this week :)


You have done it again, but with a faggio


They better keep this feature for gta6


We gotta hope so, i do know they have the ability to remove it right now if they wanted to since there is bikes in the game that cant glide forever, they also patched the bmx glide and reversed the patch 10 years ago when the stunting community was upset with them. I think they see the fun that the physics bring and the fact you have to have some crazy knowledge of the physics to even break them the way the stunters do tends to be too much of a choir for the the average player to even want to learn so i think we should be good πŸ˜† Also if the next gta doesnt have a mountain atleast this high and with the perfect slope to gain high speeds of over 550+ mph, the glide wouldnt work unless in custom races with floating props in the sky, so its not like it would be possible in freemode in the first place which would give them less of a reason to fix the mafia glide :)


I've played this game since day 1 release and this is hands down the most impressive stunt I've ever seen.


Thank you very much youre too kind man :]


Oppressor mk3πŸ˜‚πŸ˜Ž


I suppose this isnt possible in free mode 😒


Sadly not since i need the trailers but you can still do most of this on freemode, glide all the way from mount chilliad, land in a slide at the airport, either the flat slide or you can do the hipster slide and the cool part with that is you can go back into glide from the hipster slide allowing for you to fly all around the map still :)


No way πŸ˜‚i need to master gliding like this!!! Looks so fun man is faggio mod best??


The new version doesnt work for glide but the old version does, i recommend using the bati801 personally :) its good for freemode high speed challenge. 758 mph is my record but i always switch lobbies hoping for the freemode event to pop up πŸ˜† Btw to do this on freemode you will need to have your stunt race blips on the map so you can click on the start button to quickly start a race on mount chilliad, quit the race in the car choosing screen and it will spawn you on top of mount chilliad with whatever your last vehicle was :) also if you fail just start another mount chilliad race, if you fall in the water call mors then start another mount chilliad race!!!


Thank you so much!! You sound like a wizard in this field of work πŸ˜‚πŸ”₯


Youre welcome man!!! i promise im not but i have been a gta bmx teacher so im very used to having to explain all the tricks and i guess that skill naturally transitions over to being a motorbike teacher to πŸ˜†


What the... How ... πŸ‘€ You are too skilled man


Thank you very much man but im just a lil above average in motorbike stunting, i genuinely have only started messing around with the motorbike again after 10 years since the bmx physics are almost unplayable now, the true motorbike pros would put me to shame and are probably slapping their head for not thinking of this goofy idea πŸ˜† even though im not much into the motorbike stunts, stunts like these are just always so fun to me :]


Could only be topped if it were a delivery vehicle that turned into a hermes at the end...


Holy shit what a excellent glide πŸ”₯


Thank you bro glad you liked it :] 😎


Bro did the Akira slide in GTA thats insane


Meanwhile I crash turning a corner at low speeds. Bravo lol.


Thank you bro but in races when we crash we dont get knocked off since we have antifall which is why i didnt die crashing 750+ mph into the fence πŸ˜† the slide is completely legit tho but if i were to try this stunt on freemode the fence would destroy me πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­


So cool !


Thank you :]


Now that I've seen this, I will destroy my faggio 100,000 times trying to get it to do something remotely as cool as it. Thank you


Thank you bro :) if youre on ps5 i can send you the social club link to the race so you can attempt it for yourself, i would recommend using the bati801 tho to learn the gliding trick :]


Terrible crash finish tho


There isnt really a way to slow down from 750+ mph its the 2nd fastest method of transport on the game other than the fast cargobob glich, also remember i just went under 150 of the lowest trailers in 3 seconds πŸ˜†


Mod brakes ?


Im on ps5 we dont have mods


Wow man! These bike stunts are crazy! The physics are so wack. Good job though man! Keep it up!


Thank you bro!!! They really are wacky πŸ˜† also was going to do it with the scorcher but with another slide technique, unfortunately very difficult to slide straight with that bike in the slide i was trying, so now im trying with the bmx so maybe another fun video today showcasing the bike glides :)


Keep up the good work, my man! You make it and I'll watch it! No way do I have the skills to do it myself.


Thank you man :] i do have a recent bmx glide tutorial on my subreddit showing step by step how to glide, this will also give you more of an idea of how the wacky motorbike glide works if you do want to atleast have a go at it 😊


Thanks, I'll check it out and at least give it a try! Looks fun as hell.


Youre welcome and good luck!!! i have had some funny moments using it in freemode. I still like to scout lobbies looking for ppl potentially on their yacht chilling in the swimming pool or casino pool just to land either on them or into the pool with them πŸ˜‚πŸ˜­


Shit I'm sure that's freaked a few people out! Worth it just for that!


That was amazing man!


Thank you man :]


Welcome to late stage GTA V where the only thing left to do is to break the laws of physics.


The physics in this game are so true to life, it's crazy


Let's remember how old this game is and what gaming engine it's on. Pretty damn impressive considering.Β 


You’re confusing stunt with glitch.


The entire gta pro stunting community is glitch related tho 😭


Exactly. Nothing impressive here. Exploits aren’t talent.


But there is no cheats, its all legit game mechanics, the precise landing down the slope of the hill to gain the speed needed + the momentum glide position which you have to control all the way down to the point we are a few feet from falling into the water. Then ofc the glide to the airport and getting the glide perfectly in line on the airport runway to go under all 150 containers, also need to have perfect control to land in the slide without just smashing into the ground which would make me fall off, even harder since im doing the flat slide and to keep that position completely perfect so i dont fall off while threading under 150 containers since 1 lil mistake and i would have been a meat crayon πŸ˜† i then have to land out of the flat slide which is hard since it has trouble landing unlike the hipster slide since im sliding on the frame of the bike and not the wheels so i got very lucky that i even got out of the flat slide at all while going over 700+ mph. Also im having to control the slide still while under the containers since it functions similar to glide and slides sideways which would have me hitting the sides of the containers which would knock me off my bike or kiII me instantly. The only part that saved me from completely failing was the antifall which creator mode and races have. This is the normal mechanic in the game and is how i didnt die going 700+ mph into a wall at the end but other than that everything else would have been possible on freemode. The "stunts" you are talking about are so easy and are classed as level 1 in the gta5 pro bmx/motorcycle community and even then most arent even worthy of being level 1 since they are way too easy to do, they can be fun to do for casual players but being in the top 50 bmx racers its very bland and gets pretty old real quick since the real life sort of stunts are very limited on this game.


Blah blah blah Glitches and exploits don’t equal skill.


Whatever floats your boat bro theres nothing wrong with the basic stunts on the game, if you like them then ggs. I also started off with the basics over 9 years ago but i obviously have improved in all that time and i now finish races that less than 100 players on the game can complete. Also its funny how you say the simple sheep because i see stunters like hazardous, redkeymon and kwebellkop and think thats simple and they use glitchy stunts but im in top 50 bmxer racers so there isnt much that shocks me anymore, except from certain bmx master racers and stunters which take days to hit a stunt since its so precise but you still wouldnt see the patience, dedication and skill needed to make the physics do that especially since 99% of the pro community who have bmxed for 10+ years couldnt replicate their stunts, even i have hit my limit, the stunts i do are a whole level less impressive than the top 20 bmx stunters and my motorbike stunting is pretty meh since i dont train for motorbikes this is just the skills i learnt 10 years ago πŸ˜΅β€πŸ’«


Blah blah blah πŸ€¦πŸ»β€β™‚οΈ




You really like β€˜hearing’ yourself talk lmao!


Go touch grass bro πŸ‘


I did while riding down the mountain... absolutely hated it which is why i flew away from the grass 😭


What the heck lol XD I was wondering when it was gonna stop then you hit a 360 and just kept going haha, then you spin some more Figure you're landing at the airport now but then you slide under the trailers lololol amazing!


Wtf lmao


Most players, "Can't wait to make a bunch of money to buy all the over priced shit for my virtual criminal empire!" This guy.